Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Allen West Discusses SCOTUS Decisions.Ross Rants. Die Already. Warren & Schiff - Two Disasters. Crime Does Pay. Macron Fracks Biden. Salad Word Chefs


My friend. Allen West, discusses recent SCOTUS rulings:

Greetings Patriots,

As the Executive Director of the American Constitutional Rights Union, I commend the US Supreme Court once again for ruling on the side of the Constitution and individual rights.

The Coach Kennedy case was a secular humanist and progressive socialist challenge to our very first liberty, the freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof. Coach Kennedy’s actions of taking a knee in prayer after HS football games was a personal right. He did not advocate for or seek any state, government, endorsement, nor coerce anyone to enjoin with him. We have distorted the concept of Separation of Church and State, written by Thomas Jefferson in his letter to the Danbury (CT) Baptist convention.

Solemn, silent, and solitary individual prayer by anyone in any venue is not a sponsorship of government religion. It is a sacred part of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage which should not be separated from any American citizen.

Steadfast and loyal,

LTC Allen West

Executive Director, ACRU & Committee to Support and Defend


Ross Rants and comments from one of the brightest investors I have had the pleasure of knowing and a fellow memo reader.

The CRB peaked months ago. The Fed is fighting inflation that has already passed its peak.  This is a market driven by hedge funds which follow momentum.  When it turns it could be violent on the upside. T--

I tend to agree but believe this Bear Market has more downside and yes, the turn will be volcanic. That is why cash can be good for now but your timing will have to be exquisite.


The Ross Rant

By Joel Ross

There are various issues that suggest that actual inflation is going to continue at a high level for quite a long time, interest rates will rise a lot more, and we are in for a longer period of pain that most expect. As the collapse toward recession that has already begun, and continues apace, then inflation may flatten or decline a bit in June, but it is unclear. It might still go higher. Gas prices flattened, and some things are being sold at discount at Target and others. But most things are still going up in cost. We might be in, or entering recession now. Larry Summers ran the Bureau of Labor Statistics model, and showed that inflation as reported by the government is understated right now due to mistakes in the models-the biggest mistake is in the calculation of rents. There has been an under investment in not just oil fields, but in various other basic commodities and goods such as mining, concrete, steel, and several others that are needed to be in adequate supply to get inflation down. The whole ESG anti-fossil obsession has crimped energy supply pushing oil prices higher, and that will not change with Biden sticking with his ESG policies. Attacking oil company profits is just utter ignorance and political blather. The EPA is making it hard to open new mines creating more supply constraints. Supply is therefore going to be an ongoing problem due to the ESG policies of the administration. It is not just shipments from China, but much more basic. The whole Green movement is destructive to the economy and causes more inflation, doing vastly more damage than anything happening in the environment due to man and CO2. Larry Fink seems not to understand the damage he is doing. The Squad has no understanding at all. Neither do universities who are teaching kids that they need to kill fossil development. Japan just passed a rule, no more funding for fossil fuel projects. All of this ESG and social activist mantra is actually creating a worse inflation crisis by crimping supply. So because supply is being constrained, the Fed has to kill demand to beat inflation. That means a lot more rate increases, and a lot less liquidity in the system as QE is unwound. Powell on Wednesday as much as said there will be a recession.

According to the International Energy Forum, and the CEO of Exxon, investment in oil production worldwide is far below what is needed to meet demand, and will remain below for several years. They say oil production will not meet demand for 5 years. JP Morgan predicts $140 oil. Supply chain issues and inflation are making it harder to maintain increased spending for new wells. In fact they believe the situation may get worse. 2022 spend is below 2019 and about $80 billion below what is estimated to be required to meet demand. The Saudis and UAE only have about 2 million barrels a day spare capacity, and the US, due to Biden policies, is not producing what it could. Biden looks weak and foolish going begging the Prince for oil when we have as much as he does. All of this suggests oil prices will go possibly much higher over time. Prices are forecast go higher over the rest of 2022. Thus inflation will be higher than otherwise, but so will oil stock prices even if there is a recession, as China reopens and as the other parts of the world reopen fully. Potential recession is what dropped oil prices. I am holding my oil stocks for long term investment and collecting nice dividends while I hold

At the same time, the federal deficit is going to increase again. Baby boomers are increasingly reaching social security age, and so the payout will rise, thus draining the SS funds over several years, plus Medicare costs rise. Spending overall is not sufficiently factored into the system due to all the entitlements passed over the past two years that will continue. As unemployment rises, so do payments by government as unemployment expenditures. Food stamps rise and other subsidies rise. As the war goes on, defense spend will rise, especially next year when the Republicans are in control. As more baby boomers retire, the strain on the deficit just gets worse as higher tax payers become entitlement recipients of Social Security and Medicare, and are replaced by a shrinking number of younger low and no taxpayers. The demographics are a negative for the deficit.

The Fed essentially funded the whole of the Covid payouts by buying up trillions of treasuries, but that has now ended, so all the debt needed to fund all of this new spending will have to be funded by the market, at the same time as tax collections decrease due to the oncoming recession and decline in the stock market. So interest rates must keep rising a lot to get buyers for all the Treasury issues. The Fed already owns 19% of all Treasury securities. Buying bonds now will be a loser for investors. CA is in for a rude awakening as the huge tax revenue due to the massive profits in Silicon Valley disappear, and as high income payers like Musk move out. The venture capital business is essentially in stall mode now, and new funding is extremely hard to get for start-ups, and second and third rounds are being very restrained for companies in the ramp up mode. This will lead to many not surviving. The IPO issues for Silicon Valley companies led to big profits by some which will now not happen, so tax revenue for the state will not happen.

Here is the crux of the issue. Months ago I mentioned the House of Lords report that said the time would come when deficits would rise to the level that it will be politically impossible to raise rates enough to stop inflation. Our federal deficit is now past that point. To raise rates enough would require major tax increases and huge reductions in entitlements in order to cover debt service. Volker raised rates to 19%. There is no way the Fed is going to get anywhere near that. It is not politically feasible to raise taxes and cut spending to the required levels. In 1981 debt to GDP was 30%, today it is over 100%. All those excess unemployment checks and other Covid payments led to less people working and producing, and more deficit, which meant more demand creation, but reduced supply. The Fed funded the whole deficit created during this period of Covid, and so now it has a $9 trillion balance sheet that has to be reduced, thereby pushing Treasury rates higher as the buyer of last resort, the Fed, is not there. The whole Dem policy was based on, rates being very low so we can run big deficits because we can finance them. For all of 2020 Powell and Yellen said it is good to increase spending. My friend, the White House advisor, pushed them to spend more to get unemployment down just as it was headed down rapidly as the Pandemic was receding anyway. Thus they adopted Modern Monetary Theory to justify the spending, which I have pointed out is total nonsense. As I have mentioned before, the left never looks at the long term ramifications of what they are doing, but only to the immediate political benefit of increased spending. The result now is economic crisis, and a large dependent population. You may recall the Fed not long ago said they would not raise rates until 2023. They said they were just talking about talking about raising rates. Yellen said no worries about spending due to low rates. None of them has any credibility anymore. Yellen needs to resign. The Fed blew it. We need a full 1% rate increase for a few months. Neither the White House, nor Congress, nor the Fed seem to have a real plan to deal with the real issues. Just more lies and BS. Because the White House intentionally dragged out the reappointment of Powell, the Fed was pressured into monetizing the excess spending by Congress. When they say the Fed is independent it is not true. This was the House of Lords exact point.

This becomes a national security issue as it will be hard to increase defense spend to the required levels to counter China and protect Taiwan if tens of billions more has to go to debt service. The left never understands the long term interconnection of monetary and fiscal policies, and the ramifications to national security of their actions. They only look at the very near term political points, and in the process they created long term major consequences. Holding up the reappointment was a politically driven major error.

To make it even much worse, the House has passed a bill to require the Fed to take race into account as part of its mandate. This would lead to all sorts of politically driven distortions in lending, and especially in home mortgage lending. We would be back to banks making bad loans just to meet racial quotas. Then they would attack banks as being racist and making predatory loans when it came time to foreclose. Banks would be forced to make bad loans to small black owned business just to meet quotas. Then Menendez demanded that Powell bring in more Latinos for top positions regardless of qualifications. If there is one place we need merit hiring it is the Fed.

There is another risk to the US dollar and a potential further cause of inflation. As a result of sanctions levied on Iran and Russia other countries like China holding large reserves of US dollars may likely decide to start to sell dollars to reduce their own risk. This, in time, might have a negative impact on the dollar vs other currencies. It does not seem to be happening yet, but this is one more issue to be concerned about.

There is now a large over inventory situation at retailers-Target being the poster boy. That means retailers will materially reduce buying for a few months so factories will have less orders. And so goes an economic slowdown. With airfares and gas prices so high, travel will be much less. Another hit to the economy. Home prices are now in decline in several areas of the country, another big hit to the economy. All of this as the Fed is forced to raise rates to kill demand since supply will remain constrained by all the ESG regs. This is going to get ugly. One thing high gas prices have caused is a lower demand for gas it may be down as much as 10% or more. Despite that oil is in short supply and will remain so, pushing oil prices back up. The huge drop in oil prices last week was an over-reaction to the downside

Commercial real estate situation: CMBS AAA spreads are up 80BP which is a lot. CRE mortgage rates are up 200-250 BP. Values are down 10%-15%, cap rates are up materially since mortgage rates are up to around 5.5%. Hotel, retail and office are being shunned by CMBS pools. While underwriting and leverage this cycle was much better than 2005-2008, there were some deals funded at around 4% with full leverage, but now they are maturing, and the income is not what was forecast, so the refi on maturity given the tougher underwriting now, may lead to some defaults and a need for new equity. This is especially true for office, and likely hotel. Lower loan at higher rate, and the squeeze will be on for fully levered deals based on unfulfilled projections. Underwriters are also using much lower projected exit values which means lower loan amounts. We are back to the days after the crash where lenders are much tougher and values are struggling. Deals are getting cancelled and values are down materially. It will be tough times for office, retail and hotel for several years now. If I am right that the travel season this summer will be much slower than forecast, then hotels will begin to have trouble if they need to be refinanced in the next two years. If we have the recession I am predicting, then B and C office will be in very serious trouble as will hotels. Opportunity for the rescue capital and vulture players is coming soon.

The buy now pay later fintech game is over. People are defaulting, rates are squeezing these lenders, and those companies are going to be in real problems for survival.

SCOTUS turned down hearing an appeal by Bayer on Roundup. There is zero evidence it causes cancer, but a jury awarded a plaintiff $25 million anyway. The EPA said there is zero risk as has every other legit scientist. The Biden administration asked the court not to consider the case, thus siding with the plaintiff. Result, even if a product is ruled safe by a government agency it seems not to matter to the administration or the court. This sets a terrible precedent and leaves companies at the mercy of plaintiff lawyers which is probably why the administration asked the court to not take the case. And they wonder why there is inflation resulting from government actions. Their ruling on guns seems correct, but has driven the left into a frenzy and has led them to make a lot of false claims, similar to false things they are saying about the end of Roe.

The market rally Tuesday was not be the start of the upturn. It remains unclear where the market goes from here. Recession is coming and higher rates are coming. The June inflation report will determine where from here, followed by the Q2 GDP report. We will get the answer, are we in recession or very close now. Then judge the market.

Buttigieg may have made one of the most ridiculous comments of anyone in the administration. “If the airlines don’t hire more people the government will step in to force them to do it” The quote is not exact, but pretty much what he said. So the government is going to hire who to be pilots. Does he really think the airlines are not out doing anything they can to hire and train. This is the mentality of the administration- the government will step in and make private industry do things the bureaucrats decide is best, regardless if it makes sense. I want fully trained pilots, not government appointees.

Germany and France are trying to force Ukraine to give in by not sending all the weapons they claim to have promised. Biden has also not fully and timely delivered what has been promised, but we are doing much more than the French and Germans. They already forgot WWII, and seem more interested in their current economic situation than stopping Putin. Had the Ukrainians gotten all the heavy artillery they asked for, the current situation likely would be very different on the battlefield. One more example of terrible foreign policy by Germany still influenced by Merkel from the sidelines, and by Biden for being afraid of “provoking’ Putin. Result, Ukrainians are dying needlessly.


 Dov speaks his mind:

To Purgatory With Black Lives Matter and With Critical Race Theory

Where is the will in our land to challenge and resist tyranny’s encroachments?


It feels so wonderful, so liberating, that I get to share my thoughts orally and in print. So many of my colleagues, by contrast, whisper to me their beliefs — identical to mine — but terrified to be “found out.”

Yes, it is risky amid cancel culture, with the “progressive” woke roaming the hallways and monitoring the classrooms for conservatives to fire. It helps that I worked gainfully for many years and, with G-d’s help, put some money aside for later when I no longer would depend on any tyrant to dictate what I may think, say, advocate. As an Orthodox Jew, I knew I always would be in a minority of thought. We Jews make up only two percent of America, even less of other societies, and we Orthodox — the Jews who actually believe every word of the Torah is true and eternal, and who live by what we preach — compose maybe only 15-20 percent of all Jews. So there ain’t a ton of us. But we are true in belief and deed.

The tyranny of thought on America’s campuses today comprises really nothing much different from the tyranny Vladimir Putin would impose on Ukraine — maybe even worse. Really. It is so easy to see from afar that tyranny is wrong, and yet we tolerate it at home, right under our noses. So many of my very readers, deep conservatives, nevertheless send their kids to colleges where twelve years of values-driven elementary school and high school will be uprooted through Leftist / “Progressive” / Woke brainwashing and reeducation. Their children — their lives’ greatest investment and work — will be destroyed. And in the cases of a few wealthy people, they even will endow college chairs or academic centers at their alma maters, only to remain oblivious that their hard-erned dollars of a lifetime are being doled out to fund programs diametrically opposed to their beliefs.

It actually is a blessing that Critical Race Theory finally entered kindergartens and the first grade, along with teaching six-year-old boys that they really are girls waiting to blossom and first-graders among girls that they just need a penis surgical attachment to their groin to make their lives complete. Until this garbage — this same-sex and transgender garbage — entered the lower grades, parents did not rise up in arms. Only now does that outrage stir revolt. It should have stirred the same mutiny ten and twenty years ago as the same garbage entered the colleges and universities, but parents were sanguine. “Yes, let us borrow $60,000 in parent PLUS loans to have our lives’ most precious investments — our children — brainwashed and turned from values-driven Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even values-driven atheists to peons in service of the New Order.”

How does brainwashing work on college kids? No differently from how it works on children or on prisoners in Chinese reeducation prisons and camps. You place people in an environment where everyone else in the group thinks a certain way — or presumes that everyone else there except he thinks that way. The group dynamic overwhelms — to stand alone. How lonely to stand alone! Welcome to “Sociology 103: Introduction to Groupthink.”

Into the classroom walks a Master of Thought. We title that person “Professor.” This Master of Thought stands behind a desk, which very subtly adds a distance and partition, a non-approachability, that imparts a mystique of mastery. We are told the Master of Thought bears Truth and Wisdom — i.e., a diploma that says Ph.D. or Psy.D. or M.Phil. or D.D. or some other nifty acronym — and we are awed, as if sitting on the Himalayas before a Hindu guru of the Bhagavad Ghita. Few of us pause to ask or think: “I am as smart as he or she when it comes to transgender garbage. He may know more Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot literature or Kantian theory or Wagnerian opera or some other specialized area of study, but he or she does not know a darned thing more than I do when it comes to human nature or human sexuality or any of the just-named specialties in which he or she did not concentrate.”

Thus, with the setting complete, the brainwashing ensues. For four years — or maybe five or maybe even six — the young post-adolescent will remain in the group bubble, rewarded with a unique life experience of dorming away from home, perhaps having social and intimate physical opportunities that will not quite ever again be so readily available in an environment devoid of having to earn a living and support a family. For a brief moment in time, the environment will offer freedoms that will not come back. But the price of the freedoms is not free. The price is the subtle coercion to adjust one’s thinking and beliefs to fit in. One will learn to recalibrate Truth — and its very pursuit — to accord with the others. After four to six years, the reeducation is complete.

Suddenly, one emerges spouting nonsense as though wisdom, arrogantly sure he or she has been exposed to Ultimate Truth that the peons cannot grasp. Like an Ocasio with a degree from the same Boston University that once graduated future Nobel Prize winners but now graduates a greater proportion of fools imbued with nonsense, each such graduate emerges sure of himself, herself, virtue-signaling to the naifs who lack the depth of this twenty-year-old who never has borne responsibility nor even leveraged his or her youth to risk truly everything for someone else’s freedom and security.

And so we find minions speaking of “Black Lives Matter” as though BLM has anything whatsoever to do with the lives of Black people actually “mattering.” Ten thousand Blacks get murdered in America each and every year in inner cities governed by Democrat political infrastructures that contemn police, demoralize and defund them, restrict their authority to serve and to protect, and release accused violent criminals back into society as quickly as they can be apprehended.

In Louisville, a Black Lives Matter anti-gun “activist” enters the campaign offices of a Democrat candidate for mayor — and shoots repeatedly at the guy to assassinate him. Really. The BLMer somehow misses and gets apprehended. In less than 48 hours, Black Lives Matter bails out the aspiring assassin, and he is back on the streets. Meanwhile, the fool Democrat liberal who was targeted cries to the media that he cannot believe that a gun-discharging assassin can get out of custody and return to roam the streets so fast. D-uh. And who do you think introduced that change into our criminal justice system? Dirty Harry? No, it was people — morons — like the now-shaken aspiring Democrat mayoral candidate. It was OK when Black Lives Matter murderers were shooting at others and being released instantly. Then those policies reflected Woke compassion, White guilt and transformation. But now Black Lives Matter was aiming to murder the Democrat himself, even as other Black Lives Matter have been carjacking and battering select Democrat female Congressional representatives of the White persuasion.

Ah, the aphorism that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged! Or — nowadays — almost assassinated.

Black Lives Matter? When the three words are capitalized, expect to find a coterie of bleeding-heart Whites behind those letters, earning income off the acronym, playing the acronym for their professional advancement and virtue signaling. Black Lives Matter? Expect to find African-American Marxists who own several million-dollar properties, students of the Bernie Sanders–Elizabeth Warren School of Marxist-Socialism that doles out crumbs to its followers while the leaders ooze in luxury. Indeed, even our precious Ocasio in her designer dresses and attending her $10,000-a-plate soirées and now flying first class, has begun learning the Game of Public Socialism: (i) from each according to ability, (ii) to each according to need — (iii) with extra bonuses for the leaders because, well, because.

It is easy to view Putin from afar and to recoil from living under a tyrant whose tyranny seems so, uh, tyrannical. And yet how many of us fear to speak, to write, to just say the words “To Purgatory with Black Lives Matter”? How many of us dare speak our minds? No less than Ukrainian anti-tank javelin missiles, the courage to say “To Purgatory with Black Lives Matter” — and to say it and write it — is part of the campaign to withstand tyranny’s encroachments.

Read Dov Fischer every Monday and Thursday in The American Spectator and follow him on Twitter at @DovFischerRabbi



Let UNRWA die already

The demise of the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees is long overdue. Let’s hope that Commissioner-General Lazzarini is right to be worried.

…..In the first place, the word “refugee” in relation to the Palestinians is a hoax. To be more precise, the Palestinians referred to as such do not fit the definition spelled out by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

According to the UNHCR, “Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country … The 1951 Refugee Convention is a key legal document and defines a refugee as: ‘someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.’”  CONTINUE


Elizabeth Warren Thinks Roe v Wade Reversal Will Rescue Her From Political Irrelevance

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is banking on using the backlash from the Roe v. Wade reversal to rescue her from political irrelevance and reignite her White House hopes. Warren has long advocated packing the Supreme Court with more justices to negate the conservative tilt of the court -- even though that is never going to happen.


Schiff Forces Trump Indictment

By News Alerts

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Get a load of what Schiff had to say…


UPDATE: June 28, 2022: It has now been learned that Democrat Adam Schiff has changed his narrative regarding his attempt to indict former President Donald Trump and now says that it would be a “difficult decision” for the Justice Department to prosecute Trump.

Furthermore during a new interview with NBC, Schiff even went as far as admitting, “I have yet to see any indication that the former president himself is under investigation.” 


During a recent interview with CNN, Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff attempted to further attack former President Donald Trump and said that he believes the House Select Committee investigating the riot has enough evidence to claim Trump committed multiple criminal acts.

In transcript provided by Breitbart, Schiff stated, “Our mission is to expose the facts to the public light about a plot to overturn a presidential election, the first non-peaceful transfer of power we’ve had in our history, and prescribe remedies, legislative remedies to protect our country going forward. The principal mission of the Justice Department is to bring people to justice who break the law. We can make a referral, but of course, the Justice Department doesn’t sit around waiting for referrals from us, at least, they haven’t in the past. I hope they’re not simply waiting for us now. It’s their duty to follow the evidence and, if there are credible allegations of crime, to pursue them against anyone, including former presidents.”

CNN’s Don Lemon then responded, “If they shouldn’t be waiting, do you find at least in what you know enough credible evidence for the Justice Department to act at this moment?”

Schiff replied, “I certainly believe there’s enough evidence for them to open an investigation of several people, and so did Judge David Carter of California believes the former president and others were engaged in likely multiple criminal acts. So if the Justice Department concurs with Judge Carter, let alone my own view or others, they should be pursuing that. So, yes, I think there is sufficient evidence to open an investigation. It would be of you up to the Justice Department ultimately to decide does that evidence rise to proof beyond a reasonable doubt such that they’re comfortable indicting someone. But there’s certainly, in my view, enough evidence to open up investigations.”


Biden sneaking amnesty through for a million illegal border-crossers

Who says crime doesn't pay?

When you can cross the border illegally, and not only be allowed to stay here, collect big benefits, and actually be allowed to apply for citizenship as a reward for your lawbreaking, why wouldn't you come without papers instead of come the legal way? You'd be a fool not to. Applying legally and waiting years for entry at great personal expense with no adjacent benefits is a fool's errand, given the Biden administration's current policies.

That's the shocking reality revealed in a report from the Washington Examiner showing that the Biden administration is now .... ever so quietly ... dropping charges against tens of thousands of unvetted illegal border crossers and visa overstayers, leaving them with clean records and incredibly, the "right" to apply for green cards and U.S. citizenship. If the current pace of that continues, at least a million are going to be effectively amnestied by 2024, the Examiner reports. 

Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants [sic] under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024, according to leaked information reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Attorneys for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have begun to throw out tens of thousands of the 2 million backlogged cases in immigration court following a political appointee's order not to go after illegal border crossers from before the November 2020 election.

"This is a de facto amnesty," said an ICE federal prosecutor who spoke with the Washington Examiner on the condition of anonymity.

Nothing like a little queue-jumping to get the job done.

Jason Hopkins, who serves as investigations manager at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, who first warned about that memo, has been keeping an eye on this policy and its Biden administration perpetrator who's the top lawyer at ICE.

Back in April, Hopkins wrote this piece for AT, summing up Doyle this way:

To further understand how unserious this administration is about enforcing immigration law, it's imperative to look at the author of this memo: Kerry Doyle.  Appointed in September 2021, Doyle serves as the principal legal adviser of ICE, making her the agency's top prosecutor in all removal proceedings.  Before her appointment, Doyle worked for years as an immigration attorney in the Boston area.

Doyle adamantly opposed ICE enforcement actions and doggedly supported sanctuary city measures during her career as an immigration attorney.  As recently as 2020, she spoke in favor of a Massachusetts bill, the "Safe Communities Act," that would have applied sanctuary city policies statewide and claimed that ICE was an "agency that is currently out of control."

Further investigation by my organization, the Immigration Reform Law Institute, found other incendiary remarks by Doyle.

Speaking before the Boston City Council in September 2019, Doyle accused ICE of being "a tool of almost terror to the immigrant [sic] community" and wanted the Boston Police Department (BPD) to believe as much.  In that same testimony, she adamantly opposed the idea of the BPD sharing intelligence information with federal immigration officials. 

Now she's at ICE and doing the full Chesa Boudin thing, which is shirking her actual job duties and collecting a big paycheck. According to the Examiner, it's bad — the numbers are big:

Doyle's mandate to close out cases took effect on April 25. An indicator of how quickly ICE has moved is the number of cases wiped out in those two months. Between 60,000 and 80,000 cases have been closed, according to the ICE attorney. The total case closures since the start of fiscal year 2022 last October is more than 97,000, according to data from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a research organization at Syracuse University in New York. Case closures eight months into 2022 are already up fourfold from all of 2021, another sign of how quickly ICE prosecutors are moving to clear the books.

If the agency's 1,200 prosecutors keep the current pace of 60,000-80,000 case closures every two months, ICE could hit 360,000 to 480,000 closed cases by next April and 1 million by early summer 2024, months before the presidential election.

That kind of underperformance in any job would be a firing offense, but not at Joe Biden's ICE, because Joe wants it that way.

The biggest outrage is that the illegals who have had their cases dropped are now completely free to apply for permanent residency and U.S. citizenship, well ahead of the vetted (legal) immigrants still waiting in line to enter the states:

The tens of thousands of noncitizens who have been cleared from the immigration court dockets over the past eight weeks may now apply to become permanent legal residents, the prerequisite to becoming a U.S. citizen. An illegal border crosser is barred from applying for legal permanent residency as long as his or her case is pending in court. With no case pending, they may apply. Once approved, they may apply for adjustment of status to citizenship after five years.

"All those removable aliens will be able to live and work in the United States indefinitely — which, in this context, means forever or at least until they themselves decide to leave. That is the definition of an amnesty," Arthur wrote.

Legal permanent residents no longer have to extend their temporary work permits — they have permanent approval to work in the country. Once citizens, they are afforded the same ability to apply for any federal, state, or local benefits and assistance.

Which rather brings to full circle the Republican charge that Biden is importing Democrat voters as he casts the border wide open. The Doyle memo purportedly only covers illegals who came to the states before November 2020. Does anyone believe that that won't be extended to those who came after 2020? The illegals, who are now surging in in record numbers from more than 100 countries, are reading it that way. And with Joe Biden on track to at least attempt to steal the midterms and perhaps the 2024 election to ensure a permanent blue nation, why wouldn't they be right? Why wouldn't this amnesty go on and on and on, extending every few years? With illegals now big consumers of government benefits, and Biden turning every benefit-doling government agency into a voter registration station, why wouldn't that be all about creating new Democrat voters?

Illegals already serve to pad Democrat congressional seats in dead districts where few are entitled to vote — and the million that have been allowed in amount to a full three congressional seats if they all move the same place. Now that they are being put on the fast track to citizenship, they become even more valuable to Democrats, who have only socialism and wokesterism to sell to the rest of the voters, as newly minted voters. 

Increasingly, it's getting clear what this let-them-all-in Biden immigration policy is about. First thing a Republican-led Congress must do is force these characters into fulfilling their oaths of office to uphold the law is to demand the end to these policies or else impeach these scofflaws out of their jobs. One can only hope that Republicans will be motivated by some decent survival instinct amid this legal travesty.


Worthy repeats:

Embarrassing: Biden's Grand Energy Plan Just Got Blown Up...By the French President

By Matt Vespa

Embarrassing: Biden's Grand Energy Plan Just Got Blown Up...By the French President

Joe Biden is at the G7 Summit. Soundbites of the world leaders mocking Russia were picked up. With the Supreme Court news about Roe v. Wade being overturned and gun rights expanded, the Left is in meltdown mode. So, this devastating update probably got lost in the ether. Biden’s energy plan is toast. It got blown up. It shows Biden being outmaneuvered by our allies. The way it was done also shows that Europe knows this presidency needs to be pushed along—a lot. It was the clearest sign of the weakness exhibited by Biden. The gross incompetence is pervasive. Within earshot of reporters, you can see French President Emmanuel Macron telling Biden that the United Arab Emirates is already at capacity with oil production and that Saudi Arabia cannot produce much more either. 

Biden was counting on these two nations to bail him out. Now, they can’t. As Michael Shellenberger noted on social media, this means the US has to up the ante on domestic oil production. That means doing all the things the environmental Left hates. It means nixing any notion that the Green New Deal is a viable policy. It means infuriating Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her supporters. 


How Do You Kill 11 Million People?

By John Nantz

It's another blow for Biden who has touted that America is back. That its leadership is back, and that the adults are back in the room. Since that declaration, this presidency has been an endless cycle of embarrassment and incompetence. The vice president is a word salad chef with approval ratings that are worse than Joe’s—and he’s in the mid-30s. No one seems to have a plan on how to curb inflation, generate economic growth, create jobs, and get baby formula back on the shelves. The gas prices will now certainly soar close to $7/gallon by August. I’ll wager that given we have weak, stupid, and slow leadership from Mr. Magoo here. 

There’s a reason why Joe Biden is a two-time presidential loser. There’s a reason why Obama really didn’t want Joe to run. He’s a screw-up. And his ability at failing is becoming a hallmark characteristic


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