I find it ironic that 'Ole Bill' is the DNC's lead speaker yet Republicans are the ones accused of attacking women.
Then we have "Ole Narcissist Obama's" farewell to America's astronaut who walked on the moon. (See 1 below.)
Finally, it is all guilt by association. You decide! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-HqHSkYG-Y&feature=related
Hurricane commentary from an astute observer, a good friend and fellow memo reader: "As the hurricane "Isaac" approaches New Orleans the news media turn to the politicians for comment. Obama has a lot to say. Romney, the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of New Orleans also have made comments.
One can be sure the people living along the Mississippi., Louisiana, and Texas coast are quite concerned.
But really what can these politicians do ?
It is a hurricane.
All the smart talking well dressed reporters and politicians can do is watch.
The National Weather Service does depend on the media to send information but too often it comes as a complicated packaged news story.
"Isaac" is still a hurricane.
The simple information people want is: how long will it be here passing through? what is the wind speed? how much rain ? what happens with flooding? and will it hit my property?
Slick packaging the programming will not help those in the path -- Are there media awards given out for the best produced programming segments covering a disaster?
Will you find any national politician working on the ground helping people for a few days in New Orleans this week or next month?
The media effect can be worse than the actual effect of "Isaac."
I wrote him back: "It is that gravitas thing. Meanwhile, Iran continues to build a nuclear hurricane and no one cares."
The biggest lie is the one perpetrated by Obama's 'fairness' crap and that the rich do not pay their fair share. In the last memo I posted Walter Williams explanation that when you pay a disproportionate amount of tax the concept of fairness is in the eye of the beholder.
Liberals are so emotionally hooked on doing for others they lose sight of the wreckage they and their policies have caused in creating a nation of dependents, busted family structure and more and more children born out of wedlock. As government grows bigger and bigger and more powerful how can a poorly educated husband compete against all the goodies that government can dispense? Answer that you bleeding heart progressives.
Baby planes! (See 2 below.)
Bret Stephens does not see Obama and or Hillary as successes but as failures . Obama the 'HAS BEEN' and Hillary "THE 'NEVER WAS.' (See 3 below.)
Tonight those who are objective will see a Republican Party in transition. As Strassel suggests, you will meet a number of young reform governors who have been successful in retaking control of their states reins from public unions who have garnered outrageous salary and pension contracts which have been used to fund continued state control by Democrats. Crony capitalism at its most disingenuous.
Second, you will hear from the next president's wife who will tell her love story in a manner that is genuine and sincere not sappy and contrived. All wives of candidates and presidents are called upon to explain why they support their husbands, why they love their husbands and to give the public a view, through their eyes, of their years of marriage and just who their husband is, what he is all about and why we should allow them the privilege of assuming our nation leadership.
I have witnessed a host of women - all different - some frumpy and dowdy, some elegant, some tortured some tough and supportive and one not proud of the nation she was going to represent and so it goes.
I suspect Ann Romney's character is what will shine through tonight and her decency and love of our country will be quite evident. It is time for our nation to have elegance, sincerity and one who understands her role is not one of taking advantage of her position. .
Finally, Gov. Christie will give us a no nonsense look into the problems he faced in turning his state's fortunes away from certain bankruptcy, taking it out of the grip of petty and corrupt management and progressives policies. He will use his experience and accomplishments as an example of what Romney faces. No doubt Christie will offer a few well placed zingers but I suspect it will be a serious talk because we face serious problems after three years of experimentation by someone who was as ill suited for the job of president as anyone in modern history.
The contrast between the Republican Convention will be between serious, competent people telling American voters what they need to hear versus a Democrat convention parading a mixture of special interest malcontents spewing forth their pet peeves, displaying their anger and carping discontent.
Then we will witness a former president in his 'oh shucks' folksy style try to skirt the reality of a president who has taken over Clinton's party as he makes the challenging pitch why we need more of Obama's hope and change.
Baby planes! (See 2 below.)
Bret Stephens does not see Obama and or Hillary as successes but as failures . Obama the 'HAS BEEN' and Hillary "THE 'NEVER WAS.' (See 3 below.)
Tonight those who are objective will see a Republican Party in transition. As Strassel suggests, you will meet a number of young reform governors who have been successful in retaking control of their states reins from public unions who have garnered outrageous salary and pension contracts which have been used to fund continued state control by Democrats. Crony capitalism at its most disingenuous.
Second, you will hear from the next president's wife who will tell her love story in a manner that is genuine and sincere not sappy and contrived. All wives of candidates and presidents are called upon to explain why they support their husbands, why they love their husbands and to give the public a view, through their eyes, of their years of marriage and just who their husband is, what he is all about and why we should allow them the privilege of assuming our nation leadership.
I have witnessed a host of women - all different - some frumpy and dowdy, some elegant, some tortured some tough and supportive and one not proud of the nation she was going to represent and so it goes.
I suspect Ann Romney's character is what will shine through tonight and her decency and love of our country will be quite evident. It is time for our nation to have elegance, sincerity and one who understands her role is not one of taking advantage of her position. .
Finally, Gov. Christie will give us a no nonsense look into the problems he faced in turning his state's fortunes away from certain bankruptcy, taking it out of the grip of petty and corrupt management and progressives policies. He will use his experience and accomplishments as an example of what Romney faces. No doubt Christie will offer a few well placed zingers but I suspect it will be a serious talk because we face serious problems after three years of experimentation by someone who was as ill suited for the job of president as anyone in modern history.
The contrast between the Republican Convention will be between serious, competent people telling American voters what they need to hear versus a Democrat convention parading a mixture of special interest malcontents spewing forth their pet peeves, displaying their anger and carping discontent.
Then we will witness a former president in his 'oh shucks' folksy style try to skirt the reality of a president who has taken over Clinton's party as he makes the challenging pitch why we need more of Obama's hope and change.
Obama honors Neil Armstrong with Picture of... Obama?
Neil Armstrong passed away on Friday due to heart ailments, but the heart that failed him at age 82, guided him to a life that changed America and also taught the world what humility is all about. So how does Barack Obama honor this great American hero? Obama posts a picture of himself staring off at the moon.
Mike Flynn has an excellent description of Neil Armstrong in his column on Breitbart.com:
Armstrong's heroism wasn't the lunar walk, though. It was how he comported himself afterwards that showed the true measure of the man. He was among the more famous human beings in history. Yet he retired to a quiet and private life teaching aeronautical engineering and tending to his farm. His walk on the moon wasn't a personal achievement, per se, but an accomplishment for all of humanity.He made few public appearances. He gave very few speeches or interviews. His resignation from the public square made his lunar walk something mankind achieved rather than something Neil Armstrong achieved. His walk was the culmination of the work, not only of the thousands of engineers and scientists who directly worked on the mission, but also of the countless others throughout the ages who looked up at the skies and dreamed. Armstrong understood this.
Too bad Obama is no Neil Armstrong. Obama's arrogance is unrivaled and his narcism can't be contained... even when he is supposedly honoring a great American such as Armstrong.
On the Obama-Biden Tumblr page, Obama posted this message:
Neil’s spirit of discovery lives on in all the men and women who have devoted their lives to exploring the unknown—including those who are ensuring that we reach higher and go further in space. That legacy will endure—sparked by a man who taught us the enormous power of one small step.
-- President Obama on the passing of Neil Armstrong
What's tragic in this message is that Obama has done more damage to the U.S. space program than any president in history. America doesn't even have a way to send Americans into space any more.
But just as lame as Obama's actions is his "tribute" picture. Is it of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, or perhaps some candid moment. No. It's a picture of Obama staring off at the moon. How is that picture in any way a tribute to Neil Armstrong? It's not. It's simply Obama giving us more of himself and less of a real president of the United States.
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