Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Dov No Dove. Sowell Speaks. Semper Fi. Obama/Michelle Send Them To Gaza.

Dov is no Dove!
What Israel Needs to Do Now
If the thoughts expressed below seem severe, the situation is severe.

I am an American. I also am a Jew. All Jews with Jewish souls are Zionists. Enough ink has been spilled in my columns these past eight years about Jewish apostates who do not follow that program. Not today. They are not worth it. And I write also for so many Christians who are Zionists because: (i) The right of Jews to a country in the Promised Land is right; (ii) Arab Muslim claims there are phony; (iii) America needs a Jewish Israel no less than does Jewish Israel need America; and (iv) the Bible could not be more clear in Genesis 12:3 and so many other places that G-d will bless our America as long as we are on His side. Again: It is never about whether “G-d is on our side” but whether we are on His side.

Arab Muslim murderers just invaded Israel from Gaza during the Jewish Holy Week of Sukkot and have murdered at least 700 Jewish civilians as of this writing. They also have taken with them to Gaza at least 150 Jewish hostages, including women, children, and Holocaust survivors. (By the way, non-combatant men also have lives of value that are innocent of any military objective.) They have launched over 2,000 missiles at unsuspecting and unprepared Jewish civilian population centers and have wounded thousands. I expect the death toll to exceed 1,000 — all in the first four days of this Pogrom.

Israel foolishly exited Gaza in 2005, evicted 8,500 Jews living there, and handed over the entire region to Arab Muslims, all to foster peace. That was Ariel Sharon’s folly and sounded the death knell for the Israeli Left. The Arab Muslim population responded by electing the Hamas terror syndicate to lead them and run Gaza ever since, all these past 18 years. As the German citizens of Dresden freely voted to make Hitler their democratically elected leader, so have the Arab Muslim populace of Gaza chosen to be governed by a party with a singular-focused platform and pledge: to wipe Israel and Zionism off the face of the earth. Unlike most political parties, say this for Hamas: They honor their promises to their voters. They pledged to wipe out Israel, the people of Gaza elected them to wipe out Israel, and that has been th protocol these past two decades.

When cement and steel are shipped by Europe and America to rebuild Gaza after each war that Hamas initiates, those supplies are used not to rebuild civilian resources but to construct new military tunnels, new missiles, and other attack weapons. They cry crocodile tears but apply themselves to murder Jews with more giggles than Kamala. They take the billions they receive from Europe and America and Arab countries like Qatar, and they direct those funds to murdering Jews. (READ MORE: Israel’s 9-11: What Now?)

In response, while crafting her military defenses, Israel always has feared that American promises cannot be trusted. South Vietnam, our American ally, was wiped off the map. Remember the helicopters in Miss Saigon? We sold them out. And remember the helicopters in Afghanistan? We sold them out, too. And we sold out our allies and interpreters and spies in Iraq, as we did in South Vietnam, Afghanistan, and other places that relied haplessly on our guarantees. The Israelis know what American guarantees are worth. Biden will send $6 billion to Iran. Everyone knows that money will be going to Hamas and Hezbollah to make attacks like these possible.

Israel has had to fight some half dozen wars with Hamas these past 18 years. Israel never fights to win, only to “mow the lawn” until the seeds of terror grow again and new war erupts. That actually is Israel’s empty description, not my clever aphorism: “mowing the lawn.” If Israel is to see an end to such savageries as 1,000 Jews slaughtered amid observances of a Sukkot Holy Week, she needs to fight for victory. She knows it. She has no intention of being a Ukraine that plows through $110 billion in U.S. military aid over a year and a half with no end in sight as long as Biden has enough paper and green ink to print more “money.”

I write this calmly. If the thoughts expressed below seem severe, the situation is severe. Here is what Israel needs to do:

It is imperative, if Israel is capable of doing so, that it exterminate Hamas. Again: exterminate. Leave nothing behind of Hamas. Not even dental records.

It is imperative, if Israel is capable of doing so, that it exterminate Islamic Jihad. Again: exterminate.

It is imperative, if Israel is capable of doing so, that it target all Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders and exterminate them.
Any such leaders who are in hiding must be exterminated as soon as they are found, even 20 years from now.

This would never have happened if Ariel Sharon had not walked away from Gaza in 2005 and then Netanyahu continued resisting -- through six Hamas wars -- fighting to victory instead of just “mowing the lawn.”

Israel should not — and must not — go out of its way to kill even one single Arab civilian “innocent” in an act of revenge, but Israel must not hesitate to kill and exterminate every single terrorist and terror objective, even if it necessitates the collateral loss of thousands of civilians. Arab Muslim terrorists base themselves in apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, mosques, ambulances, and other profoundly civilian non-combatant locations. Each such site must be deemed fair game for utter elimination, and no civilian’s presence can justify refraining from exterminating every terror site in Gaza. Moreover, Hamas controls Gaza because the population of Gaza have voted for them repeatedly. They are no more innocent than German voters in Dresden who elected Hitler.

This was not only an attack on the country of Israel but also an attack on the G-d of Israel, launching deliberately on Sh’mini Atzeret. Sadat did that, launching his war not only against Israel the country but against the G-d of Israel by striking on Yom Kippur. Tellingly, Sadat struck on Oct. 6 (1973), and I personally believe G-d left His thumbprint on Sadat’s demise by snuffing him out on Oct. 6 (1981).
It is very, very hard that 150 or more Jewish hostages have been taken. I do not write in euphemisms but in truths: It will be impossible to recover Jewish hostages from Arab terrorists without paying prices that guarantee even more mass killings of hundreds more innocent Jews than would be freed by releasing scores of Arab murderers. This is why Hamas and Islamic Jihad — this time — must be utterly exterminated, and the bombings must not stop until all hostages are returned. Endless bombings are no more “disproportional” than the hostage exchanges. Moreover, electricity in Gaza — which Israel controls — must not be restored until all hostages are returned. Biblical Egypt was dark for three days. Gaza should remain dark for three years or decades if needed to recover the hostages. No electricity, no fuel, nothing but basic food and medical supplies forever until all hostages are returned

And The Day After: How did this all happen, a terror project this well coordinated from so many vantage points? So many towns attacked at once, with missiles launched simultaneously? When the exterminating ends, heads must roll. The weak and politically correct defense minister and chief of staff who devote more effort to tearing down new Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria than to tearing down illegal Arab structures in Area C must go. There must be a reckoning.
American public opinion? America now is in full “Election 2024” mode. There already have been two Republican presidential debates. The election will be between Biden and Trump. Everyone in America knows it. Politicians on both sides now are covering up everything they have done so as to clean their records for the voters. They all lie, especially during Election Season. Watch Jon Tester of Montana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia cover up how their two votes have given Democrats the Senate majority (51–49 and not 49–51), allowing for the disaster of the past three years at the gas pump, the southern border, the grocery shelves, and in judicial selections all the way up to that grossly unqualified charlatan who cannot define what a woman is. For the next 13 months, almost all American politicians will be firmly with Israel.

The anti-Israel wing among America’s Democrats does not yet influence policymaking. Ocasio, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar make headlines but only represent, respectively, one small district of Bronx Puerto Ricans, one of Dearborn Arabs, and one of Minneapolis Somalians. They compose less than 1 percent of the 435 senators and congressional representatives who make policy. Even with their cohort of less-public Zionist-Jew haters like Betty McCollum, Cori Bush, and Jamaal Bowman, they compose 3 or 4 percent total. Biden is behind in many polls right now and cannot afford to criticize Israel. America’s Christian voters will stand by Israel. Trump’s support for Israel is beyond secure. (Indeed, all over the Western world -- at least today -- national symbols are lit in Israel's colors.)
White House Lit in Colors of Israel Flag

More than putting my faith in politicians, please allow me to put my faith primarily in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Who guided both Truman and Stalin to recognize Israel in 1948. He guided de Gaulle to back Israel in 1956 when Eisenhower would not, Johnson to stand with Israel in 1967 when France back-stabbed, Nixon heroically to defy Kissinger and the State Department to back Israel in 1973, and Trump throughout his presidency. He will guide whom He will guide, and He will destroy whom He will destroy.

The L-rd will give strength to His people. The L-rd will bless His people with Peace. (Psalm 29:11)
He's still alive at 92 (b. Jun 30, 1930 in Gastonia, NC), but retired.  Sowell grew up in Harlem, served in the Marine Corps during the Korean  War, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, Masters from Columbia, PhD Economics University of Chicago, economist, social theorist, philosopher, author, Senior Fellow Hoover Institution, Stanford University, National Humanities Medal, and Francis Boyer award

Israeli deaths now are the American equivalent of around 35,000.

These deaths can be laid at Obama's feet. He told us he would transform America. White guilt and intimidation elected him.  We refused to believe the degree to which his Muslim background, his hatred of "Colonial America" and his former radical associates drive his views and shape his actions.

He now has achieved enormous wealth and lives in mansions as if he were a king.  As for his wife she has always told us her feelings about America and was not proud until her husband became president.

America would be a safer nation if we moved them to Gaza where they would feel at home.

David is a Holocaust Survivor and President of the Holocaust Survivors Foundation. He was the only Survivor of his family:

Below is a message from David to the HSF community.  

(He was also interviewed tonight at a community Rally to Support Israel at the Holocaust Memorial on Miami Beach.   Here is a link (there may be a couple of commercials at the beginning):
To my beloved brothers and sisters in the HSF community,

Hamas’s savage murder and kidnapping of hundreds of innocent Jewish grandparents, children, mothers, fathers, and young adults celebrating freedom and peace, was a tragedy I prayed I would never see again, but never doubted was possible.

It is a sobering fact that more Jews were killed on Saturday than any other day since the Holocaust.  

The barbarity of the Hamas attacks indeed remind us that hatred of the Jewish people, and the infinite capacity for cruelty against our people, is a cancer that will never be eradicated, but must be recognized, protected against, and crushed when it threatens our people.

105 members of my family were murdered in the Holocaust.  I am the only survivor.  Almost everyone in this group has had to live with similar trauma.   Six million Jews, one and a half million children, all innocents, slaughtered while the civilized world was mostly silent.  

Those murderers slaughtered our people with a disgusting collection of political, economic, and military power.   How could it happen?  How did it happen?   But it did.   That is why I have devoted my entire life to telling people the true history of what we experienced in the Shoah, and the unimaginable scope of our loss.    So many of our fellow survivors are now gone, and I fear that our pain and the true history will be forgotten, or corrupted by immoral, self-interested political and economic forces.

After Saturday’s massacre, all people have witnessed, in real time, massacres of the kind I somehow survived more than 80 years ago.   Well over one thousand innocent Israeli people just living their everyday lives, gunned down, kidnapped, mutilated, raped, terrorized by evil monsters.  Parents, brothers, sisters, children, aunts, uncles, and cousins traumatized by the murders, and the terror inflicted on the hostages now held by Hamas.

I am now 94 years old.  I have also devoted every day of the last seven decades to building and supporting the State of Israel, our Jewish homeland.  I have believed that the State of Israel would safeguard Jewish people from the savagery that we experienced in the Holocaust for all time.  Israel is a  living miracle as a free, democratic society with astounding economic, military, and humanitarian achievements.   But Israel is made up of human beings, and human beings are fallible.   And Israel, and the Jewish people continue to have to live with haters and killers who simply deny our humanity and our right to exist.  They will never disappear.  We cannot take our future security for granted. Our people must always have the means and the will to defend and protect ourselves, and that means creating a society and government that are decades ahead of our adversaries in military and security preparation.  

Though we must be responsible, we cannot do it all alone.  I am grateful to President Biden, and the bi-partisan leaders and members of Congress, as well as the leaders of Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, who have stood squarely with Israel and already taken steps to support Israel with weapons and intelligence and other support in her most dangerous moment in over 50 years. 

But the onus is on us, the Jewish people, to support Israel financially and in the court of public opinion.  I have faith that, unified in spirit and conscience, Israel and the Jewish people will learn from whatever lessons will be revealed from Saturday’s incomprehensible, horrific, catastrophe, a Shoah in its own right, and build an even stronger, prosperous, stable, and just society.

Finally, let me conclude with a Mi Shebeirach prayer for healing for the wounded Israeli soldiers and civilians, for courage and hope for the Israelis who are hostages, for safety and success for the brave IDF soldiers, airmen, and naval fighters who will be attacking Hamas and its strongholds in Gaza in the coming days, and, as soon as possible, true peace.


David Schaecter

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