Thursday, June 13, 2019

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Now Reading McCullough's "John Adams" Biography. FOX'S Hiring Of Donna Brazile Is Outrageous.

 I will be leaving Saturday and returning the following Sunday a week and arriving in Pittsburgh on Father's Day. Could not be a more appropriate time considering our son will have just had his own son's birth to celebrate.

To all my friends and fellow memo readers who are father's the happiest and best ever of days.  Our nation needs more fathers and stable two parent families as role models so our society will be stronger and young children will have more stability and another voice to guide them through difficulties they will face. Lamentably, this is particularly so among black American families.

Also, starting Sunday there will be no memos until I return.
While I was on vacation I read the recent biography of Barbara Bush.  We had the distinct pleasure of knowing her and the biography is true to form.  She was a strong, family devoted, feisty woman. I play tennis with the Secret Service professional who was assigned to protect her and he confirms everything I believe to be true.

I am now reading the biography about  John Adams by McCullough. Just started,

Finally, I will never understand why FOX hired Donna Brazile. The woman is a fraud and her hiring  simply promotes her behaviour.  It sends one sad and  disgusting message to America that you can cheat and become prominent and wealthy. She belches out nothing worth listening to and now makes millions. It just mystifies me.  There is no sense of shame anymore and everyone attacks Trump and ignores the fact that Brazile openly and knowingly  gave advance questions to Hillary so that she had a leg up in defeating  Sanders.

These are the glowing headlines regarding her " Hollywood Makeover."

Can we talk about Donna Brazile’s amazing makeover ...


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