Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Home Again. Fabulous Guy's and Doll's Play. Ridding America Of Biden Is Essential. Much, Much More.

Just got home from watching Dagny and her class mates in a resounding school play.  I saw Guys and Dolls in 1950 on Broadway. Had I shut my eyes I would have thought I was watching a Broadway version.  The acting, singing, dancing was superb.  Unbelievable talent for 12 to 14 year old's.  I was totally awed and the theater was magnificent.  What young kids, who are motivated and have outstanding teachers, can accomplished.  I was simply awed.  

Maitland Academy in Winter Park, FL is an amazing private school and worth the exorbitant fee. This is what education can be and why we must get away from the garbage of CRT and DEI. This is why black parents must be allowed choice which Democrat hypocrites refuse o allow because they owe more to their union buddies than to their charges. Disgusting and why any person who claims to care must stop voting for Democrats and throw Biden and his ice cream cone out on the BLM painted D.C streets.

We have allowed children to substitute thinking for feeling.
I am reading: " The Parasitic Mind by Gad Saad "and it all began with  Political  Correctness which, like Topsy, grew from better curb access for the handicaps  "To Infectious ideas killing Common Sense".  DEI claims to be  all about diversity yet College and the vast number of University/College departments average 12.4% Democrats to 1 Conservative professors. Me

Netanyahu Issues Warning to US Leaders: ‘You’re Next’
Netanyahu Issues Warning to US Leaders: ‘You’re Next’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that he disagrees with arrest warrants sought against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC), suggesting that U.S. leaders could be next.

Trump is unconventional, He is not the usual role model we have come to elect.  Even if you hate him feel free to do so just elect him so America does not go down the Obama and Biden toilet.

Tom Klingenstein is a clear thinking  rational conservative who has proven to also be a fine investor.,  Those who hate Trump will find Klingenstein off the charts. Fine, just hold your nose and do what he is begging you to do so we can save our republic.


 Five years ago Steven  Harper made this video.  It is more meaningful today. He is a decent man and his words stand in contrast to the radicals who are tearing up our nation's campuses with their hatred and anti-Semitic chants and ignorant  fervor..

Harper is the vice of a better world and should be listened to if the West cares about peace.


Thank you Jimmy Carter.  We were educating our children fairly well and then you became president and got the government involved with the Dept. of Education.  Everything went down hill after that but you were so impressed, you then gave us the Department of Energy.

No wonder you rate at the bottom. At least we dumped you before you got to 3 strikes.


Mencken coined the phrase "Boobus Americanus." He must have had Biden in mind. 

Venus and penis rhyme but they do not make sense except to progressive Democrats.

When dangerous people step down or die you can consider you have had a good day.

Schwab is a dangerous man.  Thank God he is stepping down but his thinking till pervades among the Kerry and Fink types.  They want to control the world and want it to be one world.  In other words, their kind of world where they control everything.

General Jack Keane is a straight shooter and tells it as he sees it and deserves your ear.

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