Monday, May 27, 2024

Brief Essay- My Solution to 2d State. Kemp/West Much More.

Turn Gaza Into A  2d State And Fabulous Playground.
Essay By Dick Berkowitz

Turn Gaza Into a 2d State And Fabulous Playground.

 My very brief comment/essay regarding what to do about a 2d State.

The second state should come about by  turning Gaza into a world class "vacation play state" and allow American casino owners and Trump to take over Gaza and tell them to rebuild it as the world's best playground. Then, tell the Palestinians, when they quit teaching their kids to hate Israelis, starting at 4, Israelis can sit down with them and discuss a peace treaty allowing them to return to Gaza.  

Until then, Palestinians must leave Gaza. Why?  Because they made their bed with the Devil, ie. Hamas and now must  sleep in them  wherever they can find a place to put their cots.  I suggest they swarm into Turkey. ERDOGAN and Turkey seem the only nation and leader willing to absorb them since none of their Arab/Muslim friends want them in their lands. Why? Because everywhere they go they cause trouble.

Should Biden win, God Forbid, no doubt, he too might seek to  turn America into a 2d Gaza filled with Palestinians who have been rejected by their own.


More false propaganda and lies from the peace loving Palestinians.  Further proof you cannot make peace with those who persist in wanting to destroy your nation, drive you into the sea, torture and wantonly kill you all because Biden seeks a victory in the forthcoming election and needs the Muslim vote.

I wrote a letter for the Action Network letter campaign: Netflix: Remove the Anti-Semitic Blood Libel Film "Farha".

The Jordanian film Farha, by director Darin J. Sallam, in which IDF soldiers are seen murdering a Palestinian family during the War of Independence, will be released on Netflix in December. The film takes place in 1948 in Mandatory Palestine and is about a 14-year-old Palestinian girl whose father locks her in a warehouse because of IDF attacks in the village. The production claims to be "inspired by true events", however this is a lie.

The design of the character of Farha as a girl whose whole future is ahead of her, and who finds strength hiding from the cruel enemy, echoes the story of Anne Frank. If Farha's equivalent is Anne Frank, then according to the film, IDF soldiers are equivalent to Nazis. And if there is someone for whom this parallel is not clear enough, Salam inserts in the middle of the film the scene in question in which Israeli soldiers capture a family of fleeing Palestinian refugees, abusing them in her friends and in the end they are executed. A father, a mother who has just given birth, and two daughters - all are murdered in cold blood by the soldiers on the orders of their sadistic commander, a few moments after he threatens to open the mother's stomach to check if there is a fetus inside and what its gender is. The baby himself is left to die, after one of the soldiers receives an order to end his life, but "without wasting a bullet".

The helpless Farha listens to the cries of the baby who is left lying on the ground in the hot sun. Heartbreaking crying, which lasted about a minute. Then silence. Confirmation of death. So what is so different about "Farha"? The film presents the IDF soldiers as bloodthirsty monsters who amuse themselves with the death of helpless innocents.

In Salem's film the Israelis kill Just. For no reason.  They're doing it for fun. Such events never occurred. The film is a total lie. It is a dangerous blood libel and incitement against the IDF that will lead to more anti-Semitism. Netflix MUST NOT distribute this dangerous inciteful blood libel. 

The 232nd Day of War in Israel

The Blood Libel Against Jews Surfaces Again
By Sherwin Pomerantz

Israel’s foreign minister earlier today sent a letter to Spanish authorities forbidding their country’s consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to residents of the Palestinian Authority.  The move follows last week’s decision by Spain, Ireland and Norway to recognize a Palestinian state.

“As of 1 June 2024, the Consulate General of Spain in Jerusalem may provide consular services strictly to residents of the consular district of Jerusalem,” the letter states. “The Consulate General, or anyone on its behalf, may not provide services to residents of the Palestinian Authority, nor may it perform any consular or other functions outside the district of Jerusalem, without prior written consent from the Ministry.”

The policy does not apply to consular services for Spanish citizens in Judea and Samaria.  “If this policy is not respected, the Ministry will not hesitate to take further actions,” the letter adds.  It also condemns the “inciting and hateful antisemitic statements by senior Spanish officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz, who was seen chanting ‘from the river to the sea Palestine will be free.’”

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Monday that Israel “will not remain silent in the face of a government that rewards terror,” adding, “The days of the Inquisition are over. Today, the Jewish people have a sovereign and independent State, and no one will force us to convert our religion or threaten our existence: those who harm us, we will harm them in return.”

On Monday, Spain’s Foreign Minister Albares called on the European Union to officially back the International Court of Justice’s ruling on Friday that Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

“I am going to ask the other 26 partners to declare the backing of the International Court of Justice and its decision, and also, if Israel continues to pursue against that opinion of the Court, we would try to take the right measures to enforce that decision,” he said.

A note in passing on the accusation that Israel is practicing genocide against the Palestinians….. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, in 1948, there were 1,380,000 Palestinians in Israel and the greater Palestine area, and as of 2022, there were 7 million. In other words, there are now five times as many Palestinians in the Palestinian territories and in Israel as there were in 1948.  Does not seem to me that Israel has perpetrated genocide and, if it has it has been a singular failure.

Israeli airstrikes near Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday night drew outraged reactions from Palestinians, with Hamas health authorities claiming that 45 were killed and dozens injured in the attack and in an ensuing blaze in a camp housing displaced civilians. The IDF said it had targeted a Hamas compound and eliminated two commanders in the terror group’s ranks, and that it was looking into accounts of casualties among civilians.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said the strikes were carried out over “displaced persons’ tents near the United Nations headquarters northwest of Rafah,” asserting that the location was designated as a humanitarian zone by Israel.  A spokesperson for the organization said the death toll was likely to rise. The Hamas-run health ministry claimed that most of the casualties were women and children.  By Monday afternoon, the ministry said the death toll had risen to 45.

The IDF said it had struck a Hamas compound in the Tel Sultan area of northwestern Rafah where senior officials in the terror group were gathered, adding in a statement that “the attack was carried out against terrorists who are a target for attack, in accordance with international law, using precision munitions, and based on intelligence indicating the use of the area by Hamas terrorists.”

The military said it was aware of reports that the strike and a fire that spread into a camp for displaced Palestinians had caused casualties among civilians, adding that the incident was under further investigation.

In a later statement, the military said the strike had killed Yassin Rabia, the commander of Hamas’s so-called West Bank headquarters — a Hamas unit charged with advancing attacks against Israel from or in the West Bank — as well as Khaled Najjar, another senior member of the unit.

We can feel bad about everyone who has died in this war but some who are living, and whose children remain in Hamas’ captivity, they die every single day.  Take a few minutes and watch this heart-breaking video of the interview with the four mothers of those four young girls who were in the observation post and were taken captive by Hamas.  I need not make any further comment about their pain.

I make the assumption that all of my readers are aware that all of this could end tomorrow if Hamas would lay down their arms, return the hostages, both those alive and those who are on longer with us and give up their commitment to eliminate Israel and rid the world of Jews.  Perhaps unrealistic of me to expect that but it would end the bloodshed if that’s what the demonstrators world wide are demanding…..or is it something else altogether?

Dear Dick,

The IDF is investigating last night's strike that eliminated two senior Hamas officials in Rafah, and the subsequent explosions nearby that tragically killed dozens of civilians.

Speaking at the Knesset today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, "Despite our utmost efforts not to harm innocent civilians, last night, there was a tragic mistake."

Based on initial reports, Israeli officials believe a fuel tank ignited near the target of the strike shortly after it was carried out. The military said it took “many steps to reduce the chance of harming uninvolved [civilians], including aerial surveillance, the use of precision munitions, and additional intelligence information.” Based on these steps, the IDF said it didn't expect for civilians to be harmed.

The military added today that, "Contrary to Hamas' lies and misinformation, the strike did not take place in the Al-Mawasi Humanitarian Area," publishing the map below.

This terrible tragedy, and the horrific images from Rafah, are a result of Hamas’ evil strategy of hiding its leadership, fighters, and weapons amid and beneath Palestinian civilians.

Hamas started this war by showcasing its disregard for Israeli lives, and every day since it also shows its disregard for Palestinian lives by using them as human shields.

To help bring an end to this war, international pressure on Hamas must increase to force the terror group to surrender and free the hostages.

Top urban warfare expert John Spencer posted the below today, noting Hamas’ deliberate and despicable strategy to maximize civilian suffering:

What would Biden do if Hamas rocketed Washington?  What would Israel tell Biden and America?
Major rocket attack targets central Israel, air raids sirens blare in Tel Aviv

For the first time in four months, blasts were reported across Tel Aviv, Petach Tikvah, Herzliya, and Ramat Hasharon.

Posted By JNS

Air-raid sirens sounded across Tel Aviv and Israel’s central region on Sunday afternoon, warning of incoming Hamas rocket fire from the Gaza Strip for the first time in four months.

The Israel Defense Forces’ Iron Dome aerial-defense system intercepted several projectiles, with blasts being reported across Tel Aviv, Petach Tikvah, Herzliya and Ramat Hasharon.

Sunday’s rocket fire reached as far north as the Sharon region, sending residents in the city of Kfar Saba running for shelter for the first time since the war started on Oct. 7.

At least two people were lightly wounded while running to a protected space, according to the Magen David Adom emergency response service. Both were evacuated to Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba.

Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack minutes after it happened, saying it had fired a “large barrage” towards Tel Aviv.

The IDF announced that “following the alerts that were activated a short time ago in the center of the country, eight launches were detected that crossed from the Rafah region into [Israeli] territory.”

According to a report by the Kan News public broadcaster, the rockets were fired from a Hamas position located “hundreds of meters” away from Israeli troops.

On Jan. 29, Hamas last fired rockets towards the Tel Aviv area, sending millions racing for shelter. The launches came shortly after the IDF expressed optimism in the wake of a decrease in the number of attacks.

Israel’s War Cabinet on May 6 decided to “continue the operation in Rafah to exert military pressure on Hamas to promote the release of our hostages and the other goals of the war.”

The Rafah operation, which Israel estimates will last around two months, is being carried out in stages as opposed to a full-scale invasion. The phased nature of the operation allows for it to be paused should a hostage release deal be reached with Hamas.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated repeatedly that conquering Rafah is essential to winning the war against Hamas. Israel says Hamas’s final four battalions, comprising some 3,000 terrorists, are holed up in the city, as well as the terrorist group’s senior leadership.

U.S. President Joe Biden has frequently made clear that his administration does not support a major offensive in Rafah. Instead, the White House favors a limited operation aimed at attacking high-value Hamas targets and securing the Gaza-Egypt border.
The destructive hidden war
The incessant attacks by Hezbollah on Israel’s north are devastating.
Douglas Altabef

Israel’s war against Hamas is justifiably receiving tremendous attention and focus. This is a war of righteous retribution in which our goal of dismantling Hamas dovetails with our goal of securing our hostages.

The world’s attention—by and large hypocritically—has been on our strategy, tactics and, ultimately, insistence on victory.

But there is another war—or, more accurately, another front in the same war—that has received less attention both here and abroad. Nevertheless, I would suggest this conflict is at least as impactful and requires Israel to devise and execute a winning strategy.

This, of course, is our ongoing conflict with Hezbollah. While Hezbollah thankfully missed the opportunity to pile on with the Oct. 7 pogrom in the south, they have been diligent in continuing to send, on a daily basis, attack drones, missiles and rockets into northern Israel.

The result has been quietly devastating. “Quietly” only in the sense of the attention that the war there has (or has not) received, but not at all quietly for the residents of the Galilee and the Golan Heights.

Hezbollah’s attacks have wrought havoc with the status quo ante, the supposed deterrence of pre-Oct. 7. They have succeeded in replacing the preexisting security buffer zone of southern Lebanon—from the border to the Litani River—with a security buffer zone that consists of the Upper and Western Galilee.

Knowing how ill prepared we would have been to have repelled a land invasion a la Oct. 7 from the north, the IDF encouraged/ordered the evacuation of dozens of northern cities, towns, kibbutzim and moshavim.

It is estimated that some 60-80,000 residents have been displaced and that hundreds of buildings and homes have been destroyed. There has been havoc wrought upon farmers who are afraid to tend to their fields and, if they nevertheless do so, are wildly shorthanded.

Businesses have been closed and ruined. Tel Hai College, a rising academic star in Israel, has been locked shut. There is only a semblance of life in communities like Kiryat Shmonah, the largest city in the north.

Most distressingly, there seems to be no willingness to change the ongoing tit-for-tat shoving match that adequately describes the current situation.

Yes, there are the obligatory expressions of empathy and support, and occasional empty statements of resolve. All of this, however, fails the basic litmus of what a sovereign nation is obligated to do: protect its citizens.

The difficult question that all of this raises is: Why are we “backburnering” this conflict? Is this a matter of capability; i.e., that we can’t fight a two-front war? Or is it capitulation to American exhortations not to raise the temperature of the conflict for fear of…What? Annoying Iran? Inflicting damage on Lebanon?

Certainly, our leaders must understand that this conflict will not go away from its own lack of momentum and that Hezbollah’s capacity to inflict damage will, in the absence of preemptive attack, incentivize them to keep harassing us until they get certain concessions.

This might very well be the American perspective: Appease Hezbollah/Iran, keep the genie locked up in the bottle, do not unleash its fury and “take the win.”

Except, of course, that this is the antithesis of a victory.

Right now, the message is that the north is expendable. Would we tolerate daily missile attacks on Rishon LeZion or, heaven forfend, Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv? Of course not. These would be seen, appropriately, as existential threats to the nation.

To not see and say the same for the north is to invite existential despair. These are communities that define the Zionist dream of love of the Land and creating fertile breadbaskets from desolate country. These are communities that proudly send their sons and daughters to defend the nation by serving in the IDF.

The history of modern-day Israel is intimately bound up with the history of our northern communities. Right now, however, residents there feel abandoned, expendable and akin to collateral damage.

Yes, Hezbollah has enormous arms supplies and capabilities. We have tolerated that growth since the 2006 Lebanon War damaged them tremendously. They have become the premier forward proxy of the Iranian mullahs, who have invested billions in arming and training their terrorist operatives.

We have ceded the agenda and the pace and scale of conflict to Hezbollah. They are the actors and we are only the reactors. Our surgical strikes against key operatives have not changed the course, intensity or initiative of the conflict. It is still very much being led and directed by Hezbollah.

It is very likely that if we were more assertive and aggressive towards Hezbollah, they would relent. Why? Because their Iranian masters probably do not want them expending all their materiel at this point.

This, of course, inevitably raises the question as to what to do vis-a-vis Iran—but that is another subject. Suffice it say, the Iranians likely do not want a full-blown conflict in Lebanon right now.

This should lead us to ask why we are cooperating with their low intensity conflict/waiting game.

The irony is that the IDF has never been stronger but we are acting as if we have never been so disabled and constrained. Far lesser provocations have prompted far more assertive responses from us in the past.

While we dither as to timing and tactics, there is one ineluctable reality: Northern Israel is being eviscerated.
Oregon Movement to Join 'Greater Idaho' Picks up Steam

By Leah Barkoukis


This is one oft the few Brits I respect immensely and deservedly: He will be speaking on the 29th at 12 PM EST. Kemp is the equivalent of America's Allen West.

Why is it that Israel, which was brutally attacked on October 7th by Hamas terrorist forces, has been put on the defensive? Would any other country that had endured such sadistic barbarism not respond to defend its civilian population? Why have the streets of London, Paris, and New York erupted in anti-Israel rallies?  Why has the International Court of Justice just issued its ruling for Israel to stop its defensive war in Gaza? Why has the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor, Karim Khn, requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant?

Here to answer these questions and more is the very esteemed Colonel Richard Kemp.

Webinar Registration

About the Speaker: Richard Kemp CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) served in the Army for 29 years. During his final period of military duty, he was head of the international terrorism and Iraq team for the Joint Intelligence Committee from 2002-2006, and was also Chairman of the COBRA Intelligence Group. In both of these roles he handled all major global terrorist attacks, including those against British interests. He was made CBE for his work on the July 2005 London bombings.

Based in Kabul, he was Commander of British forces in Afghanistan in 2003. He fought in the first Gulf War in 1991 and spent much time in Baghdad, Mosul and Fallujah with US forces and the CIA in 2004-05. He commanded an armoured infantry company with the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia in 1994, and was awarded the Queen’s Commendation for Bravery. He was counter-terrorism adviser to the government of Macedonia in 2001-2002. He commanded his battalion in Londonderry from 1998-2000, the last of his eight tours of duty in Northern Ireland. He was made MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for intelligence work in the province


Sent to me by a friend and fellow memo reader:










Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 8:39 PM

To: Myron Sugerman <>



This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day. Most in the United States view it as simply a three day weekend and the unofficial start of summer. I feel great sadness in that it's true meaning has been lost and lessened over time.  I am the son of a combat veteran of Makin Island, Enewetak, Saipan and among the VERY first to hit the beaches of Okinawa on Easter Sunday Morning April 1,1945. When asking my father he like the majority of The men Of The GREATEST GENERATION had very little say. His simple reply was 'We were just a bunch of scared kids who had a job to do.......and we did it '. Their courage and investment in saving the world should be trumpeted . We must also remember The Army and Naval Nurses and Those Citizen Soldiers of The Merchant Marines who too made the ultimate sacrifice as well . To forget them is to sin upon ourselves. 

Over 33,000 American Jews Died In Combat During World War 11 . Those injured are beyond counting.  I  imagine many of those who follow you do not themselves  realize or give consideration to  how much Jewish blood was spilled as members of the Armed Forces in World War 11 and I'm sure in every military campaign in the history of the United States. To forget them denies us of the great value of the truth allowing us to sin against ourselves..  Why do I bring this up ?  I must pay homage to them all including but more notable in this particular conveyance to pay homage to all as to keep myself whole and free of the sin of unappreciation . The Jewish G I bled the same blood for the cost of freedom as  their Italian, Irish, German and other ethnic counterparts did. Human blood is equally red, there can be no denial of such. . So on behalf of my father gone now a little over 23 years I find it imperative to thank each and every one of those more than 33,000 Jewish Members of our military who gave the ultimate sacrifice to pay the mortgage on The Freedom The United States provides us with today.  I'm sure with unquestioned certainty that  if my father were here he would tell you that  He  without knowing it may have been killed himself in combat   if not for an unknown  Jewish  'kid' who made the ultimate sacrifice to save him   As one of those 'Scared Kids who had a job to do...and did it '.  saving my father and other's lives falling upon the sword of freedom not as a Jew but as a human being forced to wage war to secure peace for others. On Memorial Day I will stand humbly in their shadow with appreciation. But also in equal measure of pride in remembering their courage and unyielding sense of purpose that saved the world. 

 JFK wrote  A Nation Of Immigrants and in it  he weaves the fabric of the American 'cloth' and that woven fabric includes Jewish thread. There is no true AMERICAN BLOODLINE. We are a hybrid of the human spirit and it is impossible to view it in any other way or measure. The Jew like everyone who has come before us saw the promise and made the investment in equal measure to create the United States. Nagumo after his victory at Pearl Harbor was wise to discount the accolades of his subordinates when he replied ' All I Fear Is That We Have Awakened A Sleeping Giant '. That Sleeping Giant was the hybrid of cultures that is the bloodline that is the only genuine bloodline  of the United States and Jewish blood flows  equally in that river of freedom. This cannot be DENIED. JFK instills that truth in it's most genuine form that we ARE a Nation Of Immigrants. 

Now upon the door  step of the United States is a 'mortgage bill ' due for services rendered. It must be paid !!! Not in currency or a quick salute to the American no no. It must be paid to secure both Israel and all Jewish Americans the right to live in safety and peace. To deny this we sin upon ourselves.  Israel to many including American Jews is just some country across the Atlantic Ocean. But it is MORE. Israel is the United States anchor of freedom in the middle east. They without a dedicated assignment while an independent nation are  our 51st State . Logic and practicality must recognize this.  We cannot in good conscience deny this. We can not turn away blindly to it in  our own convenience, we must support Israel without questioning the actions they have taken in Gaza. The mask of  Humanitarian Aid to Gaza is simply hypocrisy as most who cry and weep for the innocents of Gaza in truth can care less whether they eat or have shelter this day. Why ? Gaza like Israel is to most 'just a place across the Atlantic '. Bob Dylan wrote 'Gather 'round me people wherever you roam / accept that the waters around you have grown / you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone for The times They are a changing '. To Politicians and Diplomats On High heed those words......Unless The United States and It's Governmental Leadership moves with haste to arm Israel to continue unquestioned not a war of revenge but of wisdom we shall and will sink like a stone in our apathy and cowardice of convenience and denial of the inevitable truth. For one to tell himself a lie is the greatest moral sin. For the acceptance  of that singular sin will be avenue of continued sin against humanity. Who among has the right to condemn courage ? Or one who sets the standard of it condemned by those who mask their fear and hypocrisy simply to lay upon them themselves  false title of The Peacemaker. Poetry & Prose in their beauty is such only  by interpretation, nothing more. Benjamin Netanyahu is the lifeboat of truth and wisdom. He shoulders the burden of truth and the clarity of proactive wisdom alone and he alone is the only man standing among those in the room of cowardice who has the courage to open the door of a better tomorrow. Not only for Israel but for the world. He will accept such to his own demise to bless an unappreciative world as those who as one who has the courage and wisdom to  make the ultimate sacrifice as noted herein above. Is our cowardice of convenience such that we allow him alone to walk into the darkened abyss of all of our tomorrows alone ? If we allow him alone  to carry the torch that will light tomorrow  we must turn our heads in shame fueled by ignorance. There is no prosthetic for the healing of  the undeniable  wounds placed upon tomorrow for they shall come and continue to come unless we as people demand of our leadership that their personal political goals have no standing while hiding conveniently behind diplomatic pandering. 

Uncle we have continued our on going discussions as related to everything herein since last October when Hamas with no provocation attacked Israel raping women,the wanton killing of children, the taking of hostages to be used as human shields  and slaughtering Israeli 'Innocents '. Do they not count ??? This Roman Catholic not only believes they do but also 'counts with Israel'. Why ? Simple. Right Vs Wrong and Good Vs Evil. There are no grey areas in my mind that Israel is Right in forging on without restraint to protect themselves not by protecting the the Israeli border only  but allowing Benjamin Netanyahu to march forward to eradicate the enemies of Israel wherever they are. I am not a war monger. I'm practical in my assessment that only war will create peace.  History has proven this . The Diplomatic path has failed time and time again and will forever fail. We must only review Chamberlain at Munich in 1933. His Appeasement was cowardice of his  denial o fear as to the inevitable which  gave forward movement to  the agenda of Adolph Hitler and The Nazi Party. We as humans can never retrieve yesterday but without the review of it  we can not chart tomorrow in all contexts. We only need to review Hitler invading Poland in 1938, The Blitz of Great Britain and Hitler's betrayal of Stalin to see that he could not be trusted via diplomatic convenience. We MUST  view Hamas and all Anti Israeli Terrorists AS HITLER.  We in the United States can not in apathy forget 9/11  no more than we can forget The 33,000 Jewish American's noted above who gave their lives as part of the great Hybrid that is the only genuine American bloodline along with their equal ethnic counterparts.  I believe my father, his fellow members of the greatest generation  and those more than 33,000 'Scared Jewish Kids Who Had A job to do ...and did it paying the ultimate of sacrifices might just  agree with me on that comparison ???? Does not the promise of their lives lost in World War 11 matter some reasonable consideration ? To me it does. 

To Netanyahu I quote with full endorsement the words of Rudyard Kipling.  He is the only man of truth standing alone now condemned   on the world stage willing and ready to destroy not only the enemies of  Israel but  of The United States and it's allies who seek only to wear  the fraudulent mask of diplomacy and  turn a convenient blind eye to the truth found in  these words.......

'If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools '..............In these simple words we must ask of ourselves do we stand with the warrior he wants peace or with those who are afraid to engage in the justified battle to secure it ? 

Kipling also wrote ' If You Can fill the unforgiving mile with sixty seconds worth of distance run yours is the earth and all that is in it but which is more you'll be a man my son '......Benjamin Netanyahu dares the restrictions of the stretch, he knows peace can only be found by those who are not afraid to snap the wire at the finish line allowing for the promise of a new day . This is Courage. This Is Leadership. This Is Wisdom ........and the unmasking of the fools who in their fear do not accept the truth. As A Roman Catholic I believe in absolute blindness that God Is Good, That He Is Merciful, That He Is An All Forgiving God And By His Blessing Gave Us Life With A Plan Of Virtue. If You Believe What I Believe Than You MUST BELIEVE That He Gave Gave Us Benjamin Netanyahu. To Deny that is to deny God And All Of His Blessed Wisdom. Let Netanyahu Follow His Destiny ......For If Allowed Too  And Supported Without Restriction  He Will Bring Peace. 

In the lofty perch of Truth and Courage Netanyahu Stands Alone with no equals.....are we so soulless to deny him now his 'sixty seconds of distance run ' ? For If We Do We Deny Ourselves. 

His courage is 'Right ' and his purpose is 'Good '. The voices of the Hypocrisy cannot nor should not  be a fog placed upon this man to create the appearance that he is on the side of wrong and evil. A Hero dies but one death and a coward dies one thousand. Our Mutual Respective Practice Of Faith Acknowledges The Same God. We MUST View The Voices Of Cowardly Convenience Fueled By Self Serving Absorbance As Nothing More Than False Idols. And We Must Give Great Consideration That In This Matter Benjamin Netanyahu IS The Messenger of GOD sent by providence not to rouse the seas of life but as one who will brave the fury of it's turbulent waves to calm them. 


Why would I a Roman Catholic be the most ardent of supporters of  Israel and as you Uncle refer to the 'Bibi ' ? Simple. As a Roman Catholic I am the seed of the Jews as was my father before me. 

  Saverio Cali 5/25/2024


The World on the Brink of Chaos

By Sherwin Pomerantz

In the face of the invitation released last Thursday by Speaker Mike Johnson for Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of congress, I have an op ed in today’s Jerusalem Post urging him not to accept that invitation.  You can see it here…..

I hope he sees it and agrees but time will tell.  My guess is he will accept the invite

Israel faced new condemnation Monday for strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah that Hamas terrorist-run Gaza Health Ministry said killed at least 45 Palestinians, including displaced people living in tents that were engulfed by fire.  Prime Minister Netanyahu said there had been a "tragic mistake" and that Israel was investigating.

Israel said it was looking into the civilian deaths after it struck a Hamas installation and killed two senior militants. Sunday night's attack, which appeared to be one of the war's deadliest, helped push the overall Gaza death toll in the war above 36,000, according to the Hamas terrorist-run Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between fighters and noncombatants in its tally.  In a speech before Israel's parliament Monday, Netanyahu said, "despite our utmost efforts not to harm innocent civilians, last night, there was a tragic mistake. We are investigating the incident and will obtain a conclusion because this is our policy."

In a separate development, Egypt's military said one of its soldiers was shot dead during an exchange of fire in the Rafah area, without providing further details. Israel said it was in contact with Egyptian authorities, and both sides said they were investigating.

In the “life goes on” category, effective August 1st,  Israel’s Ministry of Interior has advised that the Marom ETA – IL (Electronic Travel Authorization - Israel) system will go into effect.   The system is expected to streamline the entry process for visa waiver nationals seeking short-term visits to Israel for purposes other than work, volunteering, or studying.  The ETA-IL approval will be valid for up to 2 years, allowing stays of up to 90 days maximum per visit and permitting multiple entries.

The system does not replace the discretion of the Israeli border control to deny entry in certain cases.  The ETA-IL online portal will require individuals to obtain approval prior to their travel.  Applications must be submitted electronically at least 72 hours before the expected entry date. The system is designed to provide instant approval for those eligible.

A report in the Wall Street Journal indicates that the Biden administration is arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency's board meeting in early June, as it expands its stockpile of near-weapons-grade fissile material to a record level, diplomats said. The US has pressed a number of countries to abstain in a censure vote, saying that is what Washington will do

Earlier today, the IAEA reported that Iran's stockpile of 60% highly enriched uranium rose 20.6 kg. to 142.1 kg. as of May 11 from three months earlier, its highest level to date. US officials say that material could be converted into weapons-grade enriched uranium in a matter of days and would be enough to fuel three nuclear weapons. European diplomats have warned that failure to take action would undermine the authority of the IAEA and weaken the credibility of Western pressure on Iran.

For those who want to know what’s next?  Frankly, it is impossible to tell as what is going on in the world right now seems to be an illogical and unpredictable mix of events which create a state of chaos that we have not seen since the onset of World War II.  Let us hope that we are not again on the cusp of the next global conflagration.


Defund the ICC and disband it as an anti-Semitic organization.


Opinion It’s not just Netanyahu. The ICC wants to prosecute U.S. lawmakers too.

Marc A. Thiessen


If you want to see just how out of control the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor is, consider this: Not only is Karim Khan seeking charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his conduct of the war in Gaza, he is threatening to prosecute members of Congress who push back on the ICC’s unlawful efforts to indict the Israeli leader.

On April 24, a group of senators led by Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) sent a letter warning Khan that any attempt to prosecute Israeli officials would be “illegitimate and lack legal basis” because “neither Israel nor the United States are members of the ICC and are therefore outside of your organization’s supposed jurisdiction.” Cotton added that Congress would interpret an arrest warrant for Netanyahu “not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States” that would result in “severe sanctions against you and your institution.”

Khan’s office responded in a statement saying that when “individuals threaten to retaliate against the Court or against Court personnel … such threats, even when not acted upon, may also constitute an offence against the administration of justice under Art. 70 of the Rome Statute,” which “explicitly prohibits both ‘[r]etaliating against an official of the Court on account of duties performed by that or another official’ and ‘[i]mpeding, intimidating or corruptly influencing an official of the Court for the purpose of forcing or persuading the official not to perform, or to perform improperly, his or her duties.’”

Think about that: Khan not only suggests he has the right to indict Netanyahu, but also Cotton, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and other members of Congress seeking new sanctions on ICC officials who investigate U.S. citizens or allies. As Cotton told me in a podcast interview, Khan is “a prosecutor who can dish it out but can’t take it and threatens his critics with prosecution themselves in total disregard for principles of freedom of speech.”

Khan has no jurisdiction to prosecute members of Congress — or any Americans — because the United States is not a party to the Rome Statute, which created the ICC. And the fact that he dares to threaten U.S. legislators carrying out their duties as elected representatives of the American people shows why his rogue tribunal needs to be brought to heel.

This shameful moment has been a quarter-century in the making. In December 2000, my former boss, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), warned in Haaretz that Israel should not join the ICC because the court “will have an independent prosecutor answerable to no state or institution for his or her actions” who could one day issue “criminal indictments against Israeli soldiers, military commanders and government officials all the way up to the prime minister himself.”

To address this danger, Helms introduced the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act, a law designed to punish the court for any efforts to prosecute U.S. citizens or allies. The Senate approved the measure by an overwhelming 75-19 vote (then-Sen. Joe Biden was among the nays), and was signed into law in 2002 by President George W. Bush. So not only has the Senate not ratified the ICC treaty, Congress explicitly authorized the president to use “all means necessary” to shield U.S. citizens and allies from ICC prosecution.

What Khan is doing today “is exactly the kind of thing that Jesse Helms predicted would happen a few decades ago with this court,” Cotton said. Back then, the court’s supporters assured critics that its prosecutors would focus on grievous human-rights abuses by the world’s dictators, not on democracies with robust and transparent legal systems capable of policing their own citizens.

They were wrong. Khan has not indicted Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, who is carrying out genocide against the Uyghurs. Nor has he indicted Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. But he has targeted Netanyahu, the leader of a democracy with an impartial justice system that holds its own leaders to account — as evidenced by the fact that Netanyahu has been indicted on corruption charges.

The ICC has tried to go after Americans as well. Cotton points out that when Donald Trump was president, Khan’s predecessor announced an investigation into alleged war crimes by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. “Trump lowered the boom on them,” Cotton says, “He revoked the prosecutor’s U.S. visa, he sanctioned other ICC leaders and he labeled the court a threat to the United States.” But on taking office, “the Biden administration revoked all those actions that Donald Trump took.” They are learning what a mistake that was.

Sanctions are just one way to hold the ICC to account. Another option being discussed on Capitol Hill is to make it a federal crime for officials of the ICC — or anyone acting pursuant to a request from the ICC — to indict, arrest, detain, prosecute or imprison an American, as well as the personnel of any U.S. ally from a country not party to the Rome Statute if the government requests protection from the United States. Cotton also suggests it could be possible to indict Khan under existing statutes, such as those barring material support for terrorism.

“Karim Khan might find himself in an American prosecutor’s crosshairs come next year when there’s a new attorney general that actually puts American interests first,” Cotton told me. “If he thinks that it’s all fun and games to slap an arrest warrant on Benjamin Netanyahu so he can’t travel internationally, maybe he should get a taste of his own medicine.”


Consul update (edited.)


Operational Updates

Northern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing to operate in the northern Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists and locating weapons in the area. Over the past day, the troops dismantled terrorist infrastructure in the Jabaliya area, including terror tunnel shafts, observation posts, a weapons storage facility, and a military structure used by Hamas. In one operation, a terrorist cell that had fired mortar shells toward IDF troops was eliminated in an aerial strike directed by ground troops.

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are intensifying operations in the central Gaza Strip. Over the past day, the troops identified terrorists operating within a structure in proximity to them. Shortly afterward, an IAF fighter jet struck the structure and eliminated the terrorists. Simultaneously, the troops are continuing to conduct targeted raids on terror targets in the area and in one such activity located a weapons storage warehouse.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops continued to operate in the Rafah area. Overnight, IDF troops operated in the Philadelphi Corridor (located near the Gaza-Egypt border) while conducting precise operational activity based on intelligence indicating the presence of terror targets in the area. The activity is being conducted as efforts are continuing to be made in order to prevent harm to uninvolved civilians in the area. The troops are engaging with terrorists in close-quarters combat and locating terror tunnel shafts, weapons, and additional terrorist infrastructure in the area.

  • Below is footage of recent IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Hamas Fires Rockets at Central Israel from Rafah

On Sunday (May 26), Hamas terrorists fired eight projectiles at central Israel from the area of Rafah. The rocket launcher, which was situated near two mosques in Rafah, was struck by the IAF shortly after. Below is a map of the rocket launchers in Gaza, and another of the locations in which the IDF aerial defense array intercepted the rockets.

Hamas's decision to pursue terror in close proximity to local houses of worship is further evidence of the terror organization’s systematic exploitation of civilian areas for its genocidal terror activity, including rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.

Israeli Air Force Eliminates Two Senior Hamas Terrorists Operating in Rafah

On Sunday (May 26), Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft conducted an intelligence-based strike in the area of Rafah against significant terror targets, including senior terrorists in Hamas’s Judea and Samaria Wing who directed terror attacks in the territory and carried out murderous attacks against Israeli civilians.

The eliminated terrorists included Hamas's Chief of Staff in Judea and Samaria, Yassin Rabia, and head of Hamas's Regional Office and Ramallah Committee, Khaled Nagar. More information about them can be found in the infographics below:

The strike was carried out based on prior intelligence information regarding the presence of the senior Hamas terrorists at the site of the strike.

According to IDF Spokesperson RADM. Daniel Hagari, "These terrorists were responsible for the deaths of Israelis and they were actively commanding operations that could have killed even more. Their deaths saved lives."

Before the strike, a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians during the strike, including conducting aerial surveillance, the deployment of precise munitions by the IAF, and additional intelligence information. Based on these measures, it was assessed that there would be no expected harm to uninvolved civilians.

Sadly, following the strike, due to unforeseen circumstances, a fire ignited tragically taking the lives of Gazan civilians nearby. Despite the IDF's efforts to minimize civilian casualties during the strike, the fire that broke out was unexpected and unintended. According to RADM. Hagari, "This is a devastating incident which we did not expect. We are investigating what caused the fire that resulted in this tragic loss of life."

The incident is under the investigation of the General Staff's Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism, which is an independent body responsible for examining exceptional incidents in combat. The General Staff's Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism is investigating the circumstances of the deaths of civilians in the area of the strike. The IDF regrets any harm to uninvolved civilians during combat.

Shortly after the strike, Hamas claimed that the IDF intentionally targeted civilians in the Al-Mawasi humanitarian area, which the IDF has encouraged civilians in the southern Gaza Strip to evacuate to.

As the map below shows, the strike occurred 1.7 KM (1.06 miles) away from the humanitarian area.

The map below shows the actual location of the strike, which refutes Hamas's false claims:

This map shows the Hamas rocket launchers that were embedded near the location of the strike:

The following clip is of a conversation between two Gazans about the strike. The conversation was recorded by the IDF:

RADM. Hagari further stated in his remarks:

"The strike was conducted using two munitions with small warheads suited for this targeted strike. We're talking about munition with 17 kilos of explosive material. This is the smallest munition that our jets can use. Following this strike, a large fire ignited for reasons that are still being investigated. Our munition alone could not have ignited a fire of this size. I want to repeat it - our munition alone could not have ignited a fire of this size. Our investigation seeks to determine what may have caused such a large fire to ignite. We are looking into all possibilities including the option that weapons stored in a compound next to our target, which we did not know of, may have ignited as a result of the strike."

RADM. Hagari concluded his remarks by reiterating, "Our war is against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza, which is why we convey deep sorrow for this tragic loss of life."

To read RADM. Hagari's full remarks, click HERE.

IDF Destroys Half-Mile-Long Terror Tunnel in Central Gaza

The 679th Brigade Combat Team has been operating in the Gaza Strip for the past few weeks. Over the past week, the troops have been operating in the area of Sabra in the center of the Gaza Strip; their mission is to destroy terrorist infrastructure, eliminate terrorists and locate and destroy terror tunnels.

Overnight, the troops, in cooperation with troops of the Yahalom Unit, dismantled a tunnel route 0.5 miles in length and 59 ft deep. The route was used by the Hamas terror organization and ran near the area of the Central Gaza Strip Corridor where the IDF troops are operating.

Below is footage of the tunnel's destruction:

The troops are significantly damaging Hamas’s capabilities in the central Gaza Strip and are intensifying their control over the area. The troops have destroyed dozens of terrorist structures, located a tunnel route, as well as large quantities of weapons and intelligence assets.

378 Humanitarian Aid Trucks Enter Gaza in One Day

The IDF, via the Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), continues its efforts to facilitate the entry of hundreds of trucks containing food, water, medical equipment, and shelter equipment for the residents of Gaza. Yesterday, 378 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected and transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom and the Erez West crossings after thorough security inspections.

78 trucks of flour from the World Food Program (WFP) were transferred to supply the organization’s bakery operations across the Gaza Strip. 154 aid trucks from Egypt made their way from the Rafah crossing to the Kerem Shalom crossing.

The IDF will continue its efforts to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip by air, land and sea in accordance with international law.

IDF Reservists Conduct Training Exercises to Increase Readiness for War in Lebanon

In the last few weeks, the 146th Division and the 205th Reserve Armored Brigade conducted a division-level and brigade-level exercise that simulated ground operations in Lebanon. The exercise simulated combat scenarios in the northern arena: the rapid deployment of troops in the field, the functioning of the division and brigade headquarters, and the readiness of the troops to carry out an offensive.

The soldiers and commanders of the 551st Brigade fought hard in the Gaza Strip and are now operationally deployed on the Lebanese border. In parallel to their operational activities, a division-level exercise was held, led by the Ground Forces Training Center in the northern sector, that included battle procedures, validation of strike plans on the northern front, recruitment and organization of equipment, learning about Lebanon's challenges, and operational models during the day and night in complex terrain to simulate combat in Lebanon as much as possible. 

In addition, the troops exercised logistical and communications operations in depth, movement in complex terrain, advancement along mountainous routes, the activation of multi-faceted fire, and combat in a built-up, urban area.

Click below to view footage of the training:

IDF's Top Lawyer Discusses Israel's Adherence to International Law

Yesterday, the IDF's top lawer, the Military Advocate General (MAG), MG. Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, gave a speech in which she systematically dispelled the major myths circulating about the Israel's adherence to international law as it works to defend itself against Hamas's continued genocidal terror. According to MG. Tomer Yerushalmi:

"The IDF's commitment to the law does not stem from the concern posed by the international arena. It is rooted, first and foremost, in the fact that the State of Israel is a state of law. The rule of law, and the purity of arms, are values ​​woven into the IDF's code of ethics from the day it was established."

To read MG. Tomer-Yerushalmi's full speech, click HERE.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Update

Click HERE for today's updates regarding the IDF's humanitarian efforts during Operation: Swords of Iron.



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