Sunday, June 2, 2019

Finally All Caught Up.

From my grand children: What do you call a cow with no legs?  ground beef!
Logic is fine as long as it is not conservative in nature.  (See 1 below.)
Democrats cannot disassociate from the hole they have dug for themselves.  They have straight jacketed themselves.(See 2 and 2a below.)
Zito and Sunday dinner. (See 3 below.)
Ordman covers more good news. (See 4 below edited.)
1) Simple, Logical and Sensible. Probably means it has no chance.  
cid:1a1b9b2a-04c6-24be-aa37-6fe9a8af5697@yahoo.comI have a job.    
cid:1a1b9b2a-04c6-24be-aa37-6fe9a8af5697@yahoo.comI work, they pay me.  
, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;">cid:1a1b9b2a-04c6-24be-aa37-6fe9a8af5697@yahoo.comI pay my taxes & the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit  
cid:1a1b9b2a-04c6-24be-aa37-6fe9a8af5697@yahoo.comIn order to get that paycheck, in my case,  I am required to pass a random urine test (with which I have no problem).  What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.  So, here is my question:  Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?  Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.  I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT----doing drugs while I work..  Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?    
I guess we could call the program   URINE OR YOU'RE OUT"!    
Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.    
Hope you all will pass it along, though.  
Something has to change in this country -   AND SOON!  Just a thought, all politicians should have to pass a urine test too!... They should also have to pass an intelligence test, a common sense test and an understanding the constitution test, as well!!! 

2) Hickenlooper: Democrats Need to Distance Themselves From Socialism to Defeat Trump

Former Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper (Colo.) on Wednesday said Democratic presidential candidates need to "distance" themselves from socialism if they want to defeat President Donald Trump next year.
Hickenlooper, who is part of the crowded field of over 20 Democrats trying to defeat Trump, appeared on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show to discuss his campaign and his strategy for defeating Trump if he is the Democratic nominee. He said he didn't believe socialism was the "answer" to defeating Trump, prompting Maddow to ask him why he identified socialism as the alternative.
"The Republicans have tried to define the Democratic Party as a socialist party. Are you just saying that Bernie Sanders would be a bad nominee?" Maddow asked.
"No, I think that many of my colleagues are promoting large expansions of government, and I don't think we're going to succeed in addressing climate change if, within that legislation, we're guaranteeing federal jobs for everyone," Hickenlooper said. "I don't think we're going to get to universal health care if it includes taking 160 million people and taking them off their private insurance which many of them don't want to lose."
The comment about the federal jobs guarantee refers to the Green New Deal resolution, which was released by freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D., Mass.) back in February. Hickenlooper has touted his open opposition to the Green New Deal, since he's the only Democrat in the field to do so.
Hickenlooper said Democrats need to stay "focused" before talking about his record of being a progressive "pragmatist." He continued, "At a certain point if we're going to win in Ohio and Michigan and North Carolina, we going to need someone who is a progressive but a pragmatic. And maybe a dreamer, but also a doer, but someone who can show they've gotten stuff done."
Maddow questioned his logic.
"You know though if you were the Democratic presidential nominee this year, that with all of your pragmatism and all of your record of working across the aisle, Donald Trump will run against you and the entire Republican Party will run against you as a socialist," Maddow said. "You've just used that to disparage some of your candidates running on the same side as you on the Democratic side, but that will be the moniker they put on everybody no matter what you do, so why play into that by saying socialism is the problem?"
Hickenlooper pushed back by saying he isn't playing into Trump's hands, but instead he is laying out "real solutions."
"I don't think those solutions include large expansions in government," he said. "If we're not careful, if we don't distance ourselves from socialism, I think we're going to allow—we're going to turn the election over, a victory over to the worst president in the history of this country."
Maddow was incredulous, but Hickenlooper reiterated his point that pragmatism is superior to socialism.

2a) The Death of Merit and the Race to Mediocrity in Our Increasingly Marxist Universities By Philip Carl Salzman

Posted By Ruth King
“Our school teachers and university professors have been doing their best to discredit and destroy liberal individualism, freedom, merit, the search for objective truth, Western civilization, American and Canadian culture, and capitalism, all contrary to the views of the American and Canadian public. This is an ambitious agenda, but through the magic of “social justice,” they have made great progress in shaping the minds of pupils and students, and our future doctors, lawyers, bureaucrats, and legislators, if at the expense of objectivity, science, and truth. In a competitive and dangerous world, they lead us to ever increasing mediocrity and vulnerability.”
The television series “The Enemy Within” begins by informing the viewer that there are 100,000 foreign spies in the United States working to undermine and destabilize America. China has sent hundreds of thousands of students to America to gain maximum access to the West’s advanced knowledge and technology, some through education alone, some through espionage.
While the foreign threat is real and serious, it pales beside the internal threat represented by the North American education complex. There are 756,900 teachers and professors in Canada, and 5.2 million in the U.S. Almost all of these professors and teachers are daily resolutely and relentlessly attacking Western culture, rejecting American culture, and advocating cultural Marxism.
How did this come about? During the 1960s and 1970s, two converging social movements transformed the culture of education. One was the adoption of Marxism by a wide range of North American university professors in the social sciences and humanities. The other was the widespread adoption of feminist theory. Together, Marxism and feminism redefined North American society as a hierarchy of oppression, with white, patriarchal capitalists at the top, and poor lesbians of color at the bottom. All citizens were redefined as members of racial, economic, gender, sexual, and ethnic classes, with people of white oppressing people of color, males oppressing females, rich oppressing poor, heterosexuals oppressing LGBTQ++, Christians and Jews oppressing Muslims, and so on. This approach is called “social justice” theory.
Following the Marxist prescription of class conflict, feminists attack males as “toxic,” and people of color and their “woke” allies attack whitesas having unearned “privilege” and being oppressors. But that is only the beginning. “Social justice” theory attacks the most basic concepts of American culture and Western civilization.
The liberal principle of equality of opportunity is replaced by equality of result or outcome. This means that, instead of the allocation of opportunities and benefits on the basis of merit derived from demonstrated achievement, opportunities and benefits must be allocated evenly across the categories in each field: gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, by means of statistical representation in every organization and position according to statistical representation in the general population. This means in practice, according to the “equity, diversity, and inclusion” slogan, there must always in the U.S. be 50% or more females, 13% African Americans, 16% Hispanics, and at least some LGBTQ++, some Muslims, some other people of colour, some poor and homeless, some uneducated and some mentally ill.
According to “social justice” theory, ideas such as “merit” and “achievement” are male, white supremacist ideas, used to ensure the unfair dominance of white men. “Social justice” requires equal category representation. For example, the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who is a great advocate of “social justice,” appointed females to make up 50% of his cabinet. His justification? “Because it is 2015.” But females made up only 27% of the Liberal caucus, which means that 50% of cabinet members were selected from 27% of the caucus, while only 50% of the cabinet were selected from 73% of the caucus. If we assume that capability and potential are distributed equally among males and females, how likely is it that the strongest candidates in achievement, merit, and potential were selected? For Trudeau, gender trumped achievement and merit, “because it [was] 2015.” But, as is par for the course, even this has not satisfied feminists, who demand the most powerful ministries for females.
“Social justice” allocation of opportunities and benefits is well represented in the U.S. and Canada by programs of so-called “affirmative action,” in which people are selected, not because of their merit or potential, but because of their ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and/or race. In other words, underperforming, weak students are admitted to universities, and funded, because their sexuality, or race, or gender is statistically “underrepresented” in relation to their presence in the general population. Although this practice was outlawed by binding referendum in the state of California, the University of California has found “workarounds” to advance racial “diversity.”
And, although the Supreme Court of the United States has imposed serious restrictions on racial preferences, Ivy League universities have proceeded with them cavalierly, for which they have been investigated by the Department of Justice, and currently face court challenges.
McGill University, in its “Open Call” for Canada Research Chair applications, claims that “Chairholders are nationally recognized as exceptional researchers and innovators in their discipline.” But, “for the purpose of a nomination for a Canada Research Chair in the October 2019 round, preference will be given to qualified applicants who self-identify as a person with a disability or as an Indigenous person.” In actual choices, for McGill, disability and ethnicity count more than achievement, merit, and potential. And note that you do not actually have to be disabled or Indigenous, but merely to “self-identify” as disabled or Indigenous. Even in our top universities, identity is regarded as more important than facts. I suppose that, in this competition, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a.k.a. Fauxcahontas, would be given preference as “Indigenous,” as she has in previous employments.
A side note, “social justice” is a disease of the educational sector, not the population at large. In the U.S. the public does not like or support “affirmative action” and gender and racial quotas. According to a 2016 Gallup poll, 63% of Americans say race or ethnicity should not be considered in university admissions, and 66% say gender should not be considered. Among African Americans, 57% say race and ethnicity should not be considered, and a plurality of Hispanics, 47%, say the same. In a follow-up 2019 Gallup poll, 73% of Americans say that race should not be considered in university admissions. 62% of African Americans say that race should not be considered, and 62% of Hispanics say the same. 81% say that gender should not be a factor.
It appears that Americans increasingly oppose “social justice” racial and gender preferences. Note that while “social justice” advocates are pushing for representation on the basis of races, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity, they have no concern with the representation of public opinion. In fact, the one kind of diversity that they oppose is diversity of opinion. Only “social justice” views are acceptable; contrary views are vilified as “hate speech.”
In fact, the educational “social justice” bulldozer plows ahead. The latest ill-conceived initiative is by the College Board, producers of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the results of which are considered in college university admissions. The College Board is alarmed that while Asian Americans do best on the SAT exams, and white Americans score average, Hispanics and African Americans score low. So, to correct that, in the hope of having equality of result for the racial groups, the Board has invented an “adversity” assessment, giving high scores for negative social, economic, and other conditions, and giving low scores for beneficial social, economic, and other conditions. This would allow admissions officers to explain away poor SAT scores. As one critic puts it, “Tests only discriminate against those who don’t know the answers… The last thing we need is an artificial ‘adversity score’ to tip the scales in favor of those who don’t know the answers.”
The reality is that, while minority students with strong backgrounds do reasonably well in university, students with weak backgrounds and levels of achievement, admitted to university for “social justice” reasons, do poorly, and are harmed by being put into a position that they are ill prepared for. But the overall effect of “social justice” admissions and hiring is the dumbing down of universities and of the U.S. and Canada. Just as world competitors, such as China, ramp up their academic and research achievement, North American universities are catering to  “identities,” and raising subjectivity—“everyone has their own truth”—above objectivity, truth, and reality. This is a deep dive into decadence.
“Social justice” has one simple explanation for differing results among gender, racial, and other categories of people: discrimination. But the evidence does not support this explanation. Some unpopular minority groups are highly overrepresented in prestigious educational and professional positions, which is a result of their family and community cultures, and cannot be attributed to discrimination against the majority. At the same time, we know that underperforming and “underrepresented” minorities have serious internal family and community problems, such as single-parent families and a high crime rate.  Finally, the evidence shows that “underrepresentation” is in many cases the result of thepreferences and choices, not discrimination.
“Social justice” teachers, professors, and administrators who dominate our schools and universities do not stop with preferred “equity, diversity, and inclusion” admissions and hiring. Rather, they aim to discredit Western Civilization and American and Canadian society because they were founded and built by white men. The great literary and philosophical works of Western Civilization are no longer read because they are the creations of “dead white men.”
It is offensive to “social justice” advocates, particularly feminists, that white men invented Western culture, science, and technology.
“Social justice” educators, which means just about all educators, see their job as discrediting those white men. Western Civilization, America and Canada are framed as oppressive hierarchies of gender and racial injustice, with no saving graces. The Founding Fathers of the U.S., and John A. Macdonald, the first prime minister of Canada, are dismissed as slave-holding, anti-Indigenous evil villains, who sinned by living in the 19th rather than the 21st “social justice” century, and whose statues should be torn down, and names erased.
The Constitution of the United States is now rejected by “social justice” professors because it is the work of slaveholders.
Slavery in the United States is a trump card of “social justice” theorists, who frame it as the original sin of America which taints everything else. What they neglect is that slavery was the basis of ancient civilization, and a worldwide historical phenomenon; was a major institution in ancient Greece and in Rome; was a major social fact in Africa, where African slave raiders and traders, in addition to keeping slaves for local use,  provided the slaves for the North Atlantic slave trade; in the Middle East where Muslims slavers raided Africa for over a thousand years, and where the Islamic State in the 21st century, up to 2018, enslaved “infidels,” turning the females into sex slaves; in North Africa, where Muslim slave raiders sailed north as far as Ireland to capture tens of thousands of white Europeans to be sold into slavery; while in India “untouchable” quasi-slaves were half of the population; and in Russia serfs performed the same functions. It was white men in Europe who made slavery redundant by inventing science, modern agriculture, and the industrial revolution, raising productivity through the work of machines, so that slave labor was no longer desirable. Furthermore, anti-slavery movements among white Europeans and white Americansled to the banning of the North Atlantic slave trade, policed by the Royal Navy, and the emancipation of the slaves in the Caribbean and the American South. Estimates are that at least 360,000 Union soldiers, almost all white, died in the Civil War that led to emancipation.
“Social justice” subjectivity and advocacy have replaced the search for reality and truth in schools and universities. Objectivity is viewed as a tool that straight white men use to suppress females, people of color, and those of various sexualities. Today, in universities, identity is the most important “reality,” and everyone has their “own truth.” If you argue along with science that men and women are biologically different, you are rejected as sexist. If you argue along with science that men cannot be women and women cannot be men, you are rejected as a transphobe. If you argue that African American culture has serious problems, you are rejected as a racist. If you argue that there is discrimination in favor of, not against females, you are rejected as a sexist. Research and evidence on such matters are suppressed. There is not just peer pressure against views contrary to “social justice” fantasies, but these views are actively suppressed by administrators, the many“equity, diversity, and inclusion” officers, whose job is to suppress them.
Once equality of opportunity, merit, and competition are denounced as white male tricks to maintain supremacy, or as toxic masculinity, it is only logical to reject capitalism and differential distribution of assets, or inequality, and to advocate for socialism. This is no surprise for Marxists, whose sights were aimed at capitalism from the beginning. But the jihad against capitalism has been taken up by “social justice” advocates generally. According to a 2019 poll, “77 percent of Democrats believe that the country would be ‘better off’ if it were more socialist.”
Of course, most American professors are Democrats, and many are Marxists.
Many university departments declare themselves anti-capitalist. This statement from the Ryerson University (Toronto) School of Social Work is one that most schools of social work and education would agree with:
School of Social Work is a leader in critical education, research, and practice with culturally and socially diverse students and communities in the advancement of anti-oppression/anti-racism, anti-Black racism, anti-colonialism/decolonization, Aboriginal reconciliation, feminism, anti-capitalism, queer and trans liberation struggles, issues in disability and Madness, among other social justice struggles. Our vision is to transform social structures into more equitable and inclusive social, economic, political, and cultural processes of society.
Apparently, the school has not noticed the abject failure of socialism in the USSR, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, and Venezuela to provide security and prosperity. Nor the hundred million murdered by those societies in implementing socialism. Nor does it seem to have noticed that capitalism in developed societies has brought levels of prosperity to the average person beyond the imaginings of kings and queens in the past.
Our school teachers and university professors have been doing their best to discredit and destroy liberal individualism, freedom, merit, the search for objective truth, Western civilization, American and Canadian culture, and capitalism, all contrary to the views of the American and Canadian public. This is an ambitious agenda, but through the magic of “social justice,” they have made great progress in shaping the minds of pupils and students, and our future doctors, lawyers, bureaucrats, and legislators, if at the expense of objectivity, science, and truth. In a competitive and dangerous world, they lead us to ever increasing mediocrity and vulnerability. 

Sunday supper: The American tradition that cuts across cultures 

By Salena Zito

Raymond Mikesell wanted to make Sunday supper, the kind he had growing up on the North Side of Pittsburgh that began with waking up early to the rich aroma of his mother’s sauce and ended with his siblings and cousins playing pick-up baseball or football in the backyard while the grown-ups sat on the porch with their Coleman coolers popping the tops off of Schmidt’s beers and solving the neighborhood’s problems.
Large decorative bowls of steaming hot rigatoni, platters of greens and beans, meatballs, gravy, chunks of Parmesan cheese and crispy bread that melted in your mouth when you bit off a chunk would fill two tables: one for the adults and one for the kids.
It was loud, boisterous, and often chaotic. No faces were buried in an iPhone or GameBoy. Everyone talked and argued, and eventually had to loosen their belts.
“I was aware even then that this was something special. Something I wanted to hold on to,” Mikesell said.
But as the elders died off and the family scattered when Western Pennsylvania’s economy collapsed in the '80s, Mikesell found that "something special" gone.
And it wasn’t just his family. It was families across his old neighborhood, as well as the city and the state and beyond. And it wasn’t just Italian families either. It was all of the ethnic families that flooded the mid-Atlantic and the black families who migrated from the South in the late 19th century all for better lives. They all had had similar family traditions: church in the morning, supper mid-afternoon, recovery for the rest of the day.
Holding it together somehow became too difficult for the next generation of sons and daughters, yet their excuses seemed hollow: "It’s too hard," "We're too busy," "Nobody does that anymore."
Yet Mikesell, the father of three children and owner of a Strip District cafe, found he was tired of making those same excuses and hearing them from other people, so he decided to bring back the Sunday supper.
“With all this stuff that's going on in the world and the breakdown of the family, I wanted to be part of something that brought that kind of traditional value back for people who either have lost their family to other parts of the country or to age, or to people who moved here and want that sense of belonging,” he said.
Like his grandmother and mother before him, cooking gives Mikesell an euphoric joy. “It is a true sense of purpose, I am creating and adding and making a mess and sharing with people the thing I do best: cook. There is something about people uniting over a heaping bowl of ricotta balls and pasta that is joyful, and I get to be part of it and in turn other people get to be part of it,” he said.
Several months ago, he decided to make a Sunday supper. He set a large table, cooked an overabundance of food (five courses), and said a little prayer hoping people would come. He did not use social media or an evite or any modern tools of communication. Like the old neighborhood he grew up where a story could pass from one porch to another faster than any text, he just told a handful of people and waited.
He had no idea if anyone would come.
“I set that table for 40 people, cooked for 80 …” he joked.
“By 5 p.m. I was glad I cooked for 80, because that is almost how many people came.”
His handful of friends and family had told their friends and extended family and they had told their friends and family. Within minutes, the large cavernous second floor of his cafe was filled with laughter and chatter, as strangers became family as they devoured trays of lasagna, rigatoni, meatballs, chicken thighs, and ricotta balls, all piled on top of long wooden table and served family style.
Smartphones, iPads, and earbuds found themselves abandoned in purses, and conversations among strangers raised the noise level.
Mikesell choked up, tears filled his eyes as he watched what he, and everyone who came, had been missing for years: family, community.
Francis Caiazza misses his family dinners terribly. “It’s difficult because my children are scattered all over the country, I have one grandson in Duquesne University here and the rest of my grandchildren and children are in New York, Ohio, and Florida,” said the retired federal magistrate judge.

“It starts with the family. When you don't have a family, you have no community. I see the effects, especially with younger kids, drug issues and what have you. It's sad, it's really sad, when you don’t have a family you don’t have community.”
4)In the 2nd June 19 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

  • Israelis are testing a new treatment for incurable blood cancer.
  • Surgeons at an Israeli NGO have saved their 5,000th non-Israeli child.
  • Jews in Hebron hosted an Iftar feast for Hebron Arabs.
  • New HP laptop computers use Israeli security software.
  • Mitsubishi has launched an Israeli innovation center.
  • A new experiential visitor center has opened in ancient Caesarea.
  • Today (2nd Jun) is Yom Yerushalyim - Jerusalem Day.


Regenerating bones. (TY Hazel) Israeli startup Bone Sci Bio is developing a peptide product PeptOss that promotes the formation and repair of bone tissue. It also delivers treatments (antibiotics, chemotherapy, etc.) directly to the bone.  PeptOss’s first application is to treat peri-implantitis that affects 30% of dental implants.

Treatment for resistant Myeloma. Israel’s Pi Therapeutics (PiTx) is developing a treatment for PI-resistant Multiple Myeloma (MM) and solid tumors. Its small molecule non-catalytic UPS inhibitors have worked in lab tests. MM is an incurable blood cancer. PiTx has just raised $19.7 million for a formal clinical proof of concept.,7340,L-3763205,00.html  

Monitor breathing at home. (TY Hazel) Israeli startup Resmetrix Medical has developed a device that allows respiratory patients to monitor their condition at home. It could give an early warning of problems and reduce unnecessary hospitalizations for millions of asthmatics and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sufferers.

After the heart. Now that Tel Aviv University scientists can 3D-print a heart using human tissue (see here),  they are working to engineer tissue for marrow, brain, eyes and intestine. They are regenerating spinal cord tissue and cells to fight Parkinson’s disease. And they are working to make a 3D-printed heart grow and pump.

Health matters most to Israelis. (TY Jacques) A survey conducted by the Haredi Institute of Public Affairs identified the top priorities of Israelis (Jews & Arabs) were health, personal well-being and family life.

EU approval for soft Exo-suit. I reported previously (see here) about the ReStore Exo-Suit from Israel’s ReWalk Robotics that helps stroke victim recover their mobility. ReStore has just received the CE mark, allowing ReWalk to market the device to rehabilitation clinics in the European Union.

To heal, to teach, to discover. Israel’s Technion Institute is partnering with Cleveland Ohio’s University Hospitals (UH) to advance medical training, as part of UH’s mission, "To Heal. To Teach. To Discover". The strategic affiliation includes joint R&D projects, plus 4th-year Technion medical students can train at UH.

SACH’s 5,000th patient. (TY UWI) 1-year-old Fatima from Zanzibar is the 5,000th child (from 60 countries) to be treated (for free) by Israeli charity Save A Child’s Heart. Ironically, 19 years ago, SACH surgeons gave Fatima’s 26-year-old mother, Balkis, life-saving treatment at the same Israeli hospital for the same condition.

Doctors save toddler choking on popcorn. Specialists at Schneider Children’s Hospital managed to successfully extract popcorn from the airways of 2-year-old Ori Adler. Doctors and nurses extracted the small and sharp popcorn pieces that were stuck in the child’s airways using delicate bronchoscopy.


A hackathon to help Holocaust survivors. Some 200 Israeli entrepreneurs will take part in the annual Spark Hackathon in Tel Aviv, producing workable solutions for challenges in education, remembrance, and quality of life for Holocaust survivors. They will be supported by mentors from Microsoft, EY and NICE Systems.

The most creative Israeli woman. I reported previously (2nd Sep) when Shimrit Perkol-Finkel, CEO of Israeli startup ECOncrete, was nominated for the UN “We Empower” competition for female entrepreneurs. She has since become an EU “Outstanding Female Innovator” and a Fast Company “Most Creative Person of 2019”.  (The EU Award) (Amazing Nas daily video)

Social impact in the kitchen. The Kitchen is the first FoodTech incubator in Israel, established by the Strauss-Group food company and backed by the Innovation Authority. Its goal is help Israeli FoodTech startups flourish and make the global food market more productive, affordable, sustainable, and healthier. (see Ourcrowd video)

SodaStream hosts huge Iftar feast. Israeli-based SodaStream hosted a Ramadan fast-ending Iftar meal at its factory in the southern Israel town of Rahat. Nearly 3,000 Bedouins, Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs attended, along with U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.  

Hebron Arabs and Jews hold kosher Iftar feast. Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs held a kosher celebration for Iftar in the city of Hebron. The event, for Jewish, Palestinian Arab and Israeli-Arab businessmen was sponsored by the Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  Also (TY Sharon) the annual Iftar meal hosted by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Record number of tourists from Arab states. (TY Hazel) A record number of visitors from Muslim countries (over 72,000) came to Israel in 2018, including nearly 55,000 from countries that have no diplomatic relations with Jerusalem. It represents a 15% increase on last year’s numbers.


The “go to” place for technology. (TY Hazel) Israel’s tech ecosystem comprises 539 multinationals from 35 countries. Its 6,600 startups is 14 times the number of startups per capita in Europe. With 0.1% of the world’s population, Israel attracts 19% of global investment in cybersecurity and is the top spender on R&D per GDP.

Solving some of humanity’s greatest problems. Israel’s Technion Institute in Haifa is a science powerhouse and a hub for coexistence as this video demonstrates.

Food-tech conference. The Conference "Food Innovation - Begins in Tel Hai" on Jun 27 uniquely combines academia, industry, entrepreneurship and the scientific and the applied world. Focus will be on establishing the National Food Institute in Israel. Highlights include Tel Hai College students presenting their innovations.

HP computers have Israeli security inside. Computer giant HP is installing Sure Sense cybersecurity from Israel’s Deep Instinct on its latest EliteBook and ZBook range. The deal is valued at $150 million over four years. HP says Sure Sense enables zero-time threat prevention against the most advanced cyber threats.

More healthcare cybersecurity. I’ve already reported on three Israeli cybersecurity startups protecting hospital systems.  Cynerio is another – especially addressing the “Internet of Medical Things” such as infusion monitors, kidney-dialysis units and ventilators that are often Internet-connected.

Smart electric motorbikes. Israel’s Blitz Motors develops fast electric motor scooters for the corporate delivery market.  The low-maintenance, long-life vehicles can travel 100km on a 3-hour charge at up to 120km per hour. Features include smartphone operation (no key) and remote monitoring.

Best social impact app. I reported previously (31st Mar) that Israeli self-care platform Wisdo had been selected as one of Fast Company’s “World’s Most Innovative Companies”. It has now won a Google Play award in the “Best Social Impact” category at a ceremony in Mountain View, California.

Israeli nano-satellites link to Amazon. Israeli startup NSLComm is developing nano-satellite technology for high-volume communications. It is working with Cloud computing giant Amazon, which provides the ground station to store and process the data produced and transferred from the satellites. 

Beam me up – quickly. Israel’s Equalum has developed a platform that employs “data beaming” to teleport a company’s operational data from multiple sources in real-time throughout different systems and applications within the organization. It has just raised $18 million from investors including GE Ventures.,7340,L-3763195,00.html


Arsène Wenger backs Israeli sports tech. I reported previously (Apr 2016)on Israel’s Playmaker and its AI systems and sensors to improve sporting performance. Famous ex-coach of UK soccer team Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, has invested in Playmaker (also known as Motionize) and taken on the role of operating partner.,7340,L-3762920,00.html

Food-tech hub gets $100 million boost. I reported previously (Apr 2018) that the Israeli government had allocated $27 million to build a food-tech hub in Kiryat Shmona. A consortium of Israel’s OurCrowd, Tnuva and Tempo, plus US Finistere Ventures have now committed up to $100 million to the venture.,7340,L-3762956,00.html

Mitsubishi’s Israeli innovation center. (TY Nevet) Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan's largest trading company, has opened an innovation center in Tel Aviv. The center will help Mitsubishi scout for Israeli companies and technologies in its core areas of interest, including automotive and smart mobility.,7340,L-3762969,00.html

Non-stop to Tokyo. I reported nearly 4 years ago (July 2015) that El Al planned to launch a direct service to Japan’s capital Tokyo.  Not sure what the delay was, but a thrice-weekly operation using a Boeing 787 Dreamliner will commence in March 2020 – just in time for the Tokyo Olympics.,7340,L-3763161,00.html

Many more contracts for SuperCom.  My last report on Israel’s Supercom (Nov 2017) was when it won a big contract to build an e-Passport system in Iceland.  Since then it has won contracts in Kentucky, Idaho, North and South Carolina, Africa, Texas, Sweden, Minnesota, Europe, Southern Georgia and Tennessee.

Elbit earns $1 billion in Q1 2019. Israeli giant Elbit’s revenue for the first quarter of 2019 amounted to just over $1 billion. The company completed the takeover of the Israeli Government’s IMI Systems in November.

LiveU exits for $200 million. I’ve reported previously (see here) on Israeli live broadcasting and streaming startup LiveU. The company has just been acquired for $200 million in a joint takeover by US Francisco Partners and Tel Aviv’s Israel Growth Partners (IGP). LiveU will continue its Israeli operation.,7340,L-3763115,00.html

Israelis make US cyber connections. US cybersecurity giant Palo Alto Networks (a $20 billion Israeli-founded company) has bought Israeli-founded cloud security company Twistlock for “several hundreds of millions of dollars”. Twistlock maintains an Israeli research and development operation in Herzliya.,7340,L-3763164,00.html

You decide how much the meal was worth. (TY Jacques) Tel Aviv restaurant Joz Ve Loz is very unusual. You tell the server your likes and dislikes and you are brought a stream of dishes to eat or refuse. At the end of the meal, you assess its value and pay accordingly.  No tipping.

Double success for Gaza Border Beer.  I reported previously (2nd Feb) about Alexander’s Gaza Border Beer, made from wheat that had survived the Gaza fires.  The beer and its campaign were so popular, that it sold more in one week than Alexander normally sells in six months.  The video also won an International “Webby” award.


International architecture awards.  Israel’s Kimmel Eshkolot Architects has received awards in China and the UK for the Memorial Hall of Israel’s Fallen on Mount Herzl. It also won Shenzhen China’s Global Nomination Award for Tel Aviv’s Steinhardt Museum of Natural History.

Last chance to see Maimonides manuscripts. Jerusalem’s Israel Museum ends its exhibition of illuminated manuscripts of Maimonides (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) on 10th Jun. It reflects the legacy of Maimonides (died 1204) who was uniquely a writer, halakhic authority, philosopher, scientist, physician and Jewish leader.

Israel Festival attracts 30,000. The 58th annual Israel Festival in Jerusalem (until 15th Jun) showcases a rich, varied and multidisciplinary artistic program from Israel and around the world. More than 30,000 visitors are enjoying dance, music, theater, performance art, video art and instillations from leading international artists.

Caesarea Visitor Center. (TY Sharon) The Caesarea Development Corporation has launched an innovative NIS 150 million visitor center in Caesarea harbor funded by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation.  A dramatic video and archaeology introduce visitors to Herod the King of Judea, and his founding of Caesarea.

Samarian wine wins International award. The Gvaot winery, at Givat Harel in the Samaria hills, won a gold medal at the prestigious Decanter World Wine Awards in London. Its Gofna Cabernet Sauvignon was hailed as a “brilliant warm-climate Cabernet.”

Eurovision postcards from Israel. (TY Hazel) Many people have commented that the best parts of the Eurovision Song Contest were the “Postcard” introductions broadcast before each act. They showed the performers dancing and enjoying themselves all over Israel. This video just contains the postcards.


Israeli midwives for injured turtle. An injured brown turtle was discovered in distress, during a survey of dolphins, 3 miles off Israel’s Mediterranean coast. It was brought to Israel’s national Sea Turtle Rescue Center where an ultrasound scan revealed it urgently needed help to lay its eggs. The Israeli rescuers duly obliged.

We Believe in Israel has 20,000 activists. When pro-Israel NGO We Believe in Israel launched in 2011 it dreamed of recruiting 20,000 activists to campaign for Israel. Its dream has come true and you can join too.

Hotel staff bring meals to hospital visitors. Staff at Dan Hotel’s King David Jerusalem help pack and deliver food for Ezer Mizion’s Lottie’s Kitchen – the organization that provides meals for families visiting seriously ill patients in Israeli hospitals.  The Dan hotel chain encourages staff to volunteer for charities that help the needy.

Celebrating Jerusalem Day. (TY Jacob).  Here are links to several of Jacob Richman’s websites containing videos, songs and useful information about Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) - the anniversary of the unification of Israel’s capital city during the 1967 Six-Day War.  This year, Jerusalem Day falls on 2nd June.

See the City of David on Jerusalem Day. (TY Yishai) Yishai Fleisher ( takes us on a fascinating adventure in the famous Ir Davide (City of David) in Jerusalem. We see the connections between the Biblical history of the Jewish people in Israel and the modern-day discoveries of archeological evidence.

Sir Frank Lowy makes Aliya. Sir Frank Lowy, a Holocaust survivor who fought in Israel’s War of Independence and went on to become a billionaire shopping magnate in Australia, has made Aliyah. Lowy was knighted in 2017 for his contribution to the UK economy through his company Westfield.

Neo-Nazi had a life-changing dream. (TY UWI & I24 News) Yonatan Langer belonged to a neo-Nazi group but was questioning its aims and looking for spirituality. Then he had a strange dream which inspired him to learn about kabbalah. He has since converted to Judaism and made Aliya.

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