Sunday, June 9, 2019

Trump The Man Versus Trump The President. Japanese Attitude Towards Muslims. Democrats Continue To Resist.

Everyone I meet or talk with, who hates Trump, talks about him as a person in the role of president. They never discuss anything about his presidency and/or accomplishments.  If they do, they find nothing favorable, give Obama credit or some such evasive comment. I would hope some would come to their senses and allow themselves to be more objective and rational but thinking/decisions  based on pure emotion are a powerful force and helped get Obama elected and now this must be defended because they cannot bring themselves to see the tragedy he caused.

Trump is basically the first non politician to seek and win the presidency since Eisenhower.  He is continuing to learn on the job.

I too am frustrated by some of his behaviour and episodes when he overreaches and/or shoots himself in the foot.  I acknowledge he is full of himself.  That said, I find much that s favorable, much that he has accomplished and taught the establishment. I particularly like the fact that he is a counter puncher and is willing to give more than he receives.  Obama was a patsy.

The anti-Trupers have done more damage to America than anything Trump has done.

Recently, Trump made everyone look foolish for criticizing his approach towards Mexico.  Only America is wrong for standing tall against those who always find fault with our country.

As for America, we have every right to protect our borders and it would be pleasant to see Democrats join in  assisting Trump once in a while but they are hell bent on impeachment, "hoping he goes to jail" and acting as if they do not give a damn about our nation and its security.  Democrats care more about illegal immigration than rights of legal citizens and that is sick..

Come 2020, I suspect the majority of Americans will vote and re-elect Trump so we can move forward and redress our problems like deficit spending, the depletion in SS and Medicare Reserves, healthcare issues and illegal immigration for a start.

This will be Trump's agenda and where he wants to steer us. Should he win re-election will Democrats come back to America, leave outer space and participate?

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