Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Kevin and Craig Greenberg. Our Lightweight President. Dead Dog Biden. Dictator Trudeau Decides Against Democracy.

Feb 15
Our grandson is the communications director for Craig Greenberg, candidate for Louisville's mayor,  who was shot at yesterday. Kevin was in the room with Craig's staff when the attempted murder took place and slammed the door on the shooter's arm. Very chilling event and we are proud that, quick thinking, Kevin acted as he did.

Shots fired at Louisville Jewish mayoral candidate

An assassin attempted to shoot Jewish Louisville, Kentucky Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg in his office on Monday morning.

14.02.22 22:12

Louisville, Kentucky

An assassin attempted to shoot Jewish Louisville, Kentucky Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg in his office on Monday morning, according to police.

No one was injured in the attack, but one of the bullets struck an item of clothing belonging to Greenberg, Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) Chief Erika Shields said at a midday press conference.

Police have a suspect in custody, but have not found a motive, she added.

"We also have no reason to believe at this time that this individual was acting anything but alone,” Shields said.

“My team and I are fortunately all safe. We are all with LMPD now. I will provide an update as soon as possible,” Greenberg said in a Twitter statement. “Thank you for the outpouring of support.”

Shields alluded to the fact that Greenberg was Jewish while speaking to the media, although she did not give any details as to whether that could have been the motivation behind the attempted shooting.

Matt Goldberg, the Jewish Federation of Louiville’s director of community relations, told the Courier-Journal that he is "certainly waiting to find out what this person's motivations are.”

He described Greenberg as an “active member” of the local Jewish community.

"You don't expect to see anything like that in Louisville or anywhere, but to see it for someone you know is very, very frightening," Goldberg said. "We're thinking about his family of course and his friends and the people on his campaign.”

The shooting was quickly condemned by other candidates, including Republican Philip Molestina.

The incident “makes it even more important for us to have a safe city and work, all of us together, to make sure that happens regardless of political affiliations or anything else,” he said, according to the news outlet.

Democrat David Nicholson said that he has spoken with Greenberg and that his mayoral campaign has increased security as a precaution.

"While our campaign received no prior threats or indication of danger, my campaign has taken the necessary precautions to protect my family, campaign team and my self,” Nicholson said.

Greenberg, who has raised the most money of the candidates, is seen as the leading Democrat in the race to replace outgoing Mayor Greg Fischer.

He has run his campaign on a platform of public safety, releasing a plan last month to reform the police force, making it more community oriented.


Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈


Breaking: The suspect arrested over the attempted assassination of Louisville mayoral candidate ‪@RunWithCraig has been identified as Quintez Brown (‪@tez4liberation), a #BLM activist & black nationalist championed by Obama & ‪@JoyAnnReid. He was also a writer for ‪@courierjournalpic.twitter.com/PKwuIAwg4x



Our light weight president was elected because of

 the discomfort with Trump and now we are paying

 a "uge" price.

The Unbearable Lightness of Biden

The man has no firm principles, which makes the country feel sadly leaderless.

By Joseph Epstein

When I listen to a speech by President Biden I am occasionally in agreement, often bored, rarely exhilarated and never inspired. I realize that he doesn’t write these speeches; few presidents since Abraham Lincoln have written their own speeches. Ronald Reagan didn’t even write the sentence for which he is best remembered: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Peter Robinson, a speechwriter, did.

Something central is missing from President Biden’s speeches, the same thing that is missing from the man. It’s gravitas—that dignity, seriousness and convincing solemnity that powerful public utterances carry. Mr. Biden simply doesn’t have gravitas in him. In his political career he has always seemed less a public servant than an operator, less a president than a backroom politician. Yet, thanks chiefly to American voters’ deep repugnance toward Donald Trump—surely more than half of Mr. Biden’s 81 million votes in 2020 weren’t for him but against Mr. Trump—Joe Biden ended up president.

In his speeches Mr. Biden may quote his parents’ homey wisdom: “ ‘Joey,’ my dad said to me when I was a boy . . .” He may lean in to the mic to whisper what he feels are home truths. Yet the speeches, as he reads them off his teleprompter, never come alive. The true Joe Biden is the Joe Biden who says, in the manner of the home-improvements salesman, “Look, here’s the deal.” The real Joe Biden can’t rise above even the hint of criticism from the press. The most recent example was his hot-mic comment about a Fox White House reporter. Mr. Biden called Peter Doocy “a stupid son of a bitch” for asking a rather conventional question about inflation.

How does one achieve gravitas? Some come to it naturally; some acquire it with the acquisition of education and culture. Gravitas often derives from pondering serious things in a serious manner. Implicit in gravitas is the thoughtful understanding of pressing questions, problems and issues. Reagan may not have written his best line, but there is little doubt that he truly, and rightly, believed that Soviet Communism was “an evil empire,” and he acted on that belief in helping to bring it down.

One of Mr. Biden’s problems is that we don’t know what he truly believes. He ran for office as the great healer, the man who would bring the country back to the center after the stormy Trump years. Yet since he attained office, that Joe Biden has disappeared, and now often appears to be the spokesman for the Democratic Party’s divisive left wing.

He considers himself a champion of African-Americans, yet he eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a Klansman in his youth, and the longtime segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond. The man who now promises to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court is the same man who warned in 2005 that if President Bush nominated Judge Janice Rogers Brown, “I can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered.”

The man who was chiefly responsible for the 1994 crime law is now strangely silent on the need to enforce punishment strictly for current-day criminals. If the law of contradictions were enforced, Joe Biden would be serving a life sentence.

Barack Obama may not have been your notion of a great president (he wasn’t mine), but he knew how to act presidential. He never sullied the office with financial or sexual scandal. The same can’t be said about Mr. Biden. He often speaks of his dead children, but of his living son Hunter, with the many accusations of corruption against him, not a word.

We have at least three more years of President Biden, and possibly seven more if the Republicans allow Mr. Trump to run against him in 2024. What with the conflicted messaging about the coronavirus, the out-of-control flow of illegal immigrants past the southern border, omnipresent crime in the streets, persistent inflation, and international challenges for world supremacy emerging from both Russia and China, strong leadership from the White House is urgently needed.

Yet because Mr. Biden seems so without solid principles, so without clear policies, so unpresidential, the U.S. feels sadly leaderless. Can there be any doubt that having so unpresidential a president has contributed greatly to the deflating sense of hopelessness that seems to have swept over the country?

Mr. Epstein is author, most recently, of “Gallimaufry: A Collection of Essays, Reviews, Bits.”


Joe Biden Recalls Putting

 Dead Dog on Republican

 Voter’s Door Step

President Joe Biden recalled Monday putting a dead dog on the doorstep of one of his constituents, back when he served on the county council in the state of Delaware.

During a speech at the National Association of Counties 2022 Legislative Conference in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Biden recalled when he served on the council and received a call from one of his constituents, who he said was in a wealthy neighborhood.

“I got a call one night, a woman said to me, obviously not of the same persuasion as I was politically, called me and said, ‘There’s a dead dog on my lawn.'”

Biden recalled that he told the woman that the county would deal with it in the morning.

“She said, ‘I want it removed now. I pay your salary,'” Biden recalled.

“So I went over. I picked it up. She said, ‘I want it out of my front yard,’ I put it on her doorstep,” Biden said with a grin as the crowd laughed.

Biden used the story to highlight how important local government officials were to addressing immediate problems.

“I ran for the Senate because it was too hard being on the council,” Biden said with a chuckle.


Meanwhile in Canada , the dictator Trudeau decided democracy got in his way so he has banned freedom to protest.  Is this a prelude to what Biden and his radical Democrats are preparing for us. Why hasn't our own State Department and the virtuous NYT's spoken out in protest?



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