Monday, September 18, 2023

Barsky/American Islamist Anti-Semitism. Criminals Flood Texas. Sowell Explains. Commentary.

                                           California here I come but not where I started from.
I listened to Barsky's presentation today (9/18) and I found it very informative.

We have gone from anti-Semitism, by mostly white led organizations like the KKK and now American Islamists, who immigrated to America in large measure, have supplanted the Klan with their own ant-Semitic hatred.

Initially, they operated in splintered groups but eventually learned, functioning under several large umbrellas gained them more effectiveness and legitimacy in the minds of those who agreed with their message.

As with all attacks on American institutions they generally begin through penetrating our educational facilities. The Islamic community has done just that and as these students graduate they move into our society in a variety of professional ways becoming accepted members.

Obviously, not all become carriers of hateful messages but enough have made inroads.  The unwashed  mass media does not even understand how they are being manipulated.  Two indications, among many, are radical American Islamists state the Jewish Community has no say in defining how the Islamists are portraying them. Their word is final.

Second, Islamists maintain attacks on Israeli policies are legitimate discourse. Yet, while they continue to espouse their attacks are not anti-Semitic, they connect them with the total desire to completely eliminate the only Jewish state - The State of Israel and complete Hitler's efforts.

Combatting their message is difficult and Barsky believes  the best way is to interface through inter-religious Islamist organizations who are not radical and counter an agenda of espousing opposite messaging,  the ones espoused by radical American Islamists as well as engage the mass media through educating them.

Obviously this takes time, money, comprehensive organizing and is not always effective nor easily accomplished. 

The world is going through a period when Islamist hatred against Israel and 9/11 should be linked but many do not connect these dots.

Trump went outside the box and created a method, The Abraham Accords, which provides a way to employ a useful structure towards this end but, because it was conceived by Trump, Biden and radical Islamist/Marxist Democrats are in opposition.

The continued assassinations of Israelis and attacks on American Jews on University campuses, Jewish institutions and places of worship are the direct consequences of allowing radical Islamists into our country and those of other nations throughout the world.

Until we wake up to this reality and decapitate the snake's head it will only grow and become more dangerous.
Islamist Antisemitism in the West
By Yehudit Barsky

From violent attacks on Jews on the streets in New York to unabashed antisemitism in the halls of Congress, Islamist Judeophobia has become a routine part of America’s cultural discourse. How did this mainstreaming happen? What are its implications? Can it be reversed?

Yehudit Barsky Yehudit Barsky, a veteran Middle East expert with a special interest in the place of Jews in Islam, is currently a senior research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy. She holds a BA and MA from New York University.
I understand the need to go beyond circumstantial evidence in order to build a stronger case against Biden Corruption but if one links his presidential commitment espoused by his acceptance speech accepting the responsibilities of the presidency with his actions of condoning American drug deaths, his allowance of child sex trafficking, his policy of open borders and consequent increase in crime , among other disavowals of his oath of office there is plenty that is available to bring impeachment charges against this president.

The problem lies with the GOP's inability to act, to be tough and to speak with one voice because they are a party of individual elite patricians who abhor getting in the gutter with vermin like Democrats and fighting.
Criminals Flood Into Texas After
Learning How Easy It Is to Get Acquitted
By Andy Borowitz

TEXAS (The Borowitz Report)—Thousands of hardened criminals poured
into Texas over the weekend after learning how easy it is to secure an acquittal

Interstate freeways were reportedly backed up for miles as acquittal-seeking
perpetrators sought to put down roots in soft-on-crime Texas.
Harland Dorrinson, a self-styled recidivist who has been convicted in Ohio,
Missouri, and Wisconsin, said that he was heading to the Lone Star state
because, “in Texas, no one is below the law.”

“An acquittal is yours for the asking if you’re white, male, and nefarious,” he
said. “I check all the boxes.”

When told that one must also be elected as a Republican in order to qualify for
Texas’s special “conviction exemption,” the career criminal was unfazed, noting
that “even Greg Abbott” managed to do that.

Thomas Sowell Explains How He Turned From Marxism As A Young Man To Conservatism

featuring Thomas Sowell via Fox News

The conservative thinker reflected on his younger days as a leftist.


American politics is now the land of make-believe. Democrats make believe that President Joe Biden’s daily lapses are mere gaffes and not signs of a steadily worsening condition.  His trip to Maui was notable for a series of awkward blunders, tall tales, and cognitive glitches, and the press takeaway is that Republicans have mischaracterized it all for partisan gain.

Liberals continue to make believe that the Hunter Biden/Vice President Biden/Justice Department/IRS scandal is small-fry family drama or right-wing hysteria. No matter that every day brings a new development or corroborative detail pointing to alleged misconduct. A recent headline in New York magazine that “Actually, Hunter Biden Is Getting It Worse.” The subhead explains: “A Bumbling Justice Department and GOP pressure make this prosecution anything but a ‘sweetheart deal.’” Pure reality inversion.

But like most of our current woes, the make-believe disease is bipartisan. On the right, trailing Republican presidential candidates make believe that they’re not running against Donald Trump. Except for Chris Christie, they’re running as Trump understudies and supporters who dare not criticize the man in plain language. That game requires even moderate Republicans to make believe that January 6 was something short of a historic travesty and that all Trump’s indictments are nothing but naked persecution. It could be that those of us who criticize this tack are also making believe—pretending that going after Trump head-on wouldn’t cost his opponents just as dearly. And maybe we’re all making believe that this is a real race and that Trump’s competition is, in fact, competition.

What’s most striking, however, is that the disconnect between American politics and American life couldn’t be more apparent. While politics has become make[1]believe, Americans have moved into a period of very real crises. The Covid pandemic was a calamity on a scale that the U.S. hadn’t experienced since the attacks of 9/11. And we’re still treading in the virus’s wake: Inflation is real; the crime spike is real; the breakdown in education and child mental health is real. None of it has gone away. We just live with it now.

Beyond the pandemic, there’s a ballooning migrant crisis that the current administration pretends is under control. And there’s the war in Ukraine—it’s real, and its outcome is as uncertain as it ever was. The Biden approach of “as long as it takes” is make-believe assurance when Ukrainians need weapons, aircraft, and materiel right now. And the Trump promise of a peace deal in “one day” is science fiction. Despite Americans’ increasing distaste for helping Ukraine, a victorious Vladimir Putin would make the world a much more frightening place for the United States and its allies. This is to say nothing of other real crises on the horizon—a potential economic collapse in China possibly foremost among them.

What’s too real for partisans to handle—what they’ve papered over with political fantasy—is the crackup in our leadership and institutions. Democrats can’t countenance the true meaning of Joe Biden’s shortcomings and misdeeds.  And Republicans can’t cop to the unprecedented transgressions of Donald Trump.  And so both sides proceed as if their standard-bearer were not facing serious trouble.  We muddle on in a political season that seems unreal because it is unreal. The 2024 election is 439 days away. That’s a lot of make-believe still to go. Will reality assert itself before then? It may seem  impossible at the moment, but the safe bet is yes. It has a historical tendency to do so.

Abe Greenwald is executive editor of Commentary.



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