Jeremy Siegel is one of the best market statisticians and prognosticators. He remains positive. (See 1 below.)
Trump is a businessman who understands the math of drug development. The high cost of medicine is partly due to time delays, red tape and the fact that drug companies have to price in the many failures in the price of successful drugs.
Trump is a quid pro quo kind of thinker and he knows you get more with honey than vinegar. (See 2 below.)
For those who read these memos they know I often warn about the encroachment of Sharia law upon our legal system. Radical Muslims will continue their effort until they make headway.
To prevent Sharia from becoming a legal facet of the laws that govern us we must insist Congress remain ever vigilant. (See 3 below.)
Before I leave for Athens and then Pittsburgh I will leave you with a few pithy thoughts: (See 4 below.)
Have a great week,
Jeremy Siegel's Bullish Call: This Is a 'Goldilocks Situation' for Stocks
By F.M. McGuirecent
Stock-market guru Jeremy Siegel sees a “Goldilocks situation” for the raging bull stock market to continue.
"I actually think we have a Goldilocks situation going on now," He recently told CNBC. "We have everything moving in tandem," said the finance professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School,
Siegel’s enthusiasm has yet to wane despite a 12 percent rally in the past six months, and nearly a tripling of the S&P 500 over the past eight years.
"But much more important than that is the maintained or upward guidance for second, third and fourth quarter — something we've not had for years," he said.
"It's been stunning how year estimates have come way down by the time we get to December. Now, anything can happen. We're only in April — but it's the first time that I have seen forward guidance maintained or increased since we turned around from the great crisis back in 2009," said Siegel, most famous for penning a classic of popular investment literature, "Stocks for the Long Run."
Siegel isn't alone in his optimism.
David Horowitz, author of the best-selling book "Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America," told Newsmax TV that the market rally since Republican Donald Trump won the election has more room for gains as the president pushes his pro-business agenda.
“There's more upside. Starting from when he was president-elect he started this stock market boom,” he told “The Income Generation Show.”
“There will be corrections. There are going to be setbacks along the way like the healthcare which they hurried too fast. If you're looking over the long term of this administration I think the stock market is going to love Trump.”
(Newsmax wires services the Associated Press, Bloomberg and Reuters.)
2) Prices…Here Is Their SHOCKING Response
Big Pharma seeks enormous profits over the health and well-being of the humans it serves, and drug companies invasively corrupted the way that the healthcare industry delivers its vital services.
All that is about to change after Trump met with leaders in the pharmaceutical industry Tuesday.
The Conservative Post reports, THIS IS MASSIVE!
President Donald Trump met with leaders in the pharmaceutical industry Tuesday to push for lower prices and increased U.S. production. He also vowed to speed up approval times for new medicines and appoint a new Food and Drug Administration leader soon.Trump told those in the meeting that price increases in the industry were “astronomical.Fox News reported that the CEOs of Novartis, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Celgene, Eli Lilly and Amgen and the head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America lobbying group attended the meeting.“We have to get prices down for a lot of reasons. We have no choice, for Medicare and Medicaid,” Trump said, noting that federal programs for the elderly, the poor and the disabled are the largest purchasers of medications.Trump promised to lower regulations, get new treatments to market faster at the FDA and increase international competition.Robert Hugin of Celgene said the companies were excited to work with Trump, The Washington Post reported.
3) BREAKING: Sharia Law is GONE – THE HOUSE MADE A DECISION!+++++++++++++++++++
Former president Barack Obama and his Democrats wanted us to believe that Muslims are good and kind, that they’re just a bunch of unfortunate people forced to leave their homelands.
Obama wanted you to think that these poor people are just here to assimilate and leave the American dream. No, they don’t want to live the American dream, but take it.
America went through hell during Obama’s presidency, because the former president didn’t fight against terrorists.
Now Muslims are trying to plant their Sharia law in every institution across the country. Is this what Obama referred to when he said that “Muslims are here to assimilate?”
This law is the most terrible of them all. According to this law, you can get killed for being a gay, and rape victims can’t do anything to punish rapists. Can you believe this? President Donald Trump will never allow anything like this, and he was clear about this during his presidential campaign.
The good news is that the House passed a new bill that bans “the application of foreign law.” Democrats and Muslims aren’t quite happy about it, and they complain that the new bill only targets Muslims, and approves xenophobia and racism. Really?
“We’ve heard a lot of discussions about this being a religious law and specifically directed at preventing Sharia law and I just don’t read it that way,” explained Republican Theresa Hamilton.
Sandy Montgomery had a similar opinion. “We have allowed legal immigrants, illegal immigrants and now refugees to take advantage of our law and culture to take up their own agendas. They have no intention to abide by our laws, nor are they interested in assimilating to our culture,” she said.
What do you think about this bill? Will Muslims protest again?
I've learned....
That the best classroom in the world is at the
feet of an elderly person.
I've learned....
That you should never say no to a gift from a
I've learned....
That money doesn't buy class.
I've learned....
That when you plan to get even with someone,
you are only letting that person continue to
hurt you.
I've learned....
That life is tough, but I'm tougher.
I've learned....
That one should keep his words both soft and
tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat