Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Can't Keep A Bad Man Down. Swallowing Swalwell. Did Modern Carpet Baggers Come To Escape What They Had To Change Us Into What They Fled?


Can't keep a bad man down:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So what's a little ignoring of facts .  The (m)ass media do it all the time. The message is don't knock Warnock. Save his hide 'cause he's a man of God who lives by Matthew's!

Media Refuses to Cover Warnock's Child Abuse Arrest, Antisemitism, and Marxism Even at the Debate

 By Daniel Greenfield

The new normal isn't a biased media, it's a media whose political coverage exists purely as the communications arm of the Democrats.

And that means there's zero difference between media coverage of the Warnock-Loeffler debate and the Warnock campaign's message. It's why the media has built its coverage of the Georgia Senate debate over Loeffler being expected to somehow concede the election on behalf of President Trump, not remotely an appropriate question or issue, while ignoring Warnock's dodging of the questions about...

1. His arrest for interfering with a child abuse investigation

2. Refusal to condemn Marxism

3. Antisemitism

Anyone reading the media coverage would think that the entire debate was about who won the 2020 election. And that's the way the media wants it.

Take this bizarre rant from the Washington Post's Greg Sargent, "of all the vile ways that Republicans have sought to justify President Trump's effort to overturn his election loss, one of the worst is the ubiquitous claim that Trump is merely pursuing his legal right to contest the results."

There's nothing so vile... as exercising your legal rights. The same way that Al Gore did. 

So in the category of things that the social justice government tabloid owned by the richest man in the world who makes warehouse workers pee into cups to make their quotas, when he isn't cheating on his wife, is... pursuing your legal rights. 


1. Being arrested for interfering in a child abuse investigation

2. Marxism

3. Antisemitism

4. Allegedly running over your ex-wife's foot don't make the grade.


California Congressman Eric Swalwell is a creep who hates Trump and last night Carlson revealed he is in bed with Chinese intelligence gatherers validating what John Ratcliffe said in an article of his I posted several memos ago.  Swalwell serves on the intelligence committee.

The Chinese are clever, outfoxing us on stealing information, intelligence, sucking up to politicians at all levels and , based on the article above, are in bed with Hunter.

We remain asleep at the switch and continue to act like Bassett Hounds, licking and wagging their tails while the Chinese pat them on their heads and steal they food.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I am now reading "License to Lie" by Sidney Powell.  It is the story of her legal  involvement with  certain members of Arthur Andersen and Enron and how Weissmann and some of his legal thugs at the DOJ exceeded all bounds of moral and legal authority in their aggressive pursuit to find guilt. They were more interested in nailing people and  winning cases, destroying reputations, families and lives at all costs knowing nothing will happen to them even if caught exceeding their authority. They rely on the fact they are immune from misbehaviour. This is the same Weissmann who ran the Mueller investigation and who is drunk with power. Why has he not been sanctioned, fired?

There is something rotten about those who work in government and are more zealous in pursuing citizens beyond legal ethics.  The FBI cut Flynn off at the knees. Something is wrong when power  turns into an evil weapon rather than an instrument for good and seeking justice. Think Obama's IRS.


It is obvious many, who can, are fleeing California, New York,  and other states where living conditions have turned sour, the political situation has gotten completely out of hand and urban living , with all its cultural advantages, has lost appeal.  This comes at a high cost to states and cities whose revenue stream has  been impacted by rising pandemic costs. Their past solution was raise taxes and that remains their current approach.  But now they want others to bail them out of their morass.

Meanwhile, key progressives are pushing Biden, who is pre-disposed,  to cancel college debt and Pelosi is fighting with Trump to use tax payer money to bail out profligate Mayors and Governors who spent beyond their revenue and  are heading toward bankruptcy and defaults in pension obligations.

There is no free lunch nor has there ever been one. Politicians have an ethical, if not legal, responsibility to spend tax payer money as if they were trustees and/or as if it was their own.  Knowing they seldom get voted out of office, for being flagrant spenders, they simply keep on knowing nothing of consequence will happen.

We have a growing number of attorney generals, district, state, city, who have decided we have too many minor laws on the books, even some felony ones and jails are too full so they no longer seek trials against those who otherwise would have been arrested and charged for committing  petty theft, assault, battery etc. When you defund police you have less personnel to pursue various crimes so just take those laws off the books and you solve the problem. Of course this eventually results in the breakdown of society and you have growth of cities like San Francisco, New York and those run by cowardly, intellectually dishonest  mayors in both Washington State and D.C and those in  Oregon etc..

When the homeless population explodes and streets turn into toilets and  are taken over by druggies, law abiding citizens get upset and begin to flee. Property values decline, consumer sales plunge , commercial businesses close and taxes plunge.

My final observation relates to the 2020 election where there seems to be an increase in questionable voting patterns brought about because Democrats wanted to take advantage of the pandemic and change voting laws resulting in a sharp increase in mail in ballots. Whenever Democrats and assorted liberals, discussed mail in ballots, prior to the pandemic, they joined hands with conservatives and agreed this could create increased potential for  fraud and other issues like counting delays, confusion and even lead to  honest election concerns. 

Trump warned about this and his concerns happened but he is now blamed for being a sore loser and the Democrat Attorney General of Michigan says he should admit he lost, not pursue his constitutional rights and move on down the street, which the Mayor of New York painted and the one in D.C. re-named. 

Like I always say, when all else fails lower your standards or gnore signs of cancer, then react when too late. 

I submit that is America  today.  We believed there was a free lunch so we spent our children's inheritance. Then we began to respond by lowering our values, adjusting our laws to suit them and many have bought into the radical message there is something pernicious about capitalism, America's history, our entire constitutional rights and you know the rest.

Those fleeing their former homes are moving to places that have greater appeal.  These domestic immigrants/modern carpet baggers, are seeking refuge in smaller towns (Savannah etc.), better climes (Florida etc.), lower taxes and cost of living (Texas, S Carolina etc.) and you think they  would be changing their political philosophy. I have no statistical proof but I have a gut feeling these discontented liberals are still liberal and don't believe they should embrace the values/ways of their new refuges. I suspect they remain convinced they are right and everyone in their old habitats were wrong  thus, see no reason to change.  They did not burn down commercial districts,  riot,  repaint and rename streets, nor intimidate anyone.  They simply voted for Democrats who ran the places, where they formerly lived, into the ground because they believed there are free lunches and if you increase unfunded entitlements you are doing God's work.

It reminds me of the Broadway Play.  I Love You, I married You,Now Change."

There may be no way to discern voting patterns yet because it is  too soon. Perhaps the Georgia Senate run offs will give us a clue.  Neither of the two Democrat candidates hold views, espouse policies in accord with Georgian's general thinking. What generally defines most Georgians (Suthners),  is we believe in patriotism, are willing to stand when the flag is raised  and the national anthem is sung at football games, we do not embrace PC'ism or care for identity politics, we have integrated, are willing to fight for our nation and are loaded with military bases. We do not hate our police and fire  fighters nor wish to defund them, nor mock those who worship and attend services where God's name is mentioned. We want all our children to have a good education and we have serious issues with unions who feel otherwise and perhaps unions in general. We love fried food and prefer whiskey and barbecue to the taste of the Hollywood Wine and Cheesy Crowd. We like our statutes to remain standing and most important of all, we can smell hypocrites a mile away.  

We have plenty of faults because we are human.  

Our dogs are different than those of the modern carpetbagger crowd.  We prefer hound types to poodles. We are a friendly lot, happy to help a stranger, listen to country music in an Oprey setting and speak with a drawl, which makes those coming here think we are sort of slow pokey and dumb. We probably are not as inclined to believe blondes are dumb and if you ride out of town you might see junk cars on the front lawn. 

Time will tell whether the modern carpet baggers came to escape what they had and now want to change us into what they fled.  I ain't gonna be around too much longer to see who wins but I sure hope us real "Suthners" do because our values are truly better and we are more down to earth type people. We admit to having some bad acorns among us but we have done a far better job of cleaning up our act and wanting to live in peace with our fellow person regardless of their color because MLK , another "Suthner," showed us the light along with others and being a practical lot came to see we were strangling and holding back others as well as ourselves.


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