Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Democrats Need A Bartender. Mark Levin's Book. Boot Camp. Disgrace.

Those who are tearing down statutes and getting rid of historical books etc. are creating gaps in our nation's history. They apparently believe a nation should sanitize it's history which is unpleasant and they should be the sole arbiters.

These people are no better than tyrants.  Do they also believe they should go to the NYT's and destroy pages in the daily edition they find offensive and end Conservative's access to libraries?  

Where does this dangerous nonsense end?  One would think it ended in Germany at the Second World War's conclusion.

I just got the Kindle Edition of Mark Levin's: "The Democrat Party Hates America."

Perhaps Levin will explain for me why the Democrat Party has been taken over by AOC types and why Obama is revered.

I believe Democrats are so "drunk" with a love of power they need a bartender to represent them.


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discusses what Congress should focus on, including anti-corruption issues. WATCH NOW! 
Were I president, God forbid, I would propose legislation that would send every child,  physically capable, starting at age 16 to 20  to 6 months of boot camp. 

The next generation of children are mostly physically unprepared to defend this nation, mentally unprepared for life, and totally lacking in an appreciation of what America is all about.  Many are also dangerous to themselves and others because of their slovenly habits, lack of discipline, emotional instability  and drugs. 

Second, I would include educating them in three subjects, ie. civic responsibility, history of our nation ( warts and all) and the blessings of capitalism compared with other economic systems.

I would also re-establish a system similar to the draft in order to stagger their being inducted into this boot program which would be held in every state with a closed military facility which I would re-open and staff with Marine Gunnies for discipline and physical training and excellent professors for educational exposure.  

The weekly routine would be as follows:
Monday through Friday: Reveille at 6AM, Chow at 6:30AM.
Physical exercise from 7:30AM -9AM
Education 9:30 to 11:30 followed by chow at noon .
More physical training and gymnastics from 1-3PM
Followed by more education from 3:30- 5:30PM
Chow at 6:00 followed by taps at 8PM.

Saturday, Reveille at 8AM followed by chow at 8:30
Physical training at 10 to noon followed by chow at 12:30
Remaining part of the day leisure only on base, chow at 6,, study hall at 7PM and  taps at 9PM.

Sunday, Reveille at 8AM, chow at 8:30AM
Non denominal invocation at 10AM, chow at noon, study hall at 2-4PM and rest of day at leisure on campus.

Every other week, I would allow  2 to 4 hours of off campus leisure for good behaviour

Every day I would conduct urine tests for drugs and any violation would extend their boot camp tour..

At the end of their Boot Camp they would be entitled to a monthly stipend of some amount to use at their discretion for time served and a bonus for outstanding behaviour graded by their Marine Gunnies and professors.

I seriously doubt this legislation would be passed because Congress is full of wimps and society by "soccer mommies"  but were it passed all funding would come from reducing current welfare expenditures.
This is who our society has to look up to as our representative.

Ridin’ With Biden Right Over The Cliff

By Kurt Schlichter


Trump Can Win 

By Matt Vespa



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