I believe there is a connection between Xi and Putin's declaration of "war" against the West yesterday and the article on anti-Semitism. I see the connection is about divided we stand divided we fall. China and Russia have decided by linking up they will be more effective than in pressing their challenges singularly. If China wishes to go against Taiwan at the same time Russia goes against Ukraine they present the West with a double challenge, Consequently the west must come together and decide what, if any response they will make that has the prospect of being effective.
When it comes to Anti-Semitism, the challenge will not limit itself to Jews. Eventually the issue will impact the Christian community as well. Hitler's attack on Jews did not stop there nor will ant-Semitism limit itself to Jews just as China and Russia's desire to replace America's pre-imminence will only impact America. All of the world's democracies will be impacted and must stand united.
China and Russia will not stop their efforts of probing and trying to weaken current alliances. They believe their day in the sun has arrived and they intend to exploit any advantage they create or occurs.
Christians Need to Confront Anti-Semitism
It begins with the Jews but never ends with them. Their problems are our problems too.
By Andrew Doran
A memorial stands outside the Tree of Life Synagogue in the aftermath of a deadly shooting in Pittsburgh,
Anti-Semitism and violence against Jews are on the rise in the U.S. For many Americans this reality has been lost in a two-year-long dystopian fog, but anti-Semitism was resurgent even before the pandemic. The 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and the recent Texas hostage standoff shock us, yet they have become customary.
The pretext of the “new” anti-Semitism is hatred of Israel, which justifies Jew hatred anywhere. Other forms, like the popularity of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” endure. Jews are said to have a plan to dominate the world, spread drugs and venereal diseases, and much else. The crimes of capitalism and communism alike are blamed on Jews. Anti-Semitism is resurgent on the political right, which feels alienated from governing institutions. And the most refined anti-Semitism continues to be taught on university campuses.
By rejecting the right of the Jewish people to exist in political community—that is, the modern state of Israel—campus anti-Semitism implicitly rejects the humanity of Jews everywhere. (Israel would pull out of the West Bank tomorrow, but the Palestinian Authority will never let it, as the Israel Defense Forces remain to protect the authority from Hamas.) Countless dollars have been donated from governments and individuals for not terribly subtle anti-Semitic programs on campus, with little transparency.
Anti-Semitism at a more primitive level finds its roots in the scapegoating mechanism, the impulse in humans to seek a culprit for communal ills. As the French historian René Girard (1923-2015) explained, once the mob’s lust for violence is satiated by the sacrificial victim, communal health is restored—an evolutionary adaptation that seems nothing short of diabolical. Girard believed that Christ’s sacrifice should deliver Christians from the scapegoat urge. Yet too many Christians have descended into scapegoating and anti-Semitism over the centuries, and sadly even today. To confront anti-Semitism, the Christian should first confront some unpleasant facts in church history.
It is said that Irish history should be remembered by the British and forgotten by the Irish. The same could be said of Jewish history, but too many Christians show insufficient interest in our part in anti-Semitism. As George Orwell wrote, “it is partly the fear of finding out how widespread anti-Semitism is that prevents it from being seriously investigated.”
I was well into my 20s when a Jewish professor shared with me a piece in First Things magazine by a priest and Jewish convert to Catholicism who wrote about the pain caused by “a one-sided Catholic apologetic that minimizes the injustice done by Christians to Jews in history, or seeks to relegate it to oblivion. I am especially aware of the Jewish sensitivity to topics that Catholics often pass over either too quickly or in silence.” The extent of the church’s institutional anti-Semitism was a painful revelation. Much history continues to be passed over in carelessness and silence—lay and clerical defenders of Nazism, pogroms, centuries of essential dhimmitude, Rome’s Jews forced into a ghetto and humiliated, conspiracy theories, blood libels and scapegoating—all with contemporary consequences.
Some on the left and right question U.S. aid to Israel—though, curiously, I haven’t seen anyone seeking to ban imports of medical technology from Israel. Meanwhile U.S. financial assistance flows to numerous countries that refuse to recognize Israel, although an overwhelming majority of Americans still have favorable views toward the Jewish people and Israel.
A friend who traveled to the Vatican recently left encouraged. “The problems of the Jews are our problems,” a cardinal told him. Those words have been followed by some action, including greater access to Vatican archives to study the Catholic Church’s conduct during the Holocaust. But there still is much more to do. The Vatican has diplomatic relations with numerous states that don’t recognize Israel’s right to exist and some that spread anti-Semitic propaganda, and its talented diplomats can use their sway to meet both challenges.
America’s Catholic bishops should instruct Catholics about the church’s unfortunate history of anti-Semitism, including in the U.S. Catholic universities should likewise not simply cave in to anti-Zionism but instead examine the history of anti-Semitism in the early church and Middle Ages, and the Holocaust and rebirth of Israel.
It is often said that anti-Semitism begins with the Jews but never ends with them. There is much evidence for this. Yet Christians shouldn’t be spurred to action only because we might be next but simply because anti-Semitism is evil—not an abstract evil but very much in our midst. The problems of the Jews are Christian problems. The Christian response to this moment should begin with an honest inquiry into Christian anti-Semitism, without any fear of how widespread it may be.
Mr. Doran, a senior research fellow with the Philos Project, served on the policy planning staff at the State Department (2018-21).
Iran Reportedly Close to Developing Nuclear Bomb, Report Finds
(NewsReady.com) – One of the primary foreign policy concerns for lawmakers in both parties has allegedly been to keep a nuclear weapon out of the hands of Iran. The hostile nation is incredibly aggressive, and is a threat to the US and its allies. That makes a recent prediction absolutely terrifying.When President Joe Biden took office, he said he intended to negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran. Former President Donald Trump had removed the US from the Barack Obama-era pact that reportedly hadn’t been very effective. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the new administration quickly realized Iran’s nuclear program was way too advanced to ever re-enter the previous agreement – something former Trump officials had been saying for quite some time.
The terms of any new agreement would allegedly leave the Iranian government in a position to gather enough fuel for a nuclear bomb in less than a year.
Trump took a hardline approach with Iran because he recognized just how dangerous the country is to the security of the world. Biden, however, is continuing to push ahead with the talks despite the latest news. Republicans have accused the POTUS of pandering to the terrorist regime, which has made the US and its allies less safe. The latest news certainly seems to lend credibility to their allegations.Copyright 2022, +++++++++++++++++++++++America's best should no longer apply to serve in office for several reasons:
1) in a short period there is very little they can accomplish and, even if they do, the next administration,, for purely political reasons as with the current one, will/can undo any good accomplished out of spite..
2) Most importantly who wants to serve simply to have their reputation ruined for spiteful political reasons.
3)Serving the nation is no longer worth the various risks and costs.+++Supreme Court vacancy: Ruth Bader Ginsberg need not apply
Viewing race or gender or any identity dimension too rigidly reflects a more worrisome trend of treating politics as a game of absolutes—be it from the left or the right.
By Gil Troy
American education is turning into a sick effort to brainwash and is no different than what the Nazi's did or the Chinese are doing. Pure manipulation of the mind for political reasons:
When President Joe Biden took office, he said he intended to negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran. Former President Donald Trump had removed the US from the Barack Obama-era pact that reportedly hadn’t been very effective. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the new administration quickly realized Iran’s nuclear program was way too advanced to ever re-enter the previous agreement – something former Trump officials had been saying for quite some time.
The terms of any new agreement would allegedly leave the Iranian government in a position to gather enough fuel for a nuclear bomb in less than a year.
Supreme Court vacancy: Ruth Bader Ginsberg need not apply
Viewing race or gender or any identity dimension too rigidly reflects a more worrisome trend of treating politics as a game of absolutes—be it from the left or the right.
By Gil Troy
American education is turning into a sick effort to brainwash and is no different than what the Nazi's did or the Chinese are doing. Pure manipulation of the mind for political reasons:
FAIR Weekly Roundup
For audio versions of our FAIR News and FAIR Weekly Roundup newsletters, subscribe and listen to our FAIR News Weekly podcast here.
For the FAIR Substack, FAIR journalist Grayson Slover reported on an eSeminar titled “Race Talk is Dividing Us! And Other Myths About Race and Racial Literacy Curriculum in K-12 Schools” held by The New York Association of Independent Schools (NYAIS).
The seminar was led by Jason Craige Harris, a consultant with the NYC-based Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion organization Pollyanna. Harris describes himself as a “longtime social justice educator…and spiritual guide” and “a leading voice for organizational healing and societal transformation.” He insisted that, in addition to schools teaching the core skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, they must also teach students to be “racially literate.” According to Slover:
Pollyanna’s calling card is its K-12 “Racial Literacy” curriculum, which aims to give children the “knowledge, tools, and skills” they need to “shape a more racially just and equitable world.” Lessons in the curriculum include having kindergarten students mix paint palettes to match their skin color and teaching eighth graders that racism is a “primary institution” in the United States.
The covenant between the Main Street consumer and big corporations is collapsing
By Salena Zito
“One of the few connectors left in our culture is food and everything that goes into preparing it, beginning with that first sense of smell that inspires a dish. No matter how simple or elaborate a meal is, almost every high or low we experience in life has happened with us surrounded by a meal.
Whether it is the ritual of neighbors and families bringing food to the home of someone who lost a family member or the tradition of the covered-dish casserole dinners in church basements or the backyards filled with neighbors taking turns laboring over a barbecue pit, food not only nourishes us but also brings comfort and reinforces our sense of community and place.
Usually, when we buy our food to make a meal, whether it is at a grocery store or a local farm or farmers market, we don’t expect to be lectured about politics. We are all adults, and we all have a level of expectation that store owners' politics may be different than ours. What we don’t expect is to be scolded for holding different beliefs.
And we certainly don’t expect to be called racists.
Yet that is exactly what Bill Penzey Jr. did in emails to his customers twice over the past month, and it wasn’t even subliminal. Penzey sent out a corporate email and posted on his webpage the "All Republicans are Racists" weekend special the store held for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
That was followed just days later by another "All Republicans are Racists" special that begged whatever remaining loyal customers it had — he admitted in his Facebook post that the store had lost 40,000 of them — to buy gift cards.
There are several things at play here that deserve deeper exploration. These things really show a lot about the dwindling relationship that consumers have with the men and women who run many of the institutions, corporations, and media and entertainment outlets in this country.
It is a covenant that has broken because people like Penzey don’t have a cultural connection to their customers. This is not a Democratic or Republican thing. It's an inside-outside thing. Here in Western Pennsylvania, you don’t have to be a Republican to have been really turned off by his missive.
There are plenty of people who walk down Penn Avenue who have been Democrats all of their lives but who are married to a Republican, have children who are Republicans, or have GOP grandparents, neighbors, friends, and co-workers.
These Democrats with Republican loved ones are as equally put off by that blanket accusation of racism as if he had called all Democrats racist.
Because Penzey runs his business hundreds of miles from here, he is culturally disconnected from not only the people who are his customers but also the people who work for him. Fifty years ago, that was a rarity in this country: Most business owners weren’t called CEOs, they lived within four miles of their operations, and they often served on local school boards or were ushers in their community churches.
Nowadays, people find themselves using or buying products made in plants in this county that are run by a board of directors who only fly in and out of the facility once a year for a board meeting. These directors don’t know their workers, and even worse, they’d barely know their customers if it weren’t for focus groups.
Even my most strident Democratic friends loathe when…” Click here for the full story.
I have always had my own doubts as well as the assassination of MLK. Hoover had his suspicions that Kennedy was too involved with a Russian woman who was a spy and how did MLK's alleged killer know his whereabouts and when he would appear on the balcony. Hoover also distrusted Bobby and was concerned about his union ties
.gee note: the kennedy assassination was on nov. 22,1963. i often refer to the question of what actually happened in all contemporary political situations when we have no idea who murdered our president so many decades ago. and,what about jack ruby?
JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is ‘bulls–t’
By Heather Robinson
Good news Israel (edited.)
This week's positive newsletter is full of Israel's work to sustain the planet. Treatments to combat diseases such as ALS and cancer (appropriate for World Cancer Day) plus innovations to save preemies and transplant patients. Israeli humanitarian aid is sustaining earthquake victims in Tonga and Covid-19 patients in Nepal. Israeli technology is supporting global disaster recovery, recycling plastics, purifying water and the air, and protecting the Internet. New Israeli initiatives will cool streets in summer and monitor the environment from outer space.
Please click here, to donate a small or large amount to help me publicize VeryGoodNewsIsrael.
In the 6th Feb 22 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
- An Israeli discovery could save thousands of premature babies.
- Successful Israeli women – a judge, a journalist and university deans.
- Israel’s President is honored in the United Arab Emirates.
- Multiple Israeli initiatives and innovations to improve the environment.
- Increased tax breaks for new Israeli immigrants.
- Record revenues and unlimited employee holidays at Israel’s Amdocs.
- Orthodox Jewish volunteers, and Tess the dog, save a life on Shabbat.
- If someone wishes to be added to the free email subscription list, they should either click here or send a request (with their name) to michael.goodnewsisrael@gmail.
ALS treatment trial success. (TY I24 News) The cellular therapy from Israel’s Kadimastem (see here previously) was able to slow down the progression of ALS in its first human clinical trial on ten patients. Kadimastem’s Vice President of R&D Michal Izrael describes the treatment and the next trial.
Eradicating cancer. To mark World Cancer Day on 4th Feb, these articles describe some of the latest developments of Israeli scientists at the Technion Institute, Ben Gurion University, and Tel Aviv University.
Anti-viral treatment has promise. (TY WIN) Israel’s Todos (see here previously) completed a Phase 2 study of its Tollovir treatment on 31 hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Their clinical improvement was 2.7 days faster than the placebo group. Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek hospital is now allowing Tollovir for compassionate use.
Repairing livers for transplant. Tel Aviv Sourasky (Ichilov) Medical Center performed, for the first time in Israel, a donor liver machine perfusion (MP) to improve a dilapidated liver and successfully transplant it into a patient. By repairing aged and damaged livers, it will reduce the shortage of livers from deceased donors.
Protecting preemies’ first breath. A previous newsletter (see here) featured a monitor to detect if premature babies were damaged by their ventilator. Now scientists at Israel’s Technion have discovered the underlying reason for the damage and successfully tested a treatment that could save thousands of young lives.
More IVF patients to self-monitor. IVF patients of Israel’s Clalit Heathcare have performed nearly 15,000 UV scans using Israel’s Pulsenmore (see here previously) to monitor their pregnancies. Clalit are purchasing thousands more Pulsenmore remote hand-held devices – especially important during the coronavirus pandemic.
Sweet Victory over sugar cravings. Israel’s Sweet Victory (see here previously) has completed a successful pilot study of its innovative chewing gum at the Obesity Research Center of Israel’s Sheba Medical Center. In just two minutes it blocks the sugar receptors on the tongue. Available in Israel, France and soon the USA.
A window into the body. Researchers from Israel’s Weizmann Institute have shown how to monitor genes deep inside the body. They used a genetic dye and engineered cells to light up when those genes are expressed. One day it will help monitor the success of cell therapy for cancer or the success of transplanted organs.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-israeli-imaging-technique-gives-unprecedented-window-into-genes-deep-in-body/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-021-01162-5
Home visits for your pet. Israel’s The Vets has established a startup for owners of pets in over 10 cities across the USA. It offers a full range of home treatments for pets, including wellness exams, home lab tests, vaccinations, travel certificates, microchipping, and more. The Vets’ product and R&D centers are in Tel Aviv.
https://thevets.com/ https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3928196,00.html
First among equals. Having just donated an ambulance to United Hatzalah, EMT volunteer Kenneth was proudly driving it on its first shift in Beitar Illit. Suddenly he received an emergency call and seconds later was using equipment from the ambulance to successfully help resuscitate a patient without any vital signs.
Record number of female deans at the Technion. Israel’s Technion Institute is a leader in promoting women's empowerment. Seven out of 13 deans are women, as well as 44% of new students who enrolled since the beginning of the academic year. Women are also the majority on many of the Technion’s top committees.
First female Muslim District Court Judge. (TY Hazel) Osaila Abu Assad has been appointed Israel’s first female Muslim district court judge, sitting at Nazareth Magistrates’ Court. She graduated in law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1996 and was previously a court registrar at the Northern Magistrate’s Court.
Druze innovation center. The Technological Innovation Center of the Druze Community has just been inaugurated at Israel’s Technion Institute. The new center is training young Druze men and women in Quality Assurance (QA) - one of the most popular fields in hi-tech.
Diplomatic spouses love Israel. (TY Sharon) Israel’s First Lady Michal Herzog welcomed some 30 members of the Diplomatic Spouses and Partners Club in Israel to the President’s residence in Jerusalem. Very moving speech from the Moroccan rep and Michal Herzog responded to the Brazilian rep in fluent Portuguese!
The first Israeli UAE journalist. Israel’s Michal Divon (a woman) is the first Israeli to work for an Emirati newspaper. She is a senior editor and producer for Khaleej Times, the UAE’s longest-running English language daily newspaper. She has already become an active member of the Jewish community in Dubai.
Abraham Accords Peace Institute. The new Israel office of the Abraham Accords Peace Institute (AAPI) has just been opened in Israel. The AAPI has a small team in place in Washington, with plans to open offices in each member country. It is working on commercial and academic projects.
Hatikvah played for Israeli President in Abu Dhabi. (TY Hazel) More history is being made in the UAE.
Israel’s innovations in UAE. Israeli President Isaac Herzog officially opened the Israeli pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai. “Israel is a country in which obstacles become opportunities, and where the impossible is a tantalizing challenge,” he said. 600,000+ have already visited the pavilion and heard Israel’s national anthem played there.
FEMA & World Bank use Israeli maps. (TY UWI) Israel’s GeoX (see here previously) has a database of 3D maps covering 340 million global properties. The US Federal Management Emergency Agency (FEMA) uses them to evaluate damage after disasters. The World Bank uses them to identify flood-prone housing in Ghana.
Aid to Tonga. (TY Hazel) The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs has donated a substantial amount of food aid to the children of Tonga, impacted by the devastating volcanic eruption and tsunami on 15th Jan.
Supplying vaccination syringes to Nepal. Israel donated 563,000 syringes to support Nepal’s immunization drive, which had been put on hold due to a shortage of syringes. Israel has previously sent supplies to support Nepal in its fight against Covid-19 on several occasions. https://kathmandupost.com/health/2022/02/01/israel-donates-half-million-syringes-for-covid-19-vaccines-to-nepal
Other fishy alternatives. Following last week’s article on Israel’s Plantish (see here), at least four more Israeli startups were founded in the food alternatives fish market over the past year. Sea2cell (cultured blue tuna), Wanda Fish (cell-based fish fillets), Forsea (cultured eels for Japan), E-Fishient (cultured tilapia).
https://fresh-start.co.il/portfolio/ https://forseafoods.com/
360-degree 3D on-line shopping. Israeli-founded Hexa uses AI plus tools from Microsoft and Snap Inc. to help retailers and brands convert their images and product information into immersive content, including 3D, AR, and VR. The LA Lakers basketball team uses Hexa’s platform to sell branded jerseys and sports apparel.
https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/01/18/israels-hexa-partners-with-microsoft-to-leverage-snaps-tech-for-3d-retail-shopping/ https://nocamels.com/2022/01/hexa-microsoft-ar-snap/ https://www.hexa3d.io/
Know your customers. Israel’s Onebeat uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help retailers understand their customers in real-time. The system’s algorithm predicts the types and quantities of products sold in each store. Sales increase while reducing stock levels in stores. Used by American Eagle, Toys R Us, TATA and more.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3928575,00.html https://1beat.com/
A robot cleaner. Robotize is an independent division of Mittwoch - Israel’s sole distributor of smart robots developed by Gaussian Robotics to act as cleaners in office buildings, hospitals, and public spaces. The fully autonomous robots can scrub, sweep, replenish their water, recharge, and operate 24 hours a day.
AI to analyze medical records. Israel’s DigitalOwl (see here previously) uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to read, summarize, and analyze medical records for insurance and legal companies. It saves time and resources, reducing costs and errors. Thousands of pages can be transformed into a focused summary.
https://www.digitalowl.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQPy21MZ1hc
MDA ambulances get air purifiers. (TY UWI) Magen David Adom ambulances in Israel are being fitted with IN-EX filtration units donated by AVVIR, a division Israel’s A.L. Group. IN-EX initiates a chemical reaction with ultrasonic energy. It was developed at Bar-Ilan University by the inventors of Sonovia facemasks.
450,000 trees to keep Israelis cool. (TY UWI) Israel’s government has approved a plan to plant 450,000 trees along some 30,000 kilometers of road in urban areas to provide shade and help cool temperatures. The plan achieves a double objective - protecting the environment and improving the urban space.
Removing “forever chemicals”. Researchers from Israel’s Technion Institute have managed to remove dangerous pollutants called PFAS or “forever chemicals” from drinking water. They used clay-iron-polymer composites to accelerate the oxidation process that turns the pollutants into non-toxic substances.
Better use of plastics. Israel’s Tosaf develops additives and solutions to give plastic color, plus properties such as anti-static, anti-fog, and flame retardant. In addition, they make plastic reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLHW-gBMMbE https://www.tosaf.com/sustainability/
Sustainability in space. At the Ramon Space Conference during Israeli Space Week, private and public groups focused on technology to ensure food security, help protect the environment, and predict the weather, while allowing the commercial sector to flourish. Speakers included Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe from Axiom Space.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3928116,00.html (Video in Arabic for Israeli Arabs!)
https://www.youtube.com/embed/KKLk6WiM1sI/?start=2760 https://www.space.gov.il/israeli-space-week
Data from space. Israel’s Asterra (formerly Utilis) specializes in microwave-sensing resiliency technology for utilities such as water, highways, or mining. It has been used on satellites and planes to identify over 10,000 confirmed water leaks in the United States, Italy, the United Kingdom, Chile, China, South Africa, and more.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3927608,00.html https://asterra.io/
Unemployment keeps falling. Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reported that Israel’s rate of unemployment fell to 4.1% in December from 4.6% in November, as the economy continued to recover from the Covid crisis. There was a continuing rise in the number of job vacancies, with salaries also on the rise.
Billions more investments. Israeli startups raised a total of $2.1 billion in Jan 2020. And the UAE has just confirmed it is to invest $10 billion in Israeli companies. It includes the ADG (Abu Dhabi Growth) Fund which plans to invest $200 million in Israeli companies each year for 10 years.
Increased tax incentives for new immigrants. New immigrants (Olim) are currently eligible for income-tax deductions for up to three and a half years. A new bill going through the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) will add NIS 223 per month to the amount that Olim can earn before tax and extend its validity to four and a half years.
Record-breaking cybersecurity. Israeli cybersecurity firms raised a record $8.8b in 2021, eclipsing the $2.9 billion raised in 2020. Meanwhile, Israeli Export Institute estimated Israeli cybersecurity exports at $11 billion in 2021. Israel’s cyber directorate stated that a third of all cybersecurity unicorns in the world was now Israeli.
Shop-and-Go. (TY UWI) Israel’s Trigo Vision (see here previously) has launched a pilot of its checkout-free shopping technology with Wakefern Food Corp, the largest retailer-owned cooperative in the United States. Shoppers will be able to fill their carts with groceries and then just walk out of the New Jersey store.
Spiral Tower gets green light. Tel Aviv has given approval for the construction of the Spiral Tower (see here and here previously). The 91-floor 350-meter-high skyscraper will be Israel’s 2nd tallest. Its 150,000 sq meters of space is equal to the combined total of the three existing towers on the site of Tel Aviv’s Azrieli Mall.
Israeli cybersecurity consolidates. Israeli cybersecurity giant Check Point Software has bought Israel’s Spectral for $60 million. Check Point will use Spectral’s security tools to extend its cloud solution, Check Point CloudGuard. Meanwhile Israeli-founded Forescout is acquiring Israel’s CyberMDX for $80 million.
Neat takeover in Rapyd time. Two puns for the price of one, as Israel’s Rapyd (see here previously) has completed the acquisition of Hong Kong-based NEAT, a cross-border trade-enabling platform for SMBs (Small/Medium Businesses) and startups. It will help expand Rapyd’s Fintech-as-a-Service business.
Cybersecurity chairman is out of this world. Lane Bess is the new chairperson of Israeli cybersecurity Sepio (see here previously). Together with his son Cameron, they are the only parent/child duo to go to space, having taken an 11-minute flight aboard Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin ship in December.
Record revenues and unlimited holidays. Israel’s Amdocs reported record revenue totaling $1.1 billion in the last quarter of 2021, 11% higher than Q4 2020. It has also given its 29,000 employees a flexible vacation model that means they can take an unlimited number of vacation days.
Investment in Israeli startups to 6/2/21: Pecan.ai raised $66 million; Torii raised $50 million; The Vets raised $40 million; Talon Cyber Security raised $17 million; Bizi raised $7.5 million; Onebeat raised $5 million; Blyp raised $4 million; Cynomi raised $3.5 million;
Tea-time in Jerusalem. Afternoon tea can be taken at several locations in Jerusalem, from high-end versions at Jerusalem’s Waldorf Astoria and King David hotels to a cozier option at Kumkum in Jerusalem’s Baka neighborhood. They include scones, pastries, sandwiches, and cakes, all elegantly served on porcelain china.
“Blossom of snow”. (TY Sharon) Jerusalem was recently transformed from Spring to Winter and then back to Spring. Two weeks ago, its almond trees (the symbol of Tu Bishvat - the Jewish New Year for Trees) were in full bloom. Then for less than a day, they were covered in deep snow. “Bless my homeland forever”.
Watch Israeli Unicorns at the Super Bowl. Israeli billion-dollar companies Gong.io and monday.com will advertise during the NFL Super Bowl LV1 2022 on Sun Feb 13. Each ad costs an estimated $5 million to create and broadcast. Let’s hope they get seen - the event will broadcast some 80-90 commercials during the breaks.
Holocaust Remembrance Day at Kosovo Embassy. (TY Sharon) The Kosovo Embassy in Jerusalem hosted a commemorative event for International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Kosovo’s Ambassador to Israel, Ines Demiri, is Jewish. Kosovo is 95% Muslim, and Muslim Albanian-Kosovars rescued many Jews from the Shoah.
Reason for pain – a bullet in the back. Doctors finally traced the cause of Adi’s back pain that began 3 months after she attended her friend’s wedding in Psagot, Samaria. A CT scan revealed that she had been hit by a 5.56mm bullet that narrowly missed vital organs. Doctors surgically removed the bullet.
Historic scroll discovered at Ben Gurion House. A JNF-KKL scroll presented to David Ben-Gurion in 1949 has been found at the Ben-Gurion House in Tel Aviv. It describes key events in the history of Zionism but was never seen before, having been closed in its wrapping for years. It will now be put on display for the public.
A new force on social media. The new US-based nonprofit TalkIsrael Foundation aims to help Israel improve its image in the world. It will engage young pro-Israel activists to promote accurate, truthful, and positive coverage and news about Israel on social media and positively influence the hearts and minds of young people.
Copyright © 2015 Very Good News Israel, All rights reserved.
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America's halcyon period and never to be repeated:
Great memories!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
For audio versions of our FAIR News and FAIR Weekly Roundup newsletters, subscribe and listen to our FAIR News Weekly podcast here.
For the FAIR Substack, FAIR journalist Grayson Slover reported on an eSeminar titled “Race Talk is Dividing Us! And Other Myths About Race and Racial Literacy Curriculum in K-12 Schools” held by The New York Association of Independent Schools (NYAIS).
The seminar was led by Jason Craige Harris, a consultant with the NYC-based Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion organization Pollyanna. Harris describes himself as a “longtime social justice educator…and spiritual guide” and “a leading voice for organizational healing and societal transformation.” He insisted that, in addition to schools teaching the core skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, they must also teach students to be “racially literate.” According to Slover:
Pollyanna’s calling card is its K-12 “Racial Literacy” curriculum, which aims to give children the “knowledge, tools, and skills” they need to “shape a more racially just and equitable world.” Lessons in the curriculum include having kindergarten students mix paint palettes to match their skin color and teaching eighth graders that racism is a “primary institution” in the United States.
The covenant between the Main Street consumer and big corporations is collapsing
By Salena Zito
“One of the few connectors left in our culture is food and everything that goes into preparing it, beginning with that first sense of smell that inspires a dish. No matter how simple or elaborate a meal is, almost every high or low we experience in life has happened with us surrounded by a meal.
Whether it is the ritual of neighbors and families bringing food to the home of someone who lost a family member or the tradition of the covered-dish casserole dinners in church basements or the backyards filled with neighbors taking turns laboring over a barbecue pit, food not only nourishes us but also brings comfort and reinforces our sense of community and place.
Usually, when we buy our food to make a meal, whether it is at a grocery store or a local farm or farmers market, we don’t expect to be lectured about politics. We are all adults, and we all have a level of expectation that store owners' politics may be different than ours. What we don’t expect is to be scolded for holding different beliefs.
And we certainly don’t expect to be called racists.
Yet that is exactly what Bill Penzey Jr. did in emails to his customers twice over the past month, and it wasn’t even subliminal. Penzey sent out a corporate email and posted on his webpage the "All Republicans are Racists" weekend special the store held for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
That was followed just days later by another "All Republicans are Racists" special that begged whatever remaining loyal customers it had — he admitted in his Facebook post that the store had lost 40,000 of them — to buy gift cards.
There are several things at play here that deserve deeper exploration. These things really show a lot about the dwindling relationship that consumers have with the men and women who run many of the institutions, corporations, and media and entertainment outlets in this country.
It is a covenant that has broken because people like Penzey don’t have a cultural connection to their customers. This is not a Democratic or Republican thing. It's an inside-outside thing. Here in Western Pennsylvania, you don’t have to be a Republican to have been really turned off by his missive.
There are plenty of people who walk down Penn Avenue who have been Democrats all of their lives but who are married to a Republican, have children who are Republicans, or have GOP grandparents, neighbors, friends, and co-workers.
These Democrats with Republican loved ones are as equally put off by that blanket accusation of racism as if he had called all Democrats racist.
Because Penzey runs his business hundreds of miles from here, he is culturally disconnected from not only the people who are his customers but also the people who work for him. Fifty years ago, that was a rarity in this country: Most business owners weren’t called CEOs, they lived within four miles of their operations, and they often served on local school boards or were ushers in their community churches.
Nowadays, people find themselves using or buying products made in plants in this county that are run by a board of directors who only fly in and out of the facility once a year for a board meeting. These directors don’t know their workers, and even worse, they’d barely know their customers if it weren’t for focus groups.
Even my most strident Democratic friends loathe when…” Click here for the full story.
I have always had my own doubts as well as the assassination of MLK. Hoover had his suspicions that Kennedy was too involved with a Russian woman who was a spy and how did MLK's alleged killer know his whereabouts and when he would appear on the balcony. Hoover also distrusted Bobby and was concerned about his union ties
.gee note: the kennedy assassination was on nov. 22,1963. i often refer to the question of what actually happened in all contemporary political situations when we have no idea who murdered our president so many decades ago. and,what about jack ruby?
JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is ‘bulls–t’
By Heather Robinson
Good news Israel (edited.)
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