Monday, December 12, 2022

Ode To Elon Musk!


I have written this "hackneyed" Ode as Musk's efforts reveal more of what took place at Twitter, which was informed in advance by The FBI of what they knew and withheld.  It becomes clear our Constitutional freedoms have been trashed by members of our own government. 

Yes, our corrupt government has been illegally spying on a duly elected President because his policies threatened the radical Progressive agenda which has been choking America for decades.

Were it not for Musk's zealousness and his willingness to spend billions of his own money we might never have learned what we now know and many, like myself, always suspected, but had no proof.  The FBI, various former government intelligence operatives, and members of the Democrat Party have, knowingly, lied to the American people, have assisted in withholding information that, had it been known, might have changed the outcome of the 2020 election and was all done due to their hatred and fear of MAGA Trump.

Once again, we learn, but for The New York Post and FOX News, the entire mass and social media are corrupt, engaged in extreme bias and became handmaidens of The Democrat Party. Their occupation, as ombudsman, has been trashed and they no longer can be trusted. They no longer serve the best interests of our republic. The role of watching over and reporting  the truth is foreign to their goal of blocking the alternative, ie. watching over public servant behaviour and allowing an alternative view to reach the public arena.

What most distinguishes America from all other nations is our Bill Of Rights, the dictates  citizens control government and their destiny and our various God given rights.

For well over 6 years, I have been subjected to derision by those in opposition to these rights.  I and other 'deplorables" have been mocked and scorned for holding views that offend their sensibilities and beliefs.  Because of these very freedoms, these cowards reject, an extraordinarily wealthy private citizen was able to uncover seditious and scurrilous facts and activities that were engaged in, for the purpose, yes, the sole purpose, of destroying our nation and disrupting in a democratic election..

What has been perpetrated is despicable and I daresay those engaged in these Un-American activities still hold the view our Constitution is outdated and do not feel any discomfort. 

They are so ideologically committed and ignorant they are beyond hope. Their right of citizenship has been so abused, I no longer trust anything they have to say but I still believe they have the right to stay it and hopefully drown in the putrid poison of their own misguided viewpoints. 

My Ode To Elon

Thank God for Elon Musk

by purchasing Twitter he revealed 

The FBI has been spying

From day to dusk.

In addition,  The FBI

Withheld facts and information 

Seeking to thwart a Democratic election

So Trump was correct all along 

From legitimately climbing

A Second Rung

Radial Democrats were in cahoots 

With  seditious liars 

What could be 

More patently dire

Billionaires in control

Of our Social and Mass Media

Blocked freedom and the opposition 

Seeking to inform our nation

Because of Trump hatred 

And what we might learn 

Hearing free speech

Challenging elitism's bleach

This corruption must be crushed

The guilty severely punished

Rooted out and jailed

And Musk hailed

For saving our nation 

From corruption

Of those possessing such despicable unction. 


Progressive and Biden  sickness must no longer prevail:

Court Permanently Blocks Biden Administration's Transgender Mandate 

By Tom Ozimek

A federal appeals court has permanently blocked the Biden administration’s bid to force doctors and insurers to ...

Anyone who doesn't think the Biden Administration is "evil" needs to read this article.  Biden wants to require doctors to provide transgender surgery even if the Doctor didn't think it was good for the patient -- including children!

So here's my question, Biden doesn't want the patient and doctor to make their own decision on how best to treat Covid -- it's the "vaccine" or nothing. But they want to order the Doctor by law to provide surgery on people who the doctor doesn't think should have gender surgery and make your medical plan pay for it --even children.





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