Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Curiosity Can Be Dangerous - Ask A Cat. Some Interesting Articles.

Curiosity killed the cat and you know the rest:


HOOVER Daily Report- edited:

The United Kingdom: Perspective On Transatlantic Relations And Priorities For Security And Economic Cooperation
via Battlegrounds: International Perspectives On Crucial Challenges To Security

In this episode of Battlegrounds, H.R. McMaster and Mark Sedwill discuss the future of the transatlantic relationship and priorities for cooperation among allies and partners to take advantage of opportunities and  overcome challenges from Xi-Jinping’s China to Vladimir Putin’s Russia to jihadist terrorism.

Executive Power Under The U.S. Constitution
via Capital Conversations

Senator Mike Lee in conversation with Michael McConnell on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 3:00 PM ET.


He may be a nut case but he's my kind of nut case.


Hunter did nothing unethical according to his standards:


If she gets it why can't  the others of her race? You are known by your acts more than your words.


Some worthwhile articles:

Some Lives Are More Equal Than Others 

Kurt Schlichter

Teachers' Unions Fully Out of Control

Larry O'Connor

Biden's FDR Delusion

Byron York

Borrowing a Page from the Chinese Communist Party

Congressman Ken Buck



Gaslighting: How leftist totalitarians demonize and demoralize their opposition

Psychopaths are not very complicated people. We all know the common signs of psychopathy, including a complete lack of empathy, the obsessive desire for dominance, the use of physical or psychological violence to gain control over others, and a narcissistic need to appear superior to everyone else even when they are inferior to most.

Despite the way Hollywood tends to glamorize them as brilliant predators with diabolical minds, psychopaths in most cases lack any imagination or creative capacity. They often score around average on IQ tests and rarely exhibit genius-level intelligence. Their thirst for attention and validation makes them prone to revealing their own crimes, and they usually end up thwarting themselves in the long run. That said, some have developed methods for infiltrating society.

Throughout history, people with psychopathic traits often climb to the top of a society's power structure, from aristocracy to monarchy to corporate and political oligarchy. As noted, it's not because they are necessarily smarter than the average person, but they do learn from trial and error what works and what doesn't when trying to control others.

A common assumption about psychopaths is that they are incapable of working with others or organizing for mutual gain. This is simply nonsense. In reality, numerous studies have shown that psychopaths are adept at finding their own kind in a crowd and working together as predators. This usually develops into a kind of hierarchy in which higher functioning psychopaths will lead groups of lower functioning psychopaths. A good example would be organized crime, such as cartels, sex traffickers, online scamming groups and religious cults.

Almost all psychopaths are inherent cowards; they will rarely pick on anyone their own size. By extension, smarter psychopaths will seek to exploit other people to do their dirty work for them. Some of these exploitable people also display elements of narcissism or sociopathy and are willing participants in the schemes of the psychopaths; the rest are useful idiots that have been conned into thinking that they are doing good by serving the psychopath's interests.

The worst-case scenario is fully realized organized psychopathy; the advent of a totalitarian culture in which psychopathic behavior is rewarded and defended by those in authority or influence while honesty, morality and liberty are punished.

Full-blown psychopaths are rare — around 1 percent of the population. But there is no doubt that if a power structure exists within a culture these people almost always find their way to the top of it and co-opt it. They also find their way into organizations that pose as philanthropic or promote activism but lack transparency and oversight. From governments to non-profit groups to elitist foundations, you will find a high concentration of psychopaths compared to the rest of the public.

They do this through nepotism; they help other psychopaths and protect each other from discovery. They also use numerous tactics to undermine and destroy any group they see as a threat to their position of power.

Today, we don't worry so much about monarchy or aristocracy. Instead, organized psychopaths have chosen the cult of socialism, social justice, fake environmentalism and leftist ideology as their vehicles for control. Essentially, we are dealing with a modernized version of communism. And if we examine current leftist and globalist "movements," we will see a lot of similarities to historic communism along with psychopathic behaviors.

For example, the use of "gaslighting" as a weapon is a classic communist mainstay.

The basic definition of gaslighting is the manipulation of a person by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. In other words, making a sane person believe they might be insane. This, however, is not an adequate explanation of gaslighting. It's not only about questions of sanity, it is also about questions of principle and morality.

The communist Soviet Union was notorious for gaslighting the public with propaganda that suggested anyone who questioned the will of the state and who demanded freedom was "mentally ill."  The Cheka secret police and the KGB had special hospitals set aside for political dissidents called "Psikhushkas."  People who were critical of the status quo were immediately disappeared and sent to these facilities after being accused of mental instability.

In Maoist China, especially during the Cultural Revolution, Mao targeted impressionable and gullible Chinese youth, brainwashing them into believing there was institutional imperialism hiding within Chinese society. The stability of communism in China was under question at the time, and Mao knew a rebellion was possible. So, instead of immediately cracking down with the military, he encouraged Chinese academics and youths to "rebel" and "bring down the imperialists."  He redirected social discontent and aimed it at a non-existent ghost so that a rebellion would never rise up against him and the politburo.

Gaslighting in China was pervasive. Any person that held the most remote belief in freedom, free markets, business, private property or anyone that had any objections to the crimes of the communists was forced to undergo a trial, a kangaroo court called the "struggle session."

During a struggle session, a dissident was sometimes apprehended, or sometimes shamed and compelled to stand before a large crowd of true believers in the communist faith. The crowd would browbeat them with accusations of criminality and immorality, trying to convince them of the evil of their ways. If they bowed and submitted to the collective, begging forgiveness, then they might be allowed to live, but they had to believe they had sinned. They had to fully adopt the communist ideology and plead for absolution.

Many victims that underwent such struggle sessions continued to believe they were criminals for the rest of their lives. They believed they were terrible people, even though they had no idea why they were punished in the first place.

Gaslighting is a powerful device for public subjugation because it makes good people who love freedom think they are evil people that need to be controlled. It is also a way for a corrupt system to maintain dominance of the general population because it normalizes psychopathic behavior and suppresses moral conscience by convincing people that morality is "relative" or a "matter of perspective," and that abusive and destructive behavior is "necessary" in order to achieve a better world. If you can discombobulate a population into questioning right from wrong, then you can prevent them from ever rebelling against you.

These are tried and true methods of psychopaths. If you ever wonder why abused spouses or family members stay with and even defend their abusers, it is because psychopaths use gaslighting to disarm their victims. If you are crazy, and if your position on morality is in doubt, then maybe you aren't being abused at all. Maybe, you are being saved and protected?   And, if you lash out and defend yourself against the abuser, now you are truly a horrible human being; you are now a danger to society. You are now a terrorist.

I see this control tactic everywhere in western societies right now. The capitol building protest is a perfect example. Millions of law-abiding Americans have been abused and oppressed by the establishment through lockdowns and censorship, while groups of leftists like BLM and Antifa are allowed run rampant across the country looting and burning as they go. Conservative Americans reacted with a protest after the election, seeing that such abuses were likely to be aided by the federal government under Biden. They raided the capitol building to make a point, then, they peacefully left.

Afterward, the media bombarded us for months with the narrative that the capitol protest was actually an "insurrection" and an act of domestic terrorism. So, BLM gets to loot and burn their way through dozens of American cities and it's called peaceful protesting. Conservatives protest at a single building and bust through the doors, and it's considered an act of war.

Five deaths attributed to the event were blamed on protesters, yet, as it turns out three of them were due to natural medical conditions and there is still no evidence that the other two were caused by conservatives at the scene.

Under pandemic mandates, a vast portion of the U.S. was shut down and hundreds of thousands of small businesses were lost. Anyone who has disagreed with these measures has been called a "conspiracy theorist" and a danger to others. Of course, now we know that the death rate of COVID-19 according to scientific studies is a paltry 0.26 percent outside of nursing homes. We also know that lockdowns were completely useless in controlling the spread of the virus, as states with the harshest mandates had the highest infection rates. And, finally, we know that masks are also useless in controlling the spread of the disease according to scientific studies and common-sense observation.

Rather than admitting that lockdowns are pointless, and the masks do nothing, establishment hacks like Anthony Fauci have continued to double down on their doom-mongering when it comes to COVID, and the media continues to label anyone that points out the REAL science as conspiracy theorists.

And how about all the institutional racism and "Asian hate crimes" being discussed in the news lately? The phrase "white supremacy" is being repeated ad nauseum, and of course, this terrible evil is attributed to conservatives in particular. Set aside the fact that millions of conservatives are black and brown. Set aside the fact that the majority of the hate crimes targeting Asians were actually perpetrated by black people (as I noted in last week's article), and one of them is even a known BLM activist. The race-baiting used by leftists the past few years is a prime example of gaslighting — telling people they are responsible for evils they had nothing to do with and are completely unrelated to them.

In Colorado, numerous blue checkmark morons on Twitter, some of them mainstream journalists, came out to admonish the horrible white terrorist and obvious "Trump supporter" that killed ten people in a Boulder grocery store. That was until they found out that the man was actually a Muslim from Syria who killed only white people.

Instead of apologizing for their idiocy, the media doubled down on their gaslighting, claiming the shooter should be considered a victim because he says he was bullied as a child for his religion. In other words, white people and conservatives are still to blame for the deaths.

After the embarrassing revelation, conservatives are now passing around the hashtag #He Is Muslim. Enraged by this, U.S. Representative Ilan Omar argued that no one was passing around the hashtag #He Is Christian over the shootings of massage parlors in Georgia. If Omar actually took time to think before opening her mouth, maybe she would have realized that the mainstream media was already tying the Georgia shooter's skin color and religion to his crimes. After the Boulder shooting, the media has been glossing over the fact that Al Aliwi Alissa is a Muslim, a hard leftist and a violent bully to his classmates and family.

We don't need a hashtag for the Georgia shooter, sweetheart, because no one is trying to cover up or ignore who that shooter is.

But then again, maybe Omar is well aware of the hypocrisy of her statements, and she just doesn't care. Like most leftists and totalitarians, the goal here is not to be "right," the goal is to win and to win by any means necessary. That means gaslighting half the population of the U.S. into thinking our values of freedom and meritocracy are somehow inherently evil. It means we must be convinced to flagellate ourselves for the rest of our lives for the "original sin" of whiteness (even though many conservatives are not white).

Understand that there only three ways that the brainwashing and gaslighting of conservatives will stop:

1)  We submit and embrace the false narrative as if it is true and give-in to psychological slavery.

2)  We separate completely from leftist totalitarians and organized psychopaths and go our own way.

3)  We remove the psychopaths from the picture and rebuild.

Until one of these three things happens, like all psychopaths, leftists and globalists will continue seeking to wear us down. This is what they do. They have seen it work in the past.

Brandon Smith



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