Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Black Morality Makes them Racists. Much More.

The degree of black morality needs some serious burnishing..

They are the true racists.

If they think re-electing crooks for judicial posts is going to better our society they are mistaken.
Fani Willis Just Won Her Primary Election—Guess Who Showed Up at Her Victory Party?
By Bob Hoge |The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.
Looks like embattled Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ political career will live to see another day, as she won her primary election Tuesday and will face off against a GOP challenger in November. 

But guess who showed up to her election night victory party? None other than the married attorney and father of two, Nathan Wade, who looked like he hadn’t a care in the world despite the fact that Judge Scott McAfee kicked him off the Trump case due to his previously undisclosed liaison with Willis. (Speaking of Judge McAfee, he also won his primary Tuesday, proving that perhaps there’s something really wrong with the water supply in Georgia.) 

Her celebration speech indicated that her team planned to booze the night away:

"So, ladies and gentlemen, tonight, every now and then you get to stop and smell the roses," Willis said. "And tonight, we going to stop and smell these roses."

"We are going to celebrate," she said. "We're going to party the day drinking Grey Goose in case anybody wonder."

Willis has been in the news of late for all the wrong reasons: she thought she’d get famous by pursuing Donald Trump in an election interference prosecution, but instead, the microscope was turned on her when it was discovered she’d been having relations with Wade, who she’d hired to help with the case and paid him exorbitant sums for his work. Then the House, the Senate, and state officials started looking into her official spending patterns as red flags popped up everywhere. 

Throughout it all, she has remained defiant and keeps expressing her outrage that anyone would dare to investigate her behavior—don't they know who she is?! 

Fani's Follies:

Fani Willis Refuses to Appear Before Georgia Senate Investigative Committee, Chairman Threatens Subpoena

More Trouble for Fani Willis As Whistleblower Dishes to House Committee, There May Be More Coming Forward

Willis' jurisdiction is deep in Joe Biden country, which tells you pretty much all you need to know:

Willis, the District Attorney for Fulton County, is leading the sweeping 2020 election interference case against former President Donald Trump and has been the subject of scrutiny many Republicans in the state and nationwide for her affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, which almost got her removed from the case. 

Willis on Tuesday defeated Democrat attorney Christian Wise Smith in a rematch of their race four years ago. In the county that in 2020 voted 73% for President Joe Biden, she was favored to win. 

WiIlis is currently under investigation by Republicans in both chambers of the U.S. congress and two commissions in the Georgia state legislature.

On Monday, Willis appeared on MSNBC and called one of the people investigating her actions, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), a “clown.”

Who's the clown?

Fani Willis Calls Jim Jordan a 'Clown,' Says All Allegations Against Her Are 'Illegitimate' 

“I bring that up at the federal level because now at the state level, they’ve decided to follow this clown’s [Jordan’s] lead, and they want to now try to interfere in an investigation,” she said. “And it’s not legitimate either.”

Meanwhile Willis’ prosecution against Trump has stalled as the former president’s team has filed an appeal hoping to get the combative DA tossed from the case. Although the appeals court agreed to hear their bid, a hearing date has yet to be scheduled. 

In New York, Alvin Bragg’s ridiculous business accounting case is imploding after Michael Cohen admitted to stealing from the Trump Organization. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s federal classified documents case is indefinitely on hold as the various parties work out pre-trial matters—namely that Smith’s team mishandled classified documents, the very crime for which they’re trying to imprison the former president. Irony, much? 

Is there any doubt left that this progressive, Biden-led lawfare blitzkrieg against Trump is one of the most illegitimate banana republic episodes we’ve ever seen in the United States of America? If there’s any justice, all of these politically motivated show trials will go down in flames, because I have yet to see a single one that actually has merit.

Hope Fani Willis had fun partying with her (former?) paramour as her case grows cobwebs. 

Bob Hoge—pronounced Hoge like rogue, not Hodge like lodge—is a RedState front page contributor and editor and proud father of four. He is shown sporting his COVID beard, which his wife has since forced him to shave. Follow him on Twitter @Bob_Hoge_CA.


Black Radicalism
Antisemitism runs deeper in the black radical tradition than many realize

f I had only a glancing knowledge of American history, I would never guess that black Americans and Jewish Americans had ever clashed. After all, both groups understand what it’s like to be a despised minority, both groups have been reliable Democrat voters for the better part of the past century, and both groups share the same historical enemy: the far Right. One need not be crazy to look at the photos of Martin Luther King Jr. walking shoulder to shoulder with Abraham Joshua Heschel during the civil rights movement and wonder how the relationship between these two groups could be anything other than a love-fest.

The reality of black-Jewish relations, however, has fallen short of that ideal. At the center of that failure is the troubling phenomenon of black antisemitism. The reflexive support given to Hamas by Black Lives Matter’s Chicago chapter, which on October 10 tweeted a picture of a paraglider with the caption “I Stand with Palestine,” is only one of the latest examples. To understand the roots of black antisemitism, we must go back much further — before the realities of war brought the West Bank and Gaza under Israeli control in June 1967.

In April 1967, as Israel anxiously prepared for war with its Arab neighbors, James Baldwin published an essay in the New York Times under the title “Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White.” The headline advanced a heavily oversimplified version of Baldwin’s thesis, but it nevertheless captured something true. Leaving aside the question of whether Jews are in fact white (the Nazis certainly didn’t think so, and there are many unambiguously non-white Jews — for instance, Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews), it is nevertheless true that black Americans see Jews as white. And to the extent that there is a deep well of anti-white sentiment in the black community, that sentiment gets grafted onto Jews.

But there is much more to black antisemitism than that. In his essay, Baldwin pointed out that during his youth in Harlem, he mostly encountered Jews in roles of power and authority relative to him: his landlord, his grocer, his butcher, etc. As a result, Baldwin claimed, one source of black antisemitism was the natural friction that results when one ethnic group operates the lion’s share of businesses in an area mostly populated by a different group. In other words, it wasn’t because Jews were Jewish: Any group overrepresented among landlords and shopkeepers would have been hated. One can look, for instance, at the targeting of Korean-owned stores in inner-city race riots to find support for this theory.

That said, Baldwin’s point explains less than it appears to. For one thing, black-Jewish tensions in Harlem were a local and temporary reality. They therefore cannot explain what has become a national and long-lasting phenomenon. Jews may have been landlords in Harlem during the early and mid-20th century — Harlem was, after all, a Jewish (and Italian) neighborhood long before blacks arrived — but blacks have resented Jews all across the nation, long past the time when Jews owned many buildings and businesses in Harlem. When I lived in Hamilton Heights and Harlem between 2016 and 2020, my landlord was Dominican, and all the delis were run by Yemenis.

One underappreciated source of black antisemitism omitted in Baldwin’s essay is the Nation of Islam (NOI). NOI is a syncretic blend of Islam, black nationalism, and a sort of copy-paste of the Jewish story, but with black Americans swapped in for Jews as the “chosen people” — an aspect NOI shares with the Black Hebrew Israelites. As Elijah Muhammad put it in his book Message to the Black Man in America: “A Savior is born, not to save the Jews but to save the poor Negro.”

Though NOI’s founding scriptures contained more white-hatred than Jew-hatred, it did not take long for Jew-hatred to become central to NOI. In 1960, the great civil rights leader Bayard Rustin pressed Malcolm X, then a spokesperson for the NOI, on allegations that Elijah Muhammad had singled out Jews as “exploiters.” In one of the least convincing defenses ever made, Malcolm replied:

I don’t think you can find an article where he has ever pointed out the Jew as an exploiter of the black man. He speaks of the exploiter. Period. He doesn’t break it down in terms of Frenchmen or Englishmen or a Jew or a German. He speaks of the exploiter and sometimes the man who is the most guilty of exploitation will think you are pointing the finger at him. [Emphasis added.]

Any doubt about NOI’s antisemitism was put to rest when Louis Farrakhan assumed leadership of the organization in 1981. Farrakhan called Hitler “a very great man” and Judaism “a gutter religion.” He holds Jews responsible for funding both the American slave trade and the Holocaust. “Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust,” Farrakhan said. “They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road.”

Though Farrakhan has appropriately been deeply criticized by organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, he has not been canceled to the extent that he should be — and certainly not to the extent he would be if he were a white person with the same views. For instance, three of the co-chairs of the 2018 Women’s March — Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez, and Tamika Mallory — had ties to Farrakhan, despite his regressive views on the role of women in society. Indeed, the New York Times reported that NOI members were involved in providing security for some of the marches. As a result, the Women’s March refused to dissociate itself from Farrakhan for almost a year, until a particularly fiery Farrakhan speech denouncing the “satanic Jews” finally elicited a mealy-mouthed Facebook post.

While NOI’s official membership has never constituted a large part of the black community, its influence has far outstripped its official numbers because of its popularity with rappers. NOI’s and specifically Farrakhan’s teachings formed the waters in which rappers of a certain generation, from Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg to Ice Cube and of course Ye (formerly Kanye West), swam. As a result, the antisemitism inherent in NOI has found a bullhorn in hip-hop lyrics and hip-hop culture more broadly.

But the true source of black antisemitism lies deeper than ethnic tensions in Harlem or the influence of NOI. At bottom, black antisemitism has to do with the story that black Americans tell ourselves about who we are. Every ethnic group has a dominant story — a story as sacred to its members as any religious catechism. The dominant black American story runs as follows: We are the only Americans who came here not by choice, but in chains. And though the country has moved past slavery, legalized white supremacy, and open discrimination, we remain a disproportionately poor and downtrodden people as a result of our past oppression. But for that history of oppression, we would be thriving.

A typical challenge to this story is the “model minority” argument: namely, the fact that many immigrant groups have arrived on America’s shores penniless and despised but have nonetheless risen up the ladder within a few generations. Why, then, can’t black Americans do the same? The typical response is that those groups were not trailing centuries of brutal discrimination and therefore did not have to climb as steep a hill. And with most groups — say, the Italians and the Irish — this response seems convincing enough.

But then there is the troubling case of Jewish Americans. The trials and tribulations of the Jewish people are so numerous, so well documented, and so undeniable that this response rings somewhat hollow. Jews have indeed had to climb the steepest of hills. But to acknowledge Jewish success in the face of that history, and to do so without resorting to odious conspiracy theories, would require a reconsideration of the black American story. In other words, Jewish Americans are proof that it is possible to succeed economically even when history has thrown every possible obstacle in your way. So, more than any other “model minority,” Jewish Americans, thanks to their success, present a serious challenge to the story that black Americans tell ourselves — a challenge that is not so easily rebutted.

In a sense, the particular way in which a black individual might arrive at antisemitism is secondary. Ultimately, they all draw energy from the same source: a desire to preserve the black American story in its current form, and a knee-jerk rejection of any perceived challenge to it. Given a choice between rewriting our own story and rewriting the Jewish story, many black Americans choose the latter, by downplaying or simply denying Jewish history. A recent YouGov/Economist poll asked Americans whether the Holocaust was a myth. Eighty-two percent of whites and 71 percent of Hispanics said no. Sadly, only 55 percent of blacks said the same.

Somewhat less abhorrent than Holocaust denial has been the falsehood, popular among black Americans, that Jews must have arrived in America with money to begin with. In his final book, Where Do We Go from Here?, Martin Luther King Jr. lamented the fact that “Negroes nurture a persisting myth that the Jews of America attained social mobility and status solely because they had money,” and that this myth “encourages anti-Semitism.” The truth of the matter, he offered, was that “Jews progressed because they possessed a tradition of education combined with social and political action.”

As in so many areas, King sketched a healthier path forward. Ultimately, he advised: “Without overlooking the towering differences between the Negro and Jewish experiences, the lesson of Jewish mass involvement in social and political action and education is worthy of emulation” (emphasis added).

 In 2023, it would be heretical to suggest that black Americans should in any way emulate Jewish Americans. But when you live in crazy times, perhaps common sense comes across as heresy. 

COLEMAN HUGHES hosts the podcast Conversations with Coleman and is the author of The End of Race Politics.
The Chamberlain approach to peace never works but progressive liberals are blind to facts and history.
Anyone thinking about reelecting this President must not care about the future of Israel or America.


I listened to a video presentation by 
Vahid Beheshti.  He is one of the courageous leaders against the current  Iranian regime.  His beliefs are directly in conflict with Biden and Blinken's actions  and the current crop of Pentagon misfits.

Beheshti maintains there are fissures in various Iranian institutions and the West must support Israel because this tiny country is protecting the entire world's free nations Iran threatens.

He stated the Iranian Regime is weaker and more vulnerable now since 1979 and even members of the military and the vast majority of Iranians are waiting for evidence they will be supported.

He further said deaths and assassinations attributed to Raisi was not 30,000 but more like 100,000 and that he attended many of the lynching's etc. To praise this bloodthirsty man was the height of immorality.
On Sunday, a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi as well as the Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian crashed, resulting in their confirmed fatalities, as well as those of six other people.

One would like to believe that this might be the beginning of a new era of freedom for the Iranian people who have had to endure 45 years under an oppressive, authoritarian theocracy.

Although the helicopter flew over heavily forested, mountainous terrain, and there was heavy fog, this did not prevent the former Iranian Foreign Minister Javid Zarif from blaming “The Great Satan”, the United States for the crash. Ayatollah Ali Khomeini has said “There will be no disruptions to the operations of the country”, and will appoint the First Vice President, Mohammad Mokhiber as President.

What can the United States and the international community do, at this point, to assist the millions of Iranians who passionately resent this evil regime?

Come listen to Vahid Beheshti, who will help us navigate through this sensitive juncture and finally be able to assist the muted voices of millions upon millions of oppressed Iranians who deeply despise their regime.

About the Speaker: Vahid Beheshti is a former Iranian political prisoner, and former member of the opposition party of Iran who has dedicated the past 18 years of his life towards fighting the Iranian regime. Mr. Beheshti currently resides in London where the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hamas supporters have tried to attack him. Mr. Beheshti risked his life twice in the past year to overthrow the regime, camping out in front of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office. He has engaged in a 72-day hunger strike with the goal of having the IRGC designated as a terrorist organization, for which he has had to be hospitalized. Mr. Beheshti, because he had displayed an Israeli flag during a Palestinian protest in London, was chased by a mob of Hamas supporters, and one knife-wielding Hamas supporter had threatened to behead him, (who has been apprehended by the British police). Mr. Beheshti is the first member of the Iranian opposition to have spoken at the Israeli Knesset, which he has repeatedly spoken about as “the only democracy in the Middle East”.

Mr. Beheshti is convinced that Iran has been at the heart of waging a continuous and systemic war to eliminate the state of Israel since the Islamic Revolution of 1979; that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the prime destabilizing force in the Middle East; that it has hegemonic designs for Europe and the United States; and that domestically the Islamic Republic in a very weak position with “18 million Iranians on the ground who are thirsty for freedom.”
Cruz gives Blinken a deserved lashing.



Bolton does same to Biden for his obsessive attitude towards cowardly appeasement.
John Bolton to Newsmax: Biden 'Obsessed' With Appeasing Iran 
By Charlie McCarthy

In offering condolences to Iran for President Ebrahim Raisi's death, the Biden administration displayed its obsession with appeasing a regime that sponsors terrorism, former national security adviser John Bolton told Newsmax on Tuesday.

The U.S. State Department announced its condolences within hours of Raisi's sudden death in a weekend helicopter crash.

"This man is known to his own people as the 'Butcher of Tehran,' and there were demonstrations all over Iran when the news came out that in fact he had died," Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., told "Wake Up America."

"I think it's a very good opportunity for the people of Iran to see if they can bring this government down over a period of time, but the Biden administration, like the Obama administration before it, is absolutely obsessed with the idea that if they just beg Iran's rulers enough, sweetness and light will break out in the Middle East, and it's absolutely preposterous.

"It's degrading, in fact, for the U.S. to do this. Other nations want to do it? That's up to them, but we shouldn't do it."

Co-host Rob Finnerty also asked Bolton about the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the war against Hamas in Gaza.

"Well the Democratic Party has supported the International Criminal Court (ICC) for a long time. [Then-President] Bill Clinton negotiated the Rome statute that created it. He signed it," Bolton told Finnerty.

"I've always said my proudest moment in government was in the George W. Bush administration when I unsigned it on behalf of the United States, meaning we are no part of it, not bound by any article in the statute."

Bolton continued, saying the ICC's pursuing arrest warrants against Netanyahu and other Israeli officials "demonstrated what this court is really all about."

"It had an anti-American, anti-American ally stance from the beginning because what they were seeking to do was find ways to constrain the United States," Bolton said.

"Israel for a long time has been the canary in the coal mine for U.S. It gets attacked before we get attacked. This is a message for us as much as it is for Israel."

Charlie McCarthy, a writer/editor at Newsmax, has nearly 40 years of experience covering news, sports, and politics.

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