Monday, November 13, 2023

Barri Weiss. Lisa. San Fran, Genius Of Israel. 38th Day. J Street.

My dear friend and fellow memo reader attended Barri Weiss' speech and made the following comments.
This was the 22nd annual Barbara Olson memorial lecture.  I have attended a lot of them -- probably more than half -- but I can't recall a standing ovation as long as this one, except maybe Ted Olson's first speech and the one given by Justice Scalia.  

I posted this speech in a couple of the Signal chat rooms (all FedSoc events are videoed and posted, except for Thursday night's session with Justice Barrett), and all are free.  So feel free to distribute it, or if you think I should post it somewhere, let me know.  

I also went to the RNLA lunch with Chris Carr the previous Friday.  One reason to keep posting this is to contrast this group with what we see from our timid lawyers locally and remind the lawyers in this state that these are important issues -- our job is not just to make sure the Republican government is happy -- our job is to ensure the Constitution is still working to protect the rights of the people.  

All the best,

My daughter, Lisa's father in law was a very dear friend of Elie and gave his eulogy.  She sent me the following:

FYI, Elisha Wiesel (Elie's son) speaking at Holocaust & Humanity

Center (HHC) Annual Meeting
If San Fran can be sanitized because Xi is coming they ought to take him to every disgusting city governed by Democrats and see if they get the same results. Xi's visit would then be extended to New York, Austin, Seattle, Baltimore to name a few.
The book I am now reading is entitled: " The Genius of Israel" and explains why this tiny country is so resilient,  yet, besieged by so many surrounding problems. Obviously it was written before Hamas started a war.  

Part of the reason is again because it is small. Everyone is linked in some way that causes them to feel a connection to the country and it's people. Also Israeli's have a can do attitude and because of their mandated service in the IDF they learn to believe they can do anything.

I am on Chapter 6 and have 5 more to go.

Chapter 3 was fascinating because it provided insight into the benefits that can accrue to those living in a small country.  I will demonstrate with 3 examples.

First, Israelis have Hebrew words  not easily translatable in other languages. The word "gibush" highlights the group is no less important than the individual.  

Example: Students in a class and when the lesson was over they were asked whether they understood the message. There were some who did not so the class worked on making sure everyone understood.  The focus/emphasis was upon those at the bottom not the ones at the top. The group not the individual.

The second example has to do with Boy Scouts.  Israeli children eagerly join units and are responsible for their own activities. Eventually many are allowed/encouraged to go on their own to Lebanon with nothing more than what they can carry.  Their mission is to gather intelligence on Hezbollah etc. in the event they must fight there one day.

The third example pertains to concern for those who are autistic.  At 21 they lose government subsidies and risk being doomed to an unproductive life.  The IDF focused on learning about their special abilities of perception and the connection to  intelligence gathering  and now inductees with autism are integral members of IDF units.

Everything Israelis do always encompasses Israel. In essence, Israelis have embraced  President  Kennedy's message. We, obviously, have not.  

Israel is growing in part because Israeli families average 3 plus children and Arab Israeli's have cut back on their birthing. Israeli are also less likely to be "helicopter" parents. In Israel strangers are much more likely to engage, protect and react whereas we have begun to arrest those who seek to help the accosted. Israeli children are raised to be independent and are subject to less parental restrictions.  Israeli children walk to school whereas we car pool.  Again these are the consequence of a small nation,

The single event that also unites families is the Shabbes Dinner (Friday Night) Also, grandparents are available to help take care of their grandchildren because most women (mothers) work.

Another unifier is that Israel is made up of many cultures and their meals have regional flavors also a common stock. 

Finally, military service is an important unifier.  Even parents have experienced what their children are so another unifier..

When I finish this book I am going to read the book by Sen.Cruz entitled: "UNWOKE."
Perhaps this attached video provides insight into the Obama's unhappiness with/contempt for America and the radical Muslim roots that led to Barak's desire to transform America.
Israeli Forces Are Reportedly Getting Crucial Intelligence From an Unlikely Source
By Matt Vespa

Israeli forces have cut the Gaza Strip in two, surrounded Gaza City, and are tightening the noose around the reported nerve center of Hamas. Before the ground invasion began on October 28, Israel pounded the strip with artillery and air strikes, killing scores of terrorists and their leaders. Many have hidden in the matrix of tunnels, which has been an operational concern for the IDF. They’re booby-trapped. It’s nearly impossible to see, and some tunnels are 250+ feet underground. So far, Israel has been able to make inroads, but some 30-40,000 Hamas terrorists remain embedded in the strip like ticks. They’ll be uprooted, especially now that re-supply from Iran is now impossible. It will take time. 

Israel’s 38th Day of War


By Sherwin Pomerantz


Israel is now in the 38th day of the war, a war that has become a long haul and definitely not something that people here have experienced previously.  The discomfort about the length of the operation is, of course, exacerbated by the hostage situation where the families of the 239 people who are being held by Hamas are living in a no man’s land of “information silence” not knowing whether their loved ones are even alive.


Rumors abound about the potential release of 80 of the hostages if Israel is prepared to return the Hamas terrorists captured after the October 7th massacre along with resupplying Hamas with fuel, food, medication and Lord knows what else.  This is the same Hamas that told the Shifa Hospital people in Gaza just yesterday not to accept an emergency delivery of 300 liters of fuel, even though the hospital claims that because of a lack of fuel their incubators for preemies had to be disconnected.  And, of course, the same people that we know have 200,000 liters of fuel in storage exclusively for their military activities.  It would appear that there is no end to the madness of Hamas.  The latest report this afternoon posits that Hamas has taken the 300 liters of fuel that they would not allow the hospital to accept and is using it for its own needs. Go figure!


44 soldiers have now lost their lives since the battle began with dozens wounded as well.  Rocket fire continues to pound Israel from Gaza, but with less frequency than before given Israel’s control of northern Gaza.  Yesterday, on the northern border with Lebanon, 21 of our troops were wounded in the give and take that is occurring there. Today 18 tank missiles were fired from Lebanon into the north of Israel with one ending up as a direct strike on Metulla, causing damage but no injuries in the evacuated town. 


Concomitantly, the US has experienced 52 attacks on its troops in the region just since October 17th.  In retaliation US aircraft have struck installations in Eastern Syria with Defense Secretary Austin threatening to continue responding with escalating firepower. 


In some good regional news, Saudi Arabia on Saturday helped to block a bid by Arab and Muslim countries to militarily and economically isolate Israel.  Most of the countries present at an Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) emergency summit in Riyadh focusing on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza sought to impose five measures against the Jewish state.   The demands were: (a) to prevent the transfer of U.S. military equipment to Israel from American bases in the Middle East; (b) suspend all diplomatic and economic contacts with Israel; (c) cut back oil sales to the United States over Washington’s support for Israel; (d) stop Israeli air traffic over the skies of the Gulf and (e) send a joint delegation to the United States, Europe and Russia to push for a ceasefire. 


To their credit Israel’s Abraham Accords partner states, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, all blocked the measure and were joined by Egypt and Jordan, two countries with long-standing peace agreements with Israel. Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Djibouti also opposed the measures.  An Iranian demand that the Israel Defense Forces be designated as a terror organization was also rejected.


For those who want to get a sense of what drives our troops to go into battle tall and proud you might want to spend 25 minutes and watch this wonderful interview with one of our young men and what he and his group went through from October 7th to today.  You can see it here:


Tonight at sundown we begin the Hebrew month of Kislev which contains the celebration of Chanukah.  It is the story of how a “band of brothers,” the Maccabees, beat back the Greek marauders who had been in control of Jerusalem and then restored the temple to its glory.  Let’s hope this will be a positive sign for our victory over those who, once again, have sought to destroy us.



Sherwin Pomerantz has lived in Israel for 40 years, is CEO of Atid EDI Ltd., a international business development consultancy.  He is also the Founder and Chair of the American State Offices Association, former National President of the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel and a past Chairperson of the Board of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.


Why are they earning large salaries?


J Street Stands with Hamas – Naturally

by Gregg Roman & Arutz Sheva

The shocking and horrific Hamas attack on Israelis on October 7 – the mass murder, rape, abductions, torture, and mutilation – was a paradigm-shifting event. Israel's war in response is a starkly black-and-white conflict.

Yet J Street, the lobbying group that advertises itself as "pro-Israel" and "pro-peace," has not seen it that way. It recently opposed two pro-Israel House bills, arguing that they unduly ruffle Iran's feathers (J Street's view is that Iran must be appeased).

It also pressed House Democrats to oppose another resolution, this one condemning support for Hamas on college campuses.

Continue reading the full article > 





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