Tuesday, August 11, 2020

America: Avoid Double Whammy. Out of Patience and/Or Rocks?

Did you ever stop to think?  Trump does more in one day than "weak" Biden in a week. Is that important?  Not if you are a Trump Hater. Why?  Because Hating is generally not rational.
It is simply emotional and we know liberals are mostly irrational and consumed/driven by their ability to/belief they can drink their own bath water.

And: while I am being offended:

First we allowed radicals to take over our universities and colleges and now they have taken over our newspapers.

We have allowed this because not enough understood what was happening, were unwilling to stand up and protest and now,with the benefit of Covid-19, we have pretty much lost our precious freedoms. The radicals have also been allowed to intimidate so we are losing our police departments and next will be our weapons to defend ourselves.

All this has been done in the name of necessary change and transformation  because a black president began by making the case America was founded on  hate. Obama laid the floor for a small minority of  angry black "supremacists" and their radical misguided white allies to become the tail that wagged the dog while the rest of America cowered.

The election of a man who is emotionally, mentally and physically incapable of performing as president will be the final perfidious act and the radicals will have won not by defeating Trump but by laying the groundwork for destroying America.

If you think I am nuts, familiarize yourself about the Third Reich, rise of Hitler  and how it came to be. Their are disturbing parallels. and we flirted with it once before with Mc Carthyism.
America must avoid the "double whammy."

Don’t Let Covid and the Flu Team Up to Pound America - WSJ

Immunity developed to Covid, either through infection or eventually a vaccine, is unlikely to 
last longer than six to 12 months in most people. Reducing Covid risks starts with encouraging
more people to get vaccinated for both flu and Covid-19. Only about 40% of Americans get a 
flu shot each year; ideally that number would be closer to 70%. Special focus should be on 
adults 18 to 49, as vaccination rates among that demographic have been around 30%.

Hand sanitizer and washing stations will be common in schools and offices. Masking in public 
will be more socially acceptable and even encouraged. Diagnostic tests that can quickly and 
accurately differentiate between Covid and flu must be routine, accessible and cheap.

Businesses will have to take a much more active role in making sure employees are screened
for symptoms. People will be actively encouraged to stay home from school or work if they 
have respiratory symptoms and get tested. Fever monitoring is likely to be installed in more 
places like office buildings and arenas. In the future, it’s going to be hard to get across the 
threshold of a public venue with a fever.

The productivity hit will spur employers to make offices more resistant to outbreaks of 
respiratory infection. In the 2018-19 flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention estimates that influenza caused as many as 43 million symptomatic illnesses and 
650,000 hospitalizations. A 2018 study in the journal Vaccine estimated the economic burden 
of flu at $11.2 billion, including the costs of lost productivity. Other models have put the burden
as high as $87 billion annually—and that’s before Covid.

In addition to a changed work culture in the winter and more permanent measures to promote 
respiratory health, we need better therapies to reduce these viral threats.

There are several antiviral drugs that target flu and are available by prescription. These drugs 
work best when given early, and they can reduce the duration of infection and lower the risk of
transmission. But most people don’t bother to seek medical care when they have the flu 
unless they are very sick. So, these drugs are not widely used despite their potential public-
health impact. These drugs should be available at drugstores, where a pharmacist can run a 
rapid flu test.

Similarly, for Covid, all the focus is on vaccines, but as important is developing antiviral drugs 
that can effectively target this virus. The aim should be developing drugs that can thwart 
entire classes of respiratory viruses like coronaviruses and influenzas, and disable core
features of these pathogens. Such drugs would not be easily rendered ineffective by new 
strains or mutations.

Antiviral drugs could also be important to national security. Adversaries have probably taken 
note that  the U.S. so far has suffered a heavy burden from Covid compared with many other 
nations. A respiratory pathogen may pose an asymmetric risk to America, given our culture, 
economy and federalist system.

It was long thought that a rogue nation wouldn’t unleash an infectious agent that might trigger
a global chain of transmission, a move that could backfire on the offending nation. While 
Covid likely emerged from a natural origin, some adversaries may be watching its effect on 
the U.S. and thinking they can weather an engineered respiratory pathogen better than 
America can. Antiviral drugs that can disable entire classes of viruses are critical to foiling
these threats.

Many current steps to reduce the Covid risk are temporary actions to deal with an acute 
pandemic. Over time, with more immunity and a vaccine, the novel coronavirus will become a 
more manageable risk. But no one should think the threat will simply disappear.

Dr. Gottlieb is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and was commissioner of 
the Food and Drug Administration, 2017-19. He serves on the boards of health-care 
companies involved in the Covid-19 response and is a partner at the venture-capital firm New 
Enterprise Associates.
Protest narrative beginning to crumble because we are either out of patience or rocks.

The Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else
Time to end the charade.

[David Horowitz is the founder of the Freedom Center

If you haven’t noticed yet, our political life is rapidly descending into a series of charades with 
the potential for catastrophe. In case you think that a “charade” is just a parlor game, here is a 
dictionary definition: “an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable 
appearance.” The peril created by false appearances in the current political climate is blindness
in the face of the evil that threatens us.

Is there a person of sound mind in the entire country – Democrat or Republican – who thinks 
Joe Biden is  mentally up to the job of leading a deeply divided nation, coping with a pandemic 
and facing threats from nuclear enemies like Russia and China, or terrorist regimes like Iran? 
Daily now, we are watching an already impaired individual, closeted in a basement, mentally 
deteriorating in front of our eyes, with a national election only three months away. And not one 
national figure is shouting “WTF?! What are the consequences for our country if we continue this

The mere fact that Biden’s candidacy to be commander-in-chief is supported by a major political
party, whose leaders are appear before TV cameras daily reassuring voters his candidacy is 
normal – te by Democrats and their pundits – without a single objector - that Biden has the 
knowledge, experience and yah-da-da to stand up to the destructive leftists he is now allied with,
or to defend the nation against its enemies or to lead us through all the crises we facet, is even 
scarier than the extreme policies – open borders for instance – that he has already endorsed.    

Here’s an equally scary current charade: the straight-faced claim by Democrat leaders and their 
media enablers that there are only “peaceful protests” in the streets of our 400 torched cities - 
no riots, looting and arsons, no rioters, looters and arsonists associated with Black Lives Matter 
and Antifa communists.Instead, the denial that the mayhem which has injured thousands and 
cost more than a dozen lives are only possible because of the support of lawless Democrat 
mayors and city councils who are preoccupied with disarming the police. Or the accusation by 
top Democrats that federal security officials sent to protect federal courthouses from immolation 
are actually “Stormtroopers” (Pelosi), or “Gestapo” and “terrorists” (Clyburn).

In regard to this “peaceful protesters” charade by the Democrats, Martin Luther King led actual 
peaceful protests openly committed to non-violence. His marchers wore suits not Ninja outfits, 
helmets and flak jackets, did not loot stores, or torch buildings or blind people with lasers, or 
physically attack police with explosives and clubs. It is true that the nightly violent protests 
(about which Democrats are still in denial) were often preceded by non-violent marches in the 
day. But how difficult would it be for a non-violent protest leader to assert the principle of non-
violence, as Martin Luther King and his supporters did, dissociate themselves from the violent 
protests, and select places to protest that were socially distanced from the rioters and looters, 
and therefore did not provide cover for the criminals? The fact that there have been no serious 
attempts by “peaceful protesters” to denounce the violence and the organizations that  
perpetrated it – speaks volumes to the effect that they consider themselves allies of the rioters 
and share their agendas. Defunding the police, leaving the most vulnerable in society without 
protection against criminals is the goal of rioters, arsonists, looters, and so-called “peaceful 
protesters.” The charade protects the criminals and their crimes 

Republicans collude in these dangerous charades. Democrat leaders like Pelosi call 
Republicans Nazis, Russian agents, traitors. And Republicans respond: “Democrats 
are playing politics.” No they’re not. This is not the language of politics; it’s the 
language of war. It’s designed to destroy you. From the moment Trump emerged as 
victor in 2016, Democrats declared war on the president and therefore America, 
whose duly elected commander-in-chief he was. They also declared war on everyone 
associated with the White House and supporting its agendas. Republicans need to 
wake up. The most important decision they can make as we approach the November 
elections is to end the charade, accept that it is a war we are facing, and return the 
Democrats’ fire with fire.

Sent by my long time friend and astute political advisor and fellow memo reader but I do not 
agree because the timing would  allow the mass media to pummel Trump. Better he keep 
them on, insist they maintain a  profile and pick and choose among their suggestions and 
There comes a time:

The Morning Briefing: Seattle's Anti-Cop Fever

Forces Police Chief Best Out After 28 Years

SPD Chief Best Has Finally Had Enough

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing readers.
Seattle's Summer of Love is certainly having a rough go of it. Not long after Seattle's insane city
council put the wheels in motion to defund and practically dismantle its police department, news began
leak that Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best had tendered her resignation. Best, who is Seattle's first
black female chief, has been the lone adult in the room during the roiling "protests" in the Emerald City.

Best has been at odds with the city council ever since the unrest began, trying to do her job while being
actively opposed by the powers that be in Seattle.

Last month, after the council kneecapped Best's police by banning the use of what they would need to
defend themselves in the face of violent rioters, Best sent a letter to business owners in downtown
telling them that the cops ...
    Continue reading...    
Salena and the opiod pandemic:
The epidemic raging within the 
pandemic: Opioid addiction

Click here for the full story.

BG does not like Trump but still 

wants Biden to lose. 

Why I Want Biden to Lose More 

than I Want Trump to Win

As regular readers of my column know, I’m no fan of Donald 
Trump. And that’s putting it mildly.
I don’t like his chronic dishonesty. I don’t like narcissism. I don’t like his nastiness and his 
silly name-calling. I detest his need to constantly cause chaos, as he did with a recent tweet 
suggesting we should postpone the 2020 presidential election. There’s nothing about this 
man’s character that I like.
And I hope he wins re-election in a landslide.
Actually what I mean is that I hope the Republican candidate beats the Democratic 
candidate. And I wish the Republican candidate were almost anybody else. But since “almost 
anybody else” isn’t running, I hope Joe Biden loses more than I’m actively rooting for Donald 
Trump to win. If that’s akin to a distinction without a difference … so be it.
It amazes me that in a country of more than 300 million people Donald Trump and Joe Biden 
are the best we can come up with. If we picked two candidates out of the crowd at a Star Wars 
convention we wouldn’t be worse off.
It’s not exactly a bulletin that Joe Biden is a puppet candidate. I don’t think he has a clue as to 
what he stands for. His political team puts words in his mouth and on a good day he repeats 
them without forgetting what he’s talking about. Be assured that if Biden wins, Bernie Sanders
 and AOC will be running the show. Biden says that if he wins he’ll be one of the most 
progressive presidents in U.S. history. And Bernie Sanders says Biden would be the most 
progressive president since FDR.
So let’s take a look at what that progressive future might mean.
For two months we’ve been witnessing chaos and destruction in Portland and other cities run 
by progressive Democrats, yet no one in the Democratic Party will stand up and condemn the 
violence as if they really mean it. They’re cowards who fear a backlash from the hard left wing
 of the party. Stand up against rioters and the progressives will find a primary opponent to
 run against you.
This is a party my father, a lifelong Democrat, wouldn’t recognize. He was a blue- collar 
worker who could never support today’s Democrats. They bear no resemblance to John F. 
Kennedy or Hubert Humphrey or Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or even Barack Obama, who 
was a mere liberal when he was president but now — if his partisan remarks at the funeral of 
John Lewis is any indication — has become a passionate progressive apparently believing that 
passionate progressive polices are what his party needs to win in November.
Today’s Democrats think the police are the enemy, not the rioters, who they like to call 
“mostly peaceful protestors.” Some Democrats have called law enforcement officers “storm 
troopers” and “secret agents.” When Donald Trump sent federal agents to Portland to stop 
the rioters from burning down the federal courthouse, the mayor of the city and the governor 
of Oregon were angry with the president – not the anarchists!
This is a party that invited Attorney General William Barr to a congressional hearing but 
wouldn’t let him respond to their non-stop onslaught of attacks. They accused him of 
corruption, of perjury of violating his oath and of betraying the Constitution. And when he 
tried to respond, they constantly interrupted to say, “I reclaim my time.”
In plain English that means we get to talk and call you names and you’re expected to shut up 
and take it. If that happened on the street, someone would wind up with a bloody nose.
As Andrew McCarthy put it in an essay in National Review Online: “What happened on 
Capitol Hill was a debacle to despair over because Democrats do not act this way because they 
are preternaturally rude. 
They act this way because their voters expect and demand that they act this way.
“It is not hard to understand, even if it is hard to accept. Democrats do not merely disagree 
with Donald Trump. They abhor him. Their supporters and media friends so loathe him that 
each ‘hearing,’ each issue, becomes a contest of who can be the most indecorous and 
contemptuous. Who among us can spew the most bile?”
He’s right.  It’s not only Democrats in Congress who give their party a bad name. It’s also the 
Democrats who cheer for their “I reclaim my time” tactics. If Hillary Clinton were a 
Republican (or simply even-handed) she might call them “deplorable.” And she might be 

Pollsters often ask questions to find out if voters think the candidate cares about people like 
, if the candidate shares their values.
Democrats don’t share my values and they sure don’t care about people like me. People like 
me don’t want our tax dollars to pay for free comprehensive healthcare for immigrants who 
snuck into the country and are living here illegally.
Bernie Sanders wants to give convicted felons who are still locked up in prison the right to 
vote. If Bernie wants it, Joe will want it too.  The puppeteer calls the shots, not the puppet.
As for free speech, it will be in serious jeopardy if Democrats win in November, especially if 
they make a clean sweep and take the Senate and keep control of the House. So-called hate 
speech could become a crime.  And they’ll decide what’s hateful and what isn’t.
If Biden and his progressive puppet masters take over, the cancel culture will be in full bloom. 
You think it’s bad now? Just wait!
And if Biden wins and Democrats take over the Senate, there’s at least a 50-50 chance they’ll 
blow up the filibuster, which means all they’ll need is a simple majority to pass whatever they 
want. And that’ll include making Puerto Rico a state, packing the Supreme Court with liberal 
Justices, passing some version of a budget busting Green New Deal and who knows what else 
that’s on the progressive wish list.
Republicans have their faults too, that’s for sure – but, all things considered, they’re not as 
bad as what the Democratic Party has become.
But if Donald Trump is going to win – and that looks like a long shot – he’ll have to do it 
without me. I can’t bring myself to vote for such a defective human being.
I know the argument, which I’ve heard a million times: If I don’t vote for Trump it’s the same 
as voting for Biden.  That may be true, but that’s Donald Trump’s doing, not mine.
And if Joe Biden wins it won’t be because of me or a few million people like me. It will be 
because of Donald Trump.
He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins

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