Will there be a reckoning day? (See 1 below.)
Is there anything left of the Democrat Party worth saving? (See 2 below.)
Israel forces Hezbollah to rethink their upgrade missile program after attacking their production site. (See 3 below.)
Some interesting op ed:
How Isakson's Resignation Could Change 2020 Senate Math Chris Cillizza, CNN
Why Gillibrand Crashed and Burned Elena Schneider, Politico
Trump 'Lies,' Biden 'Slips'--But Fact Checks Tell Different Story Kalev Leetaru, RCP
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1) The Deep State Will Face Justice Soon! Right?
"The check's in the mail" is a promisethat payment's been sent even if it hasn't. It's a stalling tactic to avoid pressure from creditors, from those expecting payment.
That's the scam our government is running on the American people today, a ruse to tamp down expectations of justice. We all know that the FBI used an unverifiable document, the Steele dossier, to get a warrant to spy on Trump using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This dossier was used to start a counterintelligence operation to plant spies in Trump's campaign, to get a special counsel to impeach the president.
We're repeatedly told by reliable sources that these crimes won't go unpunished — "justice is coming," "buckle up!," "tick tock," "BOOM!" The DOJ is about to drop the hammer on the bad guys. Yet after two years of this drama, not a single indictment or prosecution
Now we're awaiting the much anticipated I.G. report on (FISA) abuse that's going to blow Spygate wide open. Or not.
So far, the I.G. is batting zero on justice. The I.G. report on Hillary Clinton's email investigation showed pervasive bias for Hillary, talk of an insurance policyshould she lose, that Hillary should win "100 million to 0." Yet in the end, Horowitz pulled a Comey, said the investigators' hatred for Donald Trump, their loyalty to Hillary Clinton, didn't impact their findings in any way. Huh?
But the attempted coup has been exposed, and one by one, the Deep State cronies are going down: James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Jim Baker, Andrew McCabe, to name a few who have retired, been fired, or been demoted.
So our message to any future insurgents who stage a coup but fail in their efforts to illegally remove a sitting president and overthrow the United States government is, "Be forewarned: treason could cost you your job." Oh, the humanity!
Well, at least former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is paying a high price for lying and leaking. He collected over a half-million dollars on his GoFundMe site, ostensibly for his legal defense. He'll still get his government pension, has filed suit against the FBI and DOJ for firing him, wrote the ubiquitous politicalbook trashing Trump, and has now landed a consultant gig with CNN. By damn, that'll teach him.
Sean Hannity tells us every night that Spygate will explode with declassification, with the I.G. report, or with Durham's investigation. Sean's Fox team of experts agree: the traitors are shaking in their boots because they know what's coming.
Really? Because I don't see a single traitor twitching, much less shaking. In fact, they've stepped up their sedition, increased their efforts to usurp the president. If they're scared, they're doing a bang-up job of hiding it.
Today, treason and our two-tier justice system are casually discussed as inescapable facts of today's political landscape. Heads up for those desperately trying to put the blindfold back on Lady Justice. If a layered legal system is what we have, it has nothing to do with justice — that's anarchy. And these smug criminals not only revel in their immunity, but rub our noses in it.
Take for example when Hillary Clinton literally laughed out loud at a question about her email investigation — had to wipe her eyes, she laughed so hard. She laughed at us, at America, for being so clueless as to think she'd ever answer to our laws.
And she's still laughing, because she's right: she's untouchable. The consensus is that even though we know that the first email investigation was rigged by the FBI to clear Hillary, no one will reopen the case.
"While she [Hillary] may never face justice in a court of law, perhaps losing the presidency is a more prescient and proper punishment."
Well, of course, losing a presidential election is far more devastating than wasting away in a prison cell.
Then we have that pathetic excuse for a human being, James Comey, gloating over the I.G. report that issued a verbal slap on the wrist for his infractions.
Comey: "And to all those who've spent two years talking about me 'going to jail' or being a 'liar and a leaker' — ask yourselves why you still trust people who gave you bad info for so long, including the president."
But no worries: Comey will pay when the FISA abuse report comes out.
Or not: Washington insiders are now foreshadowing immunity for the entire cabal, saying that, "sadly," these lawbreakers probably won't be prosecuted. That's not sad; it's terrifying. If we can't indict and prosecute these clowns who have conspired to overthrow our government, who have committed the most egregious political crime in history, then stick a fork in our Republic. We're done.
But what can we do? Actually, this whole strung out Spygate nightmare is an exercise to ensure we do nothing. Washington isn't a swamp; it's a sewer, and the rats that inhabit it are never going to allow their comrades to be indicted.
So why would our government strive to calm the masses rather than prosecute the traitors? Because if the real bad guys are locked up, there would be a cataclysmic backlash from the three families of the Washington mafia. The media would squeal like stuck pigs. Those are their guys, after all. Congress would lash out, threaten mutiny; they hardly have clean hands. And the Deep State would gnash their teeth and fight like a wounded animal as they would metaphorically die should justice prevail.
But such resistance is not a reason to avoid justice; it's the reason to pursue it. What the media, Congress, and the Deep State have in common is, they're all just people. And if people hold authority over the law, we have tyranny.
Then a sailor, Kristian Saucier, who takes a picture on a submarine goes to prison while a Washington power broker, Hillary Clinton, who intentionally exposes America's most closely guarded secrets goes to the Hamptons.
Or a respected general, Michael Flynn, who served honorably for 30 years might be forced to plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit while a connected insider, James Comey, who publicly lied under oath, bragged about leaking classified information, goes on a book tour.
That's why our Founding Fathers setup "a government of laws, and not of men," as John Adams put it.
President Trump has kept many of his promises, but there's one still hanging out there. In the second presidential debate, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had the following exchange:
Clinton: You know, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Trump: Because you'd be in jail.
That's the promise you must keep, Mr. President. Otherwise, all your accomplishments, the economy, our strong military, our embassy in Jerusalem, the border wall, all will be taken away when the next lawless Hillary steals an election or the next attempt to overthrow our government succeeds.
Oh, I know: cut the drama, it's happening, really. The bad guys are going down, justice is coming, the guilty will pay, and the check's in the mail.
2) Rejection of Moral Absolutes Plagues the Modern Left
However, for those who have put their faith in the things of this world, who are determined to rule their own world, death usually has no such significance. Thus, for such people, like the death of an "inconvenient" child, the death of an enemy is often something to celebrate. The most recent case in point is the death of the wealthy philanthropist David Koch. After Mr. Koch died,many on the Left again found themselves in a celebratory mood. We shouldn't be surprised that those who engage in or promote the evil "shout your abortion!" movement would celebrate the death of a political enemy.
Nor should we be surprised that the hate-filled American Left would promise political — and perhaps other forms of — apocalypse if President Trump gets the opportunity to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with someone who will actually follow the Constitution. Liberals dancing with joy over the death of Mr. Koch were soon brought back to Earth with the same-day news that Justice Ginsburg underwent a fresh round of treatment for a cancerous tumor on her pancreas.
Despite our political, legal, and moral differences, I admire Justice Ginsburg for her strength and determination to do her job. As another recently noted, she has survived pancreatic cancer twice, lung cancer once, and colon cancer once. And she's 86 years old. Many Americans — no matter their political stripes — would be very interested in getting the names of her oncologists.
In an interesting bit of irony probably lost on Justice Ginsburg and her like-minded ideologues, if the U.S. had Medicare for All, or some other version of single-payer health care — a dream of the American Left — almost certainly, Mrs. Ginsburg would've long ago departed this world. Thank God for the U.S. medical industry, right, libs? (The U.S. has the world's best cancer survival rates.)In their foolish efforts to create "heaven on earth" — Utopia — modern liberals have often relied on the courts to give them what they could not otherwise gain by winning elections and passing legislation. This is why the Left in the mainstream media — I repeat myself — and the U.S. Senate engaged in media malpractice and political treachery in their evil efforts to derail the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
Many have implied that if President Trump has the opportunity to name Ginsburg's replacement, the battle that will erupt will make the Kavanaugh confirmation look like the Mayberry City Council debate on whether to hold a Founder's Day parade. This shouldn't be the case — because, as long as Senate republicans have his back, there is simply nothing Democrats can do to stop President Trump from nominating and having confirmed any judge he wishes.
However, today's Democratic Party is as far from rational as it is from moral. Even more than the vengeful tweets over a dead philanthropist or the angry threats over a potential Supreme Court vacancy, few things illustrate this as well as the gender debate the modern Left insists we have.
After (frequently) pointing out — and being far from alone — that the stupid, evil notion of "gender fluidity" most harms females — including young girls — I keep thinking the Left will soon abandon this wickedness. Silly me. I forget how blindly stupid those corrupted by evil can be.
Recently, the GOP candidate in Louisiana's governor's race, Ralph Abraham,made headlines — headlines! — because he ran a 30-second ad that included the phrase "as a doctor, I can assure you, there are only two genders." They were so aghast at MSNBC that host Chris Jansing declared that Abraham's comments were "incendiary." According to NewsBusters, Jansing's guest — because the Left must have its "experts" explain to us why there are not only two genders — went even farther and said that to declare that there are only two genders is now "despicable" and "un-American."
In other words, a statement that, just a few years ago, the vast majority of us would've considered so obvious that it was patronizing is now "incendiary" and "despicable." Orwell was indeed a prophet.
Thus, it should come as little surprise that those who can't tell the difference between who is a male and who is a female would choose to fight crime with euphemisms; still believe that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!" really happened; still think man-made climate change is a real problem with a political solution; believe that widespread institutional racism still exists in America; and wouldconclude that "Seattle Has Figured Out How to End the War on Drugs."
That last bit of editorial "brilliance" was recently proffered by The New York Times' Nicholas Kristoff. I guess Kristoff missed the fact that Seattle Is Dyinglargely because of rampant drug abuse (and because "liberalism is killing it"). If he truly didn't know this before, he does now, because many of the 1,300-plus comments following his piece told him as much. Many of the comments were from Seattle residents.
SKM from Seattle wrote:
I live here and you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Downtown Seattle is a classic example of when inmates run the asylum. Downtown Seattle frequently feels like "Night of the Living Dead." Quality of life issues here are outright dismissed, all in an effort to help drug addicted zombies that walk our streets. Sleeping in doorways, public defecation/urination, shooting up right in the open, blatant drug dealing w/ out any fear of incrimination, verbal abuse, etc. I can more easily get a summons for jaywalking here than dealing Fentanyl.
Another Seattle resident, "robofaust," added:
As a 26 year resident of Seattle (and a x2 time voter for Ralph Nader and Obama), I couldn't disagree more. This city is littered with homeless drug addicts. Seattle's choice to "decriminalize homelessness" is just another term for enabling the self-destruction of thousands of people[.] ...Every few days I come across people who are passed out, or worse yet, who are actively shooting up, at the foot of my home. Petty crime is rampant, and it is no longer possible to get the police to respond to a stolen bicycle or smashed car windows[.] ...The city's drug addicts live in a parallel subculture that is disconnected from the lives of the locals who tolerate it in the name of social virtue. This subculture is a law unto itself, and is rife with predators who prey on the weak with violence, theft, and sexual abuse[.] ...There will be political reckoning in the city for this, sooner or later. Mr. Kristof's analysis is deeply flawed.
In not just Seattle, but all over America, liberals have become "a law unto themselves." Thus, the nastiness in Seattle is only the tip of the iceberg. Liberals think Seattle is doing a good job with criminal drug-users, that there are more than two sexes, that marriage is whatever we define it to be, that killing the unborn is merely a "choice," and so on, because the Left in America long ago abandoned the idea that some things are settled for all time.
I hope there is soon a political reckoning. There will certainly be a spiritual one.
3) Weekly Commentary: Last Ditch Effort To Avoid Heavy Collateral Damage IDF
reveals only tip of iceberg in Hezbollah rocket programDr. Aaron Lerner 30 August, 2019
The explosion in Lebanon this week that destroyed a critical element in the
Iran-Hezbollah program to produce new precision rockets in Lebanon reflects
just how serious the situation is.
The move is a dramatic departure from Israel's policy not to carry out overt
activity in Lebanon against the ongoing Hezbollah arms buildup.
The overwhelming majority of the information Israel released this week
regarding the rocket program focused on efforts to produce NEW precision
rockets in Lebanon.
Unfortunately, the official line that Hezbollah has managed to upgrade only
a few rockets with the upgrade kits doesn't appear to jibe with the
information that Israeli intelligence provided in briefings to reporters in
the past.
The most important article on this issue was written by Neri Zilber in The
Daily Beast on 21 February 2019
Let's do the math.
#1. According to senior Israeli military officers the missile upgrade kits
are the size of "small roll-aboard luggage".
#2. Iran has been flying jumbo cargo jets into Beirut Airport.
#3. According to senior Israeli military officers the missiles upgrade could
be carried out in a small room, taking two to three hours a missile.
The math: one jumbo cargo jet can carry well over a thousand pieces of
"small roll-aboard luggage" and they can be used to upgrade missiles at a
rate of well over 5 a day per team working small rooms.
And this has been going on for over 6 months.
One team at that rate could have upgraded over a 1,000 rockets!
And that's just one team in one room.
So what's going on?
My best guess is that the move tis week served a three-fold purpose:
#1. Eliminate a key machine before destroying it would require causing huge
collateral damage.
#2. Shake the confidence of Hezbollah so that they are compelled to relocate
all sites associated with the precision rocket program - both the new rocket
program and the upgrade program.
#3. Lay the groundwork for justifying the collateral damage that we are
going to be compelled to cause if Hezbollah does not abandon this program.