El Presidente Does The Wave From Cuba - ISIS From Belgium
Do you remember when the press and media criticized G.W for not flying immediately back to The White House after 9/11 and then excoriated him when he flew over New Orleans after Katrina.
Yesterday, El Presidente Obama was shown doing the wave with a dictator and accessory to human right violations and murders from a baseball stadium in Cuba while ISIS waved back from Belgium.
Very little commentary.
It so happens Belgium is a NATO ally and its headquarters is located there.
Obama is a captive of P.C thinking, as are most liberals and progressives. The rest of the Western World remains paralyzed as it looks to America for leadership but we cannot even define our common enemy. Well it appears to me The JV Team is winning over an impotent varsity and for over seven years we have been led by a golfer who continues to remain AWOL in the leadership department.
If am tired of hearing 'we extend our heartfelt feelings and prayers,' 'we want the families of the victims of radical Jihadists to know we are with them and they are in our prayers,' blah, blah, blah. When will we come to our senses and put them in our in the sights of machine guns and our aircraft is what I am waiting to hear but not from El Presidente. He is too busy reforming America so his legacy will be: 'I realized my father's dreams and paid back those evil Colonialists.'
I ain't holding my breath because El Presidente is going to continue blowing smoke because that is what he does!
We are hosting a meet and greet at our home Saturday, April 30, for Peter Muller who is seeking to unseat Judge Morse, the current Chatham County Superior Court Judge. This is seldom attempted because attorneys are reluctant to campaign against incumbent judges who preside over their court appearances for obvious reasons.
If you were a plaintiff or defendant being represented by an attorney who tried to unseat the judge hearing your matter I daresay you would be justifiably a bit concerned. Ms. Justice is not always blind.
This is why, on occasion, we wind up with poor judges just as we do with poor teachers and thus the public is under served. Justice delayed is justice denied. Tenure, because of lack of challenges, is a reality and it takes guts and a sense of public service to challenge the odds, to overcome inertia. Therefore, I compliment Peter for his effort and urge you come, meet him and decide for yourself is he worthy of your vote.
Also, later in the Fall I am working with my dear friend, Kim Strassel , to arrange her appearance for a book signing talk at a special meeting of The SIRC and one at our home so stay tuned for when that date is set as well.
These memos go to many who do not live in Chatham County so, obviously, the repeat message below is not for you. (See 1 below.)
1)As you know by now, I am an activist when it comes to being a citizen.
Consequently, you are invited to our home Saturday April 30, at 4 PM to meet Peter Muller who
I have decided to support in his non-partisan election bid for Chatham County Superior Court.
We all hope never to be involved in litigation but should we, justice delayed is justice denied and it also is very costly.
Peter's election will take place May 24, and I have written the following explaining why I chose to get involved:
(Those who come to meet Peter will also receive an invitation to meet our dear friend, Kim Strassel, at our home, in the Fall, as she signs and discusses her book to be published in June. Stay tuned.)
"My extended family lists a significant number of lawyers and even one country judge. My father, who practiced in a neighboring state for half a century, is being posthumously honored this May by The Alabama Bar Association as an Hall of Fame Inductee in recognition of his fight to remove Bull Connor and my father's other efforts on behalf of Civil Right's Issues. I too attended law school, even made Law Review. but never practiced.
Therefore, I have always been sensitive to the adage "Justice delayed is Justice denied." Particularly is this so for citizens of modest means and often those of color.
A friend of mine, Peter Muller, a native of Savannah has practiced law here for some 29 years and recently decided to give back and thus, is running for a position of Superior Court Judge against an incumbent. A most unusual decision. Why? Because local attorneys are reluctant to run against sitting judges fearing retribution when they appear in court before those same judges. Consequently very few judges are ever challenged .
In Peter's view, the current presiding judge, John Morse, fails to make timely decisions and often displays a temperament unworthy of a judge among other issues. Peter has been quoted as saying:"We have only six Superior Court Judges, and our felony and civil dockets are full, Chatham County cannot afford to have a judge who doesn’t pull his weight. I have spent the last 29 years in the private sector, running law offices, getting to work early and staying late, and I will bring that same work ethic to the bench."
Judge Morse's inability and/or unwillingness to render decisions on matters before him is further clogging the arteries of Chatham's already overburdened court system resulting in tragic consequences for those appearing before him seeking resolutions.
Peter's race is non-partisan and will be held May 24.
Though I have lived in Savannah only 13 years, I have come to love this city and am proud to see the progress we are making in selecting increasingly qualified citizens to key positions. We apparently have a fine mayor, a highly qualified police chief, an excellent district attorney and will soon have the opportunity of selecting between two good sheriffs.
Peter has a varied practice, has the temperament and desire to improve the justice system in our County and deserves your consideration and vote. He has mine and recently received positive comments from the Editorial Editor of this Paper so I believe I am in good company."
Please come and meet Peter so you can be an informed voter.
RSVP by April 27 and hope to see you at our home.
6 Pineside Lane
598 9251.
Please come and meet Peter so you can be an informed voter.
RSVP by April 27 and hope to see you at our home.
6 Pineside Lane
598 9251.
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