Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Reported New Deal? Zito Dispatches. Georgetown "Wokeness" Bastion? Dov Chirps! Dropping Like Flies. 3 Articles.


 A reported new deal between Israel, the United States and Saudi Arabia could see Riyadh opening its airspace to Israeli flights and lead to the restoration of ties between Washington and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Major diplomatic shift »


Dispatches From Arkansas, 67 Counties In Pennsylvania With An Ever So Brief Stop In The Swamp

By Salena Zito

1.) Is Tom Cotton 'Mr. Right'?

Betting against Tom Cotton has become a dicey proposition. 

In 2020, the Arkansas senator suggested the eminently reasonable possibility that perhaps the coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China, was the result of a leak from a local laboratory that experimented with precisely such infectious material. The Washington Post’s “fact-checker” sneered, echoing many in his industry, “Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked.” Once it became clear that Cotton’s contention was certainly plausible and entirely rational based on the evidence, the Post admitted it was neither a “conspiracy theory” nor “debunked,” and had never been either of those two things. 

In 2021, Democrats defeated a Republican amendment to the stimulus bill, the result of which, Cotton said, would mean incarcerated individuals such as the Boston bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, would receive a check from the government. Again, the Washington Post led the outcry, giving Cotton “two Pinocchios” for “scaremongering,” “theater,” and “not serious legislation.” And then — you guessed it — Tsarnaev did indeed receive a stimulus check.  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/is-tom-cotton-mr-right 

2.) What’s the deal with Mastriano? 
How Republicans got to this point is shameful, and the rot starts with the consultant class and continues throughout what was once a great state party apparatus. The Pennsylvania Republican Party needs to move its offices out of Harrisburg and into someplace like Bedford or Potter County, where they can really meet and understand who their base is — because it certainly isn’t the people they socialize with at cocktail parties who tell them how smart they are. https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/insight/2022/06/05/mastriano-pennsylvania-republican-party/stories/202206050026?cid=search

3.) From my interview with Bill Barr:

“So I was a scrawny kid, picky eater, and I was walking to kindergarten one day, and I collapsed, I passed out. And so they took me up to St. Luke's Hospital, which is in the Upper West Side of New York. And they're doing all kinds of tests, and some doctors wanted to operate, do exploratory surgery because they thought I had something on my heart. And I actually remember being in the hospital and all that activity, and my grandmother showed up with this priest, Father Smith, from Hartford, who was also Irish-born. And they strongly opposed any kind of surgery, which was my mother's disposition anyway, not to just do surgery, and my father, too, unless there was some real reason for it.

And they said that I should be built up by drinking Guinness every day. And that's what they did. At every meal, I'd have my glass of Guinness. So the refrigerator was always filled with Guinness when I was growing up, and my brothers didn't like that, they wanted some too.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/bill-barr-says-trump-should-not-run-for-president-again-in-2024?fbclid=IwAR25H88k3l1wijGrswwKLxVdNVpZ_aRsLDzo6YvENbCovZ4uq63BTAugK64

4.) Catch my interview with the guys at the Ruthless Podcast: https://ruthlesspodcast.com/episodes/dem-dysphoria

5.) You can also catch my interview here with Dana Perino on her Fox News podcast: https://radio.foxnews.com/podcast/everything-will-be-okay/

Georgetown is the bastion of "wokeness:"
The Georgetown Law School Purge
Ilya Shapiro resigns as the woke mob sets him up for dismissal.
The Editorial Board 

Optimists have opined that America has reached “peak woke” as a backlash against it grows. Think again, as the experience of Ilya Shapiro demonstrates.

Nearby Mr. Shapiro describes his treatment at the hands of Georgetown University Law School, which had hired him to be the executive director of its Constitution Center. Mr. Shapiro is a libertarian-minded legal scholar who sometimes writes for these pages. Georgetown, like most law schools, is dominated by progressives, often of the intolerant and vindictive variety.

But Mr. Shapiro was encouraged by dean William Treanor and the school’s Speech and Expression Policy, which promises to defend dissenting voices on campus. His painful education has been discovering that some speech is more protected than others.

In late January, shortly before he was supposed to start at Georgetown, Mr. Shapiro posted a tweet criticizing President Biden for his promise to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court. The tweet said Sri Srinivasan, a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, would be the “best pick” but we were likely to get a “lesser black woman.”

Mr. Shapiro took down the tweet and apologized for his “inartful” language, but the campus left erupted and pressured Mr. Treanor to withdraw the job offer. Mr. Treanor suspended Mr. Shapiro, pending an investigation, which somehow took four months. The dean reinstated Mr. Shapiro last week on grounds that he wasn’t a Georgetown employee at the time of the tweet, which could have been decided in four minutes.

After Mr. Shapiro read the 10-page report by the school’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action, he decided he was being set up to be fired the next time anyone on campus objected to something he said or did. If a student or professor claimed to be offended by a statement, it would immediately trigger another investigation. Mr. Treanor had effectively repealed the school’s Speech and Expression Policy for Mr. Shapiro.

This isn’t the way Mr. Treanor has handled offensive speech on the left. Last month professor Josh Chafetz tweeted support for demonstrating at the home of Supreme Court Justices: “When the mob is right, some (but not all!) more aggressive tactics are justified.” He also boasted that the law school was “not going to fire” him over a tweet.

The episode underscores again that American academia is dominated by the censoring left. Mr. Treanor has shown himself to be a weak man who bends to the mob. When the left-wing mob won’t tolerate a thoughtful scholar like Mr. Shapiro, it shouldn’t be surprised if the response becomes a right-wing mob.


Why I Quit Georgetown
The university didn’t fire me, but it yielded to the progressive mob, abandoned free speech, and created a hostile environment.
By  Ilya Shapiro

After a four-month investigation into a tweet, the Georgetown University Law Center reinstated me last Thursday. But after full consideration of the report I received later that afternoon from the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action, or IDEAA, and on consultation with counsel and trusted advisers, I concluded that remaining in my job was untenable.

Dean William Treanor cleared me on the technicality that I wasn’t an employee when I tweeted, but the IDEAA implicitly repealed Georgetown’s Speech and Expression Policy and set me up for discipline the next time I transgress progressive orthodoxy. Instead of participating in that slow-motion firing, I’m resigning.

IDEAA speciously found that my tweet criticizing President Biden for limiting his Supreme Court pool by race and sex required “appropriate corrective measures” to address my “objectively offensive comments and to prevent the recurrence of offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex.” Mr. Treanor reiterated these concerns in a June 2 statement, further noting the “harmful” nature of my tweets.

But IDEAA makes clear there is nothing objective about its standard: “The University’s anti-harassment policy does not require that a respondent intend to denigrate,” the report says. “Instead, the Policy requires consideration of the ‘purpose or effect’ of a respondent’s conduct.” That people were offended, or claim to have been, is enough for me to have broken the rules.

IDEAA asserts that if I “were to make another, similar or more serious remark as a Georgetown employee, a hostile environment based on race, gender, and sex likely would be created.” All sorts of comments that someone could find offensive would subject me to disciplinary action. Consider the following hypotheticals:

• I laud Supreme Court decisions that overrule Roe v. Wade and protect the right to carry arms. An activist claims that my comments “deny women’s humanity” and make her feel “unsafe” and “directly threatened with physical violence.”

• After I meet with students concerned about my ability to treat everyone fairly, as Mr. Treanor asked me to do, one attendee files a complaint calling me “disingenuous” and the “embodiment of white supremacy.”

• When the Supreme Court hears the Harvard and University of North Carolina affirmative-action cases this fall, I opine that the Constitution bans racial preferences. Hundreds of Georgetown stakeholders sign a letter asserting that my comments “are antithetical to the work that we do here every day to build inclusion, belonging, and respect for diversity” (borrowing the language from Mr. Treanor’s statements of Jan. 31 and June 2).

• In a class I’m teaching, a student feels uncomfortable with his assigned position in a mock oral argument in 303 Creative v. Elenis, a case that considers whether a designer can be compelled to create a website for a same-sex wedding. “To argue that someone can deny service to members of the LGBTQIA+ community is to treat our brothers and sisters as second-class citizens, and I will not participate in Shapiro’s denigrating charade,” he writes on the student listserv.

I could go on, but you get the idea. It is the Georgetown administrators who have created a hostile work environment for me.

Fundamentally, what Mr. Treanor has done—what he’s allowed IDEAA to do—is repeal the Speech and Expression Policy that he claims to hold dear. The freedom to speak is no freedom at all if it makes an exception for speech someone finds offensive or counter to some nebulous conception of equity.

Georgetown’s treatment of me shows how the university applies even these self-contradicting “principles” inconsistently depending on ideology. Contrast my case with these recent examples:

• In 2018, Prof. Carol Christine Fair of the School of Foreign Service tweeted during Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process: “Look at this chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.” Georgetown held this to be protected speech.

• In 2020, Prof. Heidi Feldman of the Law Center tweeted that “law professors and law school deans” should “not support applications from our students to clerk for” judges appointed by President Trump. “To work for such a judge,” Ms. Feldman continued, “indelibly marks a lawyer as lacking in the character and judgment necessary for the practice of law.” These comments could threaten the careers of all conservative and libertarian students, or anyone who clerks for duly confirmed but disfavored judges. But Georgetown took no action.

• In April of this year—months after my tweet—Ms. Feldman tweeted: “We have only one political party in this country, the Democrats. The other group is a combination of a cult and an insurrection-supporting crime syndicate.” She went on: “The only ethically and politically responsible stance to take toward the Republican ‘party’ is to consistently point out that it is no longer a legitimate participant in U.S. constitutional democracy.” Unlike me, Ms. Feldman teaches first-year law students in mandatory courses. This pattern of remarks created a hostile educational environment for Republican students—a protected class under District of Columbia antidiscrimination law. The tweets were quietly deleted without apology or disciplinary action.

• Last month, law professor Josh Chafetz tweeted: “The ‘protest at the Supreme Court, not at the justices’ houses’ line would be more persuasive if the Court hadn’t this week erected fencing to prevent protesters from coming anywhere near it.” He added, “When the mob is right, some (but not all!) more aggressive tactics are justified.” Later, he invited “folks” to “snitch tag @GeorgetownLaw” and taunted that the school was “not going to fire me over a tweet you don’t like.”

Mr. Chafetz was surely right about the last point. Apparently it’s free speech for thee, not for me.

It’s all well and good to adopt strong free-speech policies, but it’s not enough if university administrators aren’t willing to stand up to those who demand censorship. And the problem isn’t limited to cowardly administrators. Proliferating IDEAA-style offices enforce an orthodoxy that stifles intellectual diversity, undermines equal opportunity, and excludes dissenting voices. Even the dean of an elite law school bucks these bureaucrats at his peril.

What Georgetown subjected me to, what it would be subjecting me to if I stayed, is a heckler’s veto that leads to a Star Chamber. “Live not by lies,” warned Aleksander Solzhenitsyn. “Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

I won’t live this way.

Mr. Shapiro is a former executive director of Georgetown Law’s Center for the Constitution and author of “Supreme Disorder: Judicial Nominations and the Politics of America’s Highest Court.”
Dov is no dove.  He calls and writes it as it is and we owe him a debt of gratitude:

To Purgatory With Black Lives Matter and With Critical Race Theory - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
By Dov Fischer

Where is the will in our land to challenge and resist tyranny’s encroachments?

It feels so wonderful, so liberating, that I get to share my thoughts orally and in print. So many of my colleagues, by contrast, whisper to me their beliefs — identical to mine — but terrified to be “found out.”

Yes, it is risky amid cancel culture, with the “progressive” woke roaming the hallways and monitoring the classrooms for conservatives to fire. It helps that I worked gainfully for many years and, with G-d’s help, put some money aside for later when I no longer would depend on any tyrant to dictate what I may think, say, advocate. As an Orthodox Jew, I knew I always would be in a minority of thought. We Jews make up only two percent of America, even less of other societies, and we Orthodox — the Jews who actually believe every word of the Torah is true and eternal, and who live by what we preach — compose maybe only 15-20 percent of all Jews. So there ain’t a ton of us. But we are true in belief and deed.

The tyranny of thought on America’s campuses today comprises really nothing much different from the tyranny Vladimir Putin would impose on Ukraine — maybe even worse. Really. It is so easy to see from afar that tyranny is wrong, and yet we tolerate it at home, right under our noses. So many of my very readers, deep conservatives, nevertheless send their kids to colleges where twelve years of values-driven elementary school and high school will be uprooted through Leftist / “Progressive” / Woke brainwashing and reeducation. Their children — their lives’ greatest investment and work — will be destroyed. And in the cases of a few wealthy people, they even will endow college chairs or academic centers at their alma maters, only to remain oblivious that their hard-earned dollars of a lifetime are being doled out to fund programs diametrically opposed to their beliefs.

It actually is a blessing that Critical Race Theory finally entered kindergartens and the first grade, along with teaching six-year-old boys that they really are girls waiting to blossom and first-graders among girls that they just need a penis surgical attachment to their groin to make their lives complete. Until this garbage — this same-sex and transgender garbage — entered the lower grades, parents did not rise up in arms. Only now does that outrage stir revolt. It should have stirred the same mutiny ten and twenty years ago as the same garbage entered the colleges and universities, but parents were sanguine. “Yes, let us borrow $60,000 in parent PLUS loans to have our lives’ most precious investments — our children — brainwashed and turned from values-driven Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even values-driven atheists to peons in service of the New Order.”

How does brainwashing work on college kids? No differently from how it works on children or on prisoners in Chinese reeducation prisons and camps. You place people in an environment where everyone else in the group thinks a certain way — or presumes that everyone else there except he thinks that way. The group dynamic overwhelms — to stand alone. How lonely to stand alone! Welcome to “Sociology 103: Introduction to Groupthink.”

Into the classroom walks a Master of Thought. We title that person “Professor.” This Master of Thought stands behind a desk, which very subtly adds a distance and partition, a non-approachability, that imparts a mystique of mastery. We are told the Master of Thought bears Truth and Wisdom — i.e., a diploma that says Ph.D. or Psy.D. or M.Phil. or D.D. or some other nifty acronym — and we are awed, as if sitting on the Himalayas before a Hindu guru of the Bhagavad Ghita. Few of us pause to ask or think: “I am as smart as he or she when it comes to transgender garbage. He may know more Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot literature or Kantian theory or Wagnerian opera or some other specialized area of study, but he or she does not know a darned thing more than I do when it comes to human nature or human sexuality or any of the just-named specialties in which he or she did not concentrate.”

Thus, with the setting complete, the brainwashing ensues. For four years — or maybe five or maybe even six — the young post-adolescent will remain in the group bubble, rewarded with a unique life experience of dorming away from home, perhaps having social and intimate physical opportunities that will not quite ever again be so readily available in an environment devoid of having to earn a living and support a family. For a brief moment in time, the environment will offer freedoms that will not come back. But the price of the freedoms is not free. The price is the subtle coercion to adjust one’s thinking and beliefs to fit in. One will learn to recalibrate Truth — and its very pursuit — to accord with the others. After four to six years, the reeducation is complete.

Suddenly, one emerges spouting nonsense as though wisdom, arrogantly sure he or she has been exposed to Ultimate Truth that the peons cannot grasp. Like an Ocasio with a degree from the same Boston University that once graduated future Nobel Prize winners but now graduates a greater proportion of fools imbued with nonsense, each such graduate emerges sure of himself, herself, virtue-signaling to the naifs who lack the depth of this twenty-year-old who never has borne responsibility nor even leveraged his or her youth to risk truly everything for someone else’s freedom and security.

And so we find minions speaking of “Black Lives Matter” as though BLM has anything whatsoever to do with the lives of Black people actually “mattering.” Ten thousand Blacks get murdered in America each and every year in inner cities governed by Democrat political infrastructures that contemn police, demoralize and defund them, restrict their authority to serve and to protect, and release accused violent criminals back into society as quickly as they can be apprehended.

In Louisville, a Black Lives Matter anti-gun “activist” enters the campaign offices of a Democrat candidate for mayor — and shoots repeatedly at the guy to assassinate him. Really. The BLMer somehow misses and gets apprehended. In less than 48 hours, Black Lives Matter bails out the aspiring assassin, and he is back on the streets. Meanwhile, the fool Democrat liberal who was targeted cries to the media that he cannot believe that a gun-discharging assassin can get out of custody and return to roam the streets so fast. D-uh. And who do you think introduced that change into our criminal justice system? Dirty Harry? No, it was people — morons — like the now-shaken aspiring Democrat mayoral candidate. It was OK when Black Lives Matter murderers were shooting at others and being released instantly. Then those policies reflected Woke compassion, White guilt and transformation. But now Black Lives Matter was aiming to murder the Democrat himself, even as other Black Lives Matter have been carjacking and battering select Democrat female Congressional representatives of the White persuasion.

Ah, the aphorism that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged! Or — nowadays — almost assassinated.

Black Lives Matter? When the three words are capitalized, expect to find a coterie of bleeding-heart Whites behind those letters, earning income off the acronym, playing the acronym for their professional advancement and virtue signaling. Black Lives Matter? Expect to find African-American Marxists who own several million-dollar properties, students of the Bernie Sanders–Elizabeth Warren School of Marxist-Socialism that doles out crumbs to its followers while the leaders ooze in luxury. Indeed, even our precious Ocasio in her designer dresses and attending her $10,000-a-plate soirées and now flying first class, has begun learning the Game of Public Socialism: (i) from each according to ability, (ii) to each according to need — (iii) with extra bonuses for the leaders because, well, because.

It is easy to view Putin from afar and to recoil from living under a tyrant whose tyranny seems so, uh, tyrannical. And yet how many of us fear to speak, to write, to just say the words “To Purgatory with Black Lives Matter”? How many of us dare speak our minds? No less than Ukrainian anti-tank javelin missiles, the courage to say “To Purgatory with Black Lives Matter” — and to say it and write it — is part of the campaign to withstand tyranny’s encroachments.

Read Dov Fischer every Monday and Thursday in The American Spectator and follow him on Twitter at @DovFischerRabbi
Iranian officials are dropping like flies:
Two More Top Iranian Officials Killed Inside Iran In Separate Mysterious Incidents: 
Reports Ryan Saavedra 

Iranian mourners carrying the coffin containing the body of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) colonel, Sayyad Khodai, during Khodais funeral in a mosque in southern Tehran on May 24, 2022. Colonel Sayyad Khodai of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was shot dead in front of his home on May 22 by motorbike assassins in Tehran.

Two more top Iranian officials have been killed this week in separate mysterious incidents, just days after a top Iranian commander was gunned down outside his home and an Iranian drone manufacturing site came under attack by suicide drones.

Colonel Ali Esmailzadeh of the Revolutionary Guards’ elite Quds Force reportedly died during an incident at his residence in the city of Karaj.

Iranian media said that he died after falling from his roof. Opponents of the Islamic Republic, however, claimed that Esmailzadeh was killed by the state because they suspected him of being a spy involved in the death of Colonel Hassan Sayad Khodayari, who was gunned down in front of his home by operatives on a motorcycle.

“The report said that after Khodaei’s killing, the IRGC began hunting for security leaks and became suspicious of Esmailzadeh,” The Times of Israel reported. “He was then thrown from his roof, but the IRGC told his family he died by suicide because he was distraught over his separation from his wife, Iran International said, citing ‘sources in Iran.'”

Khodaei planned “abductions and assassinations” on Jews around the world as part of the military operations of a Quds Force group known as Unit 840. Israel reportedly told U.S. officials that killing Khodaei was a message to Iran to cease its covert operations targeting its citizens.

The news of Esmailzadeh and Khodaei’s deaths come as a prominent Iranian aerospace engineer, Dr. Ayoob Entezari, who worked on Iran’s drone program, was reportedly found dead of suspected food poisoning.

The deaths of the three Iranian officials also come after suicide drones attacked a “highly sensitive military site” deep inside Iran this week where the country develops its most advanced military technology.

The Parchin military complex — which develops missile, nuclear, and drone technology outside Iran’s capital city of Tehran — was reportedly hit on Wednesday by suicide drones. Due to the type of drones that were used in the attack, Iranian officials indicated that the drones had to have been launched near the military site.

Iranian officials confirmed the attack to The New York Times, as did a U.S. intelligence official. There was no claim of responsibility for the attack.

“In recent years, Iran has steadily advanced in its design and production of drones and transfer of drone technology and parts to proxy militias across the Middle East,” the Times reported. “Iranian drones have been deployed in numerous attacks against Israel, as well as in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and, last October, a U.S. base in Syria.”

Israel is reportedly investing serious resources into countering the threats posed by enemy drones in the region. Israel reportedly used drones earlier this year to attack a manufacturing plant in Iran that was used to develop and store Iran’s military drones.

Arab Gulf states sanction IRGC, Hezbollah financiers, proxies
The sanctioned entities include a number of people and groups associated with and supported by the IRGC.

The Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC), consisting of six Gulf states, issued sanctions against a number of individuals, entities and groups affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force, Hezbollah and the Saraya al-Ashtar and Saraya al-Mukhtar groups.

The TFTC includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The sanctions targeted Ali Qasir, Meghdad Amini and Morteza Hashemi, members of two networks directed by and supporting the Quds Force and Hezbollah. The networks allow the Quds Force to cover up its involvement in selling Iranian oil, according to a statement by the US Treasury Department.

Qasir, Amini and Hashemi also launder money for Hezbollah officials and front companies. Amini and Qasir are in charge of a network of nearly 20 people and front companies in multiple countries that works to move and sell tens of millions of dollars worth of gold, electronics and foreign currency for the IRGC and its proxies.

Hashemi, meanwhile, runs a number of companies based out of Hong Kong and mainland China and uses his access to the international financial system to launder large sums of money for the Quds Force and Hezbollah. Citizens of the People's Republic of China established bank accounts and served as straw owners for Hashemi's companies. They also purchased dual-use products from the US for Iran on Hashemi's behalf.

Pro-IRGC groups in Bahrain sanctioned
Saraya al-Mukhtar and Saraya al-Ashtar, two IRGC-affiliated groups based in Bahrain, were also designated by the TFTC on Monday.

Saraya al-Mukhtar reportedly receives financial and logistic support from the IRGC. According to the US Treasury, the group's self-described goal is to "pave the way for Iran to exert greater influence in Bahrain and beyond." The group has also plotted attacks against US personnel in Bahrain and offered cash for the assassination of Bahraini officials.

Saraya al-Ashtar is an "Iran-directed terrorist organization aimed at destabilizing the region," according to the US Treasury. It has claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks against police and security targets in Bahrain and calls for violence against the Bahraini, British, Saudi Arabian and US governments on social media. The group receives equipment and training from the IRGC.

“Over the past five years, TFTC member states have addressed a broad range of terrorist financing activity in the Arabian Peninsula, with the goal of strengthening regional defenses and capabilities to counter terrorist financing,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson. “The TFTC’s actions today signal the determination and commitment of TFTC member states to continue to work towards these goals, as well as unity in the commitment to root out the full scope of terrorist financing activity. The TFTC is a clear demonstration of the Biden-Harris Administration’s multilateral approach to strengthening the reach of our sanctions through coordination with key partners.”

Additional sanctions were issued against entities associated with ISIS and Boko Haram on Monday as well.
The Democrats are seeking to make the Jan 6th hearings an Oscar Winning program and three other news items:
Dems hire a big time TV producer to make J6 hearings must-see TV
Possibly the best news about the fight against cancer so far
Media yawns at new video of Hunter Biden with hooker and a gun
Reparations for the transgender community? (It's not a joke)
Live from DC, it's Political Theater!
Headline: J6 Committee Dems Hire TV Exec To Literally 'Produce' Hearings

The First take: Former ABC News executive was reportedly hired to make these hearings look like a "blockbuster." We'd be happy just to hear all of the actual details and not a manipulated message.
Is this the best cancer news ever?
Headline: Massive Breakthrough As Cancer Vanishes For All Patients In Drug Trial

The First take: With all the tough news we face every single day, stories like this are worth sharing. Granted it was a small trial of a treatment for a specific cancer...But, every single patient in the trial was cured.
A naked Hunter Biden, with a hooker and waving a gun - Does it matter?
Headline: Packin’ heat: Nude Hunter Biden cavorts with hooker, illegal gun in latest mess for president

The First take: As far as we're concerned, this should be a bigger deal than the Johnny Depp / Amber Heard trial. But it won't be covered by the left side of the MSM or noticed in Congress until after the Midterms. 
Reparations for the transgender community? It's not a joke
Headline: Transgenders now demanding Cash Reparations… We are women who have a penis…

The First take: It's only a week into "Pride Month" and many of us are exhausted. Reparations? It's not a joke.There is a move to demand cash from the rest of us. 


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