Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ken Buck's Book; "Drain The Swamp" Enlightening. Harvard Business School Misguided MBA.

Click here:How Socialism Ruined My Country - YouTube and Why Is America So Rich? | PragerU
I am about half way through Rep. Ken Buck's: "Drain The Swamp."  When I finish I will review.  It is a very revealing read why The House of Representatives is not to be trusted to return to  serving the interests of the country because the pressures and demands of self-service, toeing the line, paying homage and ignoring their constitutional duty and moral obligations come second to that of their Party obligations and getting re-elected. The book and Buck's revelations are electrifying.

Meanwhile, unrelated but nevertheless important click on:
How Congress works and we are the pedestrians? (See 1 below.)
In today's Wall Street Journal there is a book review, by Matthew Stewart, about Schools of MismanagemenT, entitled "The Golden Passport" which was written by Duff McDonald and is the story of how Harvard Business School has attempted, over the years, to provide a business education based on theories and metrics but lacking a moral center.

I attended Wharton Undergraduate and, since my graduation in 1954, the curriculum has changed dramatically.  In fact, I doubt, were I to apply today, they would accept me. During the four years I studied there I never had any courses on business ethics because it was assumed that you would do what was right.

Today, like everything else in our society, the idea of honesty has been relegated to below winning. Win by any method is the name of the game in business and more so in politics.

I have spoken often and critically about the compensation board members and corporate managers get from consultants they hire to tell them how underpaid they are.  The legal SEC documents (ProxyStatement) devoted to compensation  is now longer and has more pages and details than the corporation's annual report.
The world gets increasingly destabilized. (See 2 below.)
1)This is how a major intersection with NO white or yellow lines, NO directional arrows, NO traffic lights and no one directing traffic works.  In this time lapse video we see the intersection at Meskel Square, the nerve center of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Check out the pedestrians as they navigate chaos with apparent immunity. Driving this intersection is not for the timid, patient or slow-thinking driver. No one with those limitations would ever get through! Driving this intersection takes guts, split second timing, and brake and gas pedals that work! UEIn8GJIg0E?rel=0
2)The Deconstruction of the West

The greatest threat to the liberal international order comes not from Russia, China, or jihadist terror but from the self-induced deconstruction of Western culture.

To say that the world has been getting progressively less stable and more dangerous is to state the obvious. But amidst the volumes written on the causes of this ongoing systemic change, one key driver barely gets mentioned: the fracturing of the collective West. And yet the unraveling of the idea of the West has degraded our ability to respond with a clear strategy to protect our regional and global interests. It has weakened the NATO alliance and changed not just the global security calculus but now also the power equilibrium in Europe. If anyone doubts the scope and severity of the problem, he or she should ask why it has been so difficult of late to develop a consensus between the United States and Europe on such key issues as defense, trade, migration, and how to deal with Russia, China, and Islamic jihadists.

The problem confronting the West today stems not from a shortage of power, but rather from the inability to build consensus on the shared goals and interests in whose name that power ought to be applied. The growing instability in the international system is not, as some argue, due to the rise of China as an aspiring global power, the resurgence of Russia as a systemic spoiler, the aspirations of Iran for regional hegemony, or the rogue despotism of a nuclear-armed North Korea; the rise and relative decline of states is nothing new, and it doesn’t necessarily entail instability. 
The West’s problem today is also not mainly the result of the economic decline of the United States or the European Union, for while both have had to deal with serious economic issues since the 2008 meltdown, they remain the two largest economies in the world, whose combined wealth and technological prowess are unmatched. Nor is the increasing global instability due to a surge in Islamic jihadism across the globe, for despite the horrors the jihadists have wrought upon the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa, and the attendant anxiety now pervading Europe and America, they have nowhere near the capabilities needed to confront great powers.

The problem, rather, is the West’s growing inability to agree on how it should be defined as a civilization.
 At the core of the deepening dysfunction in the West is the self-induced deconstruction of Western culture and, with it, the glue that for two centuries kept Europe and the United States at the center of the international system. The nation-state has been arguably the most enduring and successful idea that Western culture has produced. It offers a recipe to achieve security, economic growth, and individual freedom at levels unmatched in human history. 
This concept of a historically anchored and territorially defined national homeland, having absorbed the principles of liberal democracy, the right to private property and liberty bound by the rule of law, has been the core building block of the West’s global success and of whatever “order” has ever existed in the so-called international order. Since 1945 it has been the most successful Western “export” across the globe, with the surge of decolonization driven by the quintessentially American precept of the right to self-determination of peoples, a testimony to its enduring appeal. Though challenged by fascism, Nazism, and communism, the West emerged victorious, for when confronted with existential danger, it defaulted to shared, deeply held values and the fervent belief that what its culture and heritage represented were worth fighting, and if necessary even dying, to preserve. The West prevailed then because it was confident that on balance it offered the best set of ideas, values, and principles for others to emulate.

Today, in the wake of decades of group identity politics and the attendant deconstruction of our heritage through academia, the media, and popular culture, this conviction in the uniqueness of the West is only a pale shadow of what it was a mere half century ago. It has been replaced by elite narratives substituting shame for pride and indifference to one’s own heritage for patriotism. After decades of Gramsci’s proverbial “long march” through the educational and cultural institutions, Western societies have been changed in ways that make social mobilization around the shared idea of a nation increasingly problematic. This ideological hollowing out of the West has been accompanied by a surge in confident and revanchist nationalisms in other parts of the world, as well as religiously inspired totalitarianism.

National communities cannot be built around the idea of collective shame over their past, and yet this is what is increasingly displacing a once confident (perhaps overconfident, at times) Western civilization. The increasing political uncertainty in Europe has been triggered less by the phenomenon of migration than it has by the inability of European governments to set baselines of what they will and will not accept. Over the past two decades Western elites have advocated (or conceded) a so-called “multicultural policy,” whereby immigrants would no longer be asked to become citizens in the true sense of the Western liberal tradition. People who do not speak the national language, do not know the nation’s history, and do not identify with its culture and traditions cannot help but remain visitors. The failure to acculturate immigrants into the liberal Western democracies is arguably at the core of the growing balkanization, and attendant instability, of Western nation-states, in Europe as well as in the United States.

Whether one gives the deconstruction of the Western nation-state the name of postmodernism or globalism, the ideological assault on this very foundation of the Western-led international system has been unrelenting. It is no surprise that a poorly resourced radical Islamic insurgency has been able to make such vast inroads against the West, in the process remaking our societies and redefining our way of life. It is also not surprising that a weak and corrupt Russia has been able to shake the international order by simply applying limited conventional military power. Or that a growing China casts an ever-longer shadow over the West. The greatest threat to the security and survival of the democratic West as the leader and the norm-setter of the international system comes not from the outside but from within. And with each passing year, the deconstruction of Western culture, and with it the nation-state, breeds more internal chaos and makes our international bonds across the West ever more tenuous.

Andrew A. Michta 
is the dean of the College of International and Security Studies 
at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. 
Views expressed here are his own.

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