Anti-Trump Fascists!
For those who read my memos they know, from time to time, I openly support candidates for public service. My batting record is two winners and two who lost. (Meg Heap and Jolene Byrne won and Bob Johnson and Martin Sullivan lost.)
In addition to supporting John Wilcher for Sheriff (run off March 29,) I am now urging those who read what I write to give their support, contribute, if so inclined and vote for Peter Muller in his non-partisan race for Superior Court Judge, May 24. This is why. (See 1 below.)
Israel is a tiny nation with a big heart and "one call away.".
Israelis know the U.N is against it, they know it is constantly maligned and physically attacked by those who want to wipe it from the face of the earth because it is inhabited by Jews who have over come all odds to remain strong and prosper so it believes in helping others, even its enemies, because it is in keeping with our traditions of giving back and making the world a better place: https://player.vimeo.com/video/154464174
Dennis Prager appears before CUFI: http://www.israpundit.org/
1) My extended family lists a significant number of lawyers and even one country judge. My father, who practiced in a neighboring state for half a century, is being posthumously honored this May by The Alabama Bar Association as an Hall of Fame Inductee in recognition of his fight to remove Bull Connor and my father's other efforts on behalf of Civil Right's Issues. I too attended law school, even made Law Review. but never practiced.
Therefore, I have always been sensitive to the adage "Justice delayed is Justice denied." Particularly is this so for citizens of modest means and often those of color.
A friend of mine, Peter Muller, a native of Savannah has practiced law here for some 29 years and recently decided to give back and thus, is running for a position of Superior Court Judge against an incumbent. A most unusual decision. Why? Because local attorneys are reluctant to run against sitting judges fearing retribution when they appear in court before those same judges. Consequently very few judges are ever challenged .
In Peter's view, the current presiding judge, John Morse, fails to make timely decisions and often displays a temperament unworthy of a judge among other issues. Peter has been quoted as saying:"We have only six Superior Court Judges, and our felony and civil dockets are full, Chatham County cannot afford to have a judge who doesn’t pull his weight. I have spent the last 29 years in the private sector, running law offices, getting to work early and staying late, and I will bring that same work ethic to the bench."
Judge Morse's inability and/or unwillingness to render decisions on matters before him is further clogging the arteries of Chatham's already overburdened court system resulting in tragic consequences for those appearing before him seeking resolutions.
Peter's race is non-partisan and will be held May 24.
Though I have lived in Savannah only 13 years, I have come to love this city and am proud to see the progress we are making in selecting increasingly qualified citizens to key positions. We apparently have a fine mayor, a highly qualified police chief, an excellent district attorney and will soon have the opportunity of selecting between two good sheriffs.
Peter has a varied practice, has the temperament and desire to improve the justice system in our County and deserves your consideration and vote. He has mine and recently received positive comments from the Editorial Editor of this Paper so I believe I am in good company.
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