Saturday, June 4, 2022

Further Beck Review. Will Israel Be Forced To Pre-Empt. More.

Glenn Beck goes into explicit detail about what "The Reset" means.  In essence the "Great Reset" is taking place and I seriously doubt many know what it is about and how it will eventually effect  society.

In essence, the elite are seeking to replace capitalism and are engaged in an enormous wealth transfer which is taking place under the guise of increased government control and standards aligned in concert with social media which is engaged in determining who gets preferential treatment on their outlets in accordance with meeting ESG rating standards.   

A little know group of influential investors from 12 countries, along with seventy investment experts, have formed  a group that has developed 6 Principles For Responsible Investment. These principles are voluntary and offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment principles.  

PRI was officially launched in 2006 and today there are more than 3000  adherentsadherents controlling more than $100 trillion in assets. Though independent, the PRI work hand in hand with the U.N.  and their goal is for governments to eventually demand so-called sustainable principles the PRI group supports.

Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street Global Advisors are actively behind efforts demanding corporate America jump on board as these three investment funds now control, through concentrated equity ownership,  25% of the votes of S & P's 500 companies,

These PRI standards are meant to achieve equity, gender diversity, "green energy" among other goals and sees to displace laws pertaining to equal rights etc.  If you wonder why big corporations and large government agencies act as they do follow the money..

Some of the world's largest Corporations now embrace PRI standards in pursuit of a world where equity is the driving force and changes are made to create a "better world" according to the new social framer elites.  PRI standards have become the hidden hand behind much corporate and asset investment companies' actions. 

Beck gives an example where banks, like Bankamerica, are beginning to rate individual bank accounts and to give them an assigned number which if it does not meet ESG goals allows Bankamerica to close the account. The same is true with respect to corporate bank clients which can be frozen out of the credit markets if they fail to meet certain ESG standards.

ESG elites do not stop at environmental causes. They go beyond and have added metrics that punish certain businesses, ie. weapons manufacturers etc.

As the "Great Reset" spreads and more financial institutions and corporations embrace them, fearing for their own status and possible retribution from governments and various regulatory agencies, the ability to control trade and direct corporate activity will swiftly change. Unbridled profit motives will be supplanted by social goals such as embracing "climate" policies etc.

Where the need for financing these various (do good) programs falls short of funding, governments will simply print money which becomes the impetus for the destruction of the middle class and  thus, enormous wealth transfer through resulting increased taxation.

The patterns have been established and forced routes are in place.  It is only a matter of time before significant changes in world order, commerce and conduct will occur. .

To some this may seem implausible and Beck is simply being an alarmist. Whether the seeds that have been planted will grow into thorny plants remains to be seen but I am convinced "formed groups" are seeking to accomplish these goals.  Read Ayn Rand's : "Atlas Shrugged" and Orwell's: "1984."  

Simon & Schuster allegedly refused to publish Senator Josh Hawley's book: "The Tyranny of Big Tech." The reach of  PRI adherents is extending itself in ways most do not fathom such as silencing political opponents, nullifying free speech, right to bear arms and a host of other constitutionally protected rights.

Trojan Horses tread quietly and unobtrusively until they reach a power level  that allows them to become more publicly obvious.

Step back and take a look at the puzzle pieces that have already occurred, ie. attacks on every American institution, the infiltration of college/university liberal art departments and campuses by radical elements, the growth in government and crippling debt and socialist policies espoused by an increasing clique of politicians and Modern economic theory discussed in a previous memo and initial review of Beck's book which calls for indiscriminately printing money to accomplish certain PRI goals.

All one can say is stay tuned, be alert and speak out because the forces arrayed  are overwhelming and the threats are real. Silicon Valley Social Media Technology Billionaires  are a more powerful force than most perceive.  If Twitter is able to deprive a president of a platform while allowing Louis Farrakhan and Chinese propagandists to spew their false information think what they can do to us "deplorables?"


There are radicals and fascists among us who do not dress up in uniforms displaying chests displaying medals and ribbons. They dress in suits and other civilian garb and are discontent with the current world order. They have, or control, enormous wealth and are aligned with comparable allies.  They are powerful and control the power of others. They are in a position to have their way through their wealth and contacts. They are able to impose their will on the world. Money talks! 


Shootings’—and Other Bogus Gun Research

By John Stossel 

John Stossel is the creator of Stossel TV videos, and author of "No They Can't! Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed."

Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., warned President Donald Trump that if he declared an “emergency” to build a wall, “think what a president with different values can present. … Why don’t you declare [the epidemic of gun violence in America] an emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would. … A Democratic president can declare emergencies as well.”

Her fellow Democrats, V.P. Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., quickly agreed. Warren tweeted: “Gun violence is an emergency. Climate change is an emergency.”


Not every problem in America should be declared an emergency—or used by a president to justify acting without Congress.

But why are guns on the Democrats’ “emergency” list anyway?

One reason is sloppy reporting by lazy media.

Last year, they claimed there were school shootings at “hundreds of schools.” It was “an almost daily occurrence” in the U.S., some said.

This was nonsense. NPR reporters looked into the 235 shootings reported by the U.S. Department of Education and were only able to confirm 11 of them.

It turned out schools were added to the list merely because someone at a school heard there may have been a shooting. Good for NPR for checking out the Education Department’s claims.

Economist John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center (and the father of one of my producers), spends much of his time researching gun use and correcting shoddy studies.

A few years ago, much of the media claimed the U.S. has “the most mass shootings of any country in the world.” Then-President Barack Obama added it’s “a pattern now … that has no parallel anywhere else … .”

CNN and the Los Angeles Times wrote about “Why the U.S. Has the Most Mass Shootings.” (“The United States has more guns.”)

But the U.S. doesn’t have the most mass shootings, says Lott. It’s a myth created by University of Alabama associate professor Adam Lankford, a myth repeated by anti-gun media in hundreds of news stories.

“Lankford claimed that since 1966, there were 90 mass public shooters in the United States, more than any other country,” says Lott. “Lankford claimed ‘complete data’ were available from 171 countries.”

But how could that be? Many governments don’t collect such data, and even fewer have information from before the days of the internet.

A shooting in say, India, would likely be reported only in local newspapers, in a local dialect. How would Lankford ever find out about it? How did he collect his information? What languages did he search in?

He won’t say.

“That’s academic malpractice,” says Lott in my video about the controversy.

I’m not surprised Lankford didn’t reply to Lott’s emails. Lott is known as pro-gun. (He wrote the book “More Guns, Less Crime.”) But Lankford also won’t explain his data to me, The Washington Post, or even his fellow gun control advocates.

When Lott’s research center checked the data, using Lankford’s own definition of a mass shooting—“four or more people killed”—the center found 3,000 shootings around the world. Lankford claimed there were only 202.

Lankford said he excludes “sponsored terrorism,” but does not define what he means by that. To be safe, Lott removed terrorism cases from his data. He still found 709 shootings—more than triple the number Lankford reported.

It turns out that not only did the U.S. not have the most frequent mass shootings, it was No. 62 on the list, lower than places like Norway, Finland, and Switzerland.

There was also no relationship between the rate of gun ownership in different countries and the rate of mass shootings.

If journalists had just demanded Lankford explain his study methods before touting his results, his “more mass shootings” myth would never have spread.

So if Pelosi, Harris, and Warren ever follow through on their threat to declare gun violence a “national emergency,” be sure to check their math. Or just remember the wisdom of the Second Amendment.

Government’s desire to control us—and to lie to make its case—is the real emergency.


CRITICAL: Leading Gun Manufacture Facing Lawsuit

Gun manufacturers, Second Amendment supporters, and others who cherish gun rights are frequently under attack...

Read More


What about Biden's view that weapon manufacturers should be liable for guns used in shootings etc.?

Should GM and Ford be liable for drunk drivers or radicals who run over innocent paraders etc.?

Tragedies that are difficult to prevent or could be, but for one reason or another, were not, generally evoke emotional demands calling for imposition of stupid legislation, ie "don't let a crisis go to waste."

Emotional events act like magnets and attract all kind of emotional demands by extremists. Particularly is this so when there is a history of "do nothing" consequences after a number of such events occur.

What happened in Texas provides another such opportunity. One would hope there will be a rational response calling for legislation that is balanced and might help to prevent future occurrences. That said, we must be on our toes to insure any legislation is not another excuse to attack our constitutional rights because, there are those who would love to disarm citizens. Their unspoken goal is for government to be in charge with them driving government issued vehicles leading the parade towards fascism or worse. The name Soros comes to mind among others.


Is the time fast approaching when Israel will have to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran?  I fear it is because what Biden wants to pull off leaves Israel no alternative because of the existential threat Israel faces.

I have sending memos warning about what you are about to hear.



Tom Trento interviews Israel security analyst, Barry Shaw on the military activity in Israel related to the Iran threat.

As the Middle East heats up, stay tuned to The United West for detailed information and preparation to stand with Israel if and when that moment arrives.


Biden Sticks a Stake Through the Heart of Gun Control Legislation 

By Kurt Schlichter


They're Coming for Our Guns

By Staff


Biden Lies About Guns to Attack Your Rights 

By Katie Pavlich


Are We Just Going to Ignore Biden's Biggest Whopper in His Shoddy Anti-Gun Address Last Night?

By Matt Vespa




Navarro arrest is a Democrat assault on American liberty -


Israel working to convince US to push Iran for ‘no-sunset-clause’ nuke deal 



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