Friday, June 24, 2022

The Underprivilege Serve A Useful Purpose. Without Them There Would Be Less Need For Government and Unemployment Would Increase.


Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Senator Moynihan, Victor Davis Hanson and myself and others are all in agreement.

The key to improving the lot of those at the bottom starts with a challenging education and teachers capable of imparting this education materiel so that those on the bottom can get ahead. This means government, progressives, liberals, unions and other detractors/dis-enablers must move out of the way and allow capitalism, free markets and America creativity to fill their spaces:

Is it likely to happen? Not any time soon if at all.  Why? because Democrats want government to provide. Without less educated and the "enslaved" to support and cater to there would be no need for government.  Government is the equivalent of  "Infamil Formula" which, currently, is in short supply because of government failed planning.

It is the same with UNRA.  If there were no Palestinians dependent on the U.N thousands of UN workers would have no jobs. This is why the U.N goes through the motion of caring for Palestinians who live in, so called " refugee camps." Without such camps the U.N would have no mission. There will always be such camps.

Welfare is totally misnamed. It should be called Dependencyfare.


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