Thursday, September 15, 2022

Mary Comes Home. What Gives? Strange Lawsuit. Making Peace With PLO Analogy. Savvy Friend Market Comment. Michigan Mishigas. Your FBI. More.

Having dinner with dear friends to celebrate Mary Bailey's amazing recovery. Would not have happened except for love and devotion of her husband. A special guy.

By attacking everything and every institution radical Democrats can keep America divided and their enemy, we the people, off balance.
What gives?

Biden’s tilt towards Iran involves more than nuclear talks
A weak deal with Tehran will likely wait until after the mid-term. At the same time, the administration’s push for a gas pact with Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon illustrates its misguided Mideast strategy.


(September 13, 2022 / JNS) No one is happier about the apparent deadlock in the nuclear talks between the United States and Iran than Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid. Had the Iranians finally agreed to a new and even weaker agreement than the one that Barack Obama negotiated in 2015, it would have been a political disaster for the head of the makeshift temporary Israeli coalition government. Lapid has been all-in on the notion that soft-pedaling opposition to President Joe Biden’s reckless push for appeasement of Tehran was more effective than a stand that would seek to mobilize opposition to such a disastrous policy. A new agreement would also expose Lapid to devastating criticism from former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in advance of the Knesset election on Nov. 1.

Fortunately for Lapid, the Iranians have not yet tired of their never-ending game of pushing the Americans for more and more concessions. Their tough negotiating policy paid off with an Obama administration that was desperate for a deal at any price. And they have every reason to believe that eventually Biden will do the same and agree to a pact that will enrich and empower them even more than the original deal. At the same time, it would, as did the 2015 agreement, guarantee they obtain a nuclear weapon rather than preventing them from getting one because the deal’s sunset clauses will expire by the end of the decade.

Election-year politics in both countries appear to be behind the Biden administration’s sudden acquisition of a spine in the Iran talks.

Even more than helping Lapid prevent Netanyahu from becoming prime minister again—a prospect the Democrats dread—Biden would prefer to present Congress with a new Iran deal after the midterm elections,  just one week later than Israel’s. Americans tend not to vote because of foreign-policy concerns, instead concentrating on issues closer to home. And there are plenty of them—raging inflation, a tottering economy, the collapse of border security, crime in urban areas—for Democrats to worry about. Biden would still prefer not to give Republicans one more issue with which to hammer him and his party. So if, as most observers consider likely, the administration waits until after Nov. 8 to find a way to swallow the latest insults from Tehran and sign a deal, that will be another gift to the ayatollahs.

Yet while Israelis—and their Arab allies who are just as, if not more, afraid of a nuclear Iran than the Jewish state—are glad for a temporary reprieve on that front, the administration’s strategy based on Obama’s idea of trying to “integrate” Iran back into the region is not completely on hold. The U.S. effort to push Israel into agreeing to end a maritime border dispute with Lebanon should be seen in the context of its not-yet completed quest for normalizing relations with Iran.

As JNS has reported, there is a debate among foreign-policy analysts as to whether to regard Lebanon as a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Iran. Yet there is no argument that the most powerful force in the country is the Hezbollah terrorist movement, which is not so much an ally of Tehran as an auxiliary force that takes its orders from it. And it is largely due to Hezbollah’s desire to escalate a ginned-up dispute with Israel that the United States is now involved in an effort to broker a compromise between the two countries.

The confrontation is based on Lebanon’s decision to unilaterally declare that it had rights to parts of the Mediterranean Sea bordering the two countries that had heretofore been considered under Israeli control. The reason is obvious. The area is rich in natural-gas reserves that Israel has been developing, and the Lebanese want to take some of it for themselves. Rather than brushing off this brazen shakedown ploy, the Americans are enabling it by seeking to split the difference between the two nations and, theoretically, keep everyone happy.

If Lebanon was a normal country, that wouldn’t be any great tragedy. But it’s not. The only reason to take seriously the Lebanese demands is that they are tacitly backed up by threats that if Israel doesn’t give in, their gas installations will come under attack from Hezbollah terrorists.

That is what has created the current unhealthy diplomatic environment in which a U.S. mediator is seeking Israel to make concessions to enable the Lebanese government to declare victory and get a share of the money to be made from natural gas.

The situation in Lebanon is complex with Hezbollah and its allies the strongest factors in Beirut but with other competing interests as well. America has a longstanding policy of trying to strengthen the Lebanese government and weaken the various armed forces inside the country, like Hezbollah. But the idea that handing it a victory over natural gas and the border with Israel will not strengthen Iran’s interests is a fantasy.

Many Israelis still wistfully hold onto illusions about Lebanon, which many in the Jewish state always assumed would be the second country to offer peace since they assumed that once a breakthrough happened, their northern neighbor would rush to normalize relations. That was just a myth; the fractured multi-ethnic and multi-religious structure of Lebanon ensured that it would be held hostage by those factions—like the Shi’ite supporters of Hezbollah that look to Iran for leadership—that were as committed to the century-old war on Zionism as the Palestinians.

The spectacle of cabinet ministers in the Lebanese government trooping to the border to throw stones at the Jewish state may be dismissed as dysfunctional political posturing. Still, it speaks volumes about how Iranian influence and the firepower of Islamist extremists can create a situation in which Lebanese Christians feel obligated to make gestures about their desire to continue the war against Israel even though it makes no sense for them, their communities or their country.

That’s why the way to look at this dispute is in the context of that Obama/Biden belief in “integrating” Iran and its allies into the region, rather than isolating them as rogue elements whose only real goal is to destabilize it. As Tony Badran, a research fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, recently wrote in Tablet, Israel and its Arab allies are the ones who are being asked to pay for this integration policy in terms of what would be, at best, a weakened strategic position as Iran is strengthened by American appeasement. An American mediation on gas fields must therefore be considered not, as the administration seeks to portray it, merely a sensible effort to resolve a border dispute. Rather, it is part of an administration approach that seeks to placate Iran and its allies.

Seen in that light, acquiescing to Hezbollah blackmail on gas fields is just as problematic as accepting (as the Americans clearly intend to do) that Iran must be acknowledged as a threshold nuclear power. That’s a foreign policy destined to undermine not just Israel’s security, but that of the United States and the West. Biden, and by extension, Lapid, is benefiting from the pause in nuclear negotiations with Iran. But as long as the goal of American diplomacy is to strengthen Tehran and its supporters, disaster in the form of heightened terrorism and a nuclear threat is just over the horizon.
Two creeps meet:
Mayorkas Secretly Met with Soros-Funded Groups During Border Trip to Address Migrant Crisis
During a highly publicized Mexican border visit to address the record-breaking migrant crisis, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas secretly met with influential open border groups including nonprofits funded by leftwing billionaire George Soros and another operated by a former Hillary Clinton and Obama advisor, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. The Biden administration deployed Mayorkas on the mission in mid-August of last year as part of an ill-fated effort to reassure the nation that the immigration chaos was under control as startling Border Patrol figures revealed that agents shattered a 21-year-old record in July with 212,672 apprehensions, a 13% increase over June.


What an interesting turn of events in Pahrump, Nevada...
Diamond D's brothel began construction on an expansion of their building to increase their ever-growing business.
In response, the local Baptist Church started a campaign to block the business from expanding -- with morning, afternoon, and evening prayer sessions at their church.
Work on Diamond D's progressed right up until the week before the grand re-opening when lightning struck the whorehouse and burned it to the ground!
After the brothel burned to the ground by the lightning strike, the church folks were rather smug in their outlook, bragging about "the power of prayer."
But late last week 'Big Jugs' Jill Diamond, the owner/madam, sued the church, the preacher and the entire congregation on the grounds that the church ... "was ultimately responsible for the demise of her building and her business -- either through direct or indirect divine actions or means."
In its reply to the court, the church vehemently and vociferously denied any and all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise.
The crusty old judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's reply, and at the opening hearing he commented, 

     "I don't know how the hell I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the paperwork, that we now have a whorehouse owner who staunchly believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that thinks it's all bullshit.
NPR News:
Cape Cod Elite experience a melt-down

About 50 migrants arrived in Martha's Vineyard, Mass., by plane yesterday, on a flight from San Antonio, Texas, that was paid for by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Massachusetts officials were outraged by the unannounced flight, calling it "a secret plot to send immigrant families like cattle on an airplane."
Insisting Israel make peace with Palestinians equates to demanding blacks do so with KKK:
Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Terrorists. Peace Means Killing More Jews
by Bassam Tawil, GATESTONE 

When Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the UN General Assembly in New York later this month, he will not tell his audience that members of his ruling Fatah faction are running wild in the West Bank, where they are carrying out terrorist attacks against Palestinian activists and journalists, as well as Israelis, on an almost daily basis. 

One thing is for sure. Abbas will not tell his audience at the UN that members of his ruling Fatah faction are running wild in the West Bank, where they are carrying out terrorist attacks against Palestinian activists and Palestinian journalists as well as Israelis on an almost daily basis.
Market comment from dear friend who is market savvy:

"Fed going beyond what is needed to tame inflation (which is already on the way down) the market is looking to a recession.  This can still be avoided but The Fed has to stop now."
It only takes a few bad apples to destroy and entire nation.

Concealing Radicalism
Michigan’s Department of Education encourages teachers to facilitate child sexual transitions without parental consent.
By Christopher F. Rufo  ( senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal. )

The Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical gender theory program that promotes gender “fluidity” beginning in elementary school and encourages teachers to facilitate the sexual transition of minors without parental consent.

I have obtained videos and internal documentation from the state’s training program, which first took place in 2020 and was repackaged for public school employees for the 2021–2022 school year. The training program mimics the basic narrative of academic queer theory: the presenters claim that the West has created a false notion that “gender is binary” in order to oppress racial and sexual minorities. In response, the department encourages teachers to adopt the principle of “intersectionality,” a key tenet of critical race theory, in order to “dismantle systems of oppression,” which are replicated through the culture and institutions of education. (In a statement, the Michigan Department of Education defended the program as “respecting all children” and “meet[ing] the needs of their LGBTQ+ students.”)

The first step to dismantling these systems, according to the presenters, is to disrupt the gender binary. In one presentation, trainer Amorie Robinson, who describes herself as a “Black, masculine-identified, cisgendered lesbian baby boomer” and uses the “African name” Kofi Adoma, says that “we’ve been conditioned and we’ve been acculturated in this particular culture that gender is binary.” But teachers should know that, in fact, gender is a spectrum, including identities such as “gender non-binary,” “gender fluid,” “gender queer,” “gender non-conforming,” and “bi-gender.” Likewise, sexual orientation can include an expanding range of categories. Students might identify as “asexual, lesbian, straight, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, demisexual, demiromantic, aromantic, and skoliosexual,” says Robinson. “I’ll leave that to you to go Google on those. Because we ain’t got time today!”

Next, Robinson and Kim Phillips-Knope, project lead of the LGBTQ+ Students Project, share a series of TikTok videos featuring adolescents exploring their sexual identity. “I am a triple threat: I’m depressed, anxious, and gay,” says one. “Last night at about 2 a.m., I put in my bio that I identify as ‘agender,’ which is different than non-binary because non-binary is like neither gender, right? Agender is like the gray area between genders,” says another individual. “Hi, my name is Elise,” says another. “I’ve used she/her pronouns all my life. But recently, and for a while, I’ve been struggling with gender issues as well as a whole lot of other identity things. So, I finally gave in and ordered a [breast] binder for myself and it just came in today. And I have never been happier with how my body looks since I was a kid.”

A rational observer might suspect that these youths are in a state of confusion or distress, but rather than explore this line of reasoning, the education department trainers promote a policy of immediate and unconditional affirmation. “Kids have a sense of their gender identity between the ages of three and five, so about the time that kids have language, they can start to share with us whether they’re a boy or a girl—usually those are the only things that they will identify as, because those are the only options we’ve given them,” says Phillips-Knope. In response to a teacher who asked how to respond to a student in her classroom who claims to have “she/he/they/them” pronouns, Amorie responded adamantly: “Go with what the kid says. They’re the best experts on their lives. They’re the best experts on their own identities and their own bodies. . . . You may have to sit with some discomfort sometimes.”

This ideology has deep ramifications for school policy. The training recommends that teachers abandon so-called gendered language, such as “boys and girls,” and replace those terms with gender-neutral variations such as “earthlings,” “people with penises,” and “people with vulvas.” The Department of Education also advises teachers to create “Gender & Sexuality Alliance” clubs targeting students as young as elementary school, using private communications and fictitious names to conceal the nature of these initiatives from parents. In private, however, the trainers are straightforward about their objectives: these clubs, using cover names such as “Leadership Club” or “Everyone for Equality,” are explicitly designed to advance left-wing gender “activism” and to promote gender “fluidity” beginning in elementary school.

Finally, the Department of Education teaches school employees how to facilitate the sexual transition of children under their care, while keeping the process a secret from parents. The trainers explicitly tell educators that they should keep a student’s new name, pronouns, and sexual identity confidential, including from family, unless otherwise directed by the child. “Schools should be using the name and pronouns that students go by,” says Phillips-Knope, citing Title IX guidance from the Biden administration’s Office of Civil Rights. Even if a student is suicidal, the department recommends that school officials keep the student’s sexual transition a secret from parents. “If you’re sort of into that area of like, ‘you’re going to hurt yourself or somebody else,’ and you have a duty to report—I mean, the law is really clear about that—you can also talk to parents, though, about like that ‘your kid is having suicidal thoughts,’ without outing them, without saying why,” says Phillips-Knope. “You can say, ‘We have some concerns, your child has shared this,’ [but] I would one-thousand percent recommend working with the student to let them guide that process.”

This is pure radicalism, transmitted from Michigan’s centralized bureaucracy into classrooms throughout the state. The presenters know that parents would reject their theories in any open discussion, so they go to great lengths to conceal their efforts from the public. They have chosen to create a secret gender-radicalism pipeline that uses state resources to push a destructive ideology onto public-school children. As parents discover what is happening, they will revolt against it—and seek to restore their fundamental right, of parents, to direct the education of their children.
Is this a signal of what could happen here with mid-term?
Swedish PM resigns after conceding election defeat to rightwing bloc - The Guardian

Biden takes a page from Hillary and gives a speech full of lies accusing Republicans of what lefty radical Democrats do and tolerated. In fact, Biden is on a campaign sweep spouting lies and breeding more hate and division.  He's our man.
Yes, this is your new FBI.  Everything they are doing is being directed by a corrupt Dept.of Justice whose intent is to catchTrump in a lie so they can imprison him. This is your new America where the government is corrupt, and  enemy of the people.  We are living in very dangerous times and if the radical left Democrats are allowed to continue in office, by the time the 2024 election rolls round,  you will not recognize this country.

The Russia Hoax

FBI Put Key Dossier Source on Payroll in Apparent Effort to Conceal Dossier Fabrications

The short version on this is that when the FBI, after using the Christopher Steele Dossier to push the Russia Hoax against Trump, realized that the guy who gave Steele to fake information, admitted it was fake in Court. They knew they had a problem.   So what the FBI did was try to put that guy in a special status called "confidential human source" (CHS) meaning that essentially would have gotten him "off the grid" and hopefully out of the reach of the Durham -- they didn't count on Durham!  The bottom line here is that the FBI knew the Dossier was fake but instead of calling the whole thing off they tried to cover it up so the hoax could continue against Trump.  Very Scary!
Biden has a pregnant idea.
In Australia Viv Forbes Washpool, Qld, Australia
Subject: Ruled by Fools!! as you see it’s happening here too.

Viv might be getting a bit long in the tooth but his reasoning is more lucid and honest than almost every politician I have heard speak on these matters.

As a recent post said (with minor redaction):

Consider if you will, an electorate that is believes that they can control the climate of our planet by giving the government more money!

Our mate Viv Forbes on A Nation Ruled By Fools.
Australia has become a nation ruled by fools.

We have surrendered power over every aspect of our lives and industry to fifteen debating chambers in eight ruling cities. These assemblies are controlled by lawyers, unionists, centralists, 
green dreamers, power seekers and tax consumers.

Their direct cost alone is horrendous. There are 837 politicians (ignoring local government). Each has a salary (say $200Kpy), travel and office costs (say $150Kpy), and staff costs (say $200Kpy) –
a billion here, plus a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking real money.

Now add all the state and federal governors, the cabinets with their limos and press corps, eight armies of tax collectors and the accountants and lawyers trying to protect tax payers from 
them. Then there are the building costs, each citadel probably getting its red-and-black flag (the NSW version flag cost $25M).

But salaries and perks are a minor part of their real cost. The killer costs are incurred when they use direct investments or fiddle the rules on taxes and subsidies to chase impossible green dreams.

Most of our 837 politicians and their servants are now obsessed with “Net Zero”, and learning from the Covid lockdowns, they now dream of Climate lockdowns.

Devoid of engineering talent or economic common sense they presume to design our electricity network (but they ban emissions-free nuclear power while planning the destruction of the old
 reliables, coal, gas and hydro). Although the green-infected electricity grid is struggling to meet current demands, they “plan” to add even greater loads to turn water into hydrogen, push water uphill, charge giant batteries and power subsidised
fleets of electric vehicles.

Pretending to save the bush, their green mandates and subsidies are replacing useful grasslands and valuable resources of hardwood, softwood, mulga and saltbush with bird slicers,  roads,
 poles, wires, plastic, metal, concrete and glass as the new green energy landscapes. And then they plan to use this intermittent low-density green energy to produce hydrogen which can never recover the energy used to produce it, and also consumes nine  tonnes 
of fresh water for every tonne of hydrogen produced.

Ignorant of the realities of food production they turn grasslands into havens for weeds and pests, and lock-the-gates to explorers, farmers, foresters and fishermen. They think we can have drought 
and flood mitigation without dams, timber without foresters, minerals without mines, and food without farmers and fishermen.

They reward people who won’t work and tax those who do. Ignorant of the benefits of federalism, they strive to destroy federalism by inventing a “National Cabinet”, and run endless centralising 
summits, enquiries and talkfests. Soon the veto of “The Voice” could make anything and everything impossible!

A cold hungry winter is about to show Europe the deadly dangers of listening to green dreamers. It is surely time for Australia to withdraw from foreign entanglements like the Paris Treaty, 
and chop Canberra’s green tentacles, limiting its duties to defense, foreign affairs and maintenance of free trade (exactly as our founders intended).



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