Saturday, March 6, 2021

Maybe We Owe A Thanks To Biden For Un-funding Bad Education. Bad Things Happen When Good People Remain Silent And Sit Idly.


My son in law, Brian, has been rebuilding his Ford 

Thunderbird, or whatever, for over 5 years.  I 

promised him, as an incentive to get it done,  I would 

pay for an air conditioning kit. Abby is embarrassed 

because their garage looks like the front yard of 

a Tennessee Hillbilly.


Now this is what I call getting a solid education: https://applenews/A7rD50KPQTcebHO9RcFvTRg

Biden's cancellation of pipelines and drilling on government land has cut revenue sources which states used to defray the cost of education.  In view of the lousy job in Baltimore, perhaps Biden has done Democrats a favor. The party depends upon ignorant voters to get re-elected.


I use satirical cartoons to contrast the inanities being fostered upon society by a host of do-gooders parading as caring Politicians, radical buffoons parading as caring citizens with a compelling message when, in fact, they are simply interested in fleecing uninformed dolts.  BLM has figured a way to get tax deductions for donors while laundering money to the Democrat Party. Antifa has figured a way to steal  goods and destroy property without being caught and prosecuted and so it goes.

The mass media has perfected the art of bias as ethical reporting while ignoring facts that would reveal their subterfuge methods. 

In the op eds I write myself, I do my best to attack hypocrisy we are constantly exposed to by those who hate this country and want to destroy our Republic. They are mostly Democrats, Hollywood Liberals, sports types  and anti-capitalist bigots who have enriched themselves through the economic system they want to  overthrow. It is an " I've got mine go fend for yourself" type of behaviour. A perfect example is Biden's shutting down pipelines and dis-employing those who are earning excellent wages so he can appease Greens and obtain their votes.

I believe America is paying the price of allowing/ignoring  the subtle accumulation of perfidious actions and beliefs, built over decades,  to finally erupt. I know of no comparable period in our history, other than The Civil War, when or entire nation was under such attack. I further believe, what we are experiencing is capable of shaking the very foundations of our society and ending over 240 plus years of prosperity and greatness. 

Bad things happen when good people remain silent and sit idly.


So much for the 1st Amendment:

He Spoke Out Against Reparations and Was Suspended at Work

 Professor Suspended for Speaking Against Reparations

More Here


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