James Carville will say and do anything.
If this is who voters want to run our nation then they deserve what they will get. One would think that 8 years of Obama would have taught Democrats to avoid stink bombs.
Time will tell. (See 1 below.)
It would have been interesting to have Pat Condell at our lunch with the Imam..
The Imam does not accept Condell's claim that Islam is a violent religion but he does acknowledge it has been hijacked by criminals. He brought published articles attesting to the fact that he has spoken out on many occasions but admits his influence is less than atom size.
I made the point that if Jews acted as so many Muslims, I would renounce my religion. I did not press the Imam why he remains a Muslim when he renounced being a Baptist for much the same reasons, ie. the actions of worshipers failed to square with their biblical teachings.
They talked the talk but did not walk the walk and he was referring to the Civil Rights Period.
Here is the link to the newest Pat Condell video: A Society Of Cowards
Obama and Hillarious would have us believe police are criminals and looters, rioters and anarchists are misunderstood and ISIS beheaders simply need employment.
The mayor of Baltimore tells the police they must allow the rioters space because destruction of property is just that and Obama tells us those who lost that property never really earned it because it was earned for them by the government and the woman running to succeed him tells us business does not create jobs.
Logic no longer counts for anything and we are being told that what is up is actually down and we know politicians are in the business of selling bridges to the unwashed. and if the unwashed are not buying they are the guilty ones.
We also have a woman running for president who has questionably enriched herself telling us we need to restore our faith in the integrity of the likes of herself.
I ain't buying this crap and I am willing to call it what it is - pure unadulterated crap and it is being espoused by politicians who have s--- for brains!
Now that sympathetic protests are spreading throughout the land is America about to be taken over by Obama?
I know this is a very conspiratorial thought but I have concluded one should not put anything past him.
1)- Hillary, the Loser
Hillary has already lost one presidential campaign.
This fact was stuffed down the memory hole so fast that it took a large number of political commentators along with it. How else do we explain how, in all the discussions of the upcoming elections, it has simply failed to come up? Nobody talks about it. It’s as if it didn’t happen.
It’s a rule in American politics that a major figure who blows one presidential campaign has little hope for a second act. But like all other rules, this one goes by the board when the name “Clinton” is involved.

Looked at from this viewpoint, Hillary pretty clearly fails as a viable candidate -- which is one reason why the fact has been buried by our honest media. If we were to make a closer examination, we might learn a little too much about Hillary and her actual chances. Close study of 2008 would pay great dividends, which is why the Dems and the media today are oohing and ahhing at Photoshopped pictures of Chelsea instead. (The Republicans, for their part, think it’s be unseemly to discuss a lady’s shortcomings.)
To exploit a weakness, you need to know what it is. Why did Hillary lose?
1. An attractive alternative candidate. Stop laughing out there. At the time, Obama was a fresh and promising politician. He was everything that Hillary was not. A clean and articulate African-American, according to no less an authority than Joe Biden. One with no paper trail, no skeletons in his closet, no shadowy or shifty associates. Well spoken, sincere, and truly interested in the country’s future prospects.
Well, we know how that worked out. But still -- it was enough to beat Hillary. This long shot from out of nowhere, unable to give a good account of himself, and with oddities in his record that will be debated as long as the fate of Kasper Hauser, was able to knock off the liberals’ favorite daughter while scarcely working up a sweat. If you were ask him now, he wouldn’t be able to tell you how he did it.
2. Bill. Any illusions about Bill Clinton’s stature as a political colossus were exploded in 2008. Bill spent the campaign Foghorn Leghorning his way across the political landscape hogging the spotlight, making a complete hash out his assigned role as supportive househusband, and wrapping it all up with an attempt to play the race card so blatant and shameless that it would have put any other political figure in exile. This election we can be certain that Hillary will have Bill put someplace where he can do no harm -- chained to a giant rock in the middle of the Gobi, would be my advice.
3. A Clumsy Campaign. Exactly as she’s doing today, Hillary stumbled into 2008 under the impression that the presidency was hers for the taking. She had never run for office before, in any meaningful sense (her Senate seat was in a safe New York Democratic district, the 3rd millennial equivalent of a rotten borough, seized from a befuddled Daniel P. Moynihan on his retirement), and it showed. She had no strategy, no ground plan, not even a real organization apart from the guttersnipes and hustlers that had infested Bill’s White House. When Obama began walking across the water nationwide, she had no response. Then it was too late for anything but Bill’s Orval Faubus imitation.
While all true, these aren’t enough. They lack heft. They just don’t feel right -- they’re frankly secondary. Even added together, they don’t truly explain why Hillary crashed and burned so thoroughly. Something else lies behind them.
What is that something? Simply put: the fact that almost nobody can stand Hillary. Not her most avid supporters, not her allies, not the left, not the Democrats. Hillary Clinton is the most dislikeable presidential candidate in living memory. Compared to her, Thomas Dewey was scintillating, Adlai Stevenson a pillar of charm, Richard Nixon the guy everybody wanted to be. Hillary is everyone’s despised female boss, loathed mother-in-law, troublesome subordinate, noxious bureaucrat. There is nothing likable about her. She is cold, forbidding, nasty-tempered, untrustworthy, and vindictive. All this is no way tempered by the feminine virtues. She is strictly unsensual, with not a trace of allurement about her. She is nobody’s mother, nobody’s ideal girlfriend, and nobody’s pal.
“Hillary” the public figure, the politician people are asked to vote for, is a synthesized creation that does not exist and has never existed. This is true well above and beyond the standard manipulation carried out to benefit any political career. “Hillary” is a pure fabrication, a combination of feminist delusion, left-wing wish fulfillment, and media polishing that is totally at variance with the reality.
All attempts to remake her in a more human image -- the pink suits, the soft dos, the “grannie” thing -- have failed. Hillary has gone through more image transformations than David Bowie, with the difference that Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke were more realistic.
It worked for a while. For a brief period in the mid-90s, Hillary was what Obama became in his first term: a messianic figure who was going turn the entire world around, fulfil every good liberal’s daydreams, and put a unicorn in every garage, right next to the Prius. Examples of this are myriad, but one of the most embarrassing occurred during the 1993 Academy Awards ceremony. (Poor Liza -- see about the 4:20 mark.)
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