Saturday, May 25, 2024

 My Funeral:

Since I will no longer be there to ask anything of you this is my last request:

I would like my service to be in the Funeral Chapel followed by grave side for family any one who wishes  If possible I would love Rhapsody in Blue be played in the chapel

Honorary Pall bearers would be

Judy Hartley, Merri Bodziner, Richard Bodziner, Jim Montag, John Kane, Jim Reilley, Paul Kulbersh, Alan Lowe, Joe DeHaven, Barry Luskey  

What I have previously written out can be divided among those family members and each can read what I have written.

To my fellow memo Readers- That this wll be my last. even though I have written this many times before, this time it should be self-evident.

To my family: I have not shown the love, softness and given you the attention you richly deserved or told you often enough I loved you but know I not only loved each and every one of you but also am proud of who you have become and accomplished.  Keep at it.

To my tennis buddies: remember turn, take your racket back, keep eye on the ball and swing around over shoulder. I also hope today was inclement so I did not keep you from play.  Also, thanks for your line calls and tolerating my inability to run.

To my friends who play golf: I played golf in prep school,earned  a letter but never really liked the game and believe Twain was correct when he said “golf ruins a nice walk. My advice – take up tennis.

To Savannah: what a great city – wish I could have moved here earlier. Now I will be a permanent part of its soul and soil.

To my many friends: If my political views offended you I was simply expressing my right of free speech. You know that thing in our constitution that offends you when you do not agree. I depart feeling no remorse or guilt. You, perhaps, should square up and feel guilty for holding your inane views that destroyed our nation. 

Know I still respect you and loved our relationship.

To all my true friends thanks for enriching my life and for your support. Look after Lynn and to my various lunch group members you no longer have to listen to my bad jokes.

A special thanks to Charlie, my closest and dearest friend.  We made a great team.

Finally, to Lynn:  God loved me because he brought you into my life.  Keep looking for change, stay well but never change and thank you for allowing me to have so many girl friends,  They know who they are


On my Grave Stone I would like : “He did it his way”

Rabbi Gellman can preside in both the Chapel as well as at the cemetery, but I also want Rabbi Refson and Jim Giddens to say whatever they want as well as Charlie Bourland.

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