Thursday, February 7, 2008

Change - how mellifluous! The platter of patriotism.

All great nations and powers eventually slide down hill because, over time, dissension and corruption bring them down as their citizens become less willing to make sacrifices and support what they have achieved. Wealth begets slovenliness and economic disparity. One might argue we are on the doorsteps. You decide.

The dissension, I refer to, often parades under the banner of patriotism as in the case of those who want to "end the war and bring the boys home." Looked at another way, one could argue, it is simply a display of narrow self-interest and opposition to protecting our nation from without, marching under the guise of the politics of those seeking power.

Opposition to the Iraq War has justifiable and arguable roots based on mistakes made, being premised on undiscovered WMD, deflecting focus from Afghanistan etc. The hue and cry of Democrat opposition, however, has gone off the charts as with Viet Nam and reached irrational, even dangerous, proportions. Why? In my humble opinion, because it became a convenient club to beat Republicans and GW over the head with in order to regain power - all the while being served on the "patriotic platter" of "bring our boys home."

Perhaps one could extend this argument and state,in their zeal to win power, the nay-Sayers are even willing to opt out for political inexperience garbed in clothed style. Sen. Obama, as I have always said, is bright and articulate but his speeches are also banal and spiced with buzz words the media grabs and highlights to further their own agenda , ie change, unity etc. How does one achieve these mellifluous goals has yet to be fleshed out but who cares since they are so pleasing to the ear and are deemed the path to power.

Having lost faith in our leadership we seek "un-defined" change. So we are likely get change because politicians pamper but we may not be prepared for the change we seek because we have not spelled it out, even to ourselves. We always have been a "come on something society." That is part of our greatness. But we also had resources and wealth which we have largely either dissipated or encumbered. Change under these circumstances may be unachievable or come at a very high price.

Out of town for weekend.


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