Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Contemporary David and Goliath Affair! Drinking Tea As Long as They Do Not Go Nutsy on Social Issues and Weirdo Candidates!

Cantor's defeat is a modern David and Goliath story.

By that I mean, this David only had a few bucks but a message that reached the frustrations of his district voters.

Cantor had millions from PAC's and Lobbyists which highlighted his establishment credentials and  he had assumed a leadership roll that distanced him from understanding the frustrations of those in his district.

Cantor is a decent and honorable man/politician but he got consumed by his own vulnerabilities which, apparently, he did not understand.

My liberal friends, who read the NewYork Times and drink the liberal Kool Aid, suggest Cantor's defeat is another case of Republicans eating their young. I do not agree. Cantor's opponent is not a radical weirdo as I pointed out in a  previous memo.  He is a college professor who has philosophically been a consistent conservative and was able to sell his message in a convincing manner with help from the narrowness of Cantor's message and  Cantor's campaign mistakes.

What we are witnessing is strong discontent from voters who believe, as I do, our Republic is sinking from inept leadership, mounting debt, money in politics that buys incumbency which then goes on to disregard the nation's welfare, and a diminished America on the world scene. Both parties are at fault.

This is why I encourage individual campaign giving as opposed to large sums coming from Unions, PACS's etc. though it has been established such contributions are deemed Constitutional.

I was a very good friend of Sen. Paul Coverdell and shortly after he gained his senate seat I visited with him and asked him how he liked his new job. He said he relished it but the one thing he found discomforting was that he spent half his time raising money for the next cycle. He had only been in office six months when I visited and had over 5 years before he would run for re-election.

Paul died of a brain hemorrhage at a very young age and had he lived I believe he would have gone on to higher office.

Most Tea Party adherents are not nut cases as the media and press dolts would have you believe and they revel in portraying them. They assemble, protest and pick up any trash in the American spirit of  free expression.  Because their willingness to speak out threatens the press, media and radical left they are attacked for being American and exercising their legitimate constitutional rights..

I am happy to drink tea with them as long as they do not go off the deep end when it comes to narrowness on social issues and offer nut cases as legitimate candidates.

The Republican Party, at least, has a far greater number of differing views within it. Democrats, basically, walk in lock step.  I find this refreshing but I also know, unless Republicans  can get their act together, it can impact their ability to win elections because the public will see them as divided when in fact they really are not that divided.

From my perspective, the Republican Party mostly consists of conservatives who want to get re-elected and talk the talk but have forgotten how to walk the walk whereas, those seeking to turn some of them out talk the talk and profess they will walk the walk better than those they are challenging.

Perhaps the establishment's loss in Virginia will serve as a wake up call to the leadership that they must listen and quit putting down those expressing their frustrations because they have a valid argument.

Far too many politicians,particularly those who have served for a long time and gotten used to the taste of Potomac Water, tend to become arrogant when challenged.  Living in D.C. detaches them from the reality their constituents face every day.  They pass laws that do not apply to themselves, they have perks that the average citizen does not enjoy and they have retirement and other benefits that are gold plated.

Voters do not elect them so they can become permanent fixtures who place themselves beyond reach.

On the other hand, there is a need for the nation to have people serving who have experience and who place the interests of the nation first. We have a president who does not fit this description.

Time will tell whether the schism Cantor's loss reveals will be healed and will Republicans unite against and be effective in running against the horrible mess Obama and his party, led by the likes of Reid, Pelosi, et al have created.

Stay tuned!

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