Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Biden Causing Inflation. Sen.Kennedy Questions Idiots. Fry's Doom and Gloom Prediction. Hamas Propaganda.

Israel is using The smaller bombs Biden wanted them to use and the killing of the 24 (not 45) civilians was probably the consequence of Hamas having explosive weaponry nearer the location of the Hamas leaders who were killed than they were led to believe..  

Based on Israeli intelligence the weaponry was thought to be 1.7 KM away.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), designated as a terrorist group by Turkey's strategic partners, the US and EU, has significantly increased its presence in Turkey, a NATO member state, with substantial support from the Islamist government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and its allies.

Although Hamas is the preferred organization of the Erdoğan government, enjoying more generous support and more favorable public exposure in Turkey, the PIJ has nonetheless garnered significant influence and developed the ability to rally Turks in support of the militant organization.

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Biden, and those he has appointed to various positions, are mostly causing the inflation with their insanity.
Will Eric Fry's doom and gloom prediction occur again?

The dissolving of Netanyahu's government has begun based on information I am receiving.

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