First, liberals and progressives hoodwinked black Americans. Now they are attempting to do the same thing with women.
Running Hillary as the prospective first female president would be a compelling reason for the 'vaginal vote' to select her but if they are doing so because Republicans have a war against women that is a blatant lie (see below.) and if they do so because Hillary knows how to tell the truth then I guess; "What difference does it matter now,"
Thursday, Huckabee said, "Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything that anyone else can do. Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That's not a war on them. It's a war for them."
He added, "And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government, then so be it."
Due to the overwhelming response to Dr. Kedar's lecture scheduled for Thursday Feb. 6th at 9:30 AM, on "Sunni - Shi'a: Why Do They Hate Each Other So?" the venue has had to be changed to accommodate a larger audience.
The lecture will now be held in Sun City, in MAGNOLIA HALL.
Come into the main Sun City Entrancet on 278 (on left hand side of road as you are heading toward I-95); Get pass; you will be on Sun City Blvd. Take Sun City Blvd. to second left onto Sun City Lane. Make the first left on Sun City Lane into the Magnolia Hall Parking lot. If you have never experienced Israel you must go. It is safe, the hotels and food are superb and the country is full of vitality.
I urge you click on this video:
You will find this interesting, an entirely different take on Israel. Nothing to do with war and
I was fortunate enough to witness a demonstration of the paraplegic machine in D.C last year
while I was attending a conference.
Obama, the prophet, does not understand profit nor probably can spell it. (See 1 below.) ===
If you remember Obama took $700 billion out of Medicare and redirected it to support the Affordable Care Act.
After watching the video make sure you are not admitted to a hospital with the words " UNDER OBSERVATION". Insist on "IN PATIENT" designation if that is the true case. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the hospital expenses.
Here's the explanation. This rarely happens, if ever, since the hospital gets reimbursed approximately 25% less for outpatients than if they admit you as an inpatient. It is instead part of CMS's and the federal government's attempt to lower healthcare cost by redefining what an inpatient is. This redefinition will hurt both the hospitals and patients.
You will be hearing more about the "Two Midnight Rule". Essentially this is the rule that is forcing hospitals to bill patients that spend the night in a hospital as an outpatient. Right now the only fix for this particular problem will be legislative. This will cost hospitals and Medicare beneficiaries millions of dollars.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in
politics is you end up being governed by fools. Plato
Ah, but often those who participate in the political process are fools themselves.
1) Aetna CEO: We May Have to Pull Out of Obamacare, or Heavily Hike Premiums By Guy Benson Via CNBC, an appropriate companion story to Moody's decision to downgrade health insurers' credit outlook to "negative." At least one chief executive within the industry is openly warning markets and consumers that actions -- and math -- have real-world consequences, no matter how hard political actors spin: That brief excerpt underscores several intractable problems with the president's healthcare law. (1) The risk pools' demographics aren't shaping upto be healthy enough to make the exchanges work well. (2) If insurers eventually begin to sever ties with Obamacare, the remaining plans will face an even more acute scarcity crisis. In other words, "access shock." (3)Climbing premiums appear to be a fact of life under Obamacare, which wassold as an antidote to the problem. (4) Very few of the "newly" insured within the exchanges were previously uninsured -- the very population that this expensive law was ostensibly designed to help. In light of those struggles, Jonah Goldberg poses the rhetorical question that many Americans are asking themselves: So what was the point of Obamacare, again? Bertolini went on to comment that because Obamacare represents such a small sliver of Aetna's business, the prospect of a health insurance bailout is basically a non-factor for his company. That won't be the case for other insurers, however, and I'd imagine that a (scheduled) industry bailout won't go over particularly well with the public, for reasons outlined by Megan McArdle: Those costs may not be published until 2015. I quoted McArdle's piece at some length yesterday, and I'd encourage you to read the entire thing. She and another Obamacare opponent debated two supporters of the law on the hyper-liberal, tony Upper West Side of Manhattan earlier in the week. And they won. Here is adigestible highlight reel from the exchange, produced by AEI. McArdle and Dr. Gottlieb prevailed by simply comparing Obamacare to its own benchmarks and promises: |
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