Tuesday, December 1, 2020

2020 A Bizarre Year That Established Acceptable Future Guidelines?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2020 will soon be over and it has been one bizarre year.

Lamentably, I believe it set a foundation on which future years will rest and, in many ways, that could prove ominous.

Has 2020 established the following A to Z's as acceptable future guidelines?

a) Random destruction of cities and attacks on those who are seeking a leisurely evening at their favorite restaurant.

b) Displays of contempt for police, random shooting of police, defunding of police and replacing police with unarmed social workers

c) Sanctuary cities, growing homeless and streets lined with feces because that is good for their leaves.

d) Radicals take over Democrat Party and set the agenda of embracing socialism over capitalism.

e) Destroying reputations by reckless charges, impeachment based on the use of illegal documents and false charges made by rogue FBI agents using illegally obtained warrants.

f) Publishing books before your seat cools because you want revenge for being fired. Making money by betrayal is the in thing.

g) Illegal wiretapping of presidential conversations.

h) Mass media printing false stories and twisted reporting of news.

i) Harming those who hold different views.

j) Elevating black citizen demands for reparations because of events that occurred centuries ago

k) Destruction of public property, including statutes, simply because they depict embarrassing historical events.

l) Judges superseding/usurping legislatures.

m) University and college campuses barring free speech. 

n) Employing intimidation to still voices espousing what you do not want to hear such as calling fellow Americans racists.

o) Offer benefits to illegal immigrants paid for by using  tax payer money in order to build future voter loyalty. Another similar ploy is to excuse student debt as a way of building a constituency among the more educated.

p) Elitists breaking laws knowing they are above the jaws of justice. Hillary Clinton is a perfect example and she has ill gotten cattle trading profits to prove it among other scurrilous acts. 

q) Millionaire athletes dissing fans by dishonoring national symbols.

r) Politicians disregarding laws they demand others obey.

s) Lying becoming an acceptable form of behaviour and knowingly repeating a lie until it takes on a life of itself.  Rep's Schiff and Waters are exemplary practitioners.

t) Congress using a pandemic to spend with abandon to bail out profligate mayors and governors.

u) Using out spy agencies to destroy American citizens for political gain. Entrapment is preferable to 

honorable service.

v) Changing laws pertaining to voting to create chaos if not downright fraudulent voting.

w) Professing you want to help black citizens by preventing their children from getting a solid education.

x) Allowing bars to remain open while closing houses of worship. Allowing mobs to roam and destroy while barring families convening at Thanksgiving.

y) Attacking a president for ending winless wars and then accusing him, falsely, of hating the military.

z) Being hated for putting the interests of America first.

Two extra bonuses: 

aa) Deserting an Ambassador to cover up an attempt, that went wrong, while trying to retrieve sensitive weapons used to arm a radical group and then saying " what difference does it make."

bb) Selecting those for higher office based on ethnicity and color over competence.

All of the above signify a breakdown in societal standards, the rejection of elevating/embracing personal responsibility, placing self interests before country, ignoring history and the sacrifices of those who made America a great nation and lived according to the dictates of our constitution.

A nation that cheapens it's currency and indebts itself by elevating entitlements over fiscal responsibility will not/cannot survive. 


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