By Saudi Financing of Mosques In Which
Terrorism is Spawned and Allowed to Flourish!
A comment and explanation from a dear friend and fellow memo reader: "Obama’s use of ISIL instead of ISIS, is indicative of his feelings toward Israel. ISIL includes the Levant, which includes Israel. ISIS is Syria, IRAQ, etc. Ain’t no way these heathens have control of Israel – at least not yet."
Over the years I have discussed the negative impact of two major trends in our nation all done in the name of betterment and sensitivity..
One is PC'ism and the other is the attempt to criminalize behaviour, political activities etc.
In the case of PC'ism, I appreciate calling attention to such things as making curbing more handicap friendly and the smoothing of other such social engagement for those lacking a collective outlet for their otherwise disregarded voice but like Topsy and Kudzu, PC'ism has grown and now encompasses, shapes and seeks to dictate virtually every human activity and behaviour and, in the process, has become officious, has stilled voices and thus restricted our freedoms. I believe it actually threatens our survival as a Republic.
PC'ism has become an unbridled monster and to his credit, Trump, has at least called attention to how PC'ism has spread it's destructive and crippling tentacles into every aspect of American life and culture.
PC'ism's outgrowth has spawned another pernicious restriction on social interaction. The self-anointed guardians of PC'ism have sought to criminalize all forms of behaviour and, again, the consequences have curbed our freedoms,
shaped attitudes in favor of what the social police deem acceptable according to their inbred standards etc.
All of what I decry has been done in the most subtle manner and has been done in the name of societal "do goodism" and social sensitivity. The tragedy is that it is has been allowed to worm its debilitating way into how we educate, how we think, what we can and cannot say, how we must behave and act and it has created chasms and more disunity than most any trend in my lifetime.
The time to slay this dragon is now before it gets beyond our ability to do so and before it's crushing effect turns us into a nation of soul less goons marching in lockstep to the drum beat of those who seek to control our every action and being. The March on Wall Street , The Black Lives Movement, the various riots and the negativity towards police is nothing but self-serving garbage perpetrated by radicals parading as compassionate citizens. It is divisive and serves only to rend our social fabric.
I am not against reasonable demands of sensitivity in favor of righting wrongs and neglect of obvious anti-social attitudes (whatever those words connote) but we have taken PC'ism too far. In the process of taking it beyond outer edges of sanity we have stilled too many voices and restricted far too much behaviour and choice. We have allowed ourselves to become enslaved to the demands of those who seek our adherence to their bizarre extremes and I commend Trump for his "out of bounds behaviour and verbal pronouncements." Boorish and churlish, at time, yes, but his conduct has served as a cold water splash in the face, a wake up call, and a conduit though which a festering volcanic silence of suppressed frustration and anger has been allowed to "blow."
Will Trump's campaign change the course of our political history, will it have staying power and a lasting effect?
I would hope it will . Time will tell what if any effect it will have but I believe those who dismiss Trump, who focus exclusively on his negatives and aberrant behaviour, who attribute the worst of anti-social attitudes have also gone overboard and have missed his meaningful contribution of serving as an important release valve.
If truth be told, we have been under served by our political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The size and cost of government is too large and must be brought under control and reduced. Government has failed too often and it is little wonder citizens are turned off and disaffected.
Our Republic began with a revolt against oppression from without and now the oppression comes from within. If changes are not instituted and wishes of citizens are not allowed to vent, and heard and their demands met with a tempered response we will not survive. Freedom, voluntarism, respect for law, economic order and prosperity are difficult to achieve, perhaps more difficult to maintain. They all rest on fragile foundations and demand constant nurturing.
Nothing I have said above means I do not understand and see Trump's warts. I am simply attempting to bring balance and to see him through a prism related to his accomplishments, because , in my humble opinion, he has demonstrated to anyone who is objective, he has some. "Nuff said." (See 1 below.)
I would like to take this opportunity to wish my Christian friends and fellow memo readers the happiest and best of Easters and to my Jewish friends and fellow memo readers an Happy Pesach.
To those who are neither have a nice weekend.
Gutter Politics: Trump Retweets Image Attacking Cruz Wife's Looks
By Guy BensonAnother day, another venomous late night tweet war instigated by Donald Trump. Angry over an independent, non-Cruz-affiliated Super PAC's Facebook ad featuring a borderline-pornographic photo of his wife from the British edition of GQ magazine, Trump blamed the situation on Cruz and threatened Cruz's wife -- likely a reference to her decade-old battle with depression. Cruz has denounced the ad, calling it "completely inappropriate." To be clear, it had nothing to do with the Texas Senator's campaign, and 'Make America Awesome' is not even a Cruz-linked SuperPAC, a fact over which Trump ally Sean Hannity corrected himself last night:
Before Trump launched his next repellent salvo in this online war, I discussed round one on Megyn Kelly's program. When my Trump-defending debate partner demanded to know how I'd have advised Trump to handle these circumstances, my answer was pretty simple. He should absolutely have defended his wife, targeted the people who ran the ad, and not directed his misplaced fury at the wrong guy's wife in the form of ugly, threatening innuendo (via Right Sightings):
Within hours of that segment airing, Trump retweeted an image that essentially calls Heidi Cruz ugly:
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