Obama implemented the prisoner swap, which became another disaster de jour, apparently in order to take focus off the VA disaster, Now he has created a border disaster because of his failed immigration policies and an amnesty executive order which encouraged thousands of unaccompanied Guatemalan children to flood our nation.
After the children are here it will only be a matter of time before Obama permits their parents, if they have any, to join them.
While this human tragedy is happening, Iraq is being overrun by al Qaeda affiliates and now threaten Jordan. (See 1 and 1a below.)
Obama chose to walk away from Iraq and now we are witnessing the consequences.
As one reporter noted, Obama is hell bent on ending wars regardless of the consequences. (See 1b below.)
Obama has proven he can and will do whatever he wishes by executive order disregarding not only Congress but also the Constitution. After all he is in possession of a pen and cellphone.
In the past few weeks, while Congress sat impotent, Obama placed America's entire energy industry under government control. By his peremptory executive order he decided to crush America's coal industry and keep our nation energy dependent upon foreign sources and 'clean' bird killing wind machines etc. See 1c below.)
At the rate Obama is creating daily devastation it is impossible to predict the consequences of what two and a half more years of his presidency will bring. Certainly, it is frightening to contemplate how far we have sunk in terms of world prestige and power No doubt China's leaders have noticed and are planning accordingly as has Putin and then there are all those tyrannical Jihadists and autocratic thuggish leaders waiting in the wings in the Middle East.
Rest assured, if/when Hillary is elected, the press and media will work tirelessly to defend and protect her as they have Obama. They will go to any length to convince us she is the quintessential perfect leader to rescue America and right matters.
Furthermore,Obama has koshered lying and thus, paved the way for another consummate liar to follow him. Hillary fills the bill and now she apparently has filled a lengthy book with them.
Never doubt her own ability to lie so convincingly, the uninformed will succumb and believe
If you are in the camp that still believes government is the solution I commend you read: "Why Government Fails So Often" by Professor Peter H. Schuck of Harvard.
Israel shows the way to deal with Islamic terrorists once again! (See 2 below.)
1) ISIS Threatens to Invade Jordan, 'Slaughter' King Abdullah
The recent victories in Iraq and Syria by the terrorists of ISIS -- said to be an offshoot of al-Qaeda -- have emboldened the group and its followers throughout the Middle East. Now the terrorists are planning to move their jihad not only to Jordan, but also to the Gaza Strip, Sinai and Lebanon.
Failure to act will result in the establishment in the Middle East of a dangerous extremist Islamic empire that will pose a threat to American and Western interests."The danger is getting closer to our bedrooms." — Oraib al-Rantawi, Jordanian political analyst
Islamist terrorists in Iraq and Syria have begun creeping toward neighboring countries, sources close to the Islamic fundamentalists revealed this week.
The terrorists, who belong to The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS -- known as DAESH in Arabic] and are said to be an offshoot of al-Qaeda, are planning to take their jihad to Jordan, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula -- after having already captured large parts of Syria and Iraq, the sources said.
The capture this week by ISIS of the cities of Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq has left many Arabs and Muslims in the region worried that their countries soon may be targeted by the terrorists, who seek to create a radical Islamist emirate in the Middle East.
According to the sources, ISIS leader Abu Baker al-Baghdadi recently discussed with his lieutenants the possibility of extending the group's control beyond Syria and Iraq.
One of the ideas discussed envisages focusing ISIS's efforts on Jordan, where Islamist movements already have a significant presence. Jordan was also chosen because it has shared borders with Iraq and Syria, making it easier for the terrorists to infiltrate the kingdom.
Jordanian political analyst Oraib al-Rantawi sounded alarm bells by noting that the ISIS threat to move its fight to the kingdom was real and imminent. "We in Jordan cannot afford the luxury of just waiting and monitoring," he cautioned. "The danger is getting closer to our bedrooms. It has become a strategic danger; it is no longer a security threat from groups or cells. We must start thinking outside the box. The time has come to increase coordination and cooperation with the regimes in Baghdad and Damascus to contain the crawling of extremism and terrorism."
The ISIS terrorists see Jordan's Western-backed King Abdullah as an enemy of Islam and an infidel, and have publicly called for his execution. ISIS terrorists recently posted a video on YouTube in which they threatened to "slaughter" Abdullah, whom they denounced as a "tyrant." Some of the terrorists who appeared in the video were Jordanian citizens who tore up their passports in front of the camera and vowed to launch suicide attacks inside the kingdom.
A Jordanian ISIS terrorist wearing a suicide bomb belt and holding his Jordanian passport declares his willingness to wage jihad in an ISIS video. (Image source: All Eyes on Syria YouTube video)
Security sources in Amman expressed deep concern over ISIS's threats and plans to "invade" the kingdom. The sources said that King Abdullah has requested urgent military aid from the U.S. and other Western countries so that he could foil any attempt to turn Jordan into an Islamist-controlled state.
Marwan Shehadeh, an expert on Islamist groups, said he did not rule out the possibility that ISIS would target Jordan because it views the Arab regimes, including Jordan's Hashemites, as "infidels" and "apostates" who should be fought.
The recent victories by ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria have emboldened the group and its followers throughout the Middle East. Now the terrorists are planning to move their jihad not only to Jordan, but also to the Gaza Strip, Sinai and Lebanon.
This is all happening under the watching eyes of the U.S. Administration and Western countries, who seem to be uncertain as to what needs to be done to stop the Islamist terrorists from invading neighboring countries.
ISIS is a threat not only to moderate Arabs and Muslims, but also to Israel, which the terrorists say is their ultimate destination. The U.S. and its Western allies need to wake up quickly and take the necessary measures to prevent the Islamist terrorists from achieving their goal.
Failure to act will result in the establishment in the Middle East of a dangerous extremist Islamist empire that will pose a threat to American and Western interests.
By Roger L. Simon
Most of us have heard of The Theater of the Absurd. The term was coined by critic Martin Esslin to describe the works of such playwrights as Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter and Edward Albee and their relationship to the absurdist existentialist philosophy of Albert Camus.
According to Wikipedia, “Their [the playwrights'] work expressed the belief that human existence has no meaning or purpose and therefore all communication breaks down. Logical construction and argument gives way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion, silence…. The Absurd in these plays takes the form of man’s reaction to a world apparently without meaning, and/or man as a puppet controlled or menaced by invisible outside forces.”
Little did Esslin know that, back in 1960, he would be describing the foreign policy of Barack Obama. Our president has, quite literally, developed a Foreign Policy of the Absurd — alienated, pointless, nihilistic and indescribable.
It also has a certain black comic quality, an irony, akin to the plays of Luigi Pirandello, the great Italian writer who prefigured the absurdists and whose most famous work is Right You Are, If You Think You Are, often translated as It Is So, If You Think So
In many ways, the Obama foreign policy seems to be a remake of the one authentic masterpiece of The Theater of the Absurd — Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. Only in the Obama version, it has been retitled as Leading from Behind (pretty absurd, no?) and the original lead characters, the hoboes Vladimir and Estragon, have been replaced by more contemporary figures. It goes something like this:
Black stage. Lights fade up on two bums — John and Hillary — sitting by a campfire, looking depressed. Their once-fancy tattered clothes indicate that they have seen better days. A light flickers on the horizon.
HILLARY (brightening and pointing): Look, John!
JOHN (disinterested): What?
HILLARY: Explosions!
HILLARY: Mosul is on fire!
JOHN: Mosul?
HILLARY (laughs and hits him with her hat): The second biggest city in Iraq, you silly.
JOHN: Oh. (suddenly alarmed) Genghis Khan is back?
HILLARY: Noooo…. It’s al Qaeda. They’re taking over!
John stares at her, incredulous. Finally….
JOHN (totally dismissive): Nah… Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.
For a moment, both look reassured. But there are more explosions and they become a bit apprehensive again.
HILLARY (convincing herself): Soon Monsieur Obama is going to come.
JOHN (nodding): Yes, he will come.
HILLARY: Everything will be okay.
They sit there.
JOHN (frowns): What if it’s not?
More explosions.
HILLARY (alarmed): Oops. There goes Tikrit!
JOHN: Tikrit?
HILLARY: Al Qaeda took that too…. Dumkopf!
Hillary starts beating him over the head with her hat again.
JOHN (shielding himself): Okay, okay… another city. Iraq has a lot of cities.
She relents.
HILLARY: Soon Monsieur Obama will come.
No one believes it.
JOHN (plaintively): What if he doesn’t?
Immobilized, the two bums continue to sit there. They look increasingly nervous, almost terrified, as the firelight dominates the stage. Then, suddenly, an idea dawns on them.
HILLARY & JOHN (simultaneously): The video!
HILLARY (jumping up excited): Yes, the video!
JOHN (jumps up too): It will solve everything!
1b) While Obama Fiddles
The fall of Mosul is as big as Russia's seizure of Crimea.

The fall of Mosul, Iraq, to al Qaeda terrorists this week is as big in its implications as Russia's annexation of Crimea. But from the Obama presidency, barely a peep.
Barack Obama is fiddling while the world burns. Iraq, Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya, Syria. These foreign wildfires, with more surely to come, will burn unabated for two years until the United States has a new president. The one we've got can barely notice or doesn't care.
Last month this is what Barack Obama said to the 1,064 graduating cadets at the U.S. Military Academy: "Four and a half years later, as you graduate, the landscape has changed. We have removed our troops from Iraq. We are winding down our war in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda's leadership on the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been decimated."
That let-the-sunshine-in line must have come back to the cadets, when news came Sunday that the Pakistani Taliban, who operate in that border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, had carried out a deadly assault on the main airport in Karachi, population 9.4 million. To clarify, the five Taliban Mr. Obama exchanged for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are AfghanTaliban who operate on the other side of the border.
Within 24 hours of the Taliban attack in Pakistan, Boko Haram's terrorists in Nigeria kidnapped 20 more girls, adding to the 270 still-missing—"our girls," as they were once known.

The ISIS flag flies in Iraq's Anbar province, August 2013. AFP/Getty Images
Then Mosul fell. The al Qaeda affiliate known as ISIS stormed and occupied the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, population 1.8 million and not far from Turkey, Syria and Iran. It took control of the airport, government buildings, and reportedly looted some $430 million from Mosul's banks. ISIS owns Mosul.
Iraq's army in tatters, ISIS rolled south Wednesday and took the city of Tikrit. It is plausible that this Islamic wave will next take Samarra and then move on to Baghdad, about 125 miles south of Tikrit. They will surely stop outside Baghdad, but that would be enough. Iraq will be lost.
Now if you want to vent about " George Bush's war," be my guest. But George Bush isn't president anymore. Barack Obama is because he wanted the job and the responsibilities that come with the American presidency. Up to now, burying those responsibilities in the sand has never been in the job description.
Mosul's fall matters for what it reveals about a terrorism whose threat Mr. Obama claims he has minimized. For starters, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) isn't a bunch of bug-eyed "Mad Max" guys running around firing Kalashnikovs. ISIS is now a trained and organized army.
The seizures of Mosul and Tikrit this week revealed high-level operational skills. ISIS is using vehicles and equipment seized from Iraqi military bases. Normally an army on the move would slow down to establish protective garrisons in towns it takes, but ISIS is doing the opposite, by replenishing itself with fighters from liberated prisons.
An astonishing read about this group is on the website of the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War. It is an analysis of a 400-page report, "al-Naba," published by ISIS in March. This is literally a terrorist organization's annual report for 2013. It even includes "metrics," detailed graphs of its operations in Iraq as well as in Syria.
One might ask: Didn't U.S. intelligence know something like Mosul could happen? They did. The February 2014 "Threat Assessment" by the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency virtually predicted it: "AQI/ISIL [aka ISIS] probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria . . . as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah." AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq), the report says, is exploiting the weak security environment "since the departure of U.S. forces at the end of 2011." But to have suggested any mitigating steps to this White House would have been pointless. It won't listen.
In March, Gen. James Mattis, then head of the U.S. Central Command, told Congress he recommended the U.S. keep 13,600 support troops in Afghanistan; he was known not to want an announced final withdrawal date. On May 27, President Obama said it would be 9,800 troops—for just one year. Which guarantees that the taking of Mosul will be replayed in Afghanistan.
Let us repeat the most quoted passage in former Defense Secretary Robert Gates's memoir, "Duty." It describes the March 2011 meeting with Mr. Obama about Afghanistan in the situation room. "As I sat there, I thought: The president doesn't trust his commander, can't stand Karzai, doesn't believe in his own strategy and doesn't consider the war to be his," Mr. Gates wrote. "For him, it's all about getting out."
The big Obama bet is that Americans' opinion-polled "fatigue" with the world (if not his leadership) frees him to create a progressive domestic legacy. This Friday Mr. Obama is giving a speech to the Sioux Indians in Cannon Ball, N.D., about "jobs and education."
Meanwhile, Iraq may be transforming into (a) a second Syria or (b) a restored caliphate. Past some point, the world's wildfires are going to consume the Obama legacy. And leave his successor a nightmare.
1c) Dreaming the Impossible Green Dream
Keeping up with electricity demand means covering 108,000 square miles with new wind turbines, every year.
In the June 5 issue of Rolling Stone magazine, Bill McKibben declares his desire to "set the world on a fundamentally new course." He's inviting fellow climate-change activists to participate in a "People's Climate March" in New York City on Sept. 20—which he hopes will be the "largest demonstration yet of human resolve in the face of climate change."
Mr. McKibben is among the world's most famous environmentalists. He's written or edited 15 books and been awarded honorary degrees from 18 colleges and universities. He is also the founder of 350.org, whose goal is to reduce atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels to 350 parts per million from the current level of about 400 parts per million. To achieve that goal, he's written that "we need to cut our fossil fuel use by a factor of twenty over the next few decades."
But what are the actual implications of cutting fossil fuels 20-fold? Let's "do the math," as Mr. McKibben is fond of saying.
Charlie Neibergall/Associated Press
Global hydrocarbon consumption is now about 218 million barrels of oil equivalent energy a day, according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, which includes 83 million barrels of oil as well as about 75 million barrels of oil equivalent from coal and about 60 million barrels of oil equivalent from natural gas. Reducing that by a factor of 20 would cut global hydrocarbon use to the energy equivalent of 11 million barrels of oil a day, roughly the amount of energy now consumed by India, where 400 million people lack access to electricity.
In 2012, the average resident of planet Earth consumed about 1.3 gallons of oil-equivalent energy a day from hydrocarbons. If Mr. McKibben's plan were enacted—and we shared those available hydrocarbons equally—-each of us would be allotted about eight fluid ounces of oil-equivalent energy from hydrocarbons a day. Today, the average resident of Bangladesh uses about half a liter of oil equivalent—slightly less than 17 ounces—a day. Under Mr. McKibben's prescription, the average Bangladeshi would be required to cut his hydrocarbon use by about half.
Like many others among the green left, Mr. McKibben insists that the prospect of catastrophic climate change means we must rely solely on renewable energy (and no nuclear power, either). What would that mean? Again, let's "do the math." And to keep it simple, let's ignore oil (even though it accounts for about a third of all energy consumption) and focus solely on electricity.
Over the past three decades, according to the BP Review, global electricity demand has been growing by about 450 terawatt-hours a year. And the International Energy Agency expects power demand will continue growing by about that pace for the next two decades.
What would be required if we relied on solar energy to keep up with expected growth in electricity demand? Let's look at Germany, which has more solar capacity than any other country, about 33,000 megawatts. In 2012 those solar facilities produced 28 terawatt-hours of electricity. Thus the world would have to install about 16 times as much photovoltaic capacity as Germany's entire installed base, and it would have to do so every year.
Wind? Merely to keep pace with the global growth in electricity demand would require the installation of about 280,000 megawatts of new wind-energy capacity every year. According to several academic studies, the areal power density of wind energy—that is, the amount of power that can be derived from a given amount of land—is about one watt per square meter. This means that installing the requisite additional wind capacity would require covering about 280,000 square kilometers (108,000 square miles of land)—an area nearly the size of Italy—with wind turbines, every year. (For comparison, the areal power density of nuclear power is more than 50 watts per square meter. The productivity of oil and gas wells vary, but even marginal wells have power densities of about 27 watts per square meter.)
Late last month I emailed Mr. McKibben, asking for his calculations regarding the energy-supply, land-use, or economic implications of his 20-fold reduction plan for hydrocarbons. His response included no math on the quantity of hydrocarbons available, nor any numbers for expected land use, or costs. Instead Mr. McKibben pointed mainly to a report earlier this year by Mark Jacobson, an engineering professor at Stanford University, which claims that wind, water and solar could meet all U.S. energy demand by 2050.
That document, in turn, refers largely to a 2010 paper Mr. Jacobson published in the journal Energy Policy, which rests heavily on the assumption that some type of electricity-storage system will be invented so that we can store the intermittent energy harnessed from the wind and sun. How reasonable is that assumption? Energy storage, Mr. Jacobson writes, "is a critical area for new research."
My email to Mr. McKibben also inquired about the need for refined petroleum products in transportation and aviation. His response ignored aviation but replied that "we've made great strides in electrifying vehicles." The energy he collects from the solar panels on his house, he wrote, can power his Ford C-Max on "most days."
Here's a suggestion: As a test of his scheme to cut hydrocarbon use 20-fold, Mr. McKibben and his allies making the pilgrimage to the September climate-change march, should be required to travel to New York City in solar-powered cars. If there aren't enough of those, they should be required to walk to the Big Apple.
It will be a good test. For if policy makers implement Mr. McKibben's energy plan, we'll all be walking. A lot.
Mr. Bryce is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. His most recent book, "Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving the Catastrophists Wrong," was published in May by Public Affairs.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said on Thursday that Israel will always work to protect its citizens, a day after the IAF struck targets in Gaza as a reaction to a rocket that was fired into Israel.
"We will not ignore the fire or the attempted attacks whose purpose is to disrupt the lives of our citizens living in the
South and harm our forces. We will pursue and lay our hands on whoever threatens us. We will know how to act
whenever and wherever necessary to thwart any attempts by terrorist forces in Gaza to strike Israeli citizens, as we did
last night." he said.
On Wednesday morning a rocket sent from Gaza narrowly missed a main artery in southern Israel as it landed in a nearby dirt field without causing any injuries. Wednesday night the Israeli Air Force with the help of Shin Bet (Israel Security Service) targeted Mahmed Awwar, 33, of Beit Lahia, killing him from the air, in a joint operation with the Israel’s Security Agency. The IDF charged that Awwar had been involved in many past rocket attacks against Israel, particularly in the last few months while he worked as a policeman for Hamas. It noted in particular that Awwar had participated in a rocket attack on April 21, during Passover, which had targeted Sderot. “This terror infrastructure is a violent and extremist Salafi cell which has carried out several rocket attacks and has attempted to implement diverse terror attacks against Israel as well as attempts to target a helicopter. “The preemptive strike was intended to prevent Awwar from executing further attacks he had planned against Israel,” the IDF said. The Gaza launched rocket which hit the Eshkol region along Israel’s southern border was the first such attack since the new unity government jointly sponsored by Fatah and Hamas was sworn into office last week. Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report. |
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