Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Time To Repeat Myself. Multiculturalism. Money, Money, Money. Ukraine Thievery. 25th Day.

I believe it is high time to repeat myself.

Bleeding hearts in the mass media are pressing forward with their questions about casualties, the IDF's responsibility to be sensitive and Bibi's rejection of a pause in hostilities blah, blah, blah. They purposely overlook the IDF is the most ethical military organization in the world.

1)  Once radicals were able to force the concept of relativism to become acceptable, proportionality became a ploy used by terrorists to introduce balance with respect to casualties.

2) Once relativism became acceptable the mass media wimps quickly embraced that strategy and dismissed "morality" leaving it in the desert sand and began support for attackers, drifting away from the plight of victims.  It is the old bait and switch approach Islamist/Muslim terrorists have perfected to grab the attention of  "mass media weenies."  Some Palestinians casualties  just occurred.

3) Radical Islamists and  The Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists and learned their demoniac methods from their Nazi brothers.

4) I understand what I have written does not penetrate the mush minds of rebellious students because they are driven by hate and are vulnerable to wild propaganda spread by their Soros sponsors, communist professors and assorted recipients of pay offs from the disciples worshiped by the Obama's and Hillary etc

5) Israelis want to live in peace, raise their families, educate their children and continue helping the world become a better one. Thousands of years have taught Jews to be strong but not because they are Germanic in nature and covet their neighbor's.  Nor are they perfect but the world would be better if there were more Israelis than Palestinians, Muslims and Islamists.  Why?  Not because they have not suffered, because they have, but mostly because of their poor decisions, but also they are a tribal warlike hot blooded people committed to an extreme religion.

Once again radical fascist Islamist's made a terrible decision based on hatred.  They united Israel like never before and Hamas isl paying the heavy essential price:

6) Radicals in the Democrat Party have already begun their weaponizing and attacks on the new Speaker, Mike Johnson  They are using his religion as the basis for analogizing him with Al Qedah, etc. They also have begun pulling away from Biden and that is scaring the  party hierarchy they may lose power as Trump's chances of election improve relatively speaking  

Stay tuned..

Having said the above, I also lament every tragic event is used to raise "contributions which simply highlights that money finances our outrageously costly campaigns.


Multiculturalism Begets Tribalism: Hamas in Our Universities
By Philip Carl Salzman

In 2020, based on my many decades of studying cultures of the Middle East, including years of living in a Middle Eastern tribal society, I wrote an article for a general audience about the nature of that region. Before spelling out the details, I offered a summary statement about the politics:

The Middle East is a place where doing harm and being cruel to others is regarded as a virtue and a duty. Middle Easterners see their world as a zero-sum game in which there are winners and losers. They believe that others conspire to advance their own interests, so each must conspire to protect his own against the conspiracies of others. Middle Easterners see their political environment as a war of all against all, with only their closest friends as potential allies.

Eight McGill University student groups took offense at what I had written, and published a public letter denouncing me, saying that the university must punish me, and further demanding that students determine what may and what may not be said and written by university faculty. (The students’ letter can be found in full here.) Which groups initiated this letter I do not know, but these are the signatory groups:

Muslim Students Association, Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights, Thaqalayn Muslim Association, World Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies Association, The Students’ Society of McGill University Executive Team, The Anthropology Students Association, The Anthropology Graduate Students Association, Black Students Network.

The justification given in the letter was the need to protect “the right of Muslims and People of Colour have to feel safe, … [and the need to forbid] racist and Islamophobic dialogues.” What the letter does not claim is that my published statement is false. An academic critique would have challenged the truth of what I argued, and pointed out weaknesses in evidence or logic or both. But there was no academic critique of my article, only a denunciation of what some students took to be an unflattering description of the region with which they identified or wished to express solidarity.

It would have been difficult to challenge my description of Middle Eastern politics on factual grounds. The world had recently seen the Islamic State (ISIS) engage in extreme acts of barbarism and then proudly display the videos. The Islamic State had gleefully beheaded prisoners on camera, burned enemy combatants alive in cages, and gang raped and then murdered “infidel” girls and women. This is strong evidence of the truth of my description of Middle Eastern politics. It is remarkable that my article made students “feel unsafe” considering these acts by ISIS. But then, the students were safely ensconced in Montreal, Canada—far, far away from the realities of the Middle East.

Turning to current events, we have seen Hamas’s multiple video tapes of their invasion of Israel. Of course, Palestinian terrorism is not new to Israel. Palestinians have been attacking and murdering Jews for a hundred years. The Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria has been running a “slay for pay” scheme for years, currently funded in the millions by the Biden administration. The ramped up small scale terrorism in the last years accurately reflects the Palestinians’ absolutist religious commitment to destroy Israel “from the river to the sea,” and to reclaim the entire region for Islam. Yet, the Hamas invasion was much more ambitious.

Over the last decades, since Israel pulled out of Gaza and turned it over to the Palestinians, Hamas (Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, or Islamic resistance movement), elected by the Gaza population (one man, one vote, one time only), turned the territory into a terrorist operation. As clearly stated in the Hamas Charter, the supreme goal is to destroy Israel and murder all Jews around the world. We might have taken a hint from the tens of thousands of rockets that Hamas has shot into Israeli communities. They have now graduated beyond shooting rockets.

With the likely guidance, funding, training, and permission of Iran (also funded by the Biden Administration), Hamas invaded Israel and attacked on October 7, not only military posts, but unarmed civilians. They entered Israeli communities and broke into homes, murdering women, children, and the elderly wherever they found them. They butchered hundreds. They attacked a rural music festival of young people, first bombing and then shooting hundreds. Those trying to escape were murdered in their cars. Not satisfied with killing, they gleefully burnt children alive, decapitated babies, raped children and women, and ran back to Gaza with hundreds of hostages. They proudly publicized their videos to show their “great triumph” over the Jews. In the light of Hamas’s atrocities, is my description of the Middle East defamatory or not sufficiently strong?

At Harvard University, thirty student groups circulated a letter supporting Hamas. At McGill University a similar letter was publicized by an Islamist student group. This is not unrepresentative of student opinion. Hatred of Jews and of Israel is widespread and virulent in universities across the Western world. Of course, vilifying Jews, discriminating against them, stealing from, exiling, and murdering Jews has been a 2000-year-old habit in Christian and Muslim spheres of influence. This culminated in the Holocaust, the Nazi genocide against the Jews.

There have always been justifications, that is to say rationalizations, for Jew hatred and abuse. Religion has been prominent over the centuries. In Christianity, Jews were “Jesus killers” (notwithstanding that Jesus and his followers were all Jews, and that it was the Romans who executed Jesus), until later centuries when Jews were deemed to be an inferior race. In Islam, Mohammed, furious that Jewish tribes refused to recognize him, after he borrowed so much of their religion, denounced Jews as the worst enemies of Muslims. Palestinians often claim all of the Levant as an Islamic Waqf (endowment) that should never be alienated from Islamic control.

But Jew hatred in our universities rests on two updated academic theories: Marxist-Leninist “postcolonial theory” and critical race theory. Postcolonial theory rightly states that imperial conquest and colonial occupation has a major deleterious effect on the indigenous population. But then, quite oddly, asserts that all worldly problems are due to European imperialism and only European imperialism. The world’s long history of many imperial states, including current non-European ones, is ignored. No mention is made of Islamic imperialism in which Bedouin tribes from Arabia conquered and occupied half the known world, from Arabia to the Mediterranean, from India to Morocco, from the Maghreb to Sicily and Iberia. Nor do we hear of China’s current imperialism and colonialism in Tibet, Chinese Turkistan, and Inner Mongolia, and now grasping out across the Pacific. No, only Europeans are to blame.

Postcolonial theory is the most popular and dominant theory in anthropology—even archaeologists claim adherence to this new gospel. The contamination has spread to all of the other social sciences. The application of this theory to Israel takes considerable contortions, given that Jews were the indigenous population when Rome invaded, that Jews in the diaspora were subjugated, and that Israel was founded by homeless refugees as part of a liberation movement of the Jewish people. Nonetheless, Israel is characterized by postcolonial theorists as a colonial settler state that oppresses the “indigenous” Palestinian population, most of whom came from Syria and Egypt in recent times.

Critical race theory, a neo-Marxist racial class theory, hits both Israel and Jews everywhere. In Israel, Jews are classified as whites and Palestinians as “people of color,” although many Jews are of Middle Eastern origin and are physically indistinguishable from Palestinians, who have always been classified as white. The truth is that Arabs look down on people of color, called them “abeed,” slaves—a historical and racist remnant of the vast Arab slave raids of Africa. This application of American racial categories is nonsense, but serves to activate BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) against Israel.

Critical race theory also vilifies Jews everywhere, classing them as white, white adjacent, or hyperwhite, and therefore obvious oppressors of BIPOC. It is odd that Jews were only recognized as white once it became a bad thing. So Jews, like whites, are deemed oppressors on campus, and increasingly excluded and attacked. But Jewish supporters of Israel get both barrels as oppressors at home and abroad.

If you wonder why university students celebrate the barbaric atrocities of Hamas, the lies of postcolonial theory and critical race theory explain a good part of it. Celebration of student identities, Middle Eastern identities among them, rather than Canadian and American identities adds fuel to the fire. This is what comes of multiculturalism—tribalism.
From The Desk of Speaker Mike Johnson
Richard, I know you’re busy this Halloween, but this email could not wait.

Here is the short version:
I’m up against the clock on my FIRST monthly deadline since becoming Speaker of the House. All eyes are on me, and I cannot afford to fall short of the goals set in front of me. In the next 15 minutes, can you step forward with an emergency donation to have my back?


Here is the long version:
Democrats have already raked in MILLIONS in fundraising dollars this week and are trying to turn me into the next boogeyman, but I refuse to let America fall to their woke vision.

Nancy Pelosi is going to call in every favor she can to boot me and take back the majority – which means we need to show FORCE.

If Republicans are going to keep the House in 2024 and expand the majority, we need to support every single candidate running in a swing district. Your Republican gift today will ensure we expand the majority and financially support conservatives in vulnerable districts.

I’m asking for your help today.


If Democrats take back power, they’re going to go wild…

I believe in faith, family, and freedom – but those very foundations of our country are under ATTACK.

Before the month is up at midnight, I need your immediate help.
Ho, Ho, Ho:
Zelensky Advisor Admits Gov’t Officials ‘Stealing Like No Tomorrow’ as Biden Pushes for Billions More to Ukraine

A top advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reportedly admitted that corruption is so rampant in the war torn former Soviet state that officials are “stealing like there’s no tomorrow”.

Speaking anonymously to Time magazine, what is alleged to be a top presidential advisor to Zelensky said that the Ukrainian government’s efforts to stamp out corruption have proved fruitless, given that they were implemented too late to have any impact, including the firing of Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov.

“People are stealing like there’s no tomorrow,” the top advisor is said to have told the publication, saying that officials do not “feel any fear” of engaging in corruption because the firing of Reznikov and others took over six months after Zelenksy was warned that the Defence Ministry was drowning in graft.

Another advisor is reported to have told the magazine that by the time Zelesnky acted “it was too late” and that the corruption scandal had not only become known in Western capitals but also among soldiers on the frontline, where troops reportedly began making lewd jokes about “Reznikov’s eggs” — a reference to the accusation that the Defence Ministry had vastly overpaid for basic items such as eggs and coats for soldiers.

The report notes claims by officials that Zelensky’s office has worked to stop giving the impression, at least, of corruption. Working under what are described as strict directives to “avoid the slightest perception of self-enrichment…Don’t buy anything. Don’t take any vacations. Just sit at your desk, be quiet, and work”, members of his staff are claimed to be paid just $1,000 per month and sleep in bunker rooms the size of prison cells.

The issue of corruption in Ukraine, which has been ranked by Transparency International as the most corrupt European country except Russia, is becoming a major issue in Washington D.C. as President Biden continues to push for more American taxpayer dollars to be sent to the former Soviet state.

In addition to the $113 billion already committed to Kyiv, the Biden administration is attempting to convince Congress to send another $61.4 billion to Ukraine by tying the funding to emergency funding for Israel and the U.S. border crisis.

Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), a leading opponent of continuing to fund the proxy war against Russia, said on Monday: “I’ve sat in a lot of briefings where I was promised Ukraine doesn’t have a corruption problem.”

“The Biden admin has lied to us. Not one more penny to Ukraine.”

The Republican-led Oversight Committee in the House of Representatives has claimed that “Ukrainian government officials allegedly engaged in bribery, used government vehicles for personal use, and purchased inflated food supplies for Ukrainian forces.”

Even the legacy media, which has been a proponent of perpetuating the proxy war in Ukraine, has begun to slowly admit that corruption is a major issue in the country, with the New York Times reporting last month that Ukrainian officials acknowledged that money intended for military contracts “failed to produce weaponry or ammunition and that some money has vanished.”

For his part, in an interview with Time, President Zelensky has claimed that battling corruption is one of his chief aims but asserted that the issue is being weaponized to cut off funding.

“It’s not right for them to cover up their failure to help Ukraine by tossing out these accusations,” he said.

A top official told the magazine that Zelensky has begun to feel betrayed by his backers in the West for merely providing enough assistance to survive rather than sufficient weaponry to win the war against Russia.

However, another said that Zelensy “deludes himself,” adding: “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

The publication went on to claim that officials in Kyiv are beginning to believe that due to heavy casualties over the past year and a half, there may no longer be enough soldiers left to win the war.

Even if the United States were to supply all the weaponry needed, one aide said: “We don’t have the men to use them.”
Israel’s 25th Day of War
By Sherwin Pomerantz

25 days into the war with Hamas and our progress continues.   Israeli troops have moved further into northern Gaza and, according to reports, have now surrounded Gaza city.  Some senior Hamas commanders have been neutralized and large portions of the far northern strip have been cleaned of terrorists although some still literally “pop up” from time to time.  The incursion seems to be moving forward with strong air and sea support as well

Overnight, Hamas released a propaganda video of three female hostages.  Only one of them spoke and related how they are being treated after which she went on a rant about her anger with the Israeli government in not protecting them and not getting them out of captivity.  She closed with an emotionally laced attack on the Prime Minister as well.  Hamas repeated its offer to release all (now) 240 hostages if Israel will agree to the release of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.  Israel has said this is not acceptable without unconditional surrender on the part of Hamas.

As of today, there are over 250,000 Israelis who have been displaced by the massacre and subsequent fighting.  All are being housed in hotels around the country which are, of course, bereft of tourists at this time.

Rocket barrages continue to emanate from Gaza into the south and center of Israel.  On the northern border there were 6-7 interchanges during the day, mostly mortars from the north to which Israel responded with artillery fire. In other developments, Israeli fighter jets shot down drones over the Red Sea that were directed at Eilat from Yemen.  This is the first time that Israeli aircraft, using the Arrow missile system, have engaged Yemeni weaponry.

On the issue of humanitarian aid to Gaza, today 80 truckloads of inspected and approve supplies were let in to Gaza from Egypt via the Rafah Border Crossing.  Israel has demanded and certified that no fuel was included in those trucks.  The hope is that by tomorrow or Thursday the transfer will reach 100 trucks per day which is the maximum capacity that the crossing can handle.
On the US side of regional action, there was a rocket attack on a US based in Iraq to which the American troops responded. 

Worldwide the level of anti-Semitic attacks continues to rise.  College campuses across America seem to have become hotbeds of anti-Jewish activity masquerading as anti-Israel activity.  On some campuses locations like Hillel where Jewish students gather, have been shuttered for the safety of the community.  In Turkey a sign in a restaurant in Istanbul that boldly states “No Jews Allowed” is reminiscent of the worst experience of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and 40s. 

Some solace about our present situation can be gleaned from Exodus 17:14-16 which reads:   “Then the LORD said to Moses, write this as a memorial in a book and recite it in the ears of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.  And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The LORD Is My Banner, saying, a hand upon the throne of the LORD! The LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”

I heard Rabbi Aharon Adler, Rabbi Emeritus of our congregation here in Jerusalem opined that the by the good LORD saying that we will have war with Amalek or his kindred spirits in every generation is a signal to us that we will survive each one and will live to fight the next incarnation of our enemy symbolized by Amalek.  So, we will win this one as well but we know this will not be the last war we will have to fight.  

Sherwin Pomerantz has lived in Israel for 40 years, is CEO of Atid EDI Ltd., a international business development consultancy.  He is also the Founder and Chair of the American State Offices Association, former National President of the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel and a past Chairperson of the Board of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.



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