Monday, August 24, 2020

Burn Baby Burn. Buffett Errata and Other Missives! Day 22!

Awesome and tragic:



Enforce the law possibly at the price of  an entire city because black lives matter?

Wisconsin City Burns Following Police Shooting



Biden, Harris Attack Police After Shooting In Kenosha Leads To Violent Riots, Police Hit With Bricks

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What I posted in the previous memo attributed to Warren Buffett turns out not true as does the retirement benefit comments.

You get what you pay for so consider those mine . I too can be a plagiarist.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Even I think this is bad but could not resist posting.

The Box
When Bill and Hillary first got married, Bill said. "I put a box under the bed - promise me you will never look in it.
"All 30 years of marriage, Hillary never looked.
On the afternoon of their 30th anniversary, curiosity got the best of her and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In it were 3 empty beer cans and $81,874.25 in cash. She closed the box and put it back under the bed. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why there was such a box, with those contents.
That evening, they were out for a special anniversary dinner. After dinner, Hillary could no longer contain her curiosity and she confessed, saying, "I'm so sorry, Bill. For all these years, I kept my promise and never looked into the box under our bed. However, today the temptation was too much and I gave in. But now I need to know, why do you keep the 3 beer cans in the box?
"Bill thought for a while and said. "I guess after all these years you deserve to know the truth. Whenever I was unfaithful to you, I put an empty beer can in the box under the bed to remind myself not to do it again.
"Hillary was shocked, but thought. "Hmmm, Jennifer, Paula, and Monica. And since I know he’s addicted to sex with other women, three times is not too bad. ”She said. “OK Bill, I guess I can forgive you. 
Bill thanked her for being so understanding. They hugged and made their peace.
A little while later, Hillary asked Bill. "So why do you have all that money in the box?
"He answered. "Well, whenever the box filled up with empty cans, I took them to the recycling center."
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Comparisons can be odious and yet, revealing:


by E.P. Unum

Well, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is over, thank God. I don’t believe I ever heard more doom and gloom and finger pointing than I did listening to the likes of Bill and Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and the Divider in Chief himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
All of them painted a picture of America totally foreign to me. Had I not known better, I would have thought I was living in a third world nation worried about where I was going to get food to feed my family and medicine for my children.  How could anyone possibly want to live in this disgusting corrupt country called America?
Of course this is sheer fantasy. If America is so bad, why are there thousands of people seeking to come here from all parts of the globe? It is because America, contrary to the doom and gloom prognosticators of the Democratic Party and their buddies in the mainstream media promote, is the last bastion of freedom on earth. It is because here, in this nation, wherever you come from and whatever walk of life you have experienced, in this land you can achieve the American Dream because you have the freedom to do it. 
To put this in perspective, when is the last time you saw caravans of American citizens trying to migrate to Canada or Mexico or points in South America?  When have you seen masses of American citizens trying to emigrate to Europe or Asia? I have not ever seen this in my life, and I am the son and grandson of Italian immigrants to this country.
But there were moments of sheer laughter. Especially, listening to Bill Clinton who somberly told us that in periods of crisis, such as the one covid-19 ostensibly presents, the “Oval Office should be a Command Center, not a Chaos Center.”. Now that is rich! This from the former president who had his own particularly unique perspectives on how the Oval Office can be used, especially with interns.
Then there was the ubiquitous Barack Hussein Obama telling us that “this election is about the very soul of America and has the foundations of our freedom and liberty at stake.” This from a man who imposed more regulations and laws diminishing freedom than any other president in American History, and whose words and actions expanded racial hatred and political unrest nationwide. Indeed, his blatant support for Iran and distaste for our ally, Israel, was palpable. Recall his sending $176 billion to Iran without ever seeking approval to do so, in the dead of night, with $1.5 billion in U.S. cash encased in pallets and flown on cargo planes to Tehran. Iran, in case you have been out and about exploring our solar system for the past few years, is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. They are no friend of America.
The DNC Convention did, however, reaffirm a lesson I have learned over the last 54 years and that is this:
Democrats have two basic philosophical approaches to elections which they have mastered over the years. The first is they are absolute experts at fear mongering. They use fear tactics and try to make you afraid of everything. Think about it: “Trump is an agent of Russia”, “Judge Kavanaugh is a sexual predator, Trump tried to influence the President of the Ukraine to disrupt the 2020 election”, “Trump is trying to use the Post Office to disrupt the mail so as to unduly influence the election”, “We cannot send our children back to school because schools are not safe”, “Trump failed the American people by failing to act responsibly and swiftly to the COVID-19 crisis”…..the list is long and nauseating!
None of this fear mongering is even remotely true, but the Democrats have mastered the art of twisting truth into lies to achieve their end goal which is to regain power. You see, Democrats firmly believe that if you tell a lie often enough, it will somehow ring true, especially if you repeat it often in every speech or press conference and get the media to state it frequently enough as fact.
Is there a better, more current illustration of this than Joe Biden?  Here is a man that has exaggerated his academic accomplishments, was called out on more than one occasion for plagiarism, lied about his “support” for African-Americans and committed one of the most egregious acts a Vice President of the United States could possibly commit: he disclosed the name of the unit responsible for successfully killing Osama bin Laden, Seal Team Six, to the national media just so he could make people aware that “he was in the know”. He put a target on the backs of our nation’s elite warriors. Months later, a Chinook Helicopter carrying 38 soldiers, several of whom were Navy Seals was shot down by an RPG killing all on board.
For this reason alone, in my opinion, Joe Biden should not be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.
The second approach Democrats use often is finger pointing. They are excellent at this. It is of course a natural extension of making you afraid of something, and then telling you who is to blame.
I took the time to read the Democratic Platform - what their goals and objectives are and the so-called details of their “plan” for a Biden-Harris Administration. I read all ninety one pages of this document.
If truth be told, it is a document that blames President Trump for all of the evils suffered by mankind since Adam took a bite out of the apple. It is most definitely a document that will transform America into a third world nation.
It is an American Communist Manifesto and it reads like something Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren together with their acolytes in the mainstream media wrote.
Here are a few of the low-lights:
  They are going to create “20 million new jobs”. They don’t say how that is going to happen or from what sector of the economy these jobs will come from, but they say it.
  They are going to build 500,000 charging stations across the United States to accommodate the energy requirements of the electric cars that will suddenly be on the road when Biden and Harris take office. They don’t mention how much these cars will cost or what will become of the gasoline driven vehicles currently being driven by Americans, but that's just a detail. It'll all be worked out.
   They are going to eliminate the fracking industry, abandon oil drilling and exploration, and replace those industries with “clean energy pursuits”. They don’t elaborate on what will become of the miners in Pennsylvania and West Virginia or the oil & gas exploration industries or what impact this effort will have for the airline industry and unemployment, but, again, try not to get immersed in the weeds; keep your eyes on the “big picture." These are just details.
   The price tag for the DNC Platform is roughly $93 Trillion. Money we don’t have. It thus raises the question of how they intend to secure this level of financing.
There is no mystery in all of this. Joe Biden has already announced that “if you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not lowered”. He intends to increase taxes on individuals and corporations. He will increase capital gains taxes, implement a wealth tax, implement a transaction tax on Wall Street which he and Elizabeth warren intend to “sell” as “pennies on transactions”. Do any of you know how many stock and bond transactions are completed on a given day on Wall Street?
In all, the Biden-Harris ticket intends to increase taxes by $4.0 trillion once they secure power. It will sound the death knell to our economy, and will usher in a period of depression the likes of which we have never seen since the Great Depression of 1929.
You will not recognize the America into which you have been born, raised, fought for, sacrificed for and built your lives.
What the democrats did not talk about at the DNC is what they would do about the billions of dollars in damage done by “peaceful protests” and the significant increases in homicides, shootings, and assaults on police in virtually all of the Democratic controlled cities around the United States. Democrats have said these are “peaceful protests?” They sure do not look peaceful to me.
But, perhaps the most glaring omission of all by the democrats at the DNC was this: There was absolutely no mention of the China Virus by any Democratic speaker….nada, zilch, zero, and the fact that COVID-19 was unleashed on the word by China.
Equally, there was no mention whatsoever about the clandestine assault by China upon the nations of the world, the U.S. first and foremost among them, on stealing technology, military espionage, bribing medical and scientific researchers at leading U.S. Universities like Harvard and Yale to steal medical research and by sending Chinese “technicians” to work at these institutions and garner research positions in their laboratories.
The greatest threat to America is not climate change. It is not COVID-19 either. Our greatest threat comes from China. And, Democrats did a disservice to the nation by not even addressing this.
The fact that these factual issues were not mentioned at all by Democrats is a disgrace and an insult to the American people.
The DNC Platform is not something upon which you build a nation. There is a reason you build the foundation first before building a house upon it. Without a foundation, the house will crumple. The DNC Platform for America is no platform at all.
It is my fervent hope that the Republican National Convention will provide a more uplifting experience and paint a more robust positive outlook for our nation.
Yes, we face the challenge of a pandemic, but in times of crisis Americans have always shown their resiliency, courage and capacity for great things. I believe in times such as these we need to show concern for a special interest group in our nation that has been too long neglected. This group knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic or racial divisions and, thankfully, it crosses political party lines. It is made up of men and women who raise our food, patrol our streets, man our mines and factories, teach our children, keep our homes, take risks to launch new businesses, ideas and products, heal us when we are sick - professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, clerks, cabbies, cops and truck drivers. They are, in short, “We The People”, a special breed we call Americans.
I will always place my wager on Americans.


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hard to believe "Ma Bell" is willing to support this garbage. CNN Is a wholly owned subsidiary.  I own a lot of stock in T and wrote the former Chairman protesting why he was not doing anything about a division that was poorly run, losing market share and not being reorganized. He never responded. If Trump fails to win re-election publicly held mass media companies will sink like stones. Maybe that is why the owner of The NYT's recently sold a chunk of stock.
CNN’s Brian Stelter is now demanding for the mainstream media to actively step in and fact-check and interrupt the Republican National Convention as it goes on.
According to the Gateway Pundit, Stelter stated, “At the RNC Convention starting Monday we can expect a grievance convention where speakers will rant and rave against the media. We know that there are going to be right-wing celebrities, speaking at this virtual or partially in person convention. I think we can expect sadly misinformation about voting which is going to put news outlets in tough positions about when to interrupt, when to fact-check and how. There’s also going to probably be headlines about COVID-19 and safety concerns… There are discussions in news rooms about how to handle what is likely to be a stream of lying.”
You can read the full details of this story here.
Is this a threat or is it just a clear black and white thing? Am I missing something?
I believe it is another way of honoring Floyd's death.
BLM Activist Says “Listen To Us…Or You Can Get Run Over”
Democrats have a peculiar way of uniting our nation.


More dystopian comments:


Stamp out the Post office:
I have not verified but believe it is actual:


ZOA: Here Are the Facts:
Radical Anti-Zionist George 
Soros Funds Antisemitic Groups Black Lives Matter/M4BL
Here are facts about self-professed “I am not a Zionist” radical 
George Soros’ role in funding the antisemitic, anti-Israel platform, 
posts, policies, promotions, and resources of the group Black 
Lives Matter (BLM)/Movement for Black Lives (M4BL).  
Soros funds: BLM directly; so-called “racial justice” groups that 
demonize Israel; anti-Israel groups that wrote the anti-Israel 
antisemitic portion of the BLM/M4BL platform; the major anti-
Israel BDS “resource” group on the BLM/M4BL platform; viciously 
anti-Israel members of that BDS group; the anti-Israel lawfare 
organization that filed a lawsuit to assist violent BLM actions and 
that promotes spurious BLM-anti-Israel intersectionality; the Al 
Haq organization run by operatives of designated terror 
organization PLFP, whose anti-Israel agenda is openly promoted 
by BLM’s tweets; and at least four Jewish organizations that have 
defamed and attacked ZOA for pointing out BLM’s antisemitism.
And these items may only be the “tip of the iceberg.”
I. Soros’ Newly Announced $220 MILLION (!) to Black-Led 
Racial Justice Groups, Including Demonizers of Israel:
Just prior to going to press with this article, Soros’ Open Society Foundations announced grants of $220 million, primarily to a few
selected Black-led “racial justice” groups. A top recipient of Soros’ 
multi-millions is Repairers of the Breach, whose founder and 
president is Israel-basher Rev. William J. Barber II. Barber was 
the keynote speaker for the 2018 conference of the major anti-
Israel  BDS group (USPCR) in the United States. During his 
speech (similar to his writings), Barber – who has never been to
Israel – demonized Israel, Israeli Jews, Zionists, and pro-Israel 
Evangelicals with every imaginable falsehood, and reeled off a list
 of demands that amounted to Israel’s destruction. Barber also 
falsely claimed that Palestinians have a long history of “non-
violence” – and falsely claimed that the following were all “non-
violent”: The 1936-39 Arab riots (in which Palestinian-Arabs 
murdered hundreds of Jews in Jerusalem and elsewhere); the
First Intifada (in which Palestinian-Arabs murdered or maimed 
over 3,000 innocent Jews); and the recent Gaza violence (in 
which Hamas and Gazan PIJ operatives and ordinary Gazans, 
armed with maps showing the routes to Israeli kindergartens, 
threw Molotov cocktails and bombs, aimed at breaching the 
border fence, so that they could “tear out Jews’ hearts and eat 
Jews’ livers,” as Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar put it).  
Barber also demonstrated his ignorance by falsely claiming that
“the Zionist project in Palestine was a colonialist project from the 
beginning,” and that Theodore Herzl proposed the modern Jewish 
state "never just purely about righting the terrible wrongs of the 
Holocaust from his perspective. But for [Herzl], it was about 
expanding the global empire." In fact, Herzl died approximately 40 years prior to the Holocaust, and thus could not have proposed a 
Jewish state to right the wrongs of the Holocaust. Nor did the 
Jewish people have a global empire. The re-establishment of 
Israel the indigenous Jewish people was about returning to the 
Jewish homeland.    
The fact that Israel-demonizer Barber’s organization is a top 
recipient of Soros’ $220 million speaks volumes about Soros’ 
II. Soros’ Open Society Funds BLM:
According to an October 2015 Open Society Report, Soros’ Open 
Society granted $650,000 directly to BLM group. At the October 
2015 Open Society meeting, OSF also discussed how Soros’ 
Open Society could help link BLM “to existing [Open Society] 
grantees and other key actors that provide mutual strengthening.” 
by Aaron Klein, Breitbart, Aug. 16, 2016.) In addition, Soros’ 
Foundation to Promote Open Society granted $279,860 to 
“Release Leads, Ltd.,” in part, to “organize public live events
featuring the Black Lives Matter movement UK.”  
Soros’ FPOS also supports numerous related groups, such as the
“Racial Justice Action Center” ($200,000 reported in 2018), which
partnered in a report “The Most Dangerous Thing Out Here is the 
Police’; and the Center for Popular Democracy ($850,000 reported
in 2018), which features BLM on its homepage and demands police
defunding as the only way for Black people to find real liberation.
Sources of Funding Information for Items III Through VII:
(1)  2016 FPOS Tax Form 990-PF (“FPOS” is Soros’ Foundation
 to Promote Open Society,” one of Soros’ major grant-making 
(5)  August 6, 2015 OSF document leaked by DC Leaks, listing 
Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF)’s grants to anti-Israel 
NGOs through OSF’s “Arab Regional Office (ARO) – Palestinian 
Citizens of Israel” department (reprinted by NGO Monitor)

III. Soros’ FPOS Funds Organizations That Wrote BLM/M4BL’s Antisemitic Platform: A major Soros grant-making vehicle, the 
Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS), contributes heavily 
the following “Organizations Currently Working on Policy” that 
authored the anti-Israel, pro-BDS, antisemitic policies of the 
BLM/M4BL official platform:
• Adalah$3,688,561 to approx. $4 million total for 2001-2017 
($400,000 in 2017; $400,000 in 2016; NIS 756,000 in 2015; and 
14 grants from 2001 to August 2015 amounting to $2,688,561).  
Adalah is a virulent anti-Israel BDS group.
• Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI): $270,000 
($150,000 in 2018, plus $120,000 in 2017. Possible additional 
previous amounts.) BAJI holds anti-Israel demonstrations.
• Dream Defenders: est. $275,000 ($250,000 to Borealis 
Philanthropy’s “Black Led Movement Fund” (BLMF) in 2018. 
BLMF advances “black liberation” and funds Dream Defenders
and BLM-Memphis. FPOS also gave $25,000 to the Tides 
Foundation in 2017 to give to Dream Defenders.) A report by the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reveals that Dream Defenders
is intertwined with foreign designated terrorist group Popular 
Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Dream Defenders 
demonstrates against Israel; brings BLM to joint visits to PFLP 
strongholds; etc.
• Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU): $150,000 in 2016.  Possible additional previous amounts. IMEU promotes 
AOC’s anti-Israel letter; attacks the Jewish Nation Fund as 
causing “ethnic cleansing,” promotes calling Israel’s creation the
“Nakba” (catastrophe), and other vicious anti-Israel demonization.  
IV. Soros Funds BDS “Resource” Organization on BLM/M4BL’s Antisemitic Platform:
Soros also funds the BLM/M4BL antisemitic platform’s BDS
“resource organization,” the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation. Specifically:
• The U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation: $300,000 grant in
 2018 from Soros’ FPOS. The U.S. Campaign to End the 
Occupation, recently renamed the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian 
Rights (USCPR), is the major anti-Israel BDS group and coalition 
in the United States. Soros’ FPOS funded the U.S. Campaign to 
End the Occupation via its acknowledged alias, “Education for 
Soros appears to be also sending additional funds to USCPR 
. For instance, Soros’ FPOS gave $750,000 to the Rockefeller 
Brothers Fund in 2017, and the Rockefeller Fund gave $155,000 
to USCPR (also via the alias “Education for Just Peace in the 
Middle East”).
In addition, Soros also funds USCPR member groups. For 
instance, in 2017, Soros’ FPOS gave $300,000 to the viciously 
anti-Israel “Jewish Voice for Peace,” a member organization of 
Further, Soros foundations help coordinate and spend millions of 
dollars funding a web of additional anti-Israel organizations (in 
addition to Adalah and others that co-authored the BLM anti-Israel
platform). These groups’ relentless demonization of Israel 
strengthens Soros-supported BLM-resource USPCR. Such 
additional Israel- demonization groups and Soros foundations’ 
contributions to them include: Mossawa ($370,000 in 2006-2017); B’tselem ($150,000 in 2018; $300,000 in 2017; NIS 
497,406 in 2015-2016); Breaking the Silence ($275,000 in 
2016-2017 and NIS 330,990 in 2015); ACRI-Association for 
Civil Rights in Israel ($220,000 in 2016-2018; and NIS 88,500 in 2015; Gisha ($360,000 in 2016-2018); Ir Amim ($280,000 in 2016-2018 and NIS 66,500 in 2015); Euromed Rights ($2,550,016 in 2016-
2020); Mada al-Carmel ($235,000 in 2016-2017 and $707,000 in 
2003-2015); Kayan Feminist Organization ($765,000 in 2006-
2018) (Kayan’s “feminism” consists of promoting women’s 
awareness of the “Nakba” – the claim that Israel’s creation is a 
catastrophe, and relentlessly accusing Israel of harming 
Palestinian-Arab women). Sadly, there are many more such 
Society Foundations, Apr. 2020, and other sources listed above.
V. Soros Funds Anti-Israel PFLP-Run “Al Haq” BDS Group 
by BLM:
• Al Haq: $1,291,630 ($891,630 in 2017; 400,000 in 2016, from 
FPOS.) In addition, Soros’ FPOS funded an $8,886 Al Haq 
internship in 2017. 
BLM promotes Soros-funded Al Haq and its vicious BDS agenda 
and demonization of Israel. On June 28, 2020, BLM-UK tweeted 
“FREE PALESTINE”; falsely accused Israel of “settler colonial 
pursuits”; and “On the eve of Israel's planned formal annexation
of Palestinian land, we stand with Palestinian civil society in
calling for targeted sanctions in line with international law against
Israel's colonial, apartheid regime,” along with an Al Haq list of 
four anti-Israel actions called for by Al Haq, including ending trade agreements, boycotts, ending military cooperation with Israel, and bringing Israelis to “justice” for their “war crimes.” The Israeli Ministry of 
Strategic Affairs report “Terrorists in Suits: The Ties Between 
documents that Al Haq is headed and run by designated terror 
group PFLP operatives and convicted terrorists.  
VI. Soros Funds Anti-Israel Lawfare Organization That Files 
Lawsuits to Assist Violent BLM Actions and Promotes BLM-
Anti-Israel “Intersectionality”:
Soros’ FPOS also gave $1,280,000 ($750,000 in 2018 and 
$530,000 in 2016) to the “Center for Constitutional Rights” 
(CCR), a far-left, anti-Israel “Palestinian solidarity” lawfare 
organization that organizes BLM conferences, including the 
“The Art of Protest #BlackLivesMatter: Community Lawyering and
Movement Building”; files lawsuits on BLM’s behalf, including a 
Security to curtail surveillance of the too-often-violent M4BL 
(BLM) demonstrations; and promotes spurious BLM-anti-Israel intersectionality. 
On November 29, 2017, Soros-supported CCR, Soros-supported 
Adalah (see above), BLM group Black Youth Project 100, and 
Addameer (an affiliate of and front group for designated terror organization PFLP-Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) 
co-organized a conference titled “The Criminalization of Home: 
” claiming that “state violence [by Israel and the U.S.] enforces a 
system of racialized dispossession, whether through eviction, 
deportation, incarceration, or colonization and ethnic cleansing,
” featuring the Addameer’s general director. This anti-Israel-BLM intersectionality conference was deliberately scheduled on the 70th Anniversary of the UN resolution affirming Britain’s 
imminent evacuation of the Jewish homeland and Israel’s 
Also, in February 2018, CCR participated in a panel at Yale 
Liberation” which sought to draw “parallels of occupation … the 
IDF response to movements for Palestinian liberation, the for-
profit prison detention of people of color, and systemic apartheid,
” featuring Hassan Jabareen, founder and executive director of 
Soros-supported Adalah.
VII. Soros Funds Groups that Attacked ZOA for Criticizing 
BLM’s Antisemitism:
Soros’ FPOS also funds several groups that attacked ZOA and/or 
ZOA’s president as “racist,” “Islamophobic,” or promoting “hate,” 
because ZOA criticized BLM’s antisemitism. These Soros-funded 
groups include:
• New Israel Fund (NIF): $837,500 from 2002 to 2015 (See 
article on DC Leaks of Soros documents; and Target Israel: 
State,” by Aaron Klein, Breitbart, Jan. 21, 2019.)
• National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW): $200,000 from 
Soros’ FPOS in 2018. 
• J Street: Approx. $500,000 per year from Soros, according to 
J Street’s leader’s statement to ZOA. In addition, Soros’ Open 

Society Foundations fund Ploughshares, which in turn gave J 
Street the largest grant 
Is this true?


North Korea's Leader Slips Into Coma

Here are the details…

Biden -Diary  Day 22!
Everyone is mad because I have shut down the nation.  I had to 
make a choice according to the medical people. Kill people or kill 
America.  I chose to kill America. We have had enough deaths 
from Covid 19. We can always revive America through my policies of 
of raising taxes, spending money on a green environment  and 
getting rid of everything Trump did because he did not know what
he was doing.

Boy this job is harder than I thought even when you have the 
mass media in your pocket.

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