Sunday, February 13, 2022

Is Biden Raiding Funds? George Will on Campus Activities. Soros' Biography. Cut and Run. Closer To Another 9/11?


Biden Bids To Pay the Taliban — by Raiding Funds Awarded to 9/11 Families

Editorial of The New York Sun

One of the most shocking developments since 9/11 is President Biden’s decision to wheel against victims of the attacks in favor of relief for the Taliban regime. Mr. Biden this morning issued an order to put $3.5 billion out of reach of a lawsuit being levied by 9/11 families over money in Afghanistan’s central bank. He will instead set aside the money “to benefit the Afghan people,” the White House says, but first a federal judge has to agree.

Mr. Biden is trying to try to palm off on Americans the idea that the money he’s putting out of reach of the 9/11 families won’t go to the Taliban itself. The administration promises “a path for the funds to reach the people of Afghanistan, while keeping them out of the hands of the Taliban.” That canard ignores the fact that the 9/11 families have already won a judgment in federal court for every dollar of the $7 billion in question.

That’s a point that a federal judge, Sarah Netburn, may want to weigh when she rules on the September 11 families’ case. That $7 billion judgment, entered in federal district court in 2012, has the full force of law. The award coincides with the amount in the Federal Reserve’s vault at New York in the account of Afghanistan’s central bank. So Mr. Biden proposes taking from the 9/11 families and giving to the Taliban.

Mr. Biden seems, at least to us, to be oblivious to how mendacious his plan is. “Even if funds are transferred for the benefit of the Afghan people,” the White House says, “more than $3.5 billion” will be left over for the 9/11 families. What does that mean, though, if not that the Americans should be happy with half a loaf and the rest should go to a Taliban that is not only an enemy of the Afghan government in whose account the money is held but is an enemy of America?

Nor is the administration even certain the remnant of the money will go to the 9/11 families. The “assets would remain in the United States,” the White House says, and remain “subject to ongoing litigation by U.S. victims of terrorism.” The 9/11 families, a fact sheet about Mr. Biden’s order says, would “have a full opportunity to have their claims heard in court.” The White House seems to have contempt for the fact that the 9/11 families already had their claims heard, and they won.

The White House does concede the 9/11 families have received “writs of execution” — court orders — allowing them to seize the Afghan assets at the Fed. Yet the seizure has been delayed while Mr. Biden’s Justice department decided what to do. The White House now says “the court will need to issue a further decision regarding the scope of those writs.” That leaves the matter, the White House says, “pending a judicial decision.”

It sets the stage for a dramatic showdown in Judge Netburn’s courtroom in Manhattan. Judge Netburn has previously granted two requests by the Justice department to delay the seizure of the funds, citing “the interest of comity” and “complicated questions of law and policy.” Now that the White House has spoken, the Justice Department is expected to ask today that Judge Netburn to approve its scheme.

We did put in a call to the spokesman for Afghanistan’s anti-Taliban National Resistance Front, Ali Nazary. He scoffs at the idea that money Mr. Biden might send the Taliban would go to humanitarian aid. He argues that the funds on deposit at the Fed should be set aside for a legitimate Afghan government and the 9/11 families’ claims laid, instead, to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, which he calls “a proxy of Pakistan,” and their sponsors.

So far, we have yet to spy any questioning from Judge Netburn of the Justice department’s requests for a delay in the dispute. Now that the case is down to tachlis, though, the question is whether our independent judiciary will step up and rule against Mr. Biden’s proposal to take billions from the 9/11 families and hand it over to one of the very organizations responsible for the horrors of that day.


Opinion: Even by today’s standard of campus cowardice and conformity, this repulsive episode is noteworthy

A sludge of ignorance and cowardice oozes so constantly through today’s campuses that institutions acquire immunity through recidivism: Progressivism’s totalitarian temptation is too commonplace to be newsworthy. Academia’s vindictive intolerance has become humdrum.

The University of Illinois at Chicago, however, is so repulsive that attention must be paid to Jason Kilborn’s ordeal. He is enduring, as the price of continuing as a tenured law professor, progressivism’s version of an ancient torment: the pillory. He has been sentenced to multiple debasements devised by UIC, which is wielding progressivism’s array of tools for mind-scrubbing and conformity-enforcing.

Kilborn’s troubles began in December 2020, when he used, in an exam concerning civil procedure, a hypothetical case about a Black female manager suing a former employer, charging that she had been fired because of her race and gender. She alleged that other managers had called her — this is how the slurs appeared in Kilborn’s hypothetical — a “n_____” and a “b_____.”

In his lawsuit seeking damages for violations of his constitutional rights, Kilborn says he had used this identical hypothetical for 10 years without occasioning comment, let alone campus convulsions. But it takes just a few pebbles to start an avalanche, and just a few flamboyantly brittle students to start an infection of indignation. So, Kilborn was summoned to an electronic meeting with the law school’s dean, who had been told he had “used a racial slur” on the exam. He sent a note to his class expressing regret if his hypothetical had distressed anyone.

Nevertheless, three weeks later Kilborn was summarily placed on “indefinite administrative leave,” his classes were canceled for the entire semester, and he was banned from campus. All this, because the head of UIC’s Office for Access and Equity had a conversation with a student, according to the lawsuit.

On Jan. 6, the Black Law Students Association invited people to report if they had ever been “affected by” Kilborn. The next day, about an hour into a four-hour remote electronic conversation with a member of the association, Kilborn was asked why the law dean had not shown him a student petition complaining about the expurgated racial and gendered slurs in the exam question. Kilborn said perhaps the dean thought the abusive things said about Kilborn in the petition might make him “become homicidal.” Within four days, the student was reporting that Kilborn had exclaimed that he “was feeling homicidal.”

So, the dean triggered UIC’s Violence Prevention Plan, which triggered a Behavioral Threat Assessment Team that, without communicating with Kilborn, authorized the dean — who teaches law, mind you — to impose severe punishments without a shred of due process. Soon the Office for Access and Equity notified Kilborn that it was investigating allegations that he had “created a racially hostile environment,” particularly in his civil procedure course.

To the surprise of no one conversant with the operations of academia’s “equity” bureaucracies, the Office for Access and Equity notified Kilborn that he was guilty of “harassing conduct” because his exam question, and his response to criticisms of it, “interfered” with Black students’ “participation” in UIC. This was just another example of kangaroo court proceedings not uncommon at institutions of higher education that are administered by progressive apparatchiks too uneducated to understand the adjective “Kafkaesque.”

What makes UIC worth noticing, however, are the punishments it imposed. At first, it said that Kilborn’s sensitivity training would be mandated only if four semesters of his recorded classes indicated a harassing classroom environment. Despite exemplary performance reviews, he was declared “ineligible” for an announced, across-the-board 2 percent pay raise. Then UIC said he would have to undergo sensitivity training after all. An eight-week diversity instruction regimen would involve 20 hours of course work, five “self-reflection” papers, weekly 90-minute sessions with a diversity “trainer” and supplemental molding by the trainer.

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Could those who concocted this sentence ever recognize their kinship with the moral purifiers of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge? Or of Mao’s Cultural Revolution? Or the Stalinist interrogator Gletkin in Arthur Koestler’s 1940 novel “Darkness at Noon”? If so, would UIC’s unconscious emulators be discomfited by the resemblance? Unlikely.

Today, bureaucrats parasitic off academia’s scholarly mission outnumber actual scholars. These threat-discerners, diversity-planners, bias-detectors, sensitivity-promoters, sustainability-guarantors and other beneficiaries of today’s multibillion-dollar social justice industry are doing well during the nation’s supposed apocalypse.

So meticulous is UIC about Kilborn’s reeducation, it assigned him “supplemental” readings that explain the problems White people might face when they realize that White racism is everywhere. One assigned reading included this: “White people who support their colleagues of color may be called ‘n______ lover.’” UIC’s prissy bullies, like fanatics generally, have no sense of irony.

I have just begun reading the biography of Soros

If half of what the author has written is correct  there is no
 wonder America is experiencing what it is because Soros' tentacles extend beyond anything even I would have envisioned.  

Soros, according to the author and based on an Ukrainian poll, is deemed  the second most powerful/influential person in Ukraine. Allegedly he has spent over $180 million in Ukraine since 1991.

His tax free contribution of thirty three billion dollars, of his personal wealth, has allowed him unimaginable political power over America as he operates through  his "Open Society Foundation" and various funding offshoots. His close connection to the Clintons, his relationship with Obama and Obama's former Attorney General, Holder, his enormous contributions to the Biden campaign and, most important of all, his ability to place former employees and fellow philosophical advocates in America's various government agencies and on think tank committees has resulted in attacks on our nation's culture, higher education, border security, election and law enforcement activities as well as foreign policy initiatives.

The author postulates Soros promotes degradation, destruction of traditional values and national identities along with the support of class oppression.  He has targeted America as the most evil nation in the world and advocates/supports open borders,  Apparently, Soros was behind the ouster of Ukraine's President, Yanukovych in February, 2014.

I have gotten as far as the Chapter that describes the formation of AntAC (Anti-Corruption Acter Centre of Ukraine which is a powerful NGO and through 1918, 17 of it's funding was provided by Soros. AntAC is run by an American-educated lawyer with ties to Biden's White House. Ukraine's prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, helped Mykola Zlochevsky regain control of Burisma and struck a deal to have Hunter Biden appointed to Burisma's. Biden got Shokin fired for alleged corruption which was never proven factually.

Move the clock forward and after Shokin was fired the Ukrainian prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, was given a list of names, by our Ambassador, who should not be prosecuted. John Solomon, a former Ass't attorney in America's Justice Department concluded Lutsenko was told not to target AntAC, the NGO heavily funded by Soros.  Why the concern?

According to the author, who wrote the Soros biography I am reading,  investigation of ties involving Ukraine, Soros, the Obama administration, our State Department, FBI and CIA could expose a chest of unflattering secrets.  The chapter ends with a review of various parties involved in questionable activities including the faked Ukraine impeachment of Trump, Giuliani, Manafort, our Ukraine Ambassador, Soros even the Steele Dossier and a host of others involved with trumped up accusation including money flows to a variety of characters engaged in unsavory endeavors all connected with nailing Trump's disproved ties to Russia. 

It is obvious to any reader the number of entanglements and characters is not only confusing but overwhelming. If this entangled web is ever made into a movie you would walk out exhausted and shaking your head.  

Furthermore, if the author is correct then one has to be concerned about Soros' enormous investments in the Ukraine and their threat from Putin and whether Biden's ties to Soros will dictate his foreign policy actions.

It is evident the current government, extending back to Clinton and Obama's administrations which were immersed in questionable and illegal activities, continues along this path to this day.
This is why The Durham Report will be so interesting and compelling. 

The next Chapter is entitled: "George Soros Infiltrates Higher Education."
Remember Election Day is coming

Well, we did it Vietnam…did it again in Afghanistan….a hallmark of the Democratic Party…..

cut and run and leave devastation/destroyed lives in your wake.

                                  A Year in Photos
One year ago, Joe Biden was sworn in as President. 
It's said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Here are 10,000 
words that sum up President Biden's first year in office.
Del Rio, Texas
Off the coast of Long Beach, California
Kabul Airport
Washington, D.C. 
New York City
Chicago, Illinois
Southern California
Orlando, Florida
Los Angeles, California
It's been a long year. 
 I know a lot of liberal Democrats will bury their head in the sand and pretend none of this happened... but it did and has . 


We’re now 1 step closer to another 9/11

In 2011, President Barack Obama identified in the National Strategy for Counterterrorism what his top priority as president was. That priority was stated to be the following:

“The supreme responsibility of the president is to protect our system of government, not the safety of individuals or even their physical security.”

Despite several presidents stating otherwise – i.e., that ensuring the safety and security of all Americans was their top priority – such language is not included within the president’s oath of office. That oath clearly places top priority on preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States, as Obama’s National Strategy for Counterterrorism dictated.

What is ironic is that Obama’s former vice president and now our current president, Joe Biden, has embarked upon a policy that clearly underscores his contempt for a priority previous presidents embraced, whether it was right or wrong, as foremost among their duties of office. And a recent frightening discovery demonstrates just how far down Biden’s list of priorities this duty has tumbled. In fact, this discovery has outrageously opened the door to a possible repeat of the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

The first disaster of the Biden administration was its open border policy that has now reached the level of a quiet invasion. It is estimated 2 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S. since Biden took office. And despite the absence of a strict vetting process of these illegals for criminal activity or testing for COVID-19, Biden even provides ground and air transportation to send them deeper into the heart of America. Additionally, as a result of his Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco, thousands of unvetted Afghan refugees have been dispersed around the country.

Because we have lost control of our southern border, the Mexican drug cartels have filled the void, making money by transporting illegals and drugs into the U.S. They brazenly have resorted to using the roads construction crews had built while working on the border wall during Donald Trump’s presidency. The influx of drugs into the U.S., and especially fentanyl, has drastically increased, along with the number of deaths caused by overdoses.

But, as if all this were not enough, indications are one of the strongest cartels – Jalisco New Generation cartel, known in Spanish by the acronym “CJNG” – is working closely with Middle East terrorist networks. Evidence of this affiliation has come to light due to new assault and guerrilla tactics, mirroring the murderous tactics of al-Qaida, the Taliban and other groups, being employed. CJNG is now using new tools of the terrorist trade, such as explosive-laden drones and landmines, targeting both Mexican police and competing cartels. The state of Michoacan in Mexico has taken the brunt of CJNG’s brutality. In 2021, it suffered more than 2,700 homicides and, less than two months into the new year, has logged another 200 more.

With CJNG developing a close relationship with Middle East terrorists, it is not much of a jump to recognize where such an affiliation will lead to next. Middle East terrorists now have a gateway into the U.S. to conduct a devastating attack against us whenever they seek to do so. There are already several reasons why they undoubtedly are eagerly exploring the opportunity to make use of such a gateway, feeling a comfort level they have never felt before.

The Iranians still eagerly seek revenge against America for the January 2020 assassination of their terrorist leader, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who commanded that country’s elite Quds Force. While America’s closed borders posed a problem for them back then, they no longer do today.

In January, 2022, the Taliban were sufficiently emboldened by Biden’s open borders policy, threatening to send 2,000 suicide bombers to Washington, D.C., should he send the same number of U.S. troops to our embassy in Kabul.

This month, the hideout of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi in Syria was surrounded by U.S. forces, leading the terrorist mastermind to detonate an explosive device, killing himself and his family. Undoubtedly, that group will now seek their revenge by exploiting our open borders.

We are living at a time that numerous dark forces seek to inflict as much harm on America as possible. They will be relentless in their efforts to do so. Elements of those dark forces are already lurking within the U.S. But ignoring our borders at such a time in order to prevent other terrorist elements from entering is a presidential dereliction of duty. Sadly, that revelation will not come to light until after we have suffered another 9/11 terrorist attack.


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