Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rest My Case Essay, Injustice Must Not Stay Or We Are Sunk. More

I Rest My Case
Essay By Dick Berkowitz

America's government is large, distant and out of control.  Far too many American politicians have lost sight of their constitutional commitment to place the nation first rather than  to enrich themselves.  Worst of all, an increasing number of those who hate America, and wish to bring it down, are growing in number, increasingly  vocal and are thus,  dangerous to the survival of our republic because they ignore nor have respect for law and order and prefer chaos and conflict instead.

The world is also under the heel of radical fascist dictators that rule over countries like China, Russia and Iran etc, I also cannot leave out, from time to time, the fact that even America has brought misery to the world because it thought democracy would be preferable and yet, we were unable  to impose it on others. I am reminded of the Col. who said: ' I will teach them democracy if I have to kill every one of them."

These above conditions make for instability and keep the world constantly on the brink of disastrous possibilities. Can this ever be resolved so the lamb and lion can lay down together? I seriously doubt it. Why?  Because humans are, by and large, flawed, easily led to embrace what is popular and often evil and lack education that allows them to reason rather than think and act emotionally.

So I submit the events of history will continue to control the world and repeat itself and the world will lurch forward, aimlessly, as it always has with calm periods and warlike ones. We now have 2 of the latter occurring as I type.

Mine is not a positive outlook but rather a dour and  dismal one. However,  being the cynic I am, I see no other route.  Particularly is this the case as humans reject/forsake  the concept of religion, failing to believe in a higher cause beyond self.

I lay most of the problem, I have presented, at the feet of those who claim to be progressives and fall into the liberal camp. Why? Once again I return to my belief they think with their heart, not their head. Emotion wins out over logic. Can this be corrected? Perhaps, but only through more rational education and the rejection of the embrace of DEI and CRT and their likes.

These concepts are not only the antithesis of our constitutional dictates but are also the very ideas being used/employed to destroy our republic.

Until such time as this is reversed I see no hope the world can stabilize and extend periods of peace that allow for tranquility and hope rather than despair. and destruction.

I submit, what neo-Nazis are doing to Trump with their kangaroo court tactics, is systematic of the evil which currently grips our nation, nurtures anti-Semitism and silences those who feel intimidated.

I rest my case

Soon the legal trials against Trump will end and their Nazi like  which would have made Hitler proud. How they will end is anyone's guess but they will leave a permanent and dangerous stain on America's Judicial system.

If the decisions are not overturned  by The SCOTUS our disregard for law and order will have gone beyond repair and our republic will never be what it once was because of this breech.

There can only be one standard if liberty and justice. They apply to the rights of all citizens and not the double standard for elites or because of political weaponization due to wealth, prominence, power etc. 

Time will tell.
The New York Kangaroo Court case went totally against Trump.  If the New York Supreme Court and an appropriate Federal Appeals  Court allows the politicization of our Justice System to prevail then this nation is sunk.
Consul Update  (Edited.)

Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Furthermore, over the past day, the IAF struck over 50 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military structures and terrorist infrastructure.

Northern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing to operate against terrorist infrastructure and operatives in the area of Jabaliya in northern Gaza. The ground troops located weapons, including AK-47s and ammunition, and terrorists who approached and threatened the troops were eliminated with tank fire. In another incident, terrorist operatives fired a number of projectiles toward IDF troops in Jabaliya. An IDF aircraft then struck and eliminated two operatives exiting the structure from which the projectiles were fired.

Central Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, IDF troops also continued operational activity in the central Gaza Strip. The troops eliminated several terrorists with tank fire and located a weapons storage facility in the area. Below are photos of the weapons located by the troops:

Southern Gaza Strip

  • In the southern Gaza Strip, IDF troops continue operational activity in the area of Rafah. During one encounter with terrorist operatives in the area, three terrorists who fired toward IDF troops were identified and struck by the IAF. Over the past day, IDF troops also located terrorist infrastructure and large quantities of weapons, including anti-tank missile launch posts, tunnel shafts, a weapons storage facility, and explosives.
  • In response to an anti-tank missile fired from an UNRWA school toward IDF troops, the 12th Brigade combat team operated in the school complex by which a mosque and a medical clinic are also located (see map below):
  • During the sweep and clear operation in the medical clinic, two incidents of explosive charges set in a booby-trapped tunnel shaft detonated on the troops. As a result of one of the explosions, three soldiers - Staff Sergeant Amir Galilove, Staff Sergeant Uri Bar Or, and Staff Sergeant Ido Appel - from the 50th Battalion of the Nahal Brigade were killed.

  • In addition, during the operation, large quantities of weapons were found in the complex, including firearms and grenades. Inside the classrooms at the school, the troops located significant shafts leading to a wide network of underground terror tunnels.

Palestinian Terrorist Murders Two IDF Soldiers in Car Ramming Attack

IDF troops at the scene of the attack.

We are heartbroken to share that today, two IDF soldiers were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in a car ramming attack. The attack occurred near Nablus in Samaria and claimed the lives of SSG. Eliya Hilel, and Staff SSG. Shvisha Harsaj, both soldiers in the Kfir Brigade. The terrorist was apprehended by security authorities.

May the memories of SSG. Hillel and SSG. Harsaj be a blessing for eternity.

Why Hamas Oppresses Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

Torture, stealing humanitarian aid, using human shields...this is how Hamas oppresses the Palestinian civilians of the Gaza Strip. THIS VIDEO explains why the terror organization does so.

Iran's Supreme Leader Praises Pro-Terror University Student Demonstrators

Yesterday (May 29th), the Islamic Republic of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, shared on the X platform that university students in the US who have engaged in pro-terror demonstrations on college campuses in recent months are "standing on the right side of history." Below are pictures of the Ayatollah's posts:

Khamenei and the other leaders of Iran's Ayatollah regime are the primary benefactors of the Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi terror organizations, which they use as proxies in order to destroy the State of Israel and achieve regional dominance in the Middle East.

According to Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, "Iran is promoting protests and terrorism in the US and Europe - Iran is the head of the snake. The free world must stop it now before it's too late."

How the Palestinian Authority and the UN's Palestinian Agency Radicalize Children Through Hate

Today, Dr. Arnon Groiss of the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center published a report which examines in detail the schoolbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and are mandatorily used in schools in all areas of Judea, Samaria, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. The books are also used in UNRWA (UN Palestinian Agency) schools.

To conduct his analysis, Dr. Groiss surveyed the latest edition of PA-produced textbooks which were primarily published in 2020. Teachers' guides, mostly published in 2018, were also examined. The books shed light on how the PA and UNRWA indoctrinate Palestinian children and promote terror and hatred of Jews and Israelis.

According to Dr. Groiss, the textbooks contain three fundamental themes:

  • "De-Legitimization of the State of Israel’s existence and of the mere presence of its Jewish citizens in the country, which also includes denial of their history and the very existence of their holy places there.

  • Demonization of Israel, as well as the Jews – not only in the context of the conflict, but also from a religious point of view, which carries grave implications as far as the Jews’ image is concerned in the eyes of Palestinian children who mostly grow up in a traditional society.

  • Absence of any advocacy for peace with Israel. Instead, the books call for a violent struggle for the liberation of the country in its entirety, including Israel’s territory within its pre-1967 boundaries. This struggle is given a religious character, and terror constitutes an integral part thereof – with the accompanying meaning that the killing of Jews is to be encouraged."

Click HERE to read the report.

Palestinian Human Rights Activist on Why Unilateral Recognition of a Palestinian State Rewards Hamas's Terror

In THIS ARTICLE, Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid explains why unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state is a reward for Hamas's genocidal terror on Oct. 7th and since.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Update

Click HERE for today's updates regarding the IDF's humanitarian efforts during Operation: Swords of Iron.


This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader.

Global Navigator from KPMG Economics

A monthly newsletter on the global economy


“About 20 percent of the world’s oil and liquefied natural gas traverses the Strait of Hormuz, which is 21 miles across at its slimmest point; any disruptions to that flow would have a major impact on prices.”

Welcome to the latest issue of Global Navigator from KPMG Economics. Every month, we provide you with insights into the changing global economy, covering trade flows, cross‑border movements, and global monetary policy, as well as a detailed analysis of the economic outlook for key regions.

Topics we are watching this month

Economic outlook for key regions.

In this edition of Global Navigator from KPMG Economics, we examine how an escalation in Middle East tensions could lead to a surge in oil prices. We also explore why this is a major worry for oil economists but not widely discussed in the financial media as well as whether the US has capacity to offset a disruption to oil supply due to a blockage in the Strait of Hormuz.

Learn more

Benjamin Shoesmith.

Benjamin Shoesmith
Senior Economist
KPMG Economics


The Incursion Into Rafah Continues

By Sherwin Pomerantz

The IDF has confirmed that Israel downed a cruise missile that approached the country from the east early on Thursday.  Alerts were activated in the Golan Heights due to the hostile aircraft intrusion, now confirmed to be a cruise missile.  Israeli media reports have suggested the missile was launched from Iraq.  The IDF also announced that the Iron Dome system intercepted a suspicious aerial target from the direction of Lebanon on Thursday.  There have been rocket barrages from Lebanon most of Thursday as well.

The IDF on Tuesday announced that a fire which killed dozens of Gaza civilians over the weekend was likely not directly caused by an IDF airstrike on a nearby Hamas command center, but was probably the result of a secondary explosion involving hidden terrorist munitions.  IDF chief spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told reporters Tuesday that a preliminary Israeli investigation into Sunday night’s airstrike in the Tel Sultan area west of Rafah indicated that the deadly blaze appears to have been caused by the detonation of munitions in or around the Hamas facility hit by the Israeli strike.

“On Sunday, we eliminated senior Hamas terrorists in a targeted strike, on a compound used by Hamas in Rafah,” Hagari said.  “The strike was based on precise intelligence that indicated that these terrorists, who were responsible for orchestrating and executing terror attacks against Israelis, were meeting inside this structure we targeted.”

“Sadly, following the strike, due to unforeseen circumstances, a fire ignited, taking the lives of Gazan civilians nearby. Despite our efforts to minimize civilian casualties during the strike, the fire that broke out was unexpected and unintended.”  Hagari emphasized that the airstrike was not carried out in the protected civilian zone established by Israel to shield Gaza civilians, and that the airstrike had utilized small, precision munitions which were not capable of causing the deadly conflagration.

“Contrary to reports, we conducted the strike outside the area that we designated as a humanitarian area and called civilians to evacuate to. Our strike was over a kilometer and a half away from the al-Mawasi humanitarian area, what we call the safer zone.”

Regarding the medical platform in Gaza, Hamas has exploited hospitals, and many Gazans do not support the terrorist group, according to Dr. Baxtiyar Baram, a Kurdish physician who recently volunteered in northern Gaza. An interview with Baram, published this week on the Kurdish website Rudaw and on YouTube, provided unique insights into what has been happening in northern Gaza in recent weeks. Baram revealed that not only does Hamas continue to exploit hospitals, but it also has a “VIP” section in one hospital, where it only allows certain patients – apparently those with connections – to receive treatment.

Baram went to northern Gaza after entering the Gaza Strip through Rafah in April, prior to the IDF’s operations in the Rafah area and its reentering Jabalya.

According to the report, he received permission to go from Rafah to northern Gaza as part of a small team that included four doctors and a nurse. It apparently was one of the first teams of foreign medical aid workers to enter northern Gaza in months, the report said.

In the south, Israeli troops have now taken “operational control” of the Philadelphi Corridor, the 8.7-mile-long border area between Gaza and Egypt, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said on Wednesday evening.  Israeli forces have so far uncovered 20 tunnels underneath it, he added.

“We are investigating these tunnels and neutralizing them,” said Hagari.  During the operation, led by the IDF’s 162nd Division, forces also found dozens of ready-to-fire rocket launchers and launch pits from which Hamas fired rockets and mortars shells into Israel. “Hamas exploited the Philadelphi Corridor, using it to build this infrastructure just dozens of meters from the border with Egypt so that we would not strike them,” said Hagari.

Hagari described the corridor as Hamas’s “lifeline,” through which the terror group smuggled weapons and supplies into the Gaza Strip. The IDF spokesperson also revealed that in recent weeks, troops had uncovered a tunnel under eastern Rafah that was 1.5 kilometers in length (nearly one mile)

“The entrance shaft to the infrastructure was located about 100 meters from the Rafah Crossing [with Egypt],” said Hagari. “The route branched into several sub-routes and was used by Hamas terrorists for movement, transferring weapons and initiating terrorist attacks. Inside the route, we found large quantities of weapons, including anti-tank missiles, AK-47s, explosives and grenades.” 

I repeat once more, as I did last week, that all of this could end tomorrow if Hamas would lay down their arms, return the hostages, both those alive and those who are no longer with us and give up their commitment to eliminate Israel and rid the world of Jews.  It remains, no doubt, unrealistic of me to expect that but it would end the bloodshed if that’s what the demonstrators world wide are demanding…..or is it something else altogether?


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