Friday, July 4, 2014

The Unanswered Question! Maybe Not So Happy A Fourth!

On this Fourth of July, our nation is being challenged from within by those who hate America, do not think we are exceptional because they believe we have plundered, enslaved and capitalism has been the economic agent permitting us to accomplish our nefarious achievements.

They have penetrated our universities and through their revisionist books and teachings are shaping the minds of an entire generation to also question this country's purpose.

Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and his wife, Rev. Wright and others helped mold this president whose actions, policies and pronouncements demonstrate he has a single ambition - radically change our nation.
He has contempt for constitutional limits on his authority claiming Republicans and those who speak in opposition are solely being obstructionists because of his color.

If you believe I have over stated the case I urge you see "America" and think about its message.

This president has suggested no one accomplishes anything on their own , only government is the answer when it has always been evident government is the problem. Various agency bureaucracies threaten our freedoms and many now spy on us claiming they are doing so to protect us from external threats.

Government laws are so extensive and encompassing they too threaten our freedoms. Yet, their passage is always predicated on the basis they too are protective.

The way Obama has used the IRS to quell opposition should frighten everyone but , lamentably, that is not the case. In fact, far too many believe Obama's claim there is not a smidgen of corruption.

Far too many Americans remain clueless regarding  the peril we are losing our nation, our freedoms and the sanctity of  our currency and economic system because of the doubling of our debt obligations with no prospect of reversing course.

This president has weakened our military posture thereby, creating vacuums where we once had influence.

He has ignored our nation's health care obligation to its veterans and has brought large chunks of our GDP under government control.

Under the guise of opportunity for a better life he has corrupted the security of our borders.

Obama  relishes in blaming everyone and everything for the problems he has created.

Above all, he has lied so often he no longer enjoys the trust and good will of more than half the nation.

I have not said anything new above.  I have been consistently harping on this theme while Obama campaigned for the presidency and since becoming president my discomfort has only intensified.

God may bless our nation but only Americans can take back our country.  Are we willing?

That remains the unanswered question!


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