Tuesday, September 27, 2022

America No Longer Compassionate. Has Turned Vindictive And Angry. No Longer Cares About Law And Order. Newsom Nonsense. Articles.

America seems no longer to be a compassionate nation. We seem to have become an angry, vindictive nation.  

We no longer seem to care a whiff about obeying laws. There are those in our society who actively finance candidates who announce they will not enforce laws and we gladly elect them to office.

The Bill of Rights, one of the most sacred documents man ever crafted, is no longer respected and enforced.  This document separated our nation from all others. It stated government served "We the people"

A society which conducts itself accordingly will not survive nor has any reason to do so.

How did this come to be? "We the people" let it become so.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hard to believe. What the idiot Newsom imposes on Californians will not sell in the rest of the country.

California Plans to Outlaw Natural Gas



As if residents of the Golden State did not have enough to make them miserable with wildfires, mudslides, mounting crime, high prices, energy shortages, and homeless people leaving various substances on city streets. Now the California Air Resources Board, or CARB (good grief, even the acronyms are ridiculous), is gearing up to rid the state of natural gas heaters and furnaces. According to The Hill, last week, the board passed a proposal that will lay the groundwork to phase out space heaters and water appliances by 2030. The Hill notes that the move is part of an effort to meet the  “federal 70 parts per billion, 8-hour ozone standard” within the next 15 years. The article also says that the California Public Utilities Commission has eliminated subsidies for new natural gas hookups. So some people and businesses will not even access natural gas while it’s legal.

The talking points at the top of the The Hill piece state, “Natural gas use contributes to air pollution and can threaten gains made in the fight against climate change.” Having personally spoken with people in the field, I can tell you that natural gas is extremely clean burning and an environmentally-sound fuel not only for heating homes but even for powering vehicles. I have known county governments that purchased natural gas vehicles. The interiors of these vehicles begin to wear out long before the engines. Armrests fall off these vehicles before the engines begin to get old.

The piece also states that natural gas can contribute to cancer. If you live in California, you know that almost everything there has been linked to cancer. I know this because on a vacation to Napa a few years ago, I saw warning labels on almost everything, including the coffee station in a convenience store. And according to The Hill, natural gas leaks are dangerous to homeowners, something we have known for years, and gas contains volatile chemicals. But the fuel is also abundant, cheap, and easy on the environment.

For our VIPs: Green Parties in Europe Face Sobering Reality That They Need Fossil Fuels After All

The alternative? Heat pumps, which in turn will rely on electricity. Which will in turn rely on wind, solar, and unicorn farts.

I remember when air quality monitoring stations were set up in the area in which I used to live. One was installed on a remote road where the terrain was such that vehicle fumes from the oil and gas field trucks naturally accumulated. Another was set up at the municipal airport by the tarmac where there was more heat and exhaust from planes and trucks. So of course, the complainers got the results they wanted.

You can read the original proposal here. The press release is available here.

Once again, Gavin Newsom and the renewables racketeers get what they want and rake in even more money. And California residents get to enjoy another inconvenience, to say the least. Keep that in mind when Newsom announces his run for president.


The Justice Department Is Making a Great Case for Its Total Dissolution 

By Matt Vespa


If Republicans Win in November, It Will Be in Spite of Themselves

By Derek Hunter


The Flood of Political Violence the Press Refuses to Cover

By Brad Slager


FBI Whistleblower, Huckster, Or Opportunist?

By John Nantz


Parental Authority Is the Basis of Civilization

By Dennis Prager


America’s Expensive Gamble On Electrical Vehicles Won’t Move The Climate Needle

by Lee Ohanian via California On Your Mind

Subsidizing electric vehicles (EVs) to replace gasoline-powered cars and trucks is an increasingly important part of the state’s climate change playbook. 


How To Make Education A Bipartisan Issue Again

by Michael J. Petrilli, Aaliyah A. Samuel via Real Clear Education

It’s not exactly news that our country’s political debate is a hot mess right now, with “negative partisanship” at all-time highs, and many Americans viewing their fellow citizens with distrust, if not disgust. Sadly, the vitriol has even reached the issue of K-12 education, a policy area that not so long ago still managed to bring the two parties together. 


Attitudes and arguments are now driven more by passion and political ideologue than logic.

Rather than raise rates to stop inflation, which, initially simply increases costs and will probably drive us into a recession, it would be far better to drill for oil and increase supply which has led to price increases, thus, elevating costs of everything from transportation to materiel the basis of so many manufactured items.

Biden is beholden to Green illogic and cannot break the bond.


In a Time of Crisis, Public Discourse Has Descended Into Nonsense

Our leaders of both parties now seem free to utter things completely at odds with reality and logic.

Gerard Baker

If I had to pick the most worrying characteristic of our current dystopia, I would choose the unsettling disconnect between the seriousness of the challenges we face and the public discourse that is supposed to be addressing them.

A perilous war rages in Europe, as a failing tyrant with nuclear weapons launches desperate new waves of cannon fodder against a nation whose defense we are financing and reinforcing. In Asia, the emerging Chinese superpower is in the throes of a significant economic and social upheaval that may propel it toward the full-scale confrontation it increasingly threatens with Taiwan, an island whose people we are pledged to defend. At home we are caught in the worst of economic traps—as the Federal Reserve inflicts unavoidable monetary pain to kill the surging inflation incurred by its avoidable mistake. Meanwhile the global economy seems to be sliding into a potentially serious recession, and financial markets are eroding our wealth at a dizzying pace.

But at a time when the need for quiet, calm deliberation has never been greater, the U.S. is engaged in a conversation that sounds less like the Constitutional Convention of 1787 than the game room of a psychiatric institution.

This isn’t a partisan point. Both sides are only too eager to point out the mania in the other’s rhetorical obsessions but deny the delusion in their own. So secure are they in the knowledge that their supporters will stand by whatever they say that our leaders now seem free to utter things completely at odds with reality and logic.

We have a former and quite likely future Republican president who muses on national television that by merely “thinking” something, he can exercise executive authority.

The Democratic nominee for governor of Georgia, who has a chance of being a leading contender for her party’s presidential nomination in 2024—and who, by the way, has the same dismissive attitude toward unhelpful election results as the former president—insists that a fetal heartbeat is a “manufactured sound.”


From Migrant Busing to Climate Change, Fake Virtue AboundsSeptember 19, 2022

Queen Elizabeth Didn’t Take Her Majesty for GrantedSeptember 12, 2022

Can Britain’s Conservatives Find Their Way Again?September 5, 2022

Was This the Summer That Saved the Biden Presidency?August 29, 2022

The Not Ready for Prime Time RepublicansAugust 8, 2022

See more...

When minds do seem to be focused on the challenges at hand, the words that come out are often a nonsensical babble. The current president is the embodiment of this. His mood seems to oscillate between semi-somnolent incoherence and inflammations of angry hysteria. He says the Covid pandemic is over but insists on maintaining emergency measures. He claims prices are rising only by “an inch.” He confuses friends and allies with his multiple pronouncements on the U.S. posture toward the defense of Taiwan. The confusion complete, this is then all translated back into administrative English by an attentive staff, as the puzzlement we feel gets more ominous.

We are used to politicians bending facts and logic to fit their aims, but the problem goes well beyond political rhetoric. Our larger discourse is dominated by cultural authorities who want us to believe things that the human mind rebels against—that there is no such thing as biological sex, that the way to fight past discrimination is with present discrimination, that not punishing crime is the way to prevent crime, that words can mean whatever they tell us they mean. These are the nostrums of the dominant progressives in our culture, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves that conservatives aren’t also susceptible to impossible ideas and implausible theories.

How alarmed should we be by this degradation of our public discourse? Americans, like all humans, have been through similar phases of history before, periods in which dominant delusions have shaped our culture.

An important difference this time could be that modern technology has created a platform that elevates extreme voices at the expense of saner counsels. But what is it about our current condition that seems to make so many people predisposed to believing and propagating those extreme voices?

It’s inescapable that part of the answer lies in the collapse of the traditional institutions of authority. The stability of the two-parent family, the primacy of faith and the cohesion of a wider community not only conferred an order on people’s lives but established a larger sovereignty of truth on them. Loving but firm parental leadership, the eternal verities of religion, the obligations to a wider social unit of shared values imposed a structure of epistemic guardrails. It is not that this structure constrained us all to believe the same things, religiously, politically or otherwise, but it established the prior understanding that there is such a thing as a higher truth that mocks propositions and ideas that defy it.

“When men choose not to believe in God,” G.K. Chesterton famously said, “they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”


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