Awesome music video! A must listen to!!!!!!
"Hi Dick,
I was with you and Lynn on the great barge trip in June and have been enjoying your very informative e-mails.
Since you mentioned it I have been looking for a theatre showing "2016" near Williamsburg, VA. A neighbor told me yesterday that it was in town. Phil and I went to the 2:30 showing. Luckily we got there early because all seats were taken 10 minutes before it started. It was really informative! Our neighbors are getting together to go in a group. There are 5 showings a day.
And there was very loud applause when it ended.
Thanks and hi to Lynn"
I had the opportunity to see this movie today. It is as good as the book, "The Root of Obama's Rage." and exposes President Obama in a fair and factual way. I highly recommend seeing it, and sharing your thoughts with all you friends...conservative or liberal... it is an eye opener. The bottom line question for Americans this November is what will we live with in 2016...The American Dream or Obama's Dream...They are totally different.
Playing until Tuesday, August 28 at Regal Savannah Stadium 10 :"2016: Obama's America" This movie tells the complete history and motivation of Obama. Pass this on to everyone. Please read the following articles: 2016 review by Thomas Sowell and Box Office Report: Anti-Obama Doc Beats New Films With $6.3 Mil on Eve of GOP Convention---Logic for those capable of being open minded. (See 1 and 1a below.) --- Dick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Romney: Big Business Thrives With Help of ‘Low-Tax Havens’ as Small Firms 'Crushed' ' Mitt Romney said large corporations can capitalize on “low-tax havens” to save money, as the presumed Republican nominee promised to ease U.S. regulations to help beleaguered small businesses.
Big businesses “know how to find ways to get through the tax code, save money by putting various things in the places where there are low-tax havens around the world for their businesses,” Romney said Thursday night at a fundraising event in Minnetonka Beach, Minnesota.
“But small business is getting crushed.”
Editor's Note: Obama Donor Banned This Video But You Can Watch it Here
Democrats have raised questions about Romney’s own use of tax havens. He became a millionaire running Bain Capital LLC and invested in funds run by his former firm that used tax strategies unavailable to most Americans. The techniques were underscored Thursday as the website Gawker released 950 pages of Bain documents.
Romney, 65, who will accept his party’s presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, next week, called attention to that tax strategy.
Romney, whose personal fortune is estimated to be as high as $250 million, told supporters at the Minnesota event that, if elected, he would ease government regulations that hurt small businesses.
“Big business is doing fine in many places,” he said, citing in particular regulations enacted under the so-called Dodd-Frank law aimed at financial institutions. “I’m going to champion small business.”
Raising Funds
The crowd of more than 300 people paid between $2,500 and $50,000 per person to attend the fundraiser.
Romney’s comments called to mind remarks by President Barack Obama when he said June 8 that “the private sector is doing fine.” Republicans criticized Obama for being out of touch with the difficulty the economy is having recovering from recession.
Even before his comments Thursday night, Romney’s campaign faced a fresh challenge presented by Gawker’s disclosure of the Bain documents. Romney, who has said he paid a tax rate of at least 13 percent over the past decade, has balked at releasing more than two years of federal tax returns and Democrats have been questioning his refusal to provide the information.
The newly released Bain records show that Romney took advantage of investments with the firm that achieved a low tax rate, for example, by engaging in what are known as management- fee conversions or fee waivers.
Waiving Fees
Bain Capital Fund VII LP disclosed in a 2009 report that the general partner in the fund had in the past waived management fees and converted those fees into an interest in the fund called a “priority profit share.” That had the effect of turning fees that would be taxed at ordinary income rates, as high as 35 percent, into capital gains, taxed at a rate of 15 percent.
Alex Stanton, a Bain spokesman, released a statement that said: “The unauthorized disclosure of a number of confidential fund financial statements is unfortunate. Our fund financials are routinely prepared by auditors and demonstrate a commitment to transparency with our investors and regulators, and compliance with all laws.”
Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign spokeswoman, referred questions about the documents to Bain.
1a) Jeb Bush: GOP Needs ‘Better Tone’ on Immigration to Win Hispanic Vote
By Amy Woods
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said the Republican Party needs to change its tone on the issue of immigration in order to win the Hispanic vote.
“We’ve got to have a better tone going forward over the long haul, for sure,” Bush said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “You can’t ask people to join your cause and then send a signal that you’re really not wanted. It just doesn’t work.” Bush said the party must do a better job of reaching out to a broader audience, including not only Hispanics, but also middle-class voters and women. “We have to change the tone of our message,” he said. “This is going to be a close election, but long-term conservative principles, if they’re to be successful and implemented, there has to be a concerted effort to reach out to a much broader audience than we do today.” Bush will also address the Republican National Convention this week on the topic of education. He said he is passionate about the topic because knowledge equals power. “If a third of our kids are college- and / or career-ready by the time they reach 12th grade, that’s a tragedy because there’s no amount of government programs that can ever fill that void,” he said. “I’m passionate about this because I think the American political system has become so short-run in its nature, and we need to be much longer-term in our thinking and begin to solve problems.” Bush supports the Romney / Ryan ticket because the candidates bring the big issues to the table. “I think Mitt wins when it’s about these big things, and if it’s about the constant distractions, it’d be a very, very close race,” he said. “I think Republicans really need to be disciplined to stay focused on sustained economic growth as our objective, and here’s how we’re going to do it, and here’s why the president’s failed.” On the issue of Medicare, which is of particular interest to Florida voters, Bush said he backs Ryan’s plan to reform it. “Of all the people in Washington, he’s the one guy that has had the courage to lay out plans with great substance that are big and broad,” he said. “It’s not some kind of radical experiment. It’s the right thing to do to create some cap on the explosive growth of the Medicare program. “We’re yapping too much instead of trying to find common ground, which is why I’m excited that Mitt Romney’s our nominee,” Bush continued. “If you have a leader like that, you could see how you could get common ground done.” When host David Gregory asked Bush whether he wants to be president, the 59-year-old answered, “I don’t think about it. I’m not motivated by it. I’m not there yet in my life.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
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