Many times I post cartoons etc. that may not pertain to what the attached memo references. However, virtually everything I post, by way of cartoons, does relate to, supports and expresses my thinking which I may well have discussed in previous memos. Such is the case with this memo.
I would rather watch this over and over than a NFL game:
Island Republican Club
True Perspectives
Monday, December 18, 2017
Plantation Club
Cocktails : 5:00 PM
Presentation : 5:30 – 6:30 PM
Sustaining members – Free
Regular members - $5
Non-Members - $10
All Welcome
Talk about finding a needle in the haystack.
However,we have not defeated ISIS and/or Islamic Terrorism. We have dealt them serious blows and now they are dispersed and conduct their activities through/over social media technology. This makes detection more difficult.
News reports state the FBI has 1000 ongoing investigations . There is no way they can eliminate terrorist attacks and particularly the Lone Wolf type.
Unlike Obama, Trump is committed to protecting our nation in a more fervent manner and is willing to allow the various agencies involved a freer hand and that is about all we can do beyond hunting them down. (See 1 below.)
Mia Culpa
When I posted the Larry Williams Link, in the previous memo, I had not listened to the entire Video. I was under the mistaken assumption it was limited to his direction babble but when I listened to the full video it ended in a display of language I was unaware. Shame on me.
I have said for years we should ship the U.N. out of New York and send it to some less relevant site. It would save New York's Police Department a great sum of money and open more parking spaces for more ticket revenue.
Once the U.N's agencies became radicalized it was time for our president to pull the rip cord. (See 2 below.
Talk about finding a needle in the haystack.
However,we have not defeated ISIS and/or Islamic Terrorism. We have dealt them serious blows and now they are dispersed and conduct their activities through/over social media technology. This makes detection more difficult.
News reports state the FBI has 1000 ongoing investigations . There is no way they can eliminate terrorist attacks and particularly the Lone Wolf type.
Unlike Obama, Trump is committed to protecting our nation in a more fervent manner and is willing to allow the various agencies involved a freer hand and that is about all we can do beyond hunting them down. (See 1 below.)
Mia Culpa
When I posted the Larry Williams Link, in the previous memo, I had not listened to the entire Video. I was under the mistaken assumption it was limited to his direction babble but when I listened to the full video it ended in a display of language I was unaware. Shame on me.
I have said for years we should ship the U.N. out of New York and send it to some less relevant site. It would save New York's Police Department a great sum of money and open more parking spaces for more ticket revenue.
Once the U.N's agencies became radicalized it was time for our president to pull the rip cord. (See 2 below.
Trump vows justice as US captures key Benghazi militant
By Maggie Michael and Sadie Gurman
WASHINGTON — U.S. special operations forces captured a militant in Libya accused of playing an instrumental role in the Benghazi attacks, officials said Monday, in a high-stakes operation designed to bring the perpetrators to justice five years after the deadly violence.
President Donald Trump identified the militant as Mustafa al-Imam and said his capture signified that the four Americans who died “will never be forgotten.” Justice Department officials were escorting al-Imam by military plane to the United States, where he's expected to be tried in federal court.
“Our memory is deep and our reach is long, and we will not rest in our efforts to find and bring the perpetrators of the heinous attacks in Benghazi to justice,” Trump said.
The Navy SEAL-led raid marked the first publicly known operation since Trump took office to target those accused of involvement in Benghazi, which mushroomed into a multiyear political fracas centered on Republican allegations of a bungled Obama administration response. Those critiques shadowed Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of the attacks, through her presidential campaign.
U.S. forces captured al-Imam just before midnight local time Sunday in Misrata, on Libya's north coast, U.S. officials said. He was taken to a U.S. Navy ship at the Misrata port for transport by military plane to Washington, where he's expected to arrive within the next two days, one of the officials said.
Once on American soil, al-Imam will face trial in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia as the FBI continues to investigate, the Justice Department said. He faces three criminal charges that were filed in May 2015 but only recently unsealed: killing or conspiring to kill someone during an attack on a federal facility, providing support for terrorists, and using a firearm in connection with a violent crime.
It wasn't immediately clear how al-Imam was involved in the Sept. 11, 2012, violence. The U.S. attorney's office said he is a Libyan national and about 46 years old.
Trump said he'd ordered the raid, and thanked the U.S. military, intelligence agencies and prosecutors for tracking al-Imam and enabling his capture. The U.S. officials said the operation was coordinated with Libya's internationally recognized government. They weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he'd spoken with the relatives of some of the Americans who died in Benghazi: U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information management officer Sean Patrick Smith, and contract security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Tillerson said the U.S. would “spare no effort” to ensure al-Imam is held accountable.
Al-Imam will face court proceedings in U.S. District Court, officials said, in an apparent departure from Trump's previously expressed desire to send militants to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In an interview last March with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Attorney General Jeff Sessions called Guantanamo “a very fine place for holding these kind of dangerous criminals.”
The commando raid also came amid an ongoing debate about the use of U.S. forces to pursue insurgents in Africa and other locations outside of warzones like Iraq and Afghanistan. Four U.S. soldiers were killed in an ambush in Niger earlier this month under circumstances that have remained hazy and prompted Democrats and Republicans in Congress to express concerns.
Earlier this month, another man accused in the Benghazi attack, Abu Khattala, went on trial in federal court in Washington. Khattala, captured during President Barack Obama's tenure, has pleaded not guilty to the 18 charges against him, including murder of an internationally protected person, providing material support to terrorists and destroying U.S. property while causing death.
The Benghazi assault started in the evening when armed attackers scaled the wall of the diplomatic post and moved through the front gate. Stevens was rushed to a fortified “safe room” along with Smith, but were then siphoned off from security officers when attackers set the building and its furniture on fire. Libyan civilians found Stevens hours later in the wreckage, and he died of smoke inhalation in a hospital, becoming the first U.S. ambassador killed in the line of duty in more than three decades.
A nearby CIA annex was attacked by mortar fire hours after the diplomatic complex, killing Woods and Doherty, who were defending the rooftop.
The attack became fodder for multiple congressional investigations to determine what happened and whether the Obama administration misled the public on the details of the bloody assault. Initial accounts provided by administration officials, notably Obama's U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, said the attack grew out of a protest against an anti-Muslim internet film. Later, the administration said it was a planned terrorist attack.
A two-year investigation by a House Benghazi committee focused heavily on Clinton's role and whether security at the compounds and the response to the attack was sufficient. It was the Benghazi probe that revealed Clinton used a private email server for government work, prompting an FBI investigation that proved to be an albatross for her presidential campaign.
Associated Press writers Maggie Michael and Sadie Gurman contributed to this report.
The United Nations has earmarked some $1.3 billion to fund Palestinian legal campaigns against Israel and to support the creation of an independent Palestinian state, in what experts are calling an unprecedented act singling out the Jewish state at the world body.
The United Nations has earmarked some $1.3 billion to fund Palestinian legal campaigns against Israel and to support the creation of an independent Palestinian state, in what experts are calling an unprecedented act singling out the Jewish state at the world body.
A document that was recently signed between the U.N. and the Palestinians outlines a “strategic programming framework” in the disputed territories from 2018-2022, and states that the U.N. will work to advise the Palestinian Authority on how to exploit “international accountability mechanisms” in order to hold Israel accountable for alleged violations of international law. The document is set to come into effect Jan. 1, 2018.
The document makes no references to Palestinian violations of international law and human rights, nor does it specify that the $1.3 billion in funding should be applied to humanitarian assistance. Rather, the U.N. document states that the money should be used for developing programs that support “Palestine’s path to independence.”
“The funding of this unprecedented and prejudicial aggression against a member state by the U.N. is clear evidence that the international body’s goal and solution is for a single Palestinian state to replace Israel,” Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, president of the Tel Aviv-based civil rights organization Shurat HaDin - Israel Law Center, told JNS.org.
“It’s a new form of anti-Semitic aggression and terror by other means, and it plainly violates the U.N.’s own charter,” she said.
Sixteen U.N. agencies appear as signatories in the document, including the OHCHR human rights office, the UNESCO cultural body and the UNRWA refugee agency. In signing the document, the agencies pledged to hold Israel accountable for its alleged violations and to document the purported abuses while simultaneously strengthening Palestinian groups’ “ability to advocate effectively for rights to be respected.”
In the document, the U.N. also pledged to monitor “the impact of Israeli violations” as well as how purported Israeli “breaches of international law” hinder the development of “Palestine.”
“There is no other example or precedent of the U.N. funding, training and advising one side of a conflict to pursue legal advocacy against another side,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of Geneva-based UN Watch, a group whose stated mission is to “monitor the performance of the United Nations by the yardstick of its own charter.”
“For some reason, however, when it comes to Israel, the U.N. development agencies cross the bright red line from humanitarian assistance to political advocacy,” he said.
Although the amount of funding allocated by the U.N. towards overtly anti-Israel initiatives is unprecedented, Shurat Hadin’s Darshan-Leitner said the world body’s singling out of Israel and misuse of funds were “no big surprise.”
“The U.N. is misappropriating, once again, its donors’ funds and directing them into projects that help the PLO target and attack the Jewish state, instead of for humanitarian causes,” said Darshan-Leitner.
“After all, it’s the U.N.’s raison d'etre at this point,” she added. “We have seen a massive increase in these baseless lawfare suits being filed without any merit in the American federal courts in the past few years. The unilateral encouragement of these frivolous harassment suits against Israelis and Jewish individuals, which are obviously being funded and fanned on by foreign bodies, is a new Palestinian strategy to try to bedevil and deter support for Israel.”
Darshan-Leitner underscored that the U.N. “does not care one iota about justice for the so-called ‘victims’ it’s pretending to assist,” and that it uses Palestinian initiatives as a vehicle for turning Israel into an international pariah.
“It’s policies like this that display so clearly why the United States was moved to quit UNESCO, and is considering resigning [from] and defunding other U.N. agencies,” she said.
Prof. Avi Bell, a member of the faculty of law at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University and a senior fellow at the Kohelet Policy Forum think tank, voiced similar sentiments, telling JNS.org that the U.N.’s newly revealed strategic document “highlights the degree to which many organs of the United Nations are actively involved in diplomatic, legal and financial warfare against the state of Israel.”
“We often fail to appreciate the degree to which the U.N, supports, or even directs, anti-Israel propaganda and political activity,” said Bell. “This kind of activity obviously violates the U.N. Charter by infringing upon Israeli sovereignty and denying Israel the right of sovereign equality.”
Bell added that these actions “undermine international institutions by subordinating their legal roles to a political agenda [and] corrupting them in the name of anti-Zionist ideology….Unfortunately, the U.N.’s decades-long war on Israel is nowhere near ending.