Monday, August 31, 2020

Logic On My Side. Time May Not Be. Created Us But We Duped Ourselves. Dershowitz Ducks.Stay Away From Deserved Retribution.. Day Late, $ Short.

You gotta love this man and what he had to say and how he said it.
The election has not been won by Trump but the tide has shifted, as I suggested it would in a previous memo and even before the debates.  The debates, in all probability, will simply validate this view.

It is amazing how grown men and women can become so zealous they lose sight of reality and throw away commonsense, if they ever had any.

The swing to the far, far left, the rioting, the destruction, the burning down of American cities as a consequence of inane governance by hypocrite Democrat Mayors has finally caught up with them and has over-ridden their hatred of Trump.

If the core of deplorables holds, blacks finally come to the realization they have been played like banjos and reject their being typed, by insulting mass media types, as participating in a Minstrel Show at the recent RNC Convention, Trump wins hands down.

As we get closer to election time,in the next two months, we might even witness an element of despair and panic growing among the ranks of Democrats as it dawns on them the tide has shifted washing their dreams of power into the Potomac.

The power of the mass media helped to define Trump but has escalated to such excess it has begun to boomerang. Most Americans are fair minded and recoil at unfair play.  This is how blacks were able to make progress and, though prejudice remains and will, as long as humans roam the land, facts are facts even when denied.

Education is the best road to betterment and when blacks realize this fact and are allowed the opportunity to seek it through choice their progress will escalate. Trump knows this and is trying his best to offer this option but education unions and Democrats are resisting and have been playing the race card.. It is finally dawning on blacks, their liberal friends, their tinsel Hollywood supporters and excessively paid sport's hucksters have used them as pawns and permitted themselves to be enslaved all over again.

Time will tell whether I am right.  Logic is on my side, time may not. Stay tuned and find out.
The best thing anti- Antifa protesters can do is stand aside and allow the left fascists to drown by their own activities/hand.

Yes, my desire to see deserved retribution moves me in the direction of supporting vigilante action but I know better and I would hope Trump does as well. There is nothing the mass media would love better than to associate Trump with encouraging "White Supremacy" attacks on fascists from the left.

The Portland Clashes

Trump should tell his supporters to stay away from Antifa protests.

The Editorial Board

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler speaks to the media at City Hall in Portland, Aug. 30.

Photo: Nathan Howard/Getty Images

The violent protests of the last three months in Portland, Ore., escalated on Saturday night into a right-left confrontation that resulted in one man shot dead in the streets. This is what happens when political leaders fail to perform the most basic responsibility of government to protect innocent lives and property.
The main failure here lies with Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Gov. Kate Brown, who have consistently indulged the rioters. Every night for more than 90 days, Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters have demonstrated in Portland. Many are peaceful, but a hard core have repeatedly attacked police and burned buildings.
When President Trump sent federal law enforcement agents to Portland this summer to protect federal buildings, the mayor and Governor blamed Mr. Trump for the violent clashes. But when federal agents stood down, the violence continued against Portland police and property. On Friday Mr. Wheeler issued an open letter rejecting Mr. Trump’s latest offer of federal help to restore order.
“We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery. Portlanders are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling response to the COVID pandemic. And we know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection,” Mr. Wheeler wrote.
Yet his city is the one burning and where someone has now been killed. Mr. Wheeler, Gov. Brown and state lawmakers have hamstrung police by limiting anti-riot tactics. At a Sunday press conference the Portland police chief said his department lacked the resources to separate the fighting factions, but the feckless Mr. Wheeler offered little more than a plea against violence and rhetoric about reform to address racial injustice.
That hasn’t stopped Democrats from blaming Mr. Trump for the violence, as they did all day Sunday. Democrats spent their convention never mentioning the urban violence, but after the Kenosha riots and the GOP convention, this has become a political liability. So they’re pivoting to blame Mr. Trump and claim that “his America” is causing it. As if Trump supporters belong to Antifa and dominate U.S. cities.
As he often does, however, Mr. Trump took the bait and fired off tweets that CNN and Democrats spun as incitement. “The big backlash going on in Portland cannot be unexpected after 95 days of watching an incompetent Mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing. The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer. The Mayor is a FOOL. Bring in the National Guard!” he tweeted.
He’s right about the National Guard, but Mr. Trump would help Portland and his own political cause more if he called for calm on all sides. That includes his supporters who rolled into Portland for a counter-protest on Saturday. According to news reports, the man who was killed in the streets was wearing a hat for “Patriot Prayer,” the right-wing group that sometimes clashes with Antifa.
Mr. Trump should tell his supporters to stay away from Portland, Kenosha, Wis., and other cities where rioters reign. Democrats and Mr. Trump’s media opponents will take any opening they can to make alleged vigilantism the story rather than the failure of progressive Democratic governance.
The President can continue to offer local officials federal help if they want it. And he should offer sympathy for the people of Portland, Kenosha and other violent cities who have been let down by state and local leaders.
Vigilantism isn’t the cause of the current urban violence, but it could become one result of the failure to control violence. Americans have watched for weeks as rioters burned and looted businesses that people spent a lifetime building. Yet mayors like Ted Wheeler have let it happen. Inevitably, average citizens will move to defend themselves if elected officials won’t protect them. The proper place to do that is at the ballot box, however, not in the streets with guns
They say God created us but we grew stupid and duped ourselves on  our own.  Dershowitz chooses not to be engulfed by the tide.

600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter

More than 600 Jewish groups signed a full-page New York Times ad in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
“We are Jewish organizations and synagogues from across the racial and political spectrum; from different streams of Judaism; whose members trace their lineage from countries around the world,” states the group in the ad.
“We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.”
The groups also state, “We support the black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us.”
“There are politicians and political movements in this country who build power by deliberately manufacturing fear to divide us against each other. All too often, anti-Semitism is at the center of these manufactured divisions.”
The groups make a connection between anti-black and anti-Jewish hatred.
“As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us,” they state. “When black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against black people, including black Jews.”
“Anti-Semitism is part of the same machinery those politicians use to blame black and brown people, people who are immigrants, people who are Muslim and more,” they continue. “But whether they generate division and fear based on our religion, our skin color, or how long we’ve been here, their goal is to keep us from working together to win the things we all need to survive and thrive.”
Groups that signed the ad include the Anti-Defamation League, J Street, IfNotNow, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, HIAS, Hebrew College, Jewish Voice for Peace, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, Zioness Movement, Young Democrats of America Jewish Caucus and NCSY (New York).
The Black Lives Matter movement has gained momentum with the continued shootings of African-Americans by police officers.


Alan Dershowitz

In 2016 I wrote an op-ed demanding that Black Lives Matter rescind the portion of its platform that describes Israel as an “apartheid state” involved in “genocide … against the Palestinian people.” I pointed out that the platform refers to no other country but Israel, despite the egregious records of many foreign countries with regard to police brutality. It is now four years later and these provisions of the platform remain intact. Defenders of Black Lives Matter argue that the inclusion of this critique against Israel in not antisemitic; it is merely anti-Zionist.
As a law professor for 50 years I frequently used “hypothetical cases” — the students called them “hypos” — to deepen the analysis of a problem. So please consider the following hypo: Imagine a world in which there was only one Black African nation — a nation built largely by previously enslaved Black men and women. Imagine further that this singular Black nation had a good record on the environment, on gay rights, on gender equality, on human rights, and on defending itself against attack from predominantly white nations. But as with all nations, the Black Nation was far from perfect. It had its flaws and imperfections.
Now imagine further that do-gooder organizations in America and around the world were to single out the Black nation for unique condemnation. For example, imagine that an environmental group or a gay rights group were to publish a platform in which it criticized the environmental and gay rights policies of its own nation, but then went out of its way to single out only the Black nation from among all the other polluters and homophobic countries of the world?
Would anyone hesitate to describe the singling out of the world’s only Black nation for unique condemnation as an act of bigotry, motivated by anti-Black racism? If that is the case, how is it different when Black Lives Matter singles out the only nation state of the Jewish people for unique and undeserved condemnation? Is not the application of a double standard based on religion as bad as a double standard based on race?
Criticizing Israel for its imperfections is not only fair, it is desirable. But only when it is based on a single standard of comparison with other nations of the world. Condemning the nation state of the Jewish people alone, in a world with far greater offenders, cannot be justified by any moral principle. It is antisemitic, pure and simple. And the Black Lives Matter platform is guilty of the serious sin and crime of antisemitism.
Unless Black Lives Matter explicitly rescinds its antisemitic platform, the organization should not receive the support of decent people. That would be a tragedy because Black Lives Matter does so much good. But throughout history organizations that did good also promoted racism, antisemitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry. Their good deeds do not excuse or justify their bad ones.
Today more than ever we should recognize that there must be zero tolerance for any form of bigotry, including antisemitism, even if it is engaged in by organizations and people who otherwise do much good. The movement to tear down the statues of people like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Columbus and even Abraham Lincoln, because they also engaged in bigoted actions and promoted bigoted ideas, should teach us that we cannot condone bigotry by today’s do-gooders. Rescinding the bigoted portions of the Black Lives Matter platform is mandated by the morality of those who would cancel the contributions of past leaders because of their imperfections. Here we have an opportunity to act now, to prevent bigotry from spreading today.
I once again challenge the leaders of Black Lives Matter to rescind their antisemitic and false condemnation of the nation state of the Jewish people. If they refuse, then those of us who care deeply about Black lives, but also care deeply about ending the scourge of antisemitism, must support organizations other than Black Lives Matter that promote racial justice — without also promoting antisemitism.
Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard Law School. Follow him on Twitter @AlanDersh and on Facebook @AlanMDershowitz.
 And Iranian 
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Cultural Suicide Is Painless

The story of all Dark Ages is that when civilizations finally prefer suicide, they do it easily, and the remnants flock to the countryside to preserve what they can—allowing the cities go on with their ritual self-destruction.

By Victor Davis Hanson

In February, New York was the world’s most dynamic metropolis. By August, the city was more like the ruins of Ephesus. It is not all that hard to blow up a culture. You can do it in a summer if you haven’t much worry about others.
When you loot and burn a Target in an hour, it takes months to realize there are no more neighborhood Target-stocked groceries, toilet paper, and Advil to buy this winter.
You can in a night assault the police, spit at them, hope to infect them with the coronavirus, and even burn them alive. But when you call 911 in a few weeks after your car is vandalized, your wallet is stolen, and your spouse is violent, and no one comes, only then do you sense that you earlier were voting for a pre-civilized wilderness.
You can burn down a Burger King in half an hour. But it will take years to find anyone at Burger King, Inc., who would ever be dumb enough to rebuild atop the charred ruins—to prepare for the next round of arson in 2021 or 2023.
Today’s looter carrying off sneakers and smartphones in 10 years will be tomorrow’s urban activist, understandably but in vain demanding stores return to a charred no man’s land, to do their fair share, and to help restore the downtown, neighborhood, inner-city, or the “community.”

Old Liberal Ideas Are Being Destroyed

We are living in the most racially polarized climate since the 1960s. America’s past, present, and future are in the process of being recalibrated entirely through the lens of one’s skin color. Columbus is reduced to nothing more than another racist white Italian sailor of a half-millennium past. Grant might as well have fought for slavery in the mind of today’s campus ignoramus. Apparently, the Antifa thug thinks he could just as easily have written the Gettysburg Address or sculpted a statue of Frederick Douglass.
The old liberal ideas of assimilation, integration, and intermarriage are being destroyed by the Left under the specious doctrines of cultural appropriation, or “acting white” or “how we look is who we are.” 
A new fuzzy Jim Crow returns with racially segregated campus safe spaces and theme houses or the race-based reeducation and training sessions in the workplace—all predicated to stop racism! Somehow selecting strangers on the basis of their race to bully in a restaurant, or targeting old anonymous men and women to beat up in the street by their race, or singling out suburbanites by their race for racial taunts and profanity is redefined as reparatory justice or overdue payback—on the assumption that no one would dare say that the arson, looting, and rhetoric are descending into ever more hate-filled nihilism.
Our collective future of nationalized tribalism will become what always results when citizens identify by superficial appearance or shared religion. Just go to Lebanon, the Balkans, or Iraq to see what is in store first hand. 

Tribalism Rising

To survive, all groups will self-identify, at first quietly, but eventually unapologetically. Some will form alliances of self-preservation, others will war with each other. Tribal gangs, as they already do now in our streets of fire and looting, will assume they are exempt from consequences; and so will their antitheses of vigilantes who band together to guard their stores in the absence of a defunded police.
Liberal elite whites themselves are now uneasy, since the abstract doctrines they so nihilistically advocated, from defunding the police to recalibrating looting as “redistribution,” are now becoming reified and closer to home. They see that when BLM protestors jam a restaurant to demand fealty or lecture on “white privilege” or march into a suburb to wake up the commuter to apprise him of his immorality, the racialists will not qualify their agendas with “except for woke whites.”
When tribalism is distilled to its innate and terrifying essence, there are never exemptions for individuals: you are reduced to what you appear superficially as to strangers. The white felon is no different than the white Harvard president, the black shoplifter is the same as the black physicist. We are all condensed to a sort of collective nothingness, or rather a racial “allness.”

The Self-Immolation of Pro Sports

Professional sports, once an integral part of American life, appears to be nearly in ruins. Professional baseball, basketball, and football might have survived the virus, the lockdown, and the recession—and then maybe they might not have. After all, millions of the bored more quickly than expected got acculturated to the idea of soon not listening to a boring rant from LeBron James or the sad confessionals of Drew Brees.
But what the NBA and NFL, and perhaps MLB won’t survive is cultural suicide as players fragment into causes. The NBA existed on the premise that billionaires were willing to pay multimillionaires to lose billions as a prestige lark—as a franchise became a sort of a huge, showy Louis Vuitton bag. But even billionaires have limits. Snobbery and appearing cool do not always trump losing the equivalent of a Ferrari every hour or a Gulfstream each week.
The NBA, we are told, is a woke industry.
But it’s also the strangest, most nondiverse, right-wing, money-obsessed woke institution in America. More than three-quarters of the multimillionaire players are African-American. Over 90 percent of the billionaire team owners are white.
Yet the entire industry—players, coaches, owners, staff—lecture Americans ad nauseam about their supposed sins. The monotonous sermons have become transparent medieval redemptions—given the mortal sin that the NBA sold its very soul to a racist, genocidal, and totalitarian China—to recover billions abroad for the billions lost in viewership and attendance at home.
Nondiverse multimillionaires, working for even less diverse billionaires, finger-pointing at middle-class Americans on the evils of privilege, in the pay of the Chinese Communist Party, is not a way to win back fans.

Institutional Crack-Ups

Universities are in for hard times. The federal government eventually will get out of the $1.5 trillion student loan subsidy business, and force spendthrift colleges to accept their own self-created moral hazards. Charging $30,000-40,000 for tuition over Zoom is a bad business model in a recession. And the alphabet soups after the names of professors and deans will not make a bit of difference. 
Thousands of college-educated protesters and rioters are not especially good advertisements for the building of lifelong character on woke university campuses. Once undergraduate institutions decided to make students socially conscious rather than educated, and once their graduates seem to be neither, then who really finds their mentors essential?
Our major cities, emerging from lockdown, and on the edge of nightly violence, remind us of what Procopius, the Byzantine historian, saw of Rome in AD 538, once the cultural and political megalopolis of the world: a mostly deserted shell of weeds, deserted streets, collapsed stone, choked fountains, and fortified villas where lawlessness reigned and feuding tribes were what was left of a government that once had enshrined habeas corpus. 
No city gets a pass from history, not Athens, not Rome, not Alexandria—not Detroit, Baltimore, or Chicago.
After all, there is no rule that just because Bill Gates and Amazon headquartered in Seattle that its mayor, city council, and state governor will not abandon its signature downtown. What once made Portland great can be undone in a few weeks. 
Wall Street may run the world, but it certainly does not run the New York City government. Electronic capital really does still have human legs and when the proverbial suited investor thinks he will be infected, short of toilet paper, or assaulted on the street, he leaves, taking his laptop with him. Bill de Blasio is left to govern, like a horned and bearded Visigoth, over an increasing shell of former grandeur.
To venture into San Francisco is to return in a time machine to 1855, a boomtown based on silicon chips, not gold dust, but one likewise lawless, fetid, and safe only for those with private security guards. To the casual visitor, it appears a lunatic place now recalibrated for the homeless, the looter, the assaulter—and the very rich. Crimes like public defecation and drug use, or shattering the windows of a parked car window to steal its contents are not crimes unless the targets are the well-connected.
The story of all Dark Ages is that when civilizations finally prefer suicide, they do it easily, and the remnants flock to the countryside to preserve what they can—allowing the cities to go on with their ritual self-destruction. 
So it has begun to seem this endless summer.  


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It's Trump's Republican Party Now  By Brian C. JoondephA 'failed and corrupt political establishment' is out in the cold. More===
When Democrats Say ‘the People,’ They Mean ‘the Government’ By Robert SpencerDonald Trump is the first president in nearly a century and a half to break with the slide into statism initiated by William Jennings Bryan.  More===
Who is Behind the 1619 Project? By Anne-Christine HoffHow can such a document that propagates such a big lie be now widely circulated and even promoted by stars like Oprah Winfrey?  More===

Something's going on here and it's much bigger than people think'

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I am about a third way through "Citizens of London" and find it a very interesting read. At this point there are a few parallels between the book and today in that FDR was exceedingly reluctant to defend Britain for a variety of reasons.  FDR was unable to connect Hitler's threat to Britain as one we would ultimately face if  they were  defeated.
Trump understands the threat of Antifa not simply to some assorted cities but our entire nation.  These fascists, anarchists and chaos seekers intend to rid the world of America.
As for JoKe they were a day late and dollar short in addressing the issue at their "Oscar" type convention and are scrambling to catch up for political reasons. They remain clueless as are the Democrat Mayors who run the cities being wrecked.

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