Trump's assaults on women. (See 2b below.)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This meat eater makes about as much sense as Greens: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=
Truth eludes Hillary with a degree of consistency that is quite remarkable. (See 1 below.)
This from a dear friend of long standing and a fellow memo reader. (See 2 below.)
and more (See 2a below.)
This is why Trump is gaining traction. Americans are tired of government corruption, of being lied to, of having our nation changed in ways we no longer are willing to tolerate and the purposeful breaking of laws because of a desire not to enforce them by Obama.
"Chairman Chaffetz Opener - Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security 4/28/2016 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2QOwAJ2ez6U"
Every time I am with a liberal friend they ask me what I think about Trump and I respond, first tell me what you think about Hillary.
What liberals do not understand is that a lot of people are going to vote for Trump though, unlike me, they are unwilling to publicly admit it. because they know they cannot win an argument debating about Trump. Consequently, they remain silent but their voices will be heard on election day. Whether it will be enough remains to be seen but then the FBI may have more to say about Hillary than even her detractors. Stay tuned.
As the campaign rolls along the Dems seem very disunited, angry and fighting among themselves.
Trump has at least one problem when it comes to women. He seems to go for pretty ones and that has to be hurtful to those who are not as beautiful and this could cost him a lot of votes because, for some reason, though all people are beautiful in God's eyes not all are in Donald's.
As for Hillary's Bill beauty did not seem to matter and maybe that is why he is so popular with women who have little empathy for those he abused. (See 2b below.)
Hillary claims she won by a nose in The Kentucky Derby yesterday. She lost in Orgeon.
Democrat insiders nag Bernie to get out because he keeps embarrassing their favorite nag.
We leave again Saturday for North Litchfield Beach to vacation with our dear neighborhood friends from our Atlanta Days. This will be our 25th year. We missed two other times. Then we go to Atlanta to participate in the wedding of the daughter of other very dear friends so I want to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day and thank those who sacrificed to keep our nation free and to honor and pay my respect to those who died in the process. My they always be remembered.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=-dY77j6uBHI WASHINGTON POST
Hillary Clinton’s viral nightmare: A video of her ‘lying for 13 minutes’
You could say that it all depends on how you define “lie.” Or, perhaps, that it’s hell to have a public record.
Either way, Hillary Clinton’s vast résumé of, shall we say, inconsistencies, is the dog that caught the car and won’t let go. A viral video collection of her comments on various subjects through the years is bestirring Republican hearts.
To those who’d rather vote for a reality show host than a Clinton, the video merely confirms what they’ve believed all along. For independents and even Democrats, it’s a reminder of how often Clinton has morphed into a fresh incarnation as required by the political moment.
Most of the highlights will be familiar to anyone who follows politics — her varying takes on Bosnia, health care, Wall Street, NAFTA — but the juxtaposition of these ever-shifting views is more jarring than one might expect. Politicians count on Americans’ short attention spans (and memories) as much as they do their own policies and/or charms. This video , inartfully titled “Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight,” clarifies blurred recollections and recasts them in an order that, among other things, reminds us how long the Clintons have been around.
If you’re looking for a fresh face or an anti-establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton isn’t it. But then neither are Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, both of whom have been haunting the public square nearly all of their adult lives — one a raging radical, the other a radical rager.
During an interview with ABC News, Hillary Clinton apologized for using a private e-mail server during her time as secretary or state. Here are past statements where the presidential hopeful neglected to take personal responsibility for the controversy. (The Washington Post)
Presumptive nominees Clinton and Trump are equally egregious in their misstatements, if in substantively different ways. Clinton is measured, poised, concentrated and studied when she revises her personal history. Trump just says whatever tiny thought penetrates his prefrontal cortex, where inhibitory functioning is obviously kaput, blurting absurdities and bromides the way pirates toss plastic beads from papier-mâché ships at Mardi Gras.
Lacking a policy record to defend or reverse, Trump gets to gloat and sneer at his female foe. He did reverse himself on his irrelevant position regarding the Iraq War, but the number of real estate developers whose opinions factored into the nation’s military calculation in 2003 was exactly zero. Otherwise, his evil-clown act toward women, minorities, the disabled and others is apparently acceptable to the Republican Party.
Clinton’s record is something else. The woman who would become president promises a continuation of President Obama’s policies, even though she rejected many of them in 2008. The candidate who hates NAFTA almost as much as she now despises Wall Street is captured in several clips praising NAFTA.
A review of her bizarre accounting of landing in Bosnia under sniper fire in 1996 is almost entertaining. Audacious, really. Rather than ducking and dodging across a tarmac where no welcoming committee was present, film footage reminds us that she and daughter Chelsea Clinton calmly walked from the plane, posed for photographs with students there to greet them, and shook hands with a little girl.
No news here, just a rehash of history. One Web author who posted the video — sent to me by several readers — insists that it would be impossible to vote for Clinton after viewing the 13-minute montage. This may or may not be true given the alternative, but a refreshed memory does invite fresh consideration of Clinton’s character.
On questions of honesty and trustworthiness, Clinton consistently polls low, including among Democrats, which partly explains Sanders’s support. His economic plan may be fantastical, but at least he’s honest!
Well, maybe. With Clinton, there’s no maybe, as the 13 minutes make clear. For whatever reason, she simply can’t seem to stick to the truth, which, at times, needs neither embellishment nor denial. Wasn’t it enough to have gone to Bosnia to conduct the nation’s all-important soft diplomacy?
Clinton has been in public life long enough to have made some honest mistakes and even changed her mind a few times, which aren’t sins. But trustworthiness requires honesty, which often begets forgiveness.
After all these decades, Clinton still wants everything every which way, just never straightforward. Her lengthy tenure as a public figure has become her greatest obstacle. This isn’t only because of her lack of forthrightness; it’s also because, having lived under such intense scrutiny for so long, she seems incapable of allowing herself the ultimate dodge: She’s merely human.
A person who can admit to mistakes, express genuine remorse, apologize for errors in judgment or failures to act, and who revises history only in the service of truth — that person could become president of the United States.
If only.
2) The Cato Institute released an updated 2014 study (original study in 1955) showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states and the District of Columbia.
2b) Trump’s Problem With Women
The New York Times’ front-page article last Saturday on Donald J. Trump’s dealings with women forced me into a weekend of self-examination. As much as I support Trump, this isn’t a cult of personality. He’s not Mao, Kim Jong-un or L. Ron Hubbard. We can like our candidates, but still acknowledge their flaws. No one’s perfect.
2) The Cato Institute released an updated 2014 study (original study in 1955) showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states and the District of Columbia.
Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour in 13 states.
According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It's now more profitable to sit at home and watch TV than it is to earn an honest day's pay.
Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13 per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary, all for doing nothing.
Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent "salary" that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:
6. New Jersey: $43,450
1. Hawaii: $60,590
2. District of Columbia:$50,820
3. Massachusetts: $50,540
4. Connecticut: $44,370
5. New York: $43,70
7. Rhode Island: $43,330
8. Vermont: $42,350
9. New Hampshire: $39,750
10. Maryland: $38,160
11. California: $37,160
12. Oregon: $34,300
13. Wyoming: $32,620
14. Nevada: $29,820
15. Minnesota: $29,350
16. Delaware: $29,220
17. Washington: $28,840
18. North Dakota: $28,830
19. Pennsylvania: $28,670
20. New Mexico: $27,900
21. Montana: $26,930
22. South Dakota: $26,610
23. Kansas: $26,490
24. Michigan: $26,430
25. Alaska: $26,400
26. Ohio: $26,200
27. North Carolina: $25,760
28. West Virginia: $24,900
29. Alabama: $23,310
30. Indiana: $22,900
31. Missouri: $22,800
32. Oklahoma: $22,480
33. Louisiana: $22,250
34. South Carolina: $21,910
As a point of reference the average Middle Class annual income today is $50,000 down from $54,000 at the beginning of the Great Recession. Hawaii, DC, and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average working folks earn there. Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job?
Time for a drastic change . . . America is virtually bankrupt.
Note that California is $18.50 an hour.
Are we nuts or what? How do we undo this type of stupidity? This is crazy!
· Salary of retired United States Presidents -- $180,000 for LIFE)
· Salary of House/Senate $174,000 for life
· Salary of Speaker of the House -- $223,500 FOR LIFE
· Salary of Majority/Minority- $193,400
· Average Salary of a teacher $40,065
· Average Salary of Soldier -- DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN $38,000
Think about this! Nancy Pelosi will retire as a Congress Person at $174,000 Dollars a year. She has retired as SPEAKER at $223,500 a year. PLUS she will receive an additional $193,400 a year as Minority Leader, the fact that she has become rich while in office notwithstanding. That's $803,700 Dollars a year For LIFE including FREE medical which is not available to us . . . the taxpayers. She is just one of the hundreds of Senators and Congress that float in and out every year!
I think we found where the cuts should be made! If you agree, pass it on.
Wake UP America!
Subject: The Resettlement of Hundreds Thousands of Muslim Refugees Into the USA is Under Investigation for, Bid-rigging, & Corruption
The Resettlement of Hundreds of Thousands of Muslim Refugees Into the USA is Under Investigation for Bribery. Bid-rigging, & Corruption
By Capt Joseph R. John, on May 16, 2016
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) that has ties to Soros and Clinton, that gets tens of millions in US taxpayer dollars to resettle hundreds of thousands of Syrian Muslim Refugees throughout the United States, is now under investigation for bribery, bid-rigging, and corruption by the Office of the Inspector General within the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Last year, in at a national conference, Obama’s White House Immigration Advisor, Cecilia Munoz, openly stated that the resettlement process is like planting “seedlings,” and those seedlings will be nurtured by the Obama administration and its army of left-wing NGOs receiving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars from the Obama administration, and will continue until those Muslims Refugees are able to eventually rise up and take control of their host communities, like they have done in Dearborn, Michigan.
IRC is actively seeding communities with Muslim Syrian Refugees, building “communities within communities” in 26 areas including Atlanta, Wichita, Baltimore, Boise, Idaho; Dallas, Miami, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Seattle, Tucson and Phoenix; Los Angeles; Charlottesville, Virginia; Silver Spring, Maryland; and Northern California, with new offices now opening in Missoula; Richmond, Virginia; Tallahassee, Florida; Garden City, Kansas; and Midland, Texas. A USAID official said.
A representative from the Office of the Inspector General in the U.S. Agency for International Development stated, “What became clear in the course of this investigation was this is a pretty sophisticated operation,”The left of center liberal media establishment is covering up the scandal and corruption perpetrated by IRC, while the Obama administration looked the other way; it is discussed in detail in the below listed article. The USAID’s Office of the Inspector General’s semi-annual report to Congress reported that 12 companies and individuals had been suspended as part of a “complex investigation into Soros’ IRC Bribery, Bid-rigging, & Corruption scandal.”
In the midst of this scandal, instead of pausing the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of Syrian Muslim Refugees, Obama announced that the US will take in 100,000 new Syrian Muslim Refugees, the first 10,000 are already being resettled throughout the US, and the FBI has been prevented from interviewing them to determine if they have terrorist ties.
Once and for all the millions of US citizens must be informed that, the left of center liberal media establishment, the Democratic Party, and the most dangerous occupant of the Oval Office in the 240 year US history, has been seeding 915,000 Muslim Refugees into 180 US cities for nearly 8 years, while trying to cover up the potential terrorist ties by some of those Muslim Refugees. Obama is setting the stage for a future Radical Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States that will make the 9/11 Radical Islamic Terrorist attack look like a small attack.
The FBI has already broken up 80+ ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist plots in the United State, and has opened the investigating of 900+ terrorist plot cases. The ever increasing number of terrorist cases being developed by the FBI is taxing the FBI’s ability to properly defend the Republic. Yet the Republican Leaders in Congress continue to fund this very dangerous Middle East Muslim Refugee Resettlement program costing US Taxpayers billions of dollars each year, while they have refused to use the power of the purse to pause the Middle East Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program, until the FBI can properly vet the incoming Muslim Refugees to determine if they have terrorist ties.
While the infusion of potential Radical Islamic Terrorists goes on “every day”, the so called foreign policy experts in Washington DC and the out of touch Republican leaders continue to criticize Donald Trump for calling for a pause to this extremely dangerous immigration policy which is a dangerous dagger aimed at the heart of the Republic. The people justifying this insane policy, should all get their heads out of the sand, and understand, the Islamic State (ISIS), has made it very plain to anyone who would simply listen, that they have been executing a well-coordinated plan to infiltrate Radical Islamic Terrorist into the United States through "Middle East Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program" and also infiltrating Radical Islamic Terrorist thru the wide open southern border for the purpose of carrying out violent terrorist attacks on US soil, in order to KILL Americans men, women, and children.
The Obama administration is desperately looking for new locales to send new Syrians Muslim Refugees as it ramps up its “surge” of more than 350 Syrian arrivals per week in an effort to meet President Obama’s goal of 10,000 Syrians resettled by Oct. 1. About 100 Syrians Muslim Refugees are being settled in Rutland, VT without the knowledge of its residents. Rutland is a city of a little over 16,000 people in a liberal state that has never received Muslim Refugees before. Rutland doesn’t have a single mosque. Bill Jalbert, a resident, said he was not personally against helping Syrian refugees in theory, but only after local people in need were first helped (WND 5/13/16)
Northern Nevada International Center, an NGO, which operates on the campus of the University of Nevada at Reno, has been given the green light to start a Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program. Carina Black, the NGO’s director, said the group’s application to become an official resettlement contractor was approved in February, meaning the plan has been in the works since at least late last year. But the local residents are only now finding out about it.(WND 5/13/16)
In some Michigan communities, such as Troy and Sterling Heights, Muslim refugees are being placed right next to Christian immigrant communities who escaped the ISIS genocide and persecution in Iraq and Egypt The same fears are brewing among those same Iraqi Chaldean Christians residing in Sterling Heights. They came to America to escape Muslim genocide, and now the Obama administration is importing Muslim Syrian Refugees to live side-by-side with them in adjacent communities. A large mosque is planned adjacent to a Chaldean neighborhood in Sterling Heights.
The insanity of the Obama administration’s Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program, is that it has resulted in seeding terrorist throughout the US, who came in along with the 915,000 Middle East & African Muslim Refugees that Obama has force fed into 180 United States cities. We know that is true, because of the hard empirical evidence, the FBI informed Congress that over 300 of those Muslim Refugees or their off-springs, have traveled back to the Middle East to kill Christians with ISIS, there has been over 100 terrorist apprehended in the 80 terrorist plots that the FBI broke up in the US, and very few Americans know there have been 76 terrorist attacks on US soil by Radical Islamic Terrorists, in the attachment, who keep killing many Americans on US soil, because they have been covered up by the Obama administration & the left of center liberal media establishment---still the insanity of bringing in hundreds of thousands Middle East and African Muslim Refugees continues “every day” without properly checking their backgrounds to determine if they have terrorist ties.Copyright 2016, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the authorJoseph R. John, USNA ‘62Capt USN(Ret)/Former FBIChairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184San Diego, CA 92108
2b) Trump’s Problem With Women
The New York Times’ front-page article last Saturday on Donald J. Trump’s dealings with women forced me into a weekend of self-examination. As much as I support Trump, this isn’t a cult of personality. He’s not Mao, Kim Jong-un or L. Ron Hubbard. We can like our candidates, but still acknowledge their flaws. No one’s perfect.
I admit there are some things about Trump that give me pause. I’m sure these will come out eventually, so I’m just going to list them.
First — and this is corroborated by five contemporaneous witnesses — in 1978, Trump violently raped Juanita Broaddrick in a Little Rock, Arkansas, hotel room, then, as he was leaving, looked at her bloody lip and said, “Better put some ice on that” — oh wait, I’m terribly sorry. Did I say Trump? I didn’t mean Trump, I meant Bill Clinton.
Hang on — here we go! Knowing full well about Bill Clinton’s proclivity to sexually assault women, about three weeks after that rape, Trump cornered Broaddrick at a party and said, pointedly, “I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him. Do you understand? Everything you do.”
No! My mistake! That wasn’t Trump either. That was Hillary Clinton. … But this next one I’m sure was Trump.
In the early 1990s, Trump invited a young female staffer to his hotel room at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, dropped his pants and said, “Kiss it” — WAIT A SECOND!
I don’t know how this keeps happening. That was Bill Clinton. Please bear with me — it’s late at night and my notes are jumbled.
As CEO of an organization, Trump had a female employee, just months out of her teens, perform oral sex on him while he made business calls. That girl’s name was Monica Lewin– No! Wrong again! That was Bill Clinton, too! Please don’t stop reading. Let me find my Trump notes …
What I meant was that Trump was the one who later smeared that girl as a delusional stalker. She may have volunteered for the sex — at around age 20 — but Monica Lewinsky didn’t volunteer to be slandered! And yet this fiend, this user-of-women, this retrograde misogynist, Donald Trump, deployed his journalist friends, like Sidney Blumenthal, to spread rumors that Monica was a stalker, trying to blackmail the president.
Oh, boy–this is embarrassing. This must seem very sloppy. That wasn’t Trump either; it was Hillary Clinton.
There must be something here that was Trump … Here! I have one.
When an attractive woman desperately in need of a job came to Trump’s office in 1993, instead of helping, he lunged at her, kissed her on the mouth, grabbed her breast and put her hand on his genitals. He later told a mistress that the claim was absurd because the woman, Kathleen Willey, had such small breasts.
Uh-oh — you’re not going to believe this, but — yep, that was Bill Clinton.
This one, I’m sure was Trump. In January 1992, Trump went on “60 Minutes” to slime nightclub singer Gennifer Flowers, knowing full well she was telling the truth. He implied she belonged in a loony bin, telling millions of viewers “every time she called, distraught … she said sort of wacky things.”
Dammit! I don’t know how this keeps happening. That wasn’t Trump! That was Hillary, smearing one of her husband’s sexual conquests.
Let’s just go back to the Times’ story, based on months of investigation and interviews with hundreds of women. I’ll give it to you straight: When Trump was at the New York Military Academy as a teenager, one person who knew him said — and this is corroborated by two other witnesses: “Donald was extremely sensitive to whether or not the women he invited to campus were pretty.”
I almost threw up reading that. I am physically ill.
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