Sunday, June 24, 2018

My Hope For My Three Youngest Grandchildren and Great Grandchild - Don't Become Liberal Fascists.. Another Rant. Humor.

I hope when my three youngest grand children and only great grandchild grow up they will not become liberal fascists.

I hope they will allow others to express their thoughts, be tolerant and treat others as they might wish they be treated.

I hope they will realize taking a test that challenges your memory is not education.

I hope they will not become hypocrites.

I hope they will understand  the Constitution has served us well as has Capitalism.

I hope they will understand the first responsibility of any president is to protect and defend the citizens and that a nation unwilling to protect it's borders is insane.

I hope they will use sound reasoning, not emotion when engaging in arguments/discussions.

I hope they will realize being an American carries special meaning and responsibilities and is worth defending if called upon.

I hope they will not participate in mindless parades and support causes because being part of the crowd has more appeal than the merit of the cause.

I hope they will not bully and intimidate in order to have their way because they believe breaking the law carries no consequence. (In other words, don't be an Obama and Hillary liberal.)

I hope they will be genuine and not enamored with the vapid values of Hollywood and those who embrace the warped enticing, siren song of PC'ism.

I hope they will realize a good book provides more of a high than pot and is far safer

I hope they will work hard and not expect the government to take care of their needs or go in debt thereby, leaving the next generation's freedoms constrained as my generation has done.

I hope they will be informed citizens and reject radical solutions because they are popular.

I hope they will come to realize there is something beyond self and will not mock those who have a genuine faith.

I hope they will appreciate the sacrifices others make/made so they can enjoy their own life and freedoms.

I hope they will speak out and never hold back about those things that matter most and always be willing to fight for the legitimate rights of all fellow citizens.

I hope they will live a life of moderation, save for their own future and understand the responsibilities of what it means to be a good,informed and participating citizen.

I hope for  all of the above and more because liberalism has lost its traditional meaning and no longer has any valid appeal. Liberalism has come to be defined by the radical left.  It is associated with behaviour and thinking I reject.

I will not live to see you reach maturity but I take comfort in the fact that your parents are good role models even though societal trends are frightening.

Stand against the fascist tide parading under the name tag of liberalism and you will be well rewarded.

 Grandpa! (See 1 below.)
Another Rant and this one is full of logic that exposes damn fool lying Democrats and their mass media cohorts.

God, save me from do good hypocrites and political psychopaths.(See 2, 2a and 2b below.)

When liberals are backed into a corner they come our swinging with "swastika" metaphors. I submit when Obama used the IRS, a government agency, to crush free speech by conservative organizations he was following in the path of Hitler. When Obama's attorney general lied about The Fast and Furious episode that was a cover up no less disgusting than those employed by Himmler. When Hillary and the DNC paid to have a false dossier given to the FBI which then used same to obtain a FISA Warrant in order to spy on the opposition party's candidate that was as despicable as anything Goering ever attempted.

The basic difference seems when Democrats break laws in pursuit of elections, when Democrats smear opponents, when Democrats engage in weaponization and character assassination it is acceptable behaviour and they know  the mass media will either ignore and/or cover for them by manipulating facts.

Then, those of their persuasion feel justified in shooting Republicans engaged in a baseball practice, restaurateurs feel justified in asking those whose politics differ to leave their public establishment, their friends in Hollywood willingly/openly attack children of the president and  smear his wife because she has the courage to stand up and reject their hate.  If these are the acts of our new America, those Democrats and liberals  then it is not I who is sick and heartless unless the world is upside down.
This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader who received from another friend: "A friend in DC who teaches law at Georgetown emailed me last week that Clinton is almost certainly in clear violation of the Espionage Act as a result of her unsecured home-brew server and the classified information she discussed with Obama over the same unsecured system, while she was traveling in countries whose security forces were certainly doing their best to siphon information from her private Blackberry and her email conversations. Obama, of course, lied several times in denying he knew anything about her off-the-record and unsecured server, or the classified information thereon. 
Will Clinton be prosecuted for this? 

Nope; in this government the laws are for peasants like us; the elites at a level high enough to enjoy the immunity get to do whatever they like. Even the lower level apparatchiks who get caught, like Lois Lerner, who headed the IRS’s program targeted at conservative organizations to ‘freeze’ them in advance of Obama’s second term re-election campaign, and others like her, are allowed to retire on full pensions.  "
How the mass media is viewed by Americans. (See 3 below.)
Humor. (See 3 below.)
1 )
2)It appears most retailers are now in the process of adjusting to the new reality. They have closed hundreds of stores,  stepped up their online capability, and have adjusted pricing where they can to compete with Amazon. Many are  attempting to materially improve logistics and the ability to deliver within a day. Amazon still will command a major share of the online market, now 44%, but over time Wal Mart and others will eat into that. Wal Mart has the capital, suppliers, and logistics and resources to compete, and they offer in store pick up in many areas Amazon has a hard time delivering overnight. Home Depot is opening 170 locations to be able to defend its position, and to deliver almost anywhere.  As time goes on, the strong retailers will adjust. Keep in mind only 10.5% of retail is online today. Retail is far from dead. It is just changing how it functions in order to satisfy the new digital world where women work instead of shop, and browsing around a store or mall is no longer what it once was. We always knew the US was over stored, and now we see the result with store closings. Core retail sales are up 5.1% YOY, and home improvement sales are way up as many are not selling their home, but are now doing home improvements. This trend has led to less housing inventory for sale, and a demand for apartments as the household formation is now at 1.5 million per year. 335,000 new multifamily units were built over the past year. States like CA need to undo much of the over regulation and resulting costs to allow developers to build affordable housing to meet the demand, especially as mortgage rates rise and home prices rise out of reach to many.  There is no other step that can be done to get the new single family homes built in sufficient quantity. The more regulation, the less construction of affordable units. It is like a natural law Democrats do not seem to understand.

It seems to me that the resolution of the tariffs is now more an issue of saving face, and not looking like they caved to Trump, for the EU, Canada and Mexico, than it is unresolvable differences. The likely new president of Mexico even agrees with Trump on several key issues, so when he is elected, maybe NAFTA gets done. The biggest issue on which he agrees, is higher wages, which has been a stumbling block. The EU is so pressed now with the tariffs, Iran sanctions by the US, and political chaos with Merkel probably about to lose her position, or at least be very weak, that the German auto makers caved, but the EU bureaucrats are determined to look strong. They are not, and it is likely they will have to find a way out soon. Trudeau can say he will not be pushed around by Trump, but he will be. He has no choice. His lumber and dairy tariffs are excessive, and they need to be lowered or removed. Canada suffers if the US squeezes hard. Trump has said it may be some pain in the US short term, but in the end we win, and he is right. China will be the real battle, but China at the moment has declining industrial growth, declining consumer spend growth, and severe over leverage problems, and they also cannot afford to hold out longer than we can. The real issue there is IP which is harder to resolve. They all need to realize Trump is unlike any politician, and he will hold his position until the other side concedes. Right or wrong, that is what he will do. This will all get resolved because nobody has a choice.

Oil may have popped up, but my view is the price will decline again because the whole reason for the increase in production is that many countries can no longer afford oil at these prices with the dollar so high. Plus Trump is pressing everyone to lower prices. The Saudis almost always cheat, so it is likely whatever was agreed in Vienna will be the public number, but not the real output, which will be higher-very likely an extra 1.0 million barrels a day or more. The Saudis can pump another 1.5 million barrels easily. US producers continue to increase production and exports.

A recent op ed in the WSJ by a scientist who was an avid leader of the anti-GMO crowd, has him now saying that it was all a mistake, and GMO is perfectly safe. Studies by many scientists resulted in the following saying GMO is perfectly safe, and the implication of all this research is that all the anti GMO laws etc are wrong. Those saying it is safe are: US National Academy of Sciences, AMA, American Assoc for Advancement of Science, African Academy of Sciences and even the European Commission.   There is no evidence GMO foods are in any way unsafe. The anti GMO stories were all fake news promoted by the environmental radicals, and did huge damage to feeding the starving of the world who benefit from GMO increased crop yields. Even the environment benefits because far less insecticide is used with GMO plants.

Suppose a white, US born mother in Santa Fe, NM heard that she could get a better job in Dallas. She takes her 12 year old daughter out of school, and with almost no belongings, or food and water, sets out to walk and hitch hike on freight trains with the kid to Dallas across desert and towns. She would be reported and arrested. Her kid would be taken from her, and she would be charged with child abuse, probably go to jail for quite a while, and the kid would be put into a shelter until they found a relative to take her, or a foster home. Likely she would never get her kid back. The press would attack the mother, and say she was guilty of child abuse and worse. A Honduran mother takes her 12 year old, leaves home and takes the kid out of school, and treks with a cartel smuggler, one thousand miles across Mexico with barely any clothes or belongings, to the US, and illegally enters the US. Maybe she sells the kid to child slavery thugs as one mother told an interviewer she was prepared to do to stay in the US. She is treated by the press and Dems as a victim and awarded welfare, free medical care, a driver’s license, free tuition when the kid grows up, a place to stay, and freedom from legal action through catch and release. Maybe I just do not get the difference other than one is a natural born US citizen, and the other an illegal immigrant to be used by the Dems and the press as propaganda.

That picture on the cover of Time that has been shown all over TV, turns out, according to the border agent whose leg is in the picture, the foreign minister of Honduras, and the father, to be a complete fake. It was shot at 11 at night, the kid was exhausted and hungry, and the mother set her down for two minutes to talk with the border agent, which caused the kid to cry.  She then picked the kid up and was allowed to stay with the kid. The kid stopped crying as soon as mom picker her up. NOTHING happened. It is total fake news. The recording of the crying that has been played on the floor of the Senate, on TV, and all over, along with that picture, is total BS. Using the fake picture, they raised $13 million on Facebook, but Facebook allowed this fake news story. The comparisons to the Holocaust are abhorrent.

Over 85% of the kids crossing are unaccompanied. Where is the outrage that the parent sent them with smugglers and child sex offenders to go north from 1000 miles away. When the US puts a kid in a shelter, the kid gets good food, medical care, supervision of caring charities, and toys and a clean safe place to sleep, and a clean bathroom. They are not all sleeping on floors in wire fenced areas as they were under Obama, which was what led to the lawsuit about 20 days in custody everyone now refers to. And the Dems say they refuse to vote for any immigration plan put forward by the R’s, no matter what, and they just say Trump needs to go back to catch and release. Open borders. If the R’s can pass a comprehensive immigration bill next week, the Dems lose that propaganda war in November. The real question is, will the Congressional R’s ever get a functioning brain and pass it. Will McConnell ever end the 60 vote rule so the utter disgrace and stupidity of “resistance” will end. My frustration is with Congressional Republicans who cannot govern. I gave up on Schumer and Pelosi years ago. It was reported today by the Angels group, parents of those murdered by illegals, that 60,000 kids have been murdered by illegals over many years. I have no idea if this is true, but even if it is a grossly inflated number, it is huge. MS 13 takes these unaccompanied kids and turns them into killers. The unaccompanied kids are their recruits. They brutalize their victims. They ruin towns where they get a foothold in schools. This is the reality of what happens to some unaccompanied minors. Check on Brentwood, Long Island to see what happens. See how many kids were murdered there by MS 13 illegal gang members. And the Dems do not want the border patrol to arrest anyone coming across the border in their proposed bill. The press and Hollywood have lost all  sense of truth and reality with their fake attacks and obscene outbursts on Republicans   who want to stop the true abuse of illegal kids by ending the border crossings.  Brexit, Merkel losing her position, LePen and Wilders, and the recent Italian election were all about immigration. This is not an issue Trump created. It is a worldwide problem.

Age is not an issue. At my tennis club in East Hampton, which is the most popular one in the Hamptons, there are more members 80 and over than 40 and younger. There is even a woman who had a brain tumor operation who now plays regularly. It is all in your mind. Everyone has aches and pains, but they all just ignore it and play through it. That is what made them successful in life.

2a) The Fake News Media’s Huge Lie About Trump Just Backfired In A Major Way

The anti-Trump media created a spectacle surrounding illegal alien children supposedly being ripped out of their parent’s arms.
Journalists compared Trump to a Nazi and suggested he was running concentration camps.
But there was one big lie the fake news media was telling and now it just blew up in their faces.
The face of the entire controversy was a photograph of a two-year-old Honduran girl crying as she was supposedly being separated from her mother.
Journalists and Democrats used this photograph as “Exhibit A” in their public opinion trial to convict Donald Trump of being a heartless monster.
Time Magazine even used it on their cover, with anti-Trump activists like CNN’s Chris Cillizza immediately labeling it as “powerful.”
There was just one problem.
It was all fake news.
The girl and her mother were never separated.
The Daily Mail interviewed the girl’s father and he revealed the startling truth about this entire story.
The Mail reported:
“In an exclusive interview with, Hernandez, who lives in Puerto Cortes, Honduras, says that he was told yesterday that his wife and child are being detained at a family residential center in Texas but are together and are doing ‘fine.’
‘You can imagine how I felt when I saw that photo of my daughter. It broke my heart. It’s difficult as a father to see that, but I know now that they are not in danger. They are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border,’ he said.
Denis said his wife and daughter were never separated by border control agents and remain together.”
Time Magazine used the photo of the small girl standing in front of a towering Trump as an example of the President staining American values, and reported that 32-year-old Sandra Sanchez and her two-year-old daughter Yanella were apprehended by the border patrol, and then the girl was ripped away from her mother by agents as she bawled her eyes out.
This was fake news.
And even a Go Fund Me account was set up – and promoted on Facebook – based on the fake news story that this young girl was abducted from her mother by heartless Trump bureaucrats. The account had even raised $18 million to help the families separated at the border.
It was only after Trump reversed course and signed an executive order ending family separation that the truth came out that the mother and girl had been put in a van and driven away.
This bombshell led many Trump supporters to accuse the media of running false stories on purpose.
When the press makes a mistake, journalists try to claim it was done in good faith and that the eventual retraction is proof it was an honest screw up.
But no one believes that anymore.
Outlets like CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and all three broadcast networks, run fake news on purpose in order to deceive you and drive their anti-Trump narrative.
The people who work at these organizations should not be viewed as journalists.
They are liberal activists who see the news as a means to advancing left-wing agendas.
If news outlets were making good faith errors in their reporting, how come the mistakes only run in one direction?
News organizations have never published an incorrect story that benefited Trump.
All the “mistakes” in reporting fall along anti-Trump lines.

Why the psychopaths congregate in Washington, DC

We must know and understand the mind of government — and therefore politicians — or we will pay a huge price, and perhaps even pay with our lives. 

Look at the World War II German people. They didn't think that the National Socialists would be too bad. Then they thought that things would get better. Then they lost everything and many lost their lives. 

Politicians are the mind of government and they reflect it. Politicians are employees of government and agents of it. They belong to the government. The government owns them and the government pays them. They don't vote for you. They vote for the government. 

This is explains why these people (with some few exceptions) always act against the American people. This explains why they promote socialism, why they have no fiscal responsibility and why they see the people as potential enemies who must be disarmed, spied upon, controlled, dictated to and herded like animals. 
They protect the power elite and they want power over the people at the people's expense. 

They want the world in a concentration camp. They have not objected to turning America into a national concentration camp with the USA Patriot Act, the USA Freedom Act and the indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act. 

They have not objected to stealing the labor and wealth of the people through oppressive regulations, oppressive taxation and money printing. 

Politicians want to regulate everybody who is not in "the club." They act as if they despise the people and reserve for themselves privilege. They are perpetually embittered at the producers and creators of wealth. They want to pile on horrendous taxes as perfectly wished by the bureaucracy. 

Politicians don't know the truth from a lie and they live it. They live and breathe deception. The rule of law is for the peasants. 

Force should be used and the mass murder of war if necessary. Tyranny is a prerogative of power. 

Politicians want the political state in which they have the status of untouchables. 

Yes, politicians have the same psyche and privilege the world over, but at this point in history greed is more contained outside the U.S. than in. 

Politicians are crude, monotonous and uncommitted to anything that does not grow their power and the power of the state. It seems that the politicians have a language and word system that baffles and stupefies the public mind. There is no doubt about it, consummate political power lies in the power to deceive. 

Politicians — with few exceptions — worship the state and consider the state as the only cure for all ills imagined and real. 

They seek to divide the people and place them into one group or another and then to pit them against each other — Republican vs. Democrat, liberal vs. conservative, white vs. black, male vs. female, straight vs. sodomite, Christian vs. Muslim, Christian vs. Jew, Christian vs. nonbeliever — in order to achieve more political power. 

They justify everything in their behalf. They are the frontline of a vindictive power elite culture, the worst in world history. 

In a study titled "Psychopathy By State," Ryan Murphy of Southern Methodist University concluded that the level of psychopathy is far higher in the District of Criminals than in any other state. What is the surprise? Psychopaths are attracted to power and power attracts psychopaths. 

All governments by nature attract greedy and parasitic people. In short, these are people who have the born mentality to live off other people. 

Politics and government are perfectly made for them. Keep in mind, there are a few exceptions. These (shall I call them humanoids?) have unusual qualities and attributes of personality that present them as benevolent, caring and concerned people with absolutely no hint that they wear masks that hide them as charlatans and greedy monsters. Under the masks they are Satanists devouring whom they will. Greed and aggrandizement are their silent forte. 

Many of them belong to secret societies that historically have been at the center of subversive movements. Boy, this is kept mum! 

We will call these people humanoids because they are deviants and devious. They have no conscience and no moral scruples. They are no respecter of persons except a feigned glow to extract something. 

Their every thought is how to make the world flow to themselves. They would rip off their own parents or mate. "Selfish" is a kind word we can use to describe them. 

What shall we call those people besides humanoids? By definition they are psychopaths. 

A caveat here is that most psychopaths don't know that they are psychopaths. This makes them even more aggressive and sinister. They can kill people en masse for aggrandizement and greed. They hate wealth if it is not theirs. Sound familiar? 

So that you can spot them, here are the traits of the psychopath, according to Robert D. Hare, criminal psychologist and author of the books, Without ConscienceSnakes in Suits and The Psychopathy Checklist:
  • Possesses a glib and superficial charm.
  • Has a grandiose self-worth.
  • Has a need for stimulation or proneness to boredom.
  • Is a pathological liar.
  • Is conning and manipulative.
  • Lacks remorse or guilt.
  • Has a shallow affect (emotional poverty or limited range or depth of feeling, dispassionate and cold-hearted).
  • Is callous and lacks empathy.
  • Has a parasitic lifestyle.
  • Has poor behavioral controls (acts hastily, unable to control temper, easily annoyed, impatient and aggressive).
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior.
  • Early behavior problems (criminal and/or anti-social behavior prior to age 13).
  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals.
  • Impulsive.
  • Irresponsible.
  • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions.
  • Many short-term relationships.
  • History of juvenile delinquency (behavioral issues and criminal activity between ages 13 and 18).

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™ 

3) Americans say nearly two-thirds of news outlets are biased, almost half of news is inaccurate: poll

A new Gallup poll shows Americans believe 62 percent of news outlets – print, television, and radio – are biased. People believe a majority of the news is accurate, but they still believe about 44 percent is inaccurate, according to the poll.
The survey asked 1,440 Gallup panel members to delve into “exactly how much problematic information” appears in traditional news outlets and on social media.
Thirty-nine percent of the news is comprised of misinformation, meaning it’s presented as true but is either false or misleading, according to those surveyed. And 65 percent of news on social media is seen as misinformation.

How do Republicans and Democrats differ on news?

Republicans and Democrats are sharply divided about the accuracy and bias of certain news organizations, particularly for Fox News, Breitbart News, CNN, and MSNBC, according to the Gallup website.
The poll found that Republicans believe 15 of the 17 major news sources are biased and that most news organizations are also inaccurate. In contrast, Democrats believe all but two major news organizations are accurate and most news outlets are biased but not inaccurate.
According to the poll:
Of 17 major newspapers, network or cable news stations, or internet news sites evaluated in the survey, Republicans see all but two — Fox News and The Wall Street Journal — as biased. And Republicans were about evenly divided as to whether Fox and The Wall Street Journal are biased or unbiased.
Republicans also see most news organizations as inaccurate rather than accurate, with Fox being a notable exception. In contrast, Democrats think all of the major news organizations, other than Fox and Breitbart News, are accurate. Democrats believe more news outlets are biased than inaccurate.”
Also, 71 percent of Democrats and 76 percent of Republicans believe the spread of inaccurate information online is “a major problem,” according to the website.

Anything else?

Other findings from the survey show that U.S. adults believe about 80 percent of news on social media is biased and 64 percent of news on social media is inaccurate.
More than eight in 10 people reported feeling “angry or bothered” when they see biased information. More than nine in 10 reported feeling the same way about inaccurate information.
4)A little boy went up to his father and asked: 'Dad, where did my
intelligence come from?'
The father replied. 'Well, son, you must have got it from your mother,
cause I still have mine

'Mr. Clark, I have reviewed this case very carefully,' the divorce
court Judge said, 'And I've decided to give your wife $775 a week,'
'That's very fair, your honor,' the husband said. 'And every now and
then I'll try to send her a few bucks myself.'

A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the Emergency Room,
Took the husband aside, and said, 'I don't like the looks of your wife
at all.'
'Me neither doc,' said the husband. 'But she's a great cook and really
good with the kids.'

An old man goes to the wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he
has been living with for the last 40 years.
The wizard says, 'Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words
that were used to put the curse on you.'
The old man says without hesitation, 'I now pronounce you man and wife.'

Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and
Family values.
Bill said, 'I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?'
Larry replied, 'I'm not sure, what was her maiden name?'

A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, 'Can you tell me how long
it'll take to fly from San Francisco to New York City ?'
The agent replies, 'Just a minute.'
'Thank you,' the blonde says, and hangs up.

Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez.
'How was he killed?' asked one detective.
'With a golf gun,' the other detective replied.<
'A golf gun! What is a golf gun?'
'I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan.'

The graveside service had just barely finished, when there was a
massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning,
accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance...
The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, 'Well, she's there.'

A blonde was shopping at Target and came across a shiny silver thermos. She was quite fascinated by it, so she picked it up and took it to the clerk to ask what it was.
The clerk said, 'Why, that's a thermos..... It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold.'
'Wow, said the blonde, 'that's amazing.....I'm going to buy it!' So she bought the thermos and took it to work the next day.
Her boss saw it on her desk. 'What's that,' he asked?
'Why, that's a thermos.... It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold,' she replied.
Her boss inquired, 'What do you have in it?'

The blond replied... 'Two popsicles and some coffee.'

A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out.
Her boss asked sympathetically, 'What's the matter?'
The blonde replies, 'Early this morning I got a phone call saying that my mother had passed away.'
The boss, feeling sorry for her, says, 'Why don't you go home for the day? Take the day off to relax & rest.'
'Thanks, but I'd be better off here. I need to keep my mind off it and I have the best chance of doing that here.'
The boss agrees and allows the blonde to work as usual. A couple of hours pass and the boss decides to check on her. He looks out from his office and sees the blonde crying hysterically.
'What's so bad now? Are you gonna be okay?' he asks.
'No!' exclaims the blonde. 'I just received a horrible call from my sister. Her mother died, too!'

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