Wednesday, March 24, 2021

My Take On Stacey Abrams And Standing Up To The Music. Horowitz's Horror Story. Riley Exposes The Democrat Party.

First and foremost, she is a trouble maker of the first magnitude and second, she is smart and a shrewd hard worker. She was able, with help from the mass media, to convince the nation Georgia restricted black voters when in fact more blacks were registered and more voted in 2016.  

She knows how to game the system and she knows how to lie and lies seem to be winning these days over facts thanks to  the mass media and repetition..

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board wrote this editorial (see below) several days ago in the hope of setting the record straight. Abrams get's a lot of money to support her false claims from California technology billionaires so I would not expect she will change her message  but she might be forced to reconstruct her lies.

She could well become Georgia's next Governor because more blacks are registered and, monolithically speaking tend to vote for their own, given the chance, as we learned in the 2020 election here in Chatham County.  Second, more people from the north are fleeing but are also bringing the political philosophy they are fleeing from with them and third, Republicans just do not know how to respond because they seem to prefer losing to doing what it takes to win.  

Georgia is not what Stacey Abrams wants you to believe but she has convinced those who want to believe it is and that is what counts.  In fact, the biggest problem facing Americans who are proud to be American is we allowed ourselves to be tarred by the lies of the BLM types and now we are stuck with these lies and it is difficult to wash them away. Many got sucked into believing if we elected a black president it would show the world America has put it's past behind it and that proved to be a mistake because radicals need our past to destroy our future and Obama is a smooth radical.

The radicals will not let us forget our past because our past must exist in order for those who hate America to change America, our culture our "un-wokeness" and even our faith is ourselves and the blessings from capitalism.

I feel no white guilt because I never held racist views  so I must now be made to believe I am a racist.  Well all you guilt ridden were boomeranged and played for suckers.  One day you may come to see the light but by then it will be too late because you will have every reason not to like the America you allowed to happen.  Jim Crow was part of Georgia's history. Now Stacey and her radical compatriots want to make you eat Crow.

I understand how difficult your situation is because if you speak out you risk losing your job, if you seek tenure you are not free to express yourself, if you don't agree with the way radicals have taken over our nation your life is endangered and that of your families - just ask those who were attacked recently in D.C as they ran the gauntlet one evening , many without police protection. Many no longer can have Thanksgiving with family because of intolerant relatives. We have lost control because we allowed ourselves to become intimidated and were either not smart enough to know the lies we were being fed were just that or we chose to cower and take the more comfortable route of avoiding confrontation and unpleasantness.  

Well, we are now learning there is always a price to pay for being feckless and thinking radicals will change. Radicals are leopards and they only get more spots.


David saw the light.  You might send him a check and read his book.  Your money will not be worth much by the time Pelosi, Biden and crowd finish spending it or giving it away (not really much difference) and you might learn how some things and  feel more comfortable responding to those who relish intimidating.

Fellow Patriot, 

 America is on the brink of destruction.

 I don’t say this to shock you or scare you -- I say it because it’s true.

 And I say it with confidence because when I was a young man, I was one of the leaders of the movement destroying America today.

 My name is David Horowitz, and 50 years ago I was a Marxist revolutionary bent on bringing America as we know it to an end.

 I was side by side with Huey Newton and the leaders of the Black Panthers. I edited Ramparts – the largest magazine of the radical Left.  I marched, I wrote manifestos, and I attacked America whenever and however I could.

 Then the Panthers murdered my friend, and the Left helped the Communists win the war in Vietnam, and my eyes opened to the incredible destruction and evil my “comrades” made possible. So I left.

 I cast my 1984 ballot for Ronald Reagan and never looked back. I created the David Horowitz Freedom Center to fight the Left, and dedicated my life to exposing them.

 I did it because I knew first-hand the threat our country was facing, I knew what was at stake, and I knew that if I didn’t tell the American people what I knew, we would lose our country forever.

 Today, I’m asking you to join me in this fight, and make a generous, tax-deductible donation of $45 or more to my Freedom Center.

 What we’re seeing today didn’t happen overnight. It’s no coincidence. It’s no stroke of luck. It’s the result of a movement that began with the Communist revolution in Russia and has been 100 years in the making.

 For decades now, the Freedom Center has been in the trenches, exposing this sinister movement and warning of what was to come.

 America’s domestic enemies have smeared us every step of the way, and worked around the clock to cut off both political and financial support to silence us for good.

 We’ve been targeted by MasterCard, DiscoverCard, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and so many more because we’re willing to say and do what no one else would to expose the enemy within.

 I spent the last 6 months writing The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America to explain what is happening in this battle now – how communist and fascist Leftists infiltrated and overtook the Democrat Party... it has become a party of racism and hatred attacking the very foundations of the country... their ultimate goal is to create a one-party state, and to cancel, de-platform, and silence every last one of their political opponents by slandering them as “white supremacists” and worse.

 The reviews speak for themselves…

“A Great Book” – Dinesh D’Souza

 “The Enemy Within is a book for all patriots who understand that our country is in a fight for its life.” – Mark Levin

 “David Horowitz does it again in a must-read for any American concerned about where we are headed as a nation.”  Laura Ingraham

 I wrote The Enemy Within because I knew that if America stood a chance, Americans had to understand exactly how sinister and dangerous the new Democrat Party actually is.

 I wrote The Enemy Within because I was the enemy within — and I know in my bones what it will take to defeat them.

 I wrote The Enemy Within because we’ve reached the point in our history that will decide our future -- and we either win these political battles or lose everything that makes us prosperous and free.

 So if you donate $45 or more to the Freedom Center today and give us the ammunition we need to expose the Left’s evil agenda to every American patriot, I will send you a complimentary copy The Enemy Within.

 Its official publication date is April 6, so you’ll be at the very top of the list to receive your copy.

 Friend, the Left is at war with America.

 They don’t simply disagree with us about how to make it better — they want to destroy it and make way for their Marxist dystopia.

 And they don’t care how much they have to lie, cheat, or steal to achieve it.

 So it’s up to patriots like you and me to show our fellow Americans who they really are and what they really want while we still can.


David Horowitz

 P.S. I know how we got to this point in our country, and I know how we get out. But the clock is ticking, and our country is hanging by a thread. Please make a generous donation of $45 or more to the Freedom Center today, and as a thank you for your generous support, I’ll reserve a complimentary copy of my latest book The Enemy Within for you, explaining this in depth.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


© David Horowitz Freedom Center |
P.O. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499


Jim Crow Is Not on the Georgia Ballot

Here are the actual proposals being cast as ‘voter suppression.’

By The Editorial Board

 The battle over voting rules is erupting again, and Georgia is back as political ground zero. It’s “a redux of Jim Crow, in a suit and tie,” says Democrat and media favorite Stacey Abrams with her usual understatement. The actual proposals that have passed either the House or Senate are more prosaic, and we thought you might like to hear the facts.

One plan would do away with signature matching, so election workers aren’t squinting at loops and handwriting slants to verify absentee ballots. Instead, mail ballots and applications would have a field for voters to write their state ID numbers. Georgians who

Other ideas are a non-nefarious grab bag. The House bill would set an earlier deadline for requesting a mail ballot: Applications would be due 11 days before the election, instead of four. This is moving in the right direction, but the U.S. Postal Service says 15 days should be allotted, so voters receive their blank ballots with enough time to mail back their completed ones.

The House would set permanent rules for ballot drop boxes. Counties would be capped at one box for every 100,000 active voters. Box placement would be limited to county offices or early voting sites, and they’d be operational only during regular voting hours. The boxes would need “constant surveillance” by election staff or security. Ballots would have to be collected daily by two workers, to prevent anyone from being left alone with a pile of votes.

After last year, that sounds like a restriction, but it’s the wrong comparison. Last year was the first time Georgia allowed any ballot drop boxes, under a pandemic dispensation. As it expires, drop boxes are scheduled to disappear. If the Legislature approves them with caveats, absentee voters would have more options than the 2019 status quo.

The House would also order that voter wait times be measured at large precincts. If they reached an hour, adjustments would be required before the next election. On the Senate side, one bill would let workers begin processing piled-up mail votes, in strict confidence, eight days before the election. Some states already do preprocessing, which cuts delays in reporting final numbers. It’s a good change, and other states—ahem, Pennsylvania—should do the same.

Another Senate bill would let state officials audit “low-performing” local election directors and appoint temporary replacements to force change. In November two counties initially missed 5,000 ballots, so maybe discipline is needed.

Now the stuff that makes headlines: The Senate passed a bill to roll back no-excuses mail voting. Absentee ballots would still be available to those obligated to be elsewhere, with a disability, or age 65 and up. Republican House Speaker David Ralston has said he opposes this change, so it might not happen. But even if it did, Georgia would hardly be an outlier: More than a dozen states save the absentee exception for people who need it. They include such bastions of right-wing voter suppression as Connecticut and Delaware.

The House, meantime, passed a bill to rewrite the rules for weekend early voting. As of now, counties must offer ballots on one Saturday. Three other weekend days are optional. A House proposal would make mandatory a second weekend day, but that would be the limit. One proponent argued for it as a uniform standard, giving voters everywhere the same treatment.

But in populated areas, two Sundays of voting would be pared to one Sunday, so it’s being cast as an attack on black churches that urge “souls to the polls” after services. Only 3% of Georgia’s early in-person voters last year went to the polls on a Sunday, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. But 37% of them were black, the newspaper says, compared with only 30% of Georgia’s registered voters overall.

This statewide comparison is a little misleading, since the latter figure includes whiter rural places that don’t have Sunday voting. If lawmakers want to make rural counties run a second day of weekend voting, then fine, but cutting a Sunday in metropolitan areas merely for uniformity isn’t a convincing argument. That’s probably why, in any case, lawmakers appear to have abandoned the idea.


Does any of this sound like Bull Connor at the precinct door? Georgia has had record voter numbers in recent years, including outstanding black turnout, and these proposals won’t reverse that. Setting aside President Trump’s spurious fraud claims, last year’s pandemic election put a spotlight on election flaws like subjective signature matching and faulty deadlines. There’s real work to be done to secure voter confidence in ballot integrity before 2022.


The Democratic Party’s Dangerous Immigration Experiment

Today’s progressives are eager to see what happens when a large welfare state opens its borders.

By  Jason L. Riley

What are the Biden administration’s immigration priorities? Are they to erase the southern

 border for all intents and purposes, while legalizing everyone currently in the country without authorization?

An objective observer might easily draw such conclusions. So far, the White House has ostentatiously reversed any number of border-security provisions enacted by the previous administration and thrown its weight behind amnesty legislation that would apply to more than a third of the country’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. And then there are the not-so-mixed messages to potential migrants. Out one side of its mouth, the administration shouts, “Don’t come, the border is closed!” Out the other side, it whispers, “But if you do make it to the U.S., even illegally, you’ll almost certainly be allowed to

This is no way to run a sovereign nation. Even Democratic administrations used to understand that without a border there is no country. And without security, there is no border. “We must say ‘no’ to illegal immigration so we can continue to say ‘yes’ to legal immigration,” said President Clinton, who responded to a spike in illegal immigration in the early 1990s by asking Congress for additional funding, among other things to “protect our borders, remove criminal aliens, reduce work incentives for illegal immigration [and] stop asylum abuse.”

These problems, you might have noticed, are still with us, and in some cases have worsened, yet the Democratic Party’s resolve seems long gone. Replacing it is a growing belief on the political left that people should be allowed to enter the U.S. on their terms rather than ours, and that it is our collective responsibility to take care of them if they can’t take care of themselves. Milton Friedman said that open immigration and large welfare states are incompatible, and today’s progressives in Congress and the White House are eager to test that proposition.

When Lyndon Johnson launched the Great Society, he at least had the good sense to finance his spending bonanza with tax cuts—on the rich!—that had been proposed by John F. Kennedy. “The primary goal of the Kennedy-Johnson tax program,” Johnson biographer Randall Woods wrote, “was not integration with the well-to-do, per se, but creation of the political and economic capital to fund measures of health, education and welfare.” Mr. Woods called the 1964 tax cut an economic “stroke of genius”: “Month after month, quarter after quarter, the major indices of growth moved upward.”

Mr. Biden’s plans to expand the welfare state are the most ambitious since LBJ’s, though one significant difference is that Democrats today are borrowing money to fund it, and simply crossing their fingers that interest rates don’t rise. Another concern is the left’s determination to sever any connection between work and benefits, something all the more worrisome since it is occurring while destitute foreign nationals with little education are being lured here en masse.

America has a long and proud tradition of admitting poor migrants who don’t stay that way. These newcomers have tended to be upwardly mobile because they came for the right reasons. Laws barring paupers date to colonial times. The first major piece of immigration legislation, passed in 1882, prohibited entry “to any person unable to take care of himself or herself without becoming a public charge,” and a similar stipulation was included in a 1930 executive order signed by President Herbert Hoover. Earlier this month, the Biden administration quietly announced that it would no longer enforce a policy that limited the admission of immigrants who were deemed likely to become overly dependent on government benefits. What could go wrong?

The argument that the U.S. is already a “welfare magnet” has been undermined by the reality of where poor immigrants settled after arriving, and by their use of public benefits relative to the native-born underclass. Generally, the states with the fastest-growing immigrant populations haven't been the ones with the most generous welfare benefits, which is some indication that migrants come looking for work rather than handouts. A 2018 Cato Institutereport comparing immigrants and natives who qualify for public assistance found that “immigrants are less likely to consume welfare benefits and, when they do, they generally consume a lower dollar value of benefits than native‐born Americans.”

The question is how long this will remain true as America’s welfare state continues to expand and as liberals invite any and all to come take advantage of it, perverse incentives be damned. In countries like Italy and France, generous aid programs have attracted poor migrants who are more likely than natives to be heavy users of welfare and less likely to be working. It’s a mistake to think it can’t happen here.


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