Thursday, December 24, 2020

What Will/Can A Compromised Biden Do About China? My Trump Assessment. Can You Trust Campaign Bile?

We know China wants to rule the word and well on their way to doing so.  What is Biden going to do to blunt their desire and how compromised is he


My thoughts about Trump and the current scene. 

When you vote for a person as president and then to re-elect it goes, without saying, you have a bias.  There is no secret I believe Trump was/is the right man at the right time and deserved re-election if accomplishments form the basis  why we elect someone. I always acknowledged Trump's boorishness, unorthodox style but  also was able to separate the man from the president.

Perhaps we will never know the truth about Trump's election ballot stuffing warnings and efforts by Pelosi and Democrat and Media Trump Haters. However, there is sufficient evidence and claims for any objective person to support their suspicions. The question is whether the alleged fraud and misbehavior associated with the 2020 election was sufficient to keep Trump from  re-election.

After allegedly being defeated, Trump's behaviour seems driven by his worst basic instincts but also understandable deep disappointment he was cheated. Trump is a street fighter and driven by a lavish degree of hubris which cuts both ways.  He entered the office pledging to represent  "We The People" and restore what "The Founding Father's" intended. ie. government should serve not enslave and disregard. 

5500 plus pages of pork barrel, money laundering COVID legislation adequately attests to and signifies political  contempt for America as politicians spit in tax payers' eyes. Trump, to his credit, sought to take the elite down a notch for America's  good but lost because they proved they will stop at nothing to retain power. Trump's Impeachment, based on fraudulent documents, lies and treachery, should be sufficient evidence.

Trump's efforts to uncover alleged 2020 fraud is both self-serving but also critically important and a legitimate endeavor because our republic cannot endure elections where voters distrust results. 

I have a basic distrust of  politicians and believe in checks and balances. This is why Georgia's January 5th election is crucial if our republic has a chance of continuing.

Michigan Recount Confirms Trump Won County That Went to Biden


Politics is a dirty business and bile generally surfaces after laying dormant so can it be trusted/believed?


Warnock’s wife told officer that her husband is 'a great actor' after domestic dispute


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